姓: | 嬴 | |||||||||
名: | 蕩 | |||||||||
網筆號: | 悼武王 | |||||||||
陵墓: | 永陵 | |||||||||
秦軍占領宜陽,周都洛陽門戶洞開。秦武王親率任鄙、孟賁精兵強將大舉進攻洛陽。周天子無力抵禦,衹好出迎秦軍。秦武王直奔周室太廟,往觀九鼎。衹見九個寶鼎一字排列在殿堂之內。這九鼎本是大禹收取天下九州的貢金鑄成,每鼎代表一州,共有荊、梁、雍、豫、徐、青、揚、兗、冀九州,上刻本州山川人物、土地貢賦之數。武王逐個審視,看到雍州鼎時,對衆臣說:“這鼎有人舉過嗎?”守鼎人回答:“自從有鼎以來,沒有聽說也沒有人見過舉鼎,這鼎重達千鈞,誰能舉得起呀!”武王問任鄙、孟賁二將:“兩個人,能舉起嗎?”任鄙知道武王恃力好勝,婉言辭謝:“臣衹能舉百鈞之物。這鼎重千鈞,臣不能胜任。”孟賁伸出兩臂走到鼎前,說:“讓臣試舉,若舉不起來,不要怪罪。”說罷,緊束腰帶,輓起雙袖,手抓兩個鼎耳,大喝一聲“起!”,衹見鼎離地面半尺高,就重重地落下,孟賁感到一陣暈眩,站立不住,幸被左右拉住,沒有倒在地上。武王看了發笑:“你能把鼎舉高地面,寡人還不如你嗎?”任鄙勸道:“大王萬乘之軀,不要輕易試力”。武王固執不聽,卸下錦袍玉帶,束緊腰帶,大踏步上前,任鄙拉着武王苦苦勸阻,武王生氣地說:“你不能舉,還不願意寡人舉嗎?”任鄙不敢再勸。武王伸手抓住鼎耳,心想:“孟賁衹能舉起地面,我舉起後應移動幾步,才能顯出高低”。於是,深吸一口氣,使出全身力氣,喝聲: “起!”。鼎被舉起半尺,武王接着移動左腳,不料右腳獨力難支,身子一歪,鼎落地面,正砸到右腳上,武王慘叫一聲,倒在地上。衆人慌忙上前,把鼎搬開,衹見武王右腳足骨被壓碎,鮮血流了一灘。等到太醫趕來,武王已昏迷不省人事,仍然自言自語;“心願已了,雖死無恨。”入夜,武王氣絶而薨。周赧王聞報大驚,親往哭吊。右丞相樗裏疾護棺回鹹陽,立正在燕國為人質的異母弟趙稷為王,是為秦昭襄王。安葬之後,樗裏疾追究責任,將孟賁五馬分屍,誅滅其族;奬勵任鄙勸諫之能,升為漢中太守;同時諫議秦昭襄王,追究甘茂慫恿武王入周觀鼎之罪。甘茂聽到風聲,害怕治罪而逃到魏國,至死不敢還秦。
醫生扁鵲去見秦武王,武王把他的病情告訴了扁鵲,扁鵲建議及早醫治,可是左右大臣提出異議: “君王的病在耳朵的前面,眼睛的下面,未必能治好,弄不好反而會使耳朵聽不清,眼睛看不明。”武王把這話告訴了扁鵲,扁鵲聽了很生氣,把治病的砭石一丟,說:“君王同懂醫術的人商量治病,又同不懂醫道的人一道討論,幹擾治療,就憑這,可以瞭解到秦國的內政,如此下去,君王隨時都有亡國的危險。”
Qin occupation of Yiyang, Luoyang door open all week. Qin King Wu personally led Ren Bi, Ben Meng crack massive attack Luoyang. Unable to resist the Zhou, Qin had to Out in Compliment. King Wu of Zhou Tai Miao Qin straight, to the concept of Jiuding. Baoding saw nine ranked in the hall within the word. This Jiuding This is Yu Kun Kim received the world Kyushu cast, each representing a state of Ding, a total of Jing, Liang, Yong, Yu, Xu, Qing, Yang, Yan, Ji Kyushu, on the mountain states edition figures, the land tribute the number. King Wu examined one by one, to see Yongzhou tripod when on his court, said: "This ding was held before?" Shou Ding replied that: "Since a tripod has been seen not heard and no one held tripod, the tripod weighs supremely, who can afford to give ah! "King Wu asked any vulgar, Meng Ben 2 to:" Two people can lift it? "relies on force any vulgar that King Wu aggressive, politely decline with thanks:" I can only give 100 Jun of material. This heavy duty tripod, Chen can not do. "Meng Ding Ben out of his arms went before, said:" Let the minister cite, if not lift it, do not blame. "he finished, Jin Shu belt, roll up, double sleeve , grasping the two tripod ear, shouted "play!" Ding saw high off the ground Banchi, it falls heavily, Meng Ben felt a dizziness, stand, or so lucky to be pulled, not poured on the ground. King Wu looked laugh: "You can hold the high ground Ding, Gua Ren is not like you?" Ren Bi advised: "The King Wan Cheng footer, Do not try force." King Wu stubbornly refuse to listen to, remove the cam bao jade belt, tighten their belts, striding forward, any vulgar pulled hard to dissuade King Wu King Wu said angrily: "You can not move, but also not willing to give you Gua Ren?" Not any vulgar Zaiquan. King Wu Ding and grabbed ears, thinking: "Meng Ben can only hold up the ground, I was lifted to be moved a few steps to show high and low." So, take a deep breath, the energy of despair, He Sheng: "play!." Ding lifted Banchi, King Wu then move left foot, right foot alone is difficult for unexpectedly, a distorted body, tripod off the ground, being missed right foot, screams soon as King Wu, fell to the ground. Everyone hurriedly came up, the tripod to move away, I saw King Wu foot bones were crushed right foot, had a pool of blood flow. Wait until the imperial doctor arrived, King Wu had been unconscious unconscious, still to himself; "wish has been, and will die without hate." Night, King Wu ghost, and pass away. Zhou Nan Wang Wen reportedly shocked, personally hung crying. Disease care in the right prime minister accompanied the coffins back to Xianyang, legislation is being held hostage by the State of Yan Zhao half brother to the king, is the Qin king Zhaoxiang. After the funeral, accompanied the blame where disease will be meng Ben Wumafenshi, Zhumie his family; award any vulgar admonition that it can, promoted to Hanzhong Prefecture; while Jian Yi Qin king Zhaoxiang, investigate into the Zhouguan Ding King Wu Gan Mao instigated the crime. Gan Mao heard the rumors, fear fled Code Wei, death can not still Qin.
We are familiar with many of the characters are in the "Warring States" have left their mark, such as the Luban, Bian Que, Mo, Jing Ke and so on, but here is the account of their eloquence, the political strategy on the deeds and contributions to are worthy of pondering.
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