薑齊 人物列錶
呂尚 Lv Shang薑伋 Jiang Ji薑得 Jiang De
薑慈母 Jiang Cimu薑不辰 Jiang Buchen薑靜 Jiang Jing
薑山 Jiang Shan薑壽 Jiang Shou薑無忌 Jiang Moji
薑赤 Jiang Chi薑脫 Jiang Tuo薑購 Jiang Gou
薑祿甫 Jiang Lufu薑諸兒 Jiang Zhuren薑無知 Jiang Mozhi
薑小白 Jiang Xiaobai薑無詭 Jiang Mogui薑昭 Jiang Zhao
薑潘 Jiang Pan薑捨 Jiang She薑商人 Jiang Shangren
薑元 Jiang Yuan薑無野 Jiang Moye薑環 Jiang Huan
薑光 Jiang Guang薑杵臼 Jiang Chujiu薑荼 Jiang Shu
薑陽生 Jiang Yangsheng薑壬 Jiang Ren薑驁 Jiang Ao
薑積 Jiang Ji薑貸 Jiang Dai
薑昭 Jiang Zhao
薑齊  (?前642年前633年)
網筆號: 孝公


  Qi Hou said: "Lu people fear?" He replied: "Villains fear men, and gentlemen are not." Qi Hou said: "rooms such as the county exhausted, no wild grass, without fear of any dependable?" Replied: " rely first and Wang Zhiming. former Duke, the Grand Duke of Zhou Gu Gong, Fu Cheng Wang folder. into the king of the gift of the Labour Union, said: 'ages of children, with no harm also.' contained in the Union government, the master level. Huan is to gathered nobility, but it does not co-plan, build bridges over the palace, while Kuangjiu the disaster, Zhao old job too. and the monarch came to the throne, princes of hope, saying: 'The rate of Huan's achievements.' I can not guarantee together with Bi Yi, said: 'Qi abandon his heir life spent nine world level? its Xianjun What if? Jun will be otherwise.' relies on this to not fear. "Qi Xiaogong speechless triumphant return home.
<< 前一君主: 中廢公 薑無詭薑齊薑昭 Jiang Zhao
後一君主 >>: 昭公 薑潘

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