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伊巴涅斯 Vicente Blasco Ibáñez萨尔瓦多·达利 Salvador Dali
伊巴涅斯 Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
作者  (1867年1月29日1928年1月28日)

现实百态 Realistic Fiction《碧血黄沙》

阅读伊巴涅斯 Vicente Blasco Ibáñez在小说之家的作品!!!
  西班牙小说家、政治家。生于巴伦西亚一商人家庭。卒于法国芒通。曾在巴伦西亚学过法律。16岁时离家去马德里,在一家出版社当抄写员,并积极参加政治活动,组织政党,领导开展民主共和运动。曾连续 6次被选为巴伦西亚的议会代表。担任过巴伦西亚“塞姆佩雷”和“普罗梅特奥”出版社总编辑。1889年因牵涉一桩政治密谋事件被迫流亡法国。1891年回国,创办具有共和主义思想的《人民报》。1895年因反对西班牙对殖民地的战争遭到政府通缉,逃离巴伦西亚。1898年回国后被捕,不久因巴伦西亚再次选举他为议会代表而获释。1903年后主要从事文学创作。1909年,去南美旅行,和西班牙侨民中的 600多名工人在阿根廷的巴塔戈尼亚和北部地区创建了名为“塞万提斯”和“新巴伦西亚”两块垦殖地。1910年,由于缺少资金,垦荒事业失败。1914年第一次世界大战前夕,迁居巴黎,积极参加支持协约国的活动。1916年, 法国政府授予 “荣誉军团骑士”勋章。1920年赴美国访问,获得乔治·华盛顿大学名誉博士学位。1921年回巴伦西亚,继续反对独裁统治。晚年因组织反对君主政体活动再次被迫流亡法国。
  伊巴涅斯 - 小说

  Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (29 January 1867 – 28 January 1928) was a Spanish realist novelist writing in Spanish, a screenwriter and occasional film director.
  Born in Valencia, today he is best known in the English-speaking world for his World War I novel Los cuatro jinetes del apocalipsis. Filmed in 1921 as The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, it was filmed again in 1962, reset in World War II. However, in his time he was a best-selling author inside and outside of Spain, and also known for his controversial political activities. While Sangre y arena (Blood and Sand) and Los cuatro jinetes del apocalipsis are his most popular novels, particularly outside of Spain, his Valencian novels such as La barraca and Cañas y barro are the ones most valued by scholars.
  He finished studying law, but hardly practiced. He divided his time between politics, literature and dalliances with women, of whom he was a deep admirer. He wrote with uncanny speed and energy. He was a fan of Miguel de Cervantes.
  His life, it can be said, tells a more interesting story than his novels. He was a militant Republican partisan in his youth and founded a newspaper, El Pueblo (translated as either The Town or The People) in his hometown. The newspaper aroused so much controversy that it was brought to court many times and censored. He made many enemies and was shot and almost killed in one dispute. The bullet was caught in the clasp of his belt. He had several stormy love affairs.
  He volunteered as the proofreader for the novel Noli Me Tangere, in which the Filipino patriot José Rizal expressed his contempt of the Spanish colonization of the Philippines. He travelled to Argentina in 1909 where two new cities, Nueva Valencia and Cervantes, were created. He gave conferences on historical events and Spanish literature. Tired and disgusted with government failures and inaction, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez moved to Paris at the beginning of World War I.
  He was a supporter of the Allies in World War I.
  His themes include his native Valencia.
  He died in Menton, France, in 1928 at the age of 61, in the residence of Fontana Rosa (also named the House of Writers, dedicated to Cervantes, Dickens and Shakespeare) that he built.
  Woman Triumphant, a translation of La maja desnuda by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez into English
  A los pies de Venus
  Argentina y sus grandezas
  Arroz y tartana at Project Gutenberg
  Cañas y barro, about life among the fishermen-peasants of the Albufera marshes in Valencia. Also a Spanish TV series.
  Cuentos valencianos
  El caballero de la virgen
  El intruso, about immigration to the Basque Country
  El oriente
  El papa del mar, about the antipope Benedict XIII, who established his court at Peñíscola.
  El paraíso de las mujeres at Project Gutenberg
  El préstamo de la difunta at Project Gutenberg
  En busca del Gran Khan
  Entre naranjos, another Valencian piece. Also a Spanish TV series.
  Fantasma de las alas de oro
  Flor de mayo
  La araña negra
  La Barraca at Project Gutenberg
  La bodega
  La Catedral at Project Gutenberg
  La horda
  La maja desnuda, novel with title inspired on Goya's painting Nude ""Maja"".
  La Tierra de Todos at Project Gutenberg
  La Pared
  Los argonautas
  The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Los Cuatro Jinetes del Apocalipsis), about Argentina and the First World War. Several times filmed. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse at Project Gutenberg Best seller in the United States in 1919.
  Los muertos mandan
  Luna Benamor
  Mare Nostrum, a spy novel in the Mediterranean. Filmed in 1926.
  Novelas de la costa azul
  Blood and Sand (Sangre y arena), about a matador in a love triangle. Filmed several times.
  Vistas sudamericanas
  Voluntad de vivir
  Vuelta del mundo de un novelista, a travelogue.

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