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埃里希·弗罗姆 Erich Fromm罗洛·梅 Rollo May
埃里希·弗罗姆 Erich Fromm
社会教育  (1900年3月23日1980年3月18日)
Erich Seligmann Fromm
阅读埃里希·弗罗姆 Erich Fromm在百家争鸣的作品!!!
Erich Fromm

埃里希·弗罗姆(德语:Erich Fromm,1900年3月23日-1980年3月18日),又译作弗洛姆,美籍德国犹太人。人本主义哲学家精神分析心理学家。毕生致力修改弗洛伊德的精神分析学说,以切合西方人在两次世界大战后的精神处境。他企图调和弗洛伊德的精神分析学跟人本主义的学说,其思想可以说是新弗洛依德主义与新马克思主义的交汇。弗洛姆被尊为“精神分析社会学”的奠基者之一。



弗洛姆1900年生于一个德国法兰克福犹太人家庭,为家中独子。1918年弗洛姆进入法兰克福大学学习两学期法学。1919年暑假后,弗洛姆进入海德堡大学学习,改学社会学,师承阿尔弗雷德·韦伯马克斯·韦伯的兄弟)、卡尔·雅斯贝斯海因里希·李凯尔特。1922年获哲学博士学位。次年至慕尼黑大学专攻精神分析学,1925年至1930年间,在柏林精神分析学会接受精神分析训练。1930年,他开始临床实践,加入法兰克福社会观察学会纳粹在德国执政后,弗洛姆搬到日内瓦,1934年到纽约哥伦比亚大学工作。离开哥伦比亚大学后,在1943年他帮助组建华盛顿精神病学学校纽约分校。1945年又组建了William Alanson White 精神病学,精神分析和心理学协会





弗洛姆从小学习《塔木德经》(犹太教的法典),人生观受其影响深远。年轻时他跟随犹太教祭司J. Horowitz学习《圣经》,后来在海德堡大学修读社会学博士时跟随祭司Salman Baruch Rabinkow学习 。在法兰克福读书时又跟随过Nehemia Nobel和Ludwig Krause。弗洛姆的祖父及其两个哥哥都是祭司,一个舅公是著名的《塔木德经》学者。然而在1926年,弗洛姆离开正统犹太教,转向以人本主义解释《圣经》的典范。


除了纯粹谴责权威主义的价值体系,弗氏也把亚当与夏娃的故事作为比喻,以解释人类不安的情绪。亚当夏娃吃了知识树的果实,他们意识到当自己仍然是大自然的一部分,自己与大自然已不再是一体。于是他们觉得 “赤裸”和“羞愧”。他们已经进化成人类,意识到自己,意识到道德价值,意识到面对大自然和外部世界的巨大力量带来的无力感,不再是与自然为一体,只有动物本能的那个“准人类”。按照弗洛姆,罪恶感和羞愧源于人意识到人和自然、人和人之间存在的割裂性。要解决这种存在的分裂,唯有发挥人类的积极力量和创造性——理性



  • 相属需求。指个体具有爱人与被爱的需求,希望认识别人,了解、关怀别人,并愿意对别人承担责任;
  • 超越需求。指个人希望在作为上超越物质条件的限制,在精神上能表现出创造性的人格特质;
  • 落实需求。指个人希望与别人、社会及与大自然亲密结合,从而获得安身立命的需求;
  • 统合需求。指个人力求自己人格统整,希望在世界上活出意义来的心理倾向;
  • 定向需求。指个人具有努力寻求生活方向从而获得心安的心理倾向。


  • 接纳倾向性——这种倾向性的人没有生产或提供爱的能力,他所需要的一切完全寻求别人帮助、依赖别人,是接受者而不是给予者。
  • 剥削倾向性——这种倾向性的人,并不期望接受,而是依其暴力、诡计等,从他人处巧取豪夺,以满足自己的欲望。
  • 贮藏倾向性——这种倾向性的人把外部世界视为威胁,通过贮存和占有而获得安全感。
  • 市场倾向性——这种倾向性的人的价值观是在市场上把自己当作商品,使自己具备适合雇主所需之性格特征。
  • 创造倾向性——这种倾向性的人充分发挥其潜能,成为创造者,对社会可以作出创造性的奉献。


弗洛姆提出了社会潜意识,社会潜意识是一个社会的大多数成员共同存在的被压抑的领域。他指出,历史上大多数社会都是少数人统治并剥削多数人,因此必然会想方设法不让大多数人意识到这种社会的不合理,必须把人们的怨恨情绪压抑下去。压抑的机制是每个社会都有的一套决定人 的认识方式的体系,其作用类似于过滤器。除非人们的经验能够透过这个过滤器否则就不能成为意识。这种社会过滤器由三种要素组成:一、语言。难以用语言表达 的经验和现象则难以成为明确的意识;二、逻辑,不合逻辑的经验被排斥在意识之外,而不同文化有不同的逻辑;三、社会禁忌,指每个社会都排斥某些思想和感 情,使之不被思考、感受和表达。在构成过滤器的三种要素中,社会禁忌是最重要的。社会潜意识和社会性格一样是联系经济基础和意识形态的中介环节。对个人方面,是个体为逃避被他人和社会所孤立和排斥而形成的心理机能。


    1941Escape from Freedom逃避自由
    1947Man for Himself自我的追寻、


    1950Psychoanalysis and Religion心理分析与宗教台湾无出版
    1951Forgotten language; an introduction to

    the understanding of dreams, fairy tales, and myths

    1955The Sane Society理性的挣扎健全的社会
    1956The Art of Loving爱的艺术爱的艺术
    1959Sigmund Freud's mission;

    an analysis of his personality and influence





    1960Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism禅与心理分析心理分析和禅宗
    1960Let Man Prevail – A Socialist Manifesto and Program无中文译本
    1961May Man Prevail? An Inquiry into the Facts

    and Fictions of Foreign Policy

    1961Marx’s Concept of Man. With a Translation of

    Marx's Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts 

    1962Beyond the Chains of Illusion:

    my encounter with Marx and Freud





    1963The Dogma of Christ and Other Essays on

    Religion, Psychology and Culture

    1964The Heart of Man. Its Genius for Good and Evil 人的心人的心—他的善恶天性、


    1965Socialist Humanism. An International Symposium社会主义的人道主义无中文译本
    1966You Shall Be as Gods. A Radical Interpretation

    of the Old Testament and Its Tradition

    1968The Revolution of Hope.

    Toward a Humanized Technology



    1968Nature of Man人的本性无中文译本
    1970The Crisis of Psychoanalysis.

    Essays on Freud, Marx and Social Psychology

    1970Social character in a Mexican village;

    a sociopsychoanalytic study



    1973The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness人类破坏性的剖析人的破坏性剖析
    1976To Have or to Be生命的展现占有还是生存
    1979Greatness and Limitation of Freud's Thought超越佛洛伊德弗洛伊德思想的伟大和局限
    1980The Working Class in Weimar Germany.

    A Psychological and Sociological Study, edited and introduced

    1981On Disobedience and Other Essays论不服从台湾无出版
    1983For the Love of Life生命之爱生命之爱
    1985The Erich Fromm Reader. Readings Selected and Edited无中文译本
    1989The Art of Being生存的艺术无中文译本
    1990The Revision of Psychoanalysis 无中文译本
    1991The Art of Listening听的艺术无中文译本
    1991The Pathology of Normalcy.

    Contributions to a Science of Man

    1992Beyond Freud: From Individual to Social

    Psychoanalysis, ed. and with a foreword

    1992On Being Human无中文译本
    1994Love, Sexuality, and Matrarchy.

    About Gender, ed. and with an introduction

    2010On Disobedience. Why Freedom Means Saying

    “No” to Power





    Erich Seligmann Fromm (/frɒm/German: [fʁɔm]; March 23, 1900 – March 18, 1980) was a social psychologistpsychoanalystsociologisthumanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist. He was a German Jew who fled the Nazi regime and settled in the US. He was one of the Founders of The William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology in New York City and was associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory.


    Erich Fromm was born on March 23, 1900, at Frankfurt am Main, the only child of Orthodox Jewish parents, Rosa (Krause) and Naphtali Fromm. He started his academic studies in 1918 at the University of Frankfurt am Main with two semesters of jurisprudence. During the summer semester of 1919, Fromm studied at the University of Heidelberg, where he began studying sociology under Alfred Weber (brother of the better known sociologist Max Weber), psychiatrist-philosopher Karl Jaspers, and Heinrich Rickert. Fromm received his PhD in sociology from Heidelberg in 1922. During the mid-1920s, he trained to become a psychoanalyst through Frieda Reichmann's psychoanalytic sanatorium in Heidelberg. They married in 1926, but separated shortly after and divorced in 1942. He began his own clinical practice in 1927. In 1930 he joined the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research and completed his psychoanalytical training.

    After the Nazi takeover of power in Germany, Fromm moved first to Geneva and then, in 1934, to Columbia University in New York. Together with Karen Horney and Harry Stack Sullivan, Fromm belongs to a Neo-Freudian school of psychoanalytical thought. Horney and Fromm each had a marked influence on the other's thought, with Horney illuminating some aspects of psychoanalysis for Fromm and the latter elucidating sociology for Horney. Their relationship ended in the late 1930s. After leaving Columbia, Fromm helped form the New York branch of the Washington School of Psychiatry in 1943, and in 1946 co-founded the William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and Psychology. He was on the faculty of Bennington College from 1941 to 1949, and taught courses at the New School for Social Research in New York from 1941 to 1959.

    When Fromm moved to Mexico City in 1949, he became a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and established a psychoanalytic section at the medical school there. Meanwhile, he taught as a professor of psychology at Michigan State University from 1957 to 1961 and as an adjunct professor of psychology at the graduate division of Arts and Sciences at New York University after 1962. He taught at UNAM until his retirement, in 1965, and at the Mexican Society of Psychoanalysis (SMP) until 1974. In 1974 he moved from Mexico City to Muralto, Switzerland, and died at his home in 1980, five days before his eightieth birthday. All the while, Fromm maintained his own clinical practice and published a series of books.

    Fromm was reportedly an atheist[n 2] but described his position as "nontheistic mysticism".

    Psychological theory

    Beginning with his first seminal work of 1941, Escape from Freedom (known in Britain as Fear of Freedom), Fromm's writings were notable as much for their social and political commentary as for their philosophical and psychological underpinnings. Indeed, Escape from Freedom is viewed as one of the founding works of political psychology. His second important work, Man for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics, first published in 1947, continued and enriched the ideas of Escape from Freedom. Taken together, these books outlined Fromm's theory of human character, which was a natural outgrowth of Fromm's theory of human nature. Fromm's most popular book was The Art of Loving, an international bestseller first published in 1956, which recapitulated and complemented the theoretical principles of human nature found in Escape from Freedom and Man for Himself—principles which were revisited in many of Fromm's other major works.

    Central to Fromm's world view was his interpretation of the Talmud and Hasidism. He began studying Talmud as a young man under Rabbi J. Horowitz and later under Rabbi Salman Baruch Rabinkow, a Chabad Hasid. While working towards his doctorate in sociology at the University of Heidelberg, Fromm studied the Tanya by the founder of Chabad, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. Fromm also studied under Nehemia Nobel and Ludwig Krause while studying in Frankfurt. Fromm's grandfather and two great grandfathers on his father's side were rabbis, and a great uncle on his mother's side was a noted Talmudic scholar. However, Fromm turned away from orthodox Judaism in 1926, towards secular interpretations of scriptural ideals.

    The cornerstone of Fromm's humanistic philosophy is his interpretation of the biblical story of Adam and Eve's exile from the Garden of Eden. Drawing on his knowledge of the Talmud, Fromm pointed out that being able to distinguish between good and evil is generally considered to be a virtue, but that biblical scholars generally consider Adam and Eve to have sinned by disobeying God and eating from the Tree of Knowledge. However, departing from traditional religious orthodoxy on this, Fromm extolled the virtues of humans taking independent action and using reason to establish moral values rather than adhering to authoritarian moral values.

    Beyond a simple condemnation of authoritarian value systems, Fromm used the story of Adam and Eve as an allegorical explanation for human biological evolution and existential angst, asserting that when Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, they became aware of themselves as being separate from nature while still being part of it. This is why they felt "naked" and "ashamed": they had evolved into human beings, conscious of themselves, their own mortality, and their powerlessness before the forces of nature and society, and no longer united with the universe as they were in their instinctive, pre-human existence as animals. According to Fromm, the awareness of a disunited human existence is a source of guilt and shame, and the solution to this existential dichotomy is found in the development of one's uniquely human powers of love and reason. However, Fromm distinguished his concept of love from unreflective popular notions as well as Freudian paradoxical love (see the criticism by Marcuse below).

    Fromm considered love an interpersonal creative capacity rather than an emotion, and he distinguished this creative capacity from what he considered to be various forms of narcissistic neuroses and sado-masochistic tendencies that are commonly held out as proof of "true love". Indeed, Fromm viewed the experience of "falling in love" as evidence of one's failure to understand the true nature of love, which he believed always had the common elements of careresponsibilityrespect, and knowledge. Drawing from his knowledge of the Torah, Fromm pointed to the story of Jonah, who did not wish to save the residents of Nineveh from the consequences of their sin, as demonstrative of his belief that the qualities of care and responsibility are generally absent from most human relationships. Fromm also asserted that few people in modern society had respect for the autonomy of their fellow human beings, much less the objective knowledge of what other people truly wanted and needed.

    Fromm believed that freedom was an aspect of human nature that we either embrace or escape. He observed that embracing our freedom of will was healthy, whereas escaping freedom through the use of escape mechanisms was the root of psychological conflicts. Fromm outlined three of the most common escape mechanisms:

    • Automaton conformity: changing one's ideal self to conform to a perception of society's preferred type of personality, losing one's true self in the process; Automaton conformity displaces the burden of choice from self to society;
    • Authoritarianism: giving control of oneself to another. By submitting one's freedom to someone else, this act removes the freedom of choice almost entirely.
    • Destructiveness: any process which attempts to eliminate others or the world as a whole, all to escape freedom. Fromm said that "the destruction of the world is the last, almost desperate attempt to save myself from being crushed by it".

    The word biophilia was frequently used by Fromm as a description of a productive psychological orientation and "state of being". For example, in an addendum to his book The Heart of Man: Its Genius For Good and Evil, Fromm wrote as part of his humanist credo:

    "I believe that the man choosing progress can find a new unity through the development of all his human forces, which are produced in three orientations. These can be presented separately or together: biophilia, love for humanity and nature, and independence and freedom."

    Erich Fromm postulated eight basic needs:

    TranscendenceBeing thrown into the world without their consent, humans have to transcend their nature by destroying or creating people or things. Humans can destroy through malignant aggression, or killing for reasons other than survival, but they can also create and care about their creations.
    RootednessRootedness is the need to establish roots and to feel at home again in the world. Productively, rootedness enables us to grow beyond the security of our mother and establish ties with the outside world. With the nonproductive strategy, we become fixated and afraid to move beyond the security and safety of our mother or a mother substitute.
    Sense of IdentityThe drive for a sense of identity is expressed nonproductively as conformity to a group and productively as individuality.
    Frame of orientationUnderstanding the world and our place in it.
    Excitation and StimulationActively striving for a goal rather than simply responding.
    UnityA sense of oneness between one person and the "natural and human world outside."
    EffectivenessThe need to feel accomplished.

    Fromm's thesis of the "escape from freedom" is epitomized in the following passage. The "individualized man" referenced by Fromm is man bereft of the "primary ties" of belonging (i.e. nature, family, etc.), also expressed as "freedom from":

    There is only one possible, productive solution for the relationship of individualized man with the world: his active solidarity with all men and his spontaneous activity, love and work, which unite him again with the world, not by primary ties but as a free and independent individual.... However, if the economic, social and political conditions... do not offer a basis for the realization of individuality in the sense just mentioned, while at the same time people have lost those ties which gave them security, this lag makes freedom an unbearable burden. It then becomes identical with doubt, with a kind of life which lacks meaning and direction. Powerful tendencies arise to escape from this kind of freedom into submission or some kind of relationship to man and the world which promises relief from uncertainty, even if it deprives the individual of his freedom.

    — Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom [N.Y.: Rinehart, 1941], pp. 36–7. The point is repeated on pp. 31, 256–7.)

    Five basic orientations

    In his book Man for Himself Fromm spoke of "orientation of character". He differentiates his theory of character from that of Freud by focusing on two ways an individual relates to the world. Freud analyzed character in terms of libido organization, whereas Fromm says that in the process of living, we relate to the world by: 1) acquiring and assimilating things—"Assimilation", and 2) reacting to people—"Socialization". Fromm asserted that these two ways of relating to the world were not instinctive, but an individual's response to the peculiar circumstances of his or her life; he also believed that people are never exclusively one type of orientation. These two ways of relating to life's circumstances lead to basic character-orientations.

    Fromm lists four types of nonproductive character orientation, which he called receptive, exploitative, hoarding, and marketing, and one positive character orientation, which he called productive. Receptive and exploitative orientations are basically how an individual may relate to other people and are socialization attributes of character. A hoarding orientation is an acquiring and assimilating materials/valuables character trait. The marketing orientation arises in response to the human situation in the modern era. The current needs of the market determine value. It is a relativistic ethic. In contrast, the productive orientation is an objective ethic. Despite the existential struggles of humanity, each human has the potential for love, reason and productive work in life. Fromm writes, "It is the paradox of human existence that man must simultaneously seek for closeness and for independence; for oneness with others and at the same time for the preservation of his uniqueness and particularity....the answer to this paradox – and to the moral problems of man – is productiveness."

    Fromm's influence on other notable psychologists

    Fromm's four non-productive orientations were subject to validation through a psychometric test, The Person Relatedness Test by Elias H. Porter, PhD in collaboration with Carl Rogers, PhD at the University of Chicago's Counseling Center between 1953 and 1955. Fromm's four non-productive orientations also served as basis for the LIFO test, first published in 1967 by Stuart Atkins, Alan Katcher, PhD, and Elias Porter, PhD and the Strength Deployment Inventory, first published in 1971 by Elias H. Porter, PhD. Fromm also influenced his student Sally L. Smith who went on to become the founder of the Lab School of Washington and the Baltimore Lab School.

    Critique of Freud

    Fromm examined the life and work of Sigmund Freud at length. Fromm identified a discrepancy between early and later Freudian theory: namely that, prior to World War I, Freud had described human drives as a tension between desire and repression, but after the end of the war, began framing human drives as a struggle between biologically universal Life and Death (Eros and Thanatos) instincts. Fromm charged Freud and his followers with never acknowledging the contradictions between the two theories.

    Fromm also criticized Freud's dualistic thinking. According to Fromm, Freudian descriptions of human consciousness as struggles between two poles were narrow and limiting. Fromm also condemned Freud as a misogynist unable to think outside the patriarchal milieu of early 20th century Vienna. However, in spite of these criticisms, Fromm nonetheless expressed a great respect for Freud and his accomplishments. Fromm contended that Freud was one of the "architects of the modern age", alongside Albert Einstein and Karl Marx, but emphasized that he considered Marx both far more historically important than Freud and a finer thinker.

    Political ideas and activities

    Fromm's best known work, Escape from Freedom, focuses on the human urge to seek a source of authority and control upon reaching a freedom that was thought to be an individual's true desire. Fromm's critique of the modern political order and capitalist system led him to seek insights from medieval feudalism. In Escape from Freedom, he found value in the lack of individual freedom, rigid structure, and obligations required on the members of medieval society:

    What characterizes medieval in contrast to modern society is its lack of individual freedom…But altogether a person was not free in the modern sense, neither was he alone and isolated. In having a distinct, unchangeable, and unquestionable place in the social world from the moment of birth, man was rooted in a structuralized whole, and thus life had a meaning which left no place, and no need for doubt…There was comparatively little competition. One was born into a certain economic position which guaranteed a livelihood determined by tradition, just as it carried economic obligations to those higher in the social hierarchy.

    File:Chomsky 5 - On Fromm's alienation of man.ogv
    Noam Chomsky discusses Erich Fromm's theory of alienation.

    The culmination of Fromm's social and political philosophy was his book The Sane Society, published in 1955, which argued in favor of a humanistic and democratic socialism. Building primarily upon the early works of Karl Marx, Fromm sought to re-emphasise the ideal of freedom, missing from most Soviet Marxism and more frequently found in the writings of libertarian socialists and liberal theoreticians. Fromm's brand of socialism rejected both Western capitalism and Soviet communism, which he saw as dehumanizing, and which resulted in the virtually universal modern phenomenon of alienation. He became one of the founders of socialist humanism, promoting the early writings of Marx and his humanist messages to the US and Western European public.

    In the early 1960s, Fromm published two books dealing with Marxist thought (Marx's Concept of Man and Beyond the Chains of Illusion: My Encounter with Marx and Freud). In 1965, working to stimulate the Western and Eastern cooperation between Marxist humanists, Fromm published a series of articles entitled Socialist Humanism: An International Symposium. In 1966, the American Humanist Association named him Humanist of the Year.

    For a period, Fromm was also active in U.S. politics. He joined the Socialist Party of America in the mid-1950s, and did his best to help them provide an alternative viewpoint to McCarthyist trends in some US political thought. This alternative viewpoint was best expressed in his 1961 paper May Man Prevail? An Inquiry into the Facts and Fictions of Foreign Policy. However, as a co-founder of SANE, Fromm's strongest political activism was in the international peace movement, fighting against the nuclear arms race and U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. After supporting Senator Eugene McCarthy's losing bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Fromm more or less retreated from the American political scene, although he did write a paper in 1974 entitled Remarks on the Policy of Détente for a hearing held by the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Fromm was awarded Nelly Sachs Prize in 1979.


    In Eros and CivilizationHerbert Marcuse is critical of Fromm: In the beginning, he was a radical theorist, but later he turned to conformity. Marcuse also noted that Fromm, as well as his close colleagues Sullivan and Karen Horney, removed Freud's libido theory and other radical concepts, which thus reduced psychoanalysis to a set of idealist ethics, which only embrace the status quo. Fromm's response, in both The Sane Society and in The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, argues that Freud indeed deserves substantial credit for recognizing the central importance of the unconscious, but also that he tended to rectify his own concepts that depicted the self as the passive outcome of instinct and social control, with minimal volition or variability. Fromm argues that later scholars such as Marcuse accepted these concepts as dogma, whereas social psychology requires a more dynamic theoretical and empirical approach. In reference to Fromm's leftist political activism as a public intellectual, Noam Chomsky said "I liked Fromm's attitudes but thought his work was pretty superficial".


    1. ^ For a second name he was given that of his grandfather on his father's side–Seligmann Pinchas Fromm, although the registry office in Frankfurt does not record him as Erich Pinchas Fromm, but as Erich Seligmann Fromm. Also his parents addressed his mail to 'Erich S. Fromm.'
    2. ^ About the same time he stopped observing Jewish religious rituals and rejected a cause he had once embraced, Zionism. He "just didn't want to participate in any division of the human race, whether religious or political," he explained decades later (Wershba, p. 12), by which time he was a confirmed atheist.


    1. ^ https://jacobinmag.com/2020/08/erich-fromm-frankfurt-school-marxism-weimar-germany
    2. ^ https://www.radicalphilosophy.com/reviews/individual-reviews/truly-liberating
    3. ^ "Writing Beyond Race: Living Theory and Practice by bell hooks (pg. 93)".
    4. Jump up to:a b Funk, Rainer. Erich Fromm: His Life and Ideas. Translators Ian Portman, Manuela Kunkel. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2003. ISBN 0-8264-1519-9ISBN 978-0-8264-1519-6p. 13
    5. ^ http://archives.msu.edu/findaid/ua17-290.html
    6. ^ Paris, Bernard J. (1998) Horney & Humanistic Psychoanalysis – Personal History Archived May 23, 2011, at the Wayback Machine. International Karen Horney Society.
    7. Jump up to:a b Keay Davidson: "Fromm, Erich Pinchas", American National Biography Online, Feb. 2000 (accessed April 28, 2008)
    8. ^ Fromm, E. (1966). You shall be as Gods, A Fawcett Premier Book, p. 18:"Hence, I wish to make my position clear at the outset. If I could define my position approximately, I would call it that of a nontheistic mysticism."
    9. ^ His 1922 thesis was under the title Das jüdische Gesetz. Ein Beitrag zur Soziologie des Diaspora-Judentums (The Jewish Law: A Contribution to the Sociology of Jewish Diaspora).
    10. ^ Fromm, Erich Escape from Freedom New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 1941, p. 177
    11. ^ Fromm, Erich On Being Human London: The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd, 1997, p. 101
    12. Jump up to:a b c d e f The Glaring Facts. "Erich Fromm & Humanistic Psychoanalysis Archived January 21, 2013, at the Wayback Machine." The Glaring Facts, n.d. Web. 12 November 2011.
    13. ^ Engler, Barbara Personality Theories Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2008, p. 137 based on The Sane Society and The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness
    14. ^ "Relationship Awareness Theory Overview". Personal Strengths Publishing. Archived from the original on May 28, 2013. Retrieved January 28, 2013.
    15. ^ Liberman & Kiriki,1951
    16. ^ Fromm, Erich. Beyond the Chains of Illusion: My Encounter with Marx & Freud. London: Sphere Books, 1980, p. 11
    17. ^ Fromm, Erich "Escape from Freedom" New York: Rinehart & Co., 1941, p. 41 – 42
    18. ^ John Rickert, The Fromm-Marcuse debate revisited, 1986 in "Theory and Society", vol. 15, pp. 351–400. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht
    19. ^ Erich Fromm, 1990 The Sane Society, New York: Henry Holt
    20. ^ Erich Fromm, 1992, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, New York: Henry Holt.
    21. ^ Barsky, Robert (1997). Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. p. 134.


    Early work in German

    • Das jüdische Gesetz. Ein Beitrag zur Soziologie des Diaspora-Judentums., Promotion, 1922. ISBN 3-453-09896-X
    • Über Methode und Aufgaben einer analytischen Sozialpsychologie. Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, Bd. 1, 1932, S. 28–54.
    • Die psychoanalytische Charakterologie und ihre Bedeutung für die Sozialpsychologie. Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, Bd. 1, 1932, S. 253–277.
    • Sozialpsychologischer Teil. In: Studien über Autorität und Familie.Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut für Sozialforschung. Alcan, Paris 1936, S. 77–135.
    • Zweite Abteilung: Erhebungen (Erich Fromm u.a.). In: Studien über Autorität und Familie. Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut für Sozialforschung. Alcan, Paris 1936, S. 229–469.
    • Die Furcht vor der Freiheit, 1941 (In English, "Fear/Dread of Freedom"). ISBN 3-423-35024-5
    • Psychoanalyse & Ethik, 1946. ISBN 3-423-35011-3
    • Psychoanalyse & Religion, 1949. ISBN 3-423-34105-X (The Dwight H. Terry Lectureship 1949/1950)

    Later works in English

    Further reading

    • De Rodrigo, Enrique, Neoliberalismo y otras patologías de la normalidad. Conversando nuestro tiempo con Erich Fromm. Madrid: PenBooks, 2015. ISBN 978-84-608-1648-5. (Spanish)
    • Lawrence J. Friedman, The Lives of Erich Fromm: Love's Prophet. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0231162586.
    • Funk, Rainer, Erich Fromm: His Life and Ideas An Illustrated Biography.Continuum: New York, 2000. ISBN 978-0826412249.
    • Jensen, Walter A., Erich Fromm's contributions to sociological theory.Kalamazoo, MI: Printmill, 2017. ISBN 978-0970491947.

    See also

    External links


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