608 BC~
599 BC)
Qi Kung, formerly known as Kang Won, the Duke's son, son of yuan, the mother was defending women less Wei Ji. Qi due to avoid civil strife, so fled to defending. Qi Yi Gong's reign, very arrogant, people do not join themselves. Therefore, C Rong Qi Yi Gong and Yong level was killed, the State of Qi Yi Gong's son, deposed to meet the son of yuan from the defending back to Qi, Qi Kung is. Reign of ten years to 599 years BC, Qi Kung death, his son Qi are no public opposition to the throne. At first, Cui Tochimoto has been favorite of the public benefit, benefit the public until after his death, Gao, China's afraid of his stress, the CUI Tochimoto expulsion Weiguo Cui shuttle of a loom, he fled. Later, Fu Li Cui Tochimoto zhaoqizhuang Public throne.