大理 人物列錶
段思平 Duan Saiping段思英 Duan Saiying段思良 Duan Sailiang
段思聰 Duan Saicong段素順 Duan Sushun段素英 Duan Suying
段素廉 Duan Sulian段素隆 Duan Sulong段素真 Duan Suzhen
段素興 Duan Suxing段思廉 Duan Sailian段廉義 Duan Lianyi
段壽輝 Duan Shouhui高升泰 Gao Shengtai段正淳 Duan Zhengchun
段譽 Duan Yu段正興 Duan Zhengxing段智興 Duan Zhixing
段智廉 Duan Zhilian段智祥 Duan Zhixiang段祥興 Duan Xiangxing
段興智 Duan Xingzhi段實 Duan Shi段忠 Duan Zhong
段慶 Duan Qing段正 Duan Zheng段隆 Duan Long
段俊 Duan Jun段義 Duan Yi段光 Duan Guang
段功 Duan Gong段寶 Duan Bao段明 Duan Ming
段世 Duan Shi段正明 Duan Zhengming楊義貞 Yang Yizhen
段忠 Duan Zhong
大理  (?1283年1284年)
網筆號: 大理總管


  Section is the section of Chung Hing Chi, para real brother, Mongolia's third Dali Explorer. Died in the subsequent segment bit real Dali mains, so that part of any Tournament in military and civilian households Dali Prefecture, with the broad wooden cutting Marshal Xilin, Sichuan will be broken, and in the Battle of Tong Shan illustrates meritorious deeds. Only one year in office, in 1284 and death, after sub-paragraph section of real celebration (there is a paragraph that loyalty to the son) succeeded Dali Explorer.
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