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Gu Kaizhi
Gu Kaizhi
Artist  (345 AD406 AD)
Name and Alias: 长康
Township: 晋陵无锡

  Jin Gu Kai 〔〕 painters, painting theorist, poet. Dong Jin Yixi early years (405-418) as straight Sanjichangshi, learned to, the book works fine Danqing good poetry. Immersive art, diligently, the "only absolute, painting must, absolutely crazy," said. Try painting teaming Health Association, good at making statues, figures, landscapes, animals, birds, especially the eyes of good points, since the so-called "four-body Yan Chi, the no on the beauty, vivid portrayal, is among the A block." The technique of writing such as the spring silkworm silk, has shown signs very easy, scan both the Six Laws; concentration of color and color to add embellishment micro, not halo ornaments, thinking subtle, lapel Ling unpredictable, air floating in the air. Ning Temple in the coffin in the construction of the wall for Cornwall "Offerings such as" clear lean appearance, demeanor forgotten words, creating a sensation. Try to Pei-kai illustration, Tim cheek three cents, has become far have look. Also to thank Kun statues, cloth to Shiyan into, can be described as fantastic and have since its cloud: "This child should set Vals in." Painting Restoration phase out as Timor, was terrific. Tang Guan Huai-evaluation of its high art, saying: "ZHANG, obtaining the meat, Miss Exploration obtaining the bone, Gu Kai obtaining the God." Known to history as Cao out of fashion, Gu Kai, Lu Dynasty, ZHANG, as " Six Four. "
  Gu Kai's portraits, emphasizing vivid, attention focused eyes. That the vivid portrayal, is A block (refer to eyes) in the. Strength of its hand tight rolling, such as the spring silkworm spinning, and as the spring of Yunfu air, water line, the all the natural springs known as Ko Ko description. Concentration of micro-plus color color Zeyi embellishment, no embellishment. He was good with a wise perspective scrutiny topics and personality, to be refined, so his paintings have a certain ideological depth, thought-provoking. Gu Kai Zhang Heng, following the Eastern Han, Yong and other literati painters since the success of all the most prominent painters. He summarized the Han literati painting and folk art since the experience of the traditional painting a big step forward. Xie and his contemporaries for his highly evaluated, and that "Guchang Kang painting, there are common people to have nothing." For Gu Kai's Painting, Sheikh in the "paintings" in only the third set of products, evaluation is not high, thus causing the most well later Tang Yao-chen, Lee's unfair, that this is "Too", arbitrary circumflex , and Lu Gu Kai should Exploration "cohabitation top grade." Guan Huai-Tang for some comments: "Like people of the United States, Zhang (Sengyao) obtaining the meat, and Lu (Exploration) obtaining the bone, Gu (Kai s) obtaining the God, to care the most." Comment on this Later influential, almost conclusive.
  Work remains
  Traces were many, the "Sima Xuan Wang as", "Xie like", "Liu incarceration as" "Wang of like", "Nguyen repair like", "Ruan Xian as" "Jin Tai-phase columns such as", "Sima Xuan Wang and Wei II, as Prince "," Guiyang Wang beauty map "," boating plans, "" Butch hybrid falcons map "," teal goose waterfowl map "," Lushan will map "," Water House plan, "and" 3 Lung "," Yu's water management plan "and so on.
  Gu Kai authentic works not preserved. According to legend, the works of Gu Kai copy of "history of women Zhen map", "Lo River Map", "People have different views of Women Figure," and so on. "History of women Zhen map", silk, light and color, now in the possession of British Museum in London, most people think that copy the Tang Dynasty. Content system according to the Western Jin Zhanghua "history of women Zhen" article which made the original in 12 segments, each title has Zhen Wen, the existing 9, since the "Black Bear climbing threshold" to the "history of women Division Zhen'm told Shu Ji" end , is to understand the painting style of Gu Kai reliable physical basis. Also still in possession of the National Palace Museum Song copy volume, as the former artistic level, but more FAN Ji, Wei F 2, is also of value. "Lo River Map", silk, light and color, this deposit copies of Song 5, sub hidden in the National Palace Museum National Palace Museum, the Liaoning Provincial Museum and the Freer Gallery, etc. United States. Content according to the Three Kingdoms Cao "Lo River" article and for. This volume maternal age, and some that is earlier than Gu Kai, or with the East Jin Mingdi Secretary Marshall's "Lo River Map" relevant. Scroll to the rich landscape scenery as the background, to show people the various plot, characterization, will vividly. The idea of the layout is particularly strange, Roselle, and Cao Zhi in a complete picture of where there many times to form a first plot of the development process with the end of the picture harmony and unity, did not see the comic book-style description of the signs of segmentation. Figure in the Landscape, part of the understanding of the characteristics of Eastern landscape painting, there is some reference value. "People have different views of Women in map", silk, also the Palace Museum. Department described the contents of "Ancient Biographies for Women" Volume "Inji Biography" section. This transfer of this only 10, Department of the Southern Song Dynasty some people copy. This volume bold line, like the literature contained in the Gu Kai painting "Spring Silkworm silk as" substandard.
  Eastern Jin Dynasty artist Gu Kai has a large Ruin: "it never, never painted, absolutely crazy."
  Gu Kai in the months following independence chant poems, neighbors Xie looking just started and you still fresh, and constantly applauded, Gu Kai is very proud, thank looking have to sleep and do not have the heart to sweep his Hing, called for his hammer-legged servant on behalf of his praise, Gu Kai not feel a difference, has been alone chant until morning.
  Gu Kai is very superstitious, "cicada nebula leaf." Folklore cicadas hiding place, covered with a leaf, so Birds can not see it, the leaf is called "cicada shade leaves", if the people of "cicada shade leaves" shielding themselves, others can not see. Gu Kai Huanxuan day gave a willow leaf, said to be "cicada shade leaves." Gu Kai, like kids very pleased with the willow to block their own, and asked whether Huanxuan see him. Huanxuan intentionally piss him, and he thought it was Huanxuan did not see him, it will piss over him, and then this piece together the willow collection.
  Gu Kaizhi draw on eyes focus, there are so many story: Jin Ai Ning years (36 years), our health (Nanjing) to the construction of tile official temple, monk scholar to the capital fund-raising, but not very enthusiastic response, Seeing the construction scheme was not implemented, Gu Kai has generously pledged a million of money. Gu Kai is not a rich man, how would he find in a million? Who do not believe he, but to see him so full of words of it seems well-thought. Gu Kai asked monks, the temple of a white wall paint, paint inside him. He closed more than a month, he painted a picture of "Buddhist Offerings like" paintings largely completed, differing only in eyes did not point. Emphasis on the preparation day, Gu Kai please monks opened the gates to allow the public to visit, and provides the day to watch people donate hundreds of thousands, the next day 50 000, the third day free donate. The first day, many people behind a plastic Gu Kai to "the opening eye," the influx of tile official Temple. Gu Kai Emphasis in public started to write, that is also wonderful, just so that the portrait will be vividly. The public hearing the news, and soon, they scraped together enough money of one million. Vimalakirti mural painting, as has become his masterpiece.
  Character Appraisal
  Gu Kai knowledgeable and talented, good at Poetry, calligraphy, especially proficient in painting. Workers like, statues, animals, landscapes and so on. At that time, "that never, never painted, absolutely crazy," said. His painter law but to change the Society Guardian, his paintings have deposited dye looks to thick add color micro-dotted, no halo decorated; handwriting carefully, stretching tight strength, such as the spring silkworm spinning, air-spring characteristics of Yunfu. History has to Cao outmoded, Gu Kai, Lu Dynasty, ZHANG, collectively, the "Six Four." Proficient in painting theory, the "Fruitful Imagination", "to write to God," and so forth, on the development of traditional Chinese painting, a great impact. His paintings very much, there Sui Zhaoguan the "like Sima Xuan Wang", "Xie like", "Liu incarceration as", "Hang Yuen, like," "plan Immortals", Record of "Liang Taiqing eye"; " Vision and Huapu, "was recorded there," Yu's water management plan, "" Chunlong out of hibernation map ", etc. 9. Which handed down the "history of women Zhen map" volume, mass of early copies, now in the possession of British Museum, London. Another pass Gu "Lo River Map" volume, is the Song, is possession of the Palace Museum. His paintings of the "On Painting", "current picture Wei Jinsheng praise," "Painting Yuntaishan mind" and so on.
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