作者 人物列表
大江健三郎 Kenzaburō Ōe千叶丽子 1000 叶丽子中泽琉美 Nakazawa Okinawa U.S.
黑泽明 Akira Kurosawa渡边淳一 Junichi Watanabe司马辽太郎 Shiba Ryotaro
西村寿行 Village Life Line大薮春彦 Tai Tau 春彦盛田昭夫 Akio Morita
乙武洋匡 Ototake Hirotada东史郎 Azuma Shiro小林久三 Kobayashi three years
鲇川哲也 Catfish 川哲 also笹泽左保 Shizezuobao结城昌治 Yuuki Chang Governance
山村美纱 U.S. yarn Village高木彬光 Takagi Akimitsu菊村到 Ju village to
邦光史郎 Shiro state light日下圭介 Kusakabe Keisuke井上清 Kiyoshi Inoue
杉浦日向子 Hinako Sugiura高桥弥七郎 Takahashi Yashichirō凑佳苗 Minato Kanae
小林清之介 Seinosuke Kobayashi北川理惠 Rie Kitagawa空知英秋 Sorachi Hideaki
西尾维新 Nisio Isin乙一 Otsuichi伊坂幸太郎 Kōtarō Isaka
虚渊玄 Urobuchi Gen青山七惠 Nanae Aoyama渡航 Watari Wataru
松浦弥太郎 Matsuura Yataro麻枝准 Maeda Jun中村春菊 Nakamura Shungiku
尾崎南 Ozaki Minami木村拓哉 Kimura Takuya富坚义博 Togashi Yoshihiro
坂元裕二 Sakamoto Yuuji奈须蘑菇 Kinoko Nasu
高木彬光 Takagi Akimitsu
作者  (1920年9月25日1995年9月9日)

推理侦探 consecution detective《明显的杀意》

阅读高木彬光 Takagi Akimitsu在小说之家的作品!!!

  Akimitsu Takagi (高木 彬光 Takagi Akimitsu?, 25 September 1920–9 September 1995), was the pen-name of a popular Japanese crime fiction writer active during the Showa period of Japan. His real name was Takagi Seiichi.
  Takagi was born in Aomori City in Aomori Prefecture in northern Japan. He graduated from the Daiichi High School (which was often abbreviated to Ichi-ko) and Kyoto Imperial University, where he studied metallurgy. He was employed by the Nakajima Aircraft Company, but lost his job with the prohibition on military industries in Japan after World War II.
  On the recommendation of a fortune-teller, he decided to become a writer. He sent the second draft of his first detective story, The Tattoo Murder Case, to the great mystery writer Edogawa Ranpo, who recognized his skill and who recommended it to a publisher. It was published in 1948.
  He received the Tantei sakka club sho (Mystery Writer Club Award) for his second novel, the Noh Mask Murder Case in 1950.
  Takagi was a self-taught legal expert and the heroes in most of his books were usually prosecutors or police detectives, although the protagonist in his first stories was Kyosuke Kamizu, an assistant professor at Tokyo University.
  Takagi explored variations on the detective novel in the 1960s, including historical mysteries, picaresque novels, legal mysteries, economic crime stories, and science fiction alternate history.
  In The Informer (1965), a former Tokyo stock exchange worker who is fired because of illegal trades. A subsequent stock market crash means that he has no hope of returning to his old career and therefore he accepts a job from an old friend even though he eventually discovers that the new firm he works for is really an agency for industrial espionage. The plot is based on actual events.
  He was struck by stroke several times since 1979, and died in 1995.
  Tattoo Murder Case (1948) (刺青殺人事件)
  Noh Mask Murder Case (1949) (能面殺人事件)
  House of Spell (1949) (呪縛の家)
  Enchantresss Lodge (1949) (妖婦の宿)
  Crime in my Ichi-Ko days (1951) (我が一高時代の犯罪)
  Why Has the Doll Been Killed (1955) (人形はなぜ殺される)
  Mystery of Genghis Khan (1958) (成吉思汗の秘密)
  People Gathering like Ants (1959) (人蟻)
  Blind Spot in Broad Daylight (1960) (白昼の死角)
  Destructive Justice (1961) (破戒裁判)
  Prosecutor Saburo Kirishima (1964) (検事 霧島三郎)
  The Informer (1965) (密告者)
  Honeymoon to Nowhere (1965) (ゼロの蜜月)
  Combined Fleet Has Won at Last (1971) (連合艦隊ついに勝つ)
  Mystery of Yamataikoku (1973) (邪馬台国の秘密)
  Mystery of the early Japanese Emperors (1986) (古代天皇の秘密)
  Seven Lucky Gods Murder Case (1987) (七福神殺人事件)
  Goodbye Mask (1988) (仮面よ さらば)
  Takagi, Akimitsu. Honeymoon to Nowhere. Soho Crime (1999). ISBN 1569471541.
  Takagi, Akimitsu. The Informer. Soho Crime (2001). ISBN 1569472432.
  Takagi, Akimitsu. The Tattoo Murder Case. Soho Crime (1999). ISBN 1569471568.

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