List of Authors
Zhu ShijieWang JingWeng WenhaoKai Lai Chung
Zhao NanyuanFang ZongxiYuan LongpingZhao Kaihua
Qian Xuesen
Zhu Shijie
  (?1303 AD)
Name and Alias: 汉卿
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 松庭
Township: 燕山

Astronomical Algorithm class《算学启蒙总括》

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朱世杰 朱世傑
  Zhu Shijie (before 1300), Zhu Shijie, word Hanqing, No. Pine Court, Yanshan (now Beijing) native of. He engaged in mathematics research and education, to travel around the famous 20 years math, four-door to learn a lot of people. His major works include "arithmetic enlightenment" in three volumes and the "Four Elements Kam," three volumes. ), "Famous in mathematics more than twenty years traveling around the lakes," "heel doors and scholars." Zhu Shijie mathematics includes "arithmetic Enlightenment" (1299) and "Four Elements Kam" (1303). "Arithmetic of Enlightenment" is a popular mathematical masterpiece, has spread overseas, affecting the DPRK, Japan, the development of mathematics. "Four Elements Kam" is the peak of the Chinese Song and Yuan another mathematical symbol, one of the most outstanding mathematical creation of "Quaternion" (multi-equation of higher-past and elimination method), "stack plot Law" (high order arithmetic series summation), and "bad move technique" (high interpolation). Chinese Yuan mathematician, on the high Equations for multiple, high arithmetic sum of series, high interpolation have in-depth research, he was the "arithmetic of Enlightenment" (1299), "Four Elements Kam "(1303) The three volumes discussed in which up to four dollars higher simultaneous equations solution, linked to the polynomial expression and calculations and elimination, has been close to the recent generation of mathematics, in world leader, he understands high bills subtraction formula, four hundred years earlier than the Western, Chinese and foreign historians of mathematics are highly Zhu Shijie and his famous "Four Elements Kam."
  Yuan Zhu Shijie is an outstanding mathematical scientist.
  13th century, war-torn homeland after the reunification of the Yuan Dynasty, devastated economy and culture and soon flourished. Mongol rulers of the country for Xing Kuniyasu, they respect knowledge and talents, to the science to new heights.
  One day, the Slender West Lake scenic River, a teacher, came in the apartment door hangs a sign above was written with the characters: "Yanshan Mr. Zhu Songting, taught Quaternion."
  A few days, Zhu Shijie in front of crowds, who flocked to knowledge, the student enrollment in Zhu Shijie in the reception when suddenly soon as Shengjiao condemning his attention.
  I saw one wearing silk silver Banlaoxuniang, chasing a young girl, showed their curse: "You bitch, you do not grasp a lot of money, should want to do all feminist, I'm afraid you are wrong to vote child, also not even think about the next life. "
  The girl was beaten Pikairouzhan, even within the clothes were torn. Girl curled into a ball, despite her fight, not with her back.
  Zhu Shijie Road see injustice, I drove up to ask, that Banlaoxuniang see emerge a nosy person, they scoffed: "Do you want to Baodabuping, you send 50 ounces of silver, this girl is yours ! "
  Zhu Shijie Seeing this, fumed: "Do not I Cut 50 ounces of silver. In broad daylight, actually abuses, are not a no no justice?"
  That Banlaoxuniang quipped: "You beast, talk about no justice, money is no justice, you took out 50 ounces of silver if I will not hit."
  Zhu Shijie anger already has, and took them out 50 taels of silver, fell to the Banlaoxuniang before pulling up to teach the girl to return to their land.
  It turned out that Banlaoxuniang prostitutes House of Bing, and this girl's father, who was by Bing's 10 ounces of silver, due to natural disasters, not from money, was forced to sell his daughter bonded. Today, a chance encounter Zhu Shijie, only then the girl from this ordeal.
  Later, Zhu Shijie's careful guidance, this girl quite understand some mathematics, became Zhu Shijie's right-hand man, not a few years, together they form a couple.
  Therefore, Yangzhou folk still circulating this statement:
  Yuan Zhu Hanqing
  Also educating people to teach
  Save the sea of bitterness
  Marriage, as
  Stories of the above paragraph is not a fact, has good research, but explained Zhu Shijie in the scholarship of the same time, there was a loving heart.
  Moreover Zhu Shijie in the Mathematical Sciences, the comprehensive inherited Horner, Li Ye, Yang Hui in mathematics, and to give creative development, writing the "arithmetic of Enlightenment" and "Si Yuan Yu Jian" and other famous works, to promote mathematics in ancient China to a higher realm of mathematics in China during the Song and Yuan formation of the peak.
  "Arithmetic of Enlightenment" is the Yuan Cheng Zhu Shijie were monks in three years (1299) published, the book is three volumes, 20, a total of 259 questions and corresponding answers.
  This book from the multiplication and division operation, has been referred to the development of mathematics was the supreme achievement, "Tianyuan technique", a comprehensive overview was included in all aspects of mathematics content.
  It's a complete system, the content easy to understand, easy to understand, is a very well-known primer. This book was later spread to Korea, Japan and other countries, published translation and annotation of this edition, produced a certain influence.
  The "Four Elements Kam" is a brilliant achievement mathematical masterpiece. It is the history of modern mathematics researchers are highly regarded works of ancient Chinese science and mathematics the most important and most contribute to a mathematical masterpiece.
  "Four Elements Kam," was written in Dade seven years (1303), a total of three volumes, 24, 288 Q, introduced Zhu Shijie in multiple high Equation Group - Quaternion, and high arithmetic progression calculation - stack plot technique, strokes and other aspects of poor technique and results.
  "Tianyuan technique" is located "Tianyuan is certain," that is so and so is x. However, when more than one unknown, in addition to setting unknown Tianyuan (x), the need to set yuan (y), one element (z) and physical element (u), then lists the binary, ternary or quaternary high times associated equations, then solve.
  This is in Europe, the solution of simultaneous linear equation began in the 16th century, high on the multiple simultaneous equations of 18th and 19th century, or things.
  Another major contribution of Zhu Shijie is to "stack plot technique" of. He stacks the shape of a series of new series, gave a summation of derives from the "triangle Stacks" formula, in fact, was the sum of arbitrarily high order arithmetic progression problem system, the general solution.
  Zhu Shijie Hai Ba triangular stack formula references to "move bad technique", pointing out that the formula of the coefficient of poor strokes just followed the triangular stack of product, thus obtained contains four formula bad bad move.
  He also promoting the move to include any difference formula of poor strokes and high difference formula, which is the first time in the history of world mathematics, compared with the same success in Europe long before Newton nearly four centuries.
  Because of this, Zhu Shijie and his book "Four Elements Kam," only to enjoy great international reputation. Modern Japan, France, the United States, Belgium and Asia, Europe and the United States in many countries have introduced to the country, "Four Elements Kam."
  The late well-known American historians of science is such a comment on Zhu Shijie's Sutton:
  "(Zhu Shijie) of the Chinese nation, his life time, but also through the past and present of one of the most distinguished mathematical scientists."
  "" Four Elements Kam "is the most important mathematical works, but also the mathematical works of the Middle Ages one of the most outstanding. It is the mathematical world a rare gem in the treasure house."
  Since then, we can see, Song and Yuan Dynasties and the work of scientists in the world, the history of mathematics play an inestimable role.
  In addition to these achievements, Zhu Shijie also made his work a number of noteworthy elements:
  1. In the history of mathematics in China, his first official presentation of the positive and negative multiplication of the correct rule;
  2. He made the calculation of the sphere of surface area, which is the only Chinese ancient mathematical works a discussion. Conclusion although not correct, but the spirit of innovation is valuable;
  3. In the "arithmetic of Enlightenment", he recorded the complete "nine owned division" formulas, and the spread of the abacus is now owned by almost exactly the same except formulas.
  In short, Shi-Jie Zhu inherited and developed the mathematical achievements of their predecessors, to promote the development of science and mathematics in ancient China made an indelible contribution. Zhu Shijie worthy of the History of Mathematics in China and the world's prestigious mathematicians.
  As Zhu Shijie and other contemporary mathematicians work together to make the Song and Yuan period to a glorious height of Mathematics, in many ways living in the world.
  After self-Zhu Shijie, China's highly developed in mathematics this situation has not only failed to maintain and develop, but a lot of success in the Ming and Qing period of time lost. This is a sad history of science.
  "Yanshan Mr. Zhu Songting" is the Yuan era, a distinguished mathematician. Written, "Four Elements Kam" and "arithmetic enlightenment" is the process of development of mathematics in ancient China as an important milestone in mathematics in ancient China a valuable legacy.
  Zhu Shijie's young age, is the equivalent of the Mongolian army destroyed after payment. However, to eliminate the gold before both (now of Beijing) in 1215 by Genghis Khan captured easily.
  After Kublai Khan bit later, in 1264 (to 1266) to facilitate the rule of the people of the Central Region, moved the capital to Yanjing (later renamed most, which is now of Beijing) to the 13th century 60's is not just the country Yenching political center, but also an important cultural center of the country at that time, especially in the north of a cultural center.
  To the rule of the Yuan Dynasty Kublai Khan, had amassed a large number of Han Chinese intellectuals act as think tanks. Which has the famous Wang Xun (1235-1281), Guo Shou (1231-1279), Li Ye (1192-1279) and others, the think tank's figure is very proficient in mathematics and calendar, they are not for Korea ago Implicit in the Purple Mountain in the south of Hebei province Wu'an.
  Mid-13th century, in what is now the southern part of Hebei Province and Shanxi Province in the southern region, there is a technique to Tianyuan Mathematics Research Center, as his representative. In addition to the military security of the Purple Mountain and Li Ye Feng Shan Yuanshi, the Linfen, Shanxi Province of Chiang week, Hebei Lixian the Levin A, Hebei huolu stone channel and others are Tianyuan patients in the study. Mathematics Zhu Shijie also inherited the major achievements of the North - Tianyuan operation, and its from the binary and ternary four dollars to promote the solution of equations.
  Zhu Shijie addition to receiving the North in mathematics, he also absorbed the mathematical achievements of the South, especially for daily use algorithms, commercial arithmetic, and popularization of the verses and so on.
  Qing Luo Shilin said: "Hanqing in the Song and Yuan dynasties, the ancient Qin Tao (the Horner), Li Renqing can be said to rival powers of the three. Tawku positive and negative square root, Hanqing Tianyuan such as product are enough up and down through the ages, Hanqing it and package the public has, as far as possible full class, but out of God, especially beyond the almost Qin, Li above. " Mathematician Wang Jian Qing said: "Mr. Zhu Songting and Qin, Li Director, as the family works." Zhu Shijie fully inherited and creatively develop the Tianyuan surgery, positive and negative open methods of Qin and Li, as set forth in mathematics but also include the Pascal book household, commercial, go except verses like the social life and was closely related algorithms, and made a new development.
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