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尼葛洛庞帝 Nicholas Negroponte
科学家  (1943年12月1日)

信息科学 information science《数字化生存》

阅读尼葛洛庞帝 Nicholas Negroponte在百家争鸣的作品!!!
  尼葛洛庞帝(Nicholas Negroponte)是MIT媒体实验室的主席和共同创办人,并且是媒体科技的Wiesner教授.Negroponte自1966年起一直在麻省理工学院任教.他是建筑机械集团的奠基人,负责许多人-机界面接口的关键新技术。他出版了《New York Times》的最畅销杂志《Being Digital》,该读物被翻译成了四十多种语言。Negroponte担任摩托罗拉公司的董事会成员,并且是一个以投资信息与娱乐科技为主的风险投资公司的一个特殊的合作者.他是WiReD杂志的创办人之一,并且是一个投资超过40个(包括三个中国的)企业的”天才投资家”。

  Nicholas Negroponte (born December 1, 1943) is a Greek-American architect best known as the founder and Chairman Emeritus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, and also known as the founder of the One Laptop per Child Association (OLPC).
  Early life
  Negroponte was born to Dimitri John Negroponte, a Greek shipping magnate, and grew up in New York City's Upper East Side. He is the younger brother of John Negroponte, former United States Deputy Secretary of State.
  He attended Buckley School in New York City, Le Rosey in Switzerland, and The Choate School (now Choate Rosemary Hall) in Wallingford, Connecticut, from which he graduated in 1961. Subsequently, he studied at MIT as both an undergraduate and graduate student in Architecture where his research focused on issues of computer-aided design. He earned a Master's degree in architecture from MIT in 1966.
  Negroponte joined the faculty of MIT in 1966. For several years thereafter he divided his teaching time between MIT and several visiting professorships at Yale, Michigan and the University of California, Berkeley.
  In 1967, Negroponte founded MIT's Architecture Machine Group, a combination lab and think tank which studied new approaches to human-computer interaction. In 1985, Negroponte created the MIT Media Lab with Jerome B. Wiesner. As director, he developed the lab into the pre-eminent computer science laboratory for new media and a high-tech playground for investigating the human-computer interface. Negroponte also became a proponent of intelligent agents and personalized electronic newspapers, for which he popularized the term the Daily Me.
  In 1992, Negroponte became involved in the creation of Wired Magazine as the first investor. From 1993 to 1998, he contributed a monthly column to the magazine in which he reiterated a basic theme: "Move bits, not atoms."
  Negroponte expanded many of the ideas from his Wired columns into a bestselling book Being Digital (1995), which made famous his forecasts on how the interactive world, the entertainment world and the information world would eventually merge. Being Digital was a bestseller and was translated into some twenty languages. Negroponte is a digital optimist who believed that computers would make life better for everyone. However, critics such as Cass Sunstein have faulted his techno-utopian ideas for failing to consider the historical, political and cultural realities with which new technologies should be viewed. Negroponte's belief that wired technologies such as telephones will ultimately become unwired by using airwaves instead of wires or fiber optics, and that unwired technologies such as televisions will become wired, is commonly referred to as the Negroponte switch.
   Later career
  In 2000, Negroponte stepped down as director of the Media Lab as Walter Bender took over as Executive Director. However, Negroponte retained the role of laboratory Chairman. When Frank Moss was appointed director of the lab in 2006, Negroponte stepped down as lab chairman to focus more fully on his work with One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) although he retains his appointment as professor at MIT.
  Mary Lou Jepsen, Alan Kay and Nicholas Negroponte unveil the $100 laptop.
  In November 2005, at the World Summit on the Information Society held in Tunis, Negroponte unveiled the concept of a $100 laptop computer, The Children's Machine, designed for students in the developing world. The price has increased to US$180, however, due to the falling US dollar. The project is part of a broader program by One Laptop Per Child, a non-profit organisation started by Negroponte and other Media Lab faculty, to extend Internet access in developing countries.
  Negroponte is an active angel investor and has invested in over 30 startup companies over the last 30 years, including Zagats, Wired, Ambient Devices, Skype and Velti. He sits on several boards, including Motorola (listed on the New York Stock Exchange) and Velti (listed on the London Stock Exchange). He is also on the advisory board of TTI/Vanguard. In August 2007, he was appointed to a five-member special committee with the objective of assuring the continued journalistic and editorial integrity and independence of the Wall Street Journal and other Dow Jones & Company publications and services. The committee was formed as part of the merger of Dow Jones with News Corporation. Negroponte's fellow founding committee members are Louis Boccardi, Thomas Bray, Jack Fuller, and the late former Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn.
   1. ^ Negroponte, Nicholas (1970). The Architecture Machine: Towards a More Human Environment. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-64010-4.
   2. ^ Schrage, Michael (1985-10-07). "An MIT Lab Tinkers With the Future of Personal Computers". The Washington Post: pp. 13.
   3. ^ Negroponte, Nicholas (1991). "Products and Services for Computer Networks". Scientific American 265 (3): 76-83. ISSN ISSN-0036-8733.
   4. ^ Negroponte, Nicholas (1999). Being Digital. New York: Knopf. ISBN 0-679-76290-6.
   5. ^ Hirst, Martin and Harrison, John, (2007)Communication and New Media, Oxford University Press, p. 20
   6. ^ Sunstein, C.R. (2001) Republic.com Princeton University Pre
   7. ^ Kirkpatrick, David (2005-11-28). "I'd Like to Teach the World to Type". Fortune. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2005/11/28/8361971/index.htm. Retrieved 2010-12-12.
   8. ^ Wall Street Journal, August 1, 2007. "Text of Dow Jones Editorial Agreement". Online edition retrieved on October 21, 2007.

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