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约翰·康斯特勃RA(John Constable/ˈkʌnstəbəl, ˈkɒn-/,1776年6月11日-1837年3月31日),英国风景画画家。他的很多作品描绘的是家乡附近的戴德姆谷风景,此地因此得名“康斯特勃之乡”(Constable Country)。


《戴德姆谷》(The Vale of Dedham),1802,维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆

他喜欢家乡的青梅竹马的姑娘玛莉亚·伊丽莎白·比克内尔(Maria Elizabeth Bicknell),但姑娘的父亲是乔治四世的律师,家境比他好得多,因此不同意这桩婚事。直到5年后才答应,为了不给姑娘的父亲找到拒绝的借口,他接受了所有订货,大量的工作和精神的疲劳对他的体质起了很坏的影响。1816年他终于和玛莉亚在圣马田教堂结婚,婚后他的妻子为他生了7个孩子。


- ^Parkinson 1998,第9页
- ^Parris,Fleming-Williams & Shields(1976),第59–60页
- ^Parkinson 1998,第15页
- ^Parkinson 1998,第18页
- ^Parkinson 1998,第24页
- ^Parkinson 1998,第33页
- ^Parkinson 1998,第132页
- ^Parkinson 1998,第33页
- ^Parkinson 1998,第50页
- ^Walker 1979
- ^Thornes 1999,第51页
- Bailey, Anthony, John Constable: A Kingdom of His Own, London: Vintage, 2007,ISBN 978-1-84413-833-3
- Constable, Freda, John Constable, Lavenham: Terence Dalton, 1975,ISBN 0-900963-54-9
- Cormack, Malcolm, Constable, Oxford: Phaidon, 1986,ISBN 0-7148-2350-3
- Fleming-Williams, Ian, Constable: Landscape Watercolours & Drawings, London: Tate, 1976,ISBN 0-905005-10-4
- Fleming-Williams, Ian; Parris, Leslie, The Discovery of Constable, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1984,ISBN 0-241-11248-6
- Fraser, John Lloyd, John Constable: 1776–1837, Newton Abbot, UK: Readers Union, 1976,ISBN 0-09-125540-6
- Gayford, Martin, Constable in Love: Love, Landscape, Money and the Making of a Great Painter, Fig Tree, 2009
- Holmes, Charles John, John Constable: Illustrated,Kindle: The Bookmill, 2012,ISBN 978-0-9567303-6-7
- Kelder, Diane, The Great Book of French Impressionism, New York: Abbeville Press, 1980,ISBN 0-89659-151-4
- Leslie, C. R., Mayne, Jonathan, 编, Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, London: Phaidon, 1995,ISBN 0-7148-3360-6
- Lyles,, Anne, editor, Constable: The great landscapes, London: Tate Publishing, 2006,ISBN 1-85437-635-7
- Mayor, A. Hyatt, Prints & People: A Social History of Printed Pictures (nos 455–60), Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1980,ISBN 0-691-00326-2
- Parkinson, Ronald, John Constable: The Man and His Art, London: V&A, 1998,ISBN 1-85177-243-X
- Parris, Leslie; Fleming-Williams, Ian, Constable, London: Tate, 1991,ISBN 1-85437-070-7
- Parris, Leslie; Fleming-Williams, Ian, Lionel Constable, London: Tate, 1982,ISBN 0-905005-38-4
- Parris, Leslie; Fleming-Williams, Ian; Shields, Conal, Constable: Paintings, Watercolours & Drawings, London: Tate Gallery, 1976,ISBN 0-905005-15-5
- Pool, Phoebe, John Constable, London: Blandford, 1964,OCLC 3365016
- Reynolds,Graham, Constable: The Natural Painter, St Albans, UK: Panther, 1976,ISBN 0-586-04401-9
- Reynolds, Graham,Constable's England, New York, NY: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1983,ISBN 9780870993350
- Rhyne, Charles, "The Remarkable Story of the 'Six-Foot Sketches'", Constable: The Great Landscapes, ed. Anne Lyles, London: Tate, 2006,ISBN 978-1-85437-635-0
- Rhyne, Charles, John Constable: Toward a Complete Chronology, Portland, Oregon: Author, 1990,ISBN 0-9627197-0-6
- Rosenthal, Michael, Constable, London: Thames and Hudson, 1987,ISBN 0-500-20211-7
- Rosenthal, Michael, Constable: The Painter and His Landscape, New Haven, CT.: Yale University Press, 1983,ISBN 0-300-03014-2
- Smart, Alastair; Brooks, Attfield, Constable and His Country, London: Elek, 1976,ISBN 0-236-40011-8
- Sunderland, John, Constable, London: Phaidon, 1986,ISBN 978-0-7148-2754-4
- Thornes, John E., John Constable's Skies, Birmingham: University of Birmingham Press, 1999,ISBN 1-902459-02-4
- Vaughan, William, John Constable, London: Tate, 2002,ISBN 1-85437-434-6
- Walker, John, Constable, London: Thames and Hudson, 1979,ISBN 0-500-09133-1
- Wilcox, Timothy, Constable and Salisbury. The soul of landscape, London: Scala, 2011,ISBN 978-1-85759-678-6
John Constable, RA (/ˈkʌnstəbəl, ˈkɒn-/; 11 June 1776 – 31 March 1837) was an English landscape painter in the Romantic tradition. Born in Suffolk, he is known principally for revolutionising the genre of landscape painting with his pictures of Dedham Vale, the area surrounding his home – now known as "Constable Country" – which he invested with an intensity of affection. "I should paint my own places best", he wrote to his friend John Fisher in 1821, "painting is but another word for feeling".
Constable's most famous paintings include Wivenhoe Park (1816), Dedham Vale (1821) and The Hay Wain (1821). Although his paintings are now among the most popular and valuable in British art, he was never financially successful. He became a member of the establishment after he was elected to the Royal Academy at the age of 52. His work was embraced in France, where he sold more than in his native England and inspired the Barbizon school.