作者 人物列表
刘半农 Liu Bannong郭沫若 Guo MoRuo
苏曼殊 Su Manshu李叔同 Li Shutong
夏承焘 Xia Chengdao王国维 Wang Guowei
赵尔巽 Zhao Erxun柯劭忞 Ke Shaomin
连横 Lian Heng吴则虞 Wu Zeyu
吕思勉 Lv Simian费正清 John King Fairbank
钱穆 Qian Mu何兹全 He Ciquan
梁启超 Liang Qichao林语堂 Lin Yutang
吴晗 Wu Han蔡东藩 Cai Dongfan
张祖翼(梁溪坐观老人) Zhang Zuyiliangxizuoguanlaoren陈汝衡 Chen Ruheng
孙希孟 Sun Ximeng唐芸洲 Tang Yunzhou
平江不肖生 Ping Jiangbuxiaosheng徐枕亚 Xu Zhenya
林纾 Lin Shu储仁逊 Chu Renxun
陆士谔 Liu Shie冷佛 Leng Fo
王利器 Wang Liqi马非百 Ma Feibai
朱谦之 Zhu Qianzhi王先谦 Wang Xianqian
杨伯峻 Yang Bajun王明 Wang Ming
马叙伦 Ma Xulun欧阳竞无 Ouyang Jingmo
道源法师 Dao Yuanfashi岑仲勉 Cen Zhongmian
徐珂 Xu Ke余嘉锡 Yu Jiaxi
易顺鼎 Yi Shunding罗惇曧 Luo Dunrong
金安清 Jin Anqing张謇 Zhang Jian
何刚德 He Gangde许南英 Xu Naying
叶德辉 She Dehui李葭荣 Li Jiarong
孟森 Meng Sen陶希圣 Tao Xisheng
辜鸿铭 Gu Hongming张春帆 Zhang Chunfan
程善之 Cheng Shanzhi周大荒 Zhou Dahuang
李涵秋 Li Hanqiu张恨水 Zhang Henshui
叶楚伧 She Chucang俞平伯 Yu Pingba
胡适 Hu Shi朱一玄 Zhu Yixuan
伊斯雷尔·爱泼斯坦 Israel Epstein
作者  (1915年4月20日2005年5月26日)

阅读伊斯雷尔·爱泼斯坦 Israel Epstein在小说之家的作品!!!
  伊斯雷尔·爱泼斯坦(Israel Epstein,1915年4月20日-2005年5月26日),犹太裔中国人,中文名艾培,记者、作家。爱泼斯坦拥有中华人民共和国国籍,是为数不多的几名加入了中国共产党的外国裔人士,信仰马克思列宁主义。他被中国官方誉为中国共产党的优秀党员、杰出的国际主义战士。
  爱泼斯坦于15岁(1931年)开始从事新闻工作,其时他在一家设立于天津的英文《京津泰晤士报》(Peking and Tientsin Times)报社担任新闻工作。他亦在抗日战争中与美国合众国际社和一些西方新闻社参与了掩护中国平民的行动。在1938年的秋季(一说是1939年),他在香港参加了孙中山遗孀宋庆龄发起组织的保卫中国同盟,为中国的抗日战争进行宣传并募集国际援助。 1941年,他制造了自己死亡的假新闻以欺骗试图逮捕他的日本政府,这则假新闻甚至被以短消息形式印刷到了《纽约时报》上。但是他仍然在香港被抓入集中营。1942年3月18日,他在后来成为其妻子的邱茉莉(Elsie Fairfax-Cholmeley)的帮助下越狱成功。
  1944年,爱泼斯坦第一次访问了英国,然后与邱茉莉在美国居住了5年。在这段时间内,他担任了《联合劳动新闻》(Allied Labor News)的总编辑并于1949年出版了《中国尚未结束的革命》(The Unfinished Revolution in China)一书。邱茉莉亦是一本在中华人民共和国出版的被广泛使用的汉英辞典的贡献者,在许多年后,逐渐被中国和世界各地学习汉语的一代学生所知。
  《见证中国:爱泼斯坦回忆录》(沈苏儒等译)北京:新世界出版社(2004年),415页,ISBN 780187241X
  《历史不应忘记》(沈苏儒,贾宗谊等译)北京:五洲传播出版社(2005年),230页,ISBN 7508506936
  《中国尚未结束的革命》,力图布朗公司(Little, Brown and Company)(1947年),精装442页
  《西藏的转变》,北京:新世界出版社(1983年),平装563页,ISBN 0835110877
  《宋庆龄:二十世纪的伟大女性》,新世界出版社(北京,1993年),精装本,ISBN 7800051617

  Israel Epstein (April 20, 1915 in Warsaw, Poland – May 26, 2005 in Beijing, China, Chinese: 伊斯雷尔·爱泼斯坦; pinyin: Yīsīléi'ěr Àipōsītǎn) was a naturalized Chinese journalist and author. He was one of the few foreign-born Chinese citizens of non-Chinese origin to become a member of the Communist Party of China.
  Early life and education
  Israel Epstein was born on April 20, 1915 in Warsaw, which was at the time under Imperial Russian control (currently part of Poland). His father had been imprisoned by the authorities of czarist Russia for leading a labor uprising and his mother had been exiled to Siberia. Epstein's father was sent by his company to Japan after the outbreak of the World War I; when the German Army approached Warsaw, his mother and Epstein fled and joined him in Asia. After having experienced anti-Jewish sentiment in several places, in 1917, Epstein came to China with his parents at the age of two and they settled in Tianjin (formerly Tientsin) in 1920.
  Israel Epstein began to work in journalism at age 15, when he wrote for the Peking and Tientsin Times, an English-language newspaper based in Tianjin. He also covered the Japanese Invasion of China for the United Press and other Western news agencies. In the autumn of 1938, he joined the China Defense League, which had been established by Soong Ching-ling, Sun Yat-sen's widow, for the purpose of publicizing and enlisting international support for the Chinese cause. In 1941, he faked news about his own death as a decoy for the Japanese who were trying to arrest him. The misinformation even found its way into a short item printed in the New York Times.
  After being assigned to review one of the books of Edgar Snow, Israel Epstein and Snow came to know each other personally and Snow showed him his classic work Red Star Over China before it was published.
  In 1934, Epstein married Edith Bihovsky Epstein, later Ballin, from whom he was divorced in the early 1940s. In 1944, Epstein first visited Britain and afterwards went to live in the United States with his second wife Elsie Fairfax-Cholmeley for five years. During this time, he worked for Allied Labor News and published his book The Unfinished Revolution in China in 1949. Many years later, Ms. Cholmeley would become known to a generation of Chinese language students in China and around the world as a contributor to one of the most widely used Chinese-English dictionaries published in the PRC. After Ms. Cholmeley's death in 1984, Israel Epstein married his third wife, Wan Bi.
  [edit]China Today magazine
  In 1951, Soong Ching-ling invited him to return to China to edit the magazine China Reconstructs, which was later renamed China Today. He remained editor-in-chief of China Today until his retirement at age 70, and then editor emeritus. During his tenure at China Today, he became a Chinese citizen in 1957 and a member of the Communist Party of China in 1964. In 1955, 1965 and 1976 visited Tibet, and based on these 3 visits, he published in 1983 the book "Tibet Transformed".
  During the Cultural Revolution, on charges of plotting against Zhou Enlai, he was imprisoned in 1968 in the north of Beijing in Qincheng Prison, where he was subjected to solitary confinement. In 1973, he was released. Zhou merely apologized. His privileges were restored. Despite of his 5 years imprisonment, he remained loyal to the ideals of Communism until his death. Israel Epstein was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People 's Political Consultative Conference, an advisory body, in 1983.
  During his life, Israel Epstein was honored by Zhou Enlai, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and current Chinese President Hu Jintao. His funeral was held at the Babaoshan Cemetery for Revolutionaries, in Shijingshan District, Beijing on June 3, 2005 at 9:30 A.M. The ceremony was attended by many officials, among them President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao, as well as Politburo Standing Committee members Jia Qinglin and Li Changchun. After the service, his body was cremated.
  [edit]Published works
  The People's War, 1939
  A Memoir of More than 80 Years in China
  My China Eye: Memoirs of a Jew and a Journalist, Long River Press, 2005
  [edit]First published in English
  The Unfinished Revolution in China, Little Brown and Company (1947), hardcover, 442 pp.
  [edit]Published in Chinese, translated into English
  From Opium War to Liberation, New World Press (Beijing, 1956), hardcover, 146 pp.
  Tibet Transformed, New World Press (Beijing, 1983), trade paperback, 563 pp, ISBN 0-8351-1087-7
  Woman in World History: Soong Ching Ling" New World Press (Beijing, 1993), hardcover, ISBN 7-80005-161-7

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