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Pan YueZhang HuaLiu JiLiu YunGuo Pu
Gan BaoChen ShouSima BiaoChang QuYu Yu
Hua JiaoZhou ChuJi HanGe HongGuo Xiang
Ma LongBai Fazu
Chang Qu
Author  (291 AD361 AD)

local chronicles《华阳国志》

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  Road will be the word, the original kiosk Eastern Shujun Jiang Township (now Town, Chong City 3) people. Born about 291 and died in 361. Chang Qu Han was born in ordinary families, teenagers widely read books, mastered the most profound knowledge. Li Xiong in Sichuan after the establishment of political power, attention to bringing in the old Families in the appointment of Chang Qu as Sanjichangshi. This is advisory in nature and duties of the emperor to follow around all day, ready to answer all kinds of strange questions emperor. 347 years, cutting the Eastern Jin general Huan Wen Shu, Jun to Chengdu, Cheng Han perish. Huan Wen during his stay in Sichuan to recruit talented people, high regard Chang Qu, called him "Shu-liang also", granted to join the army of the post. Shanxi Province, the capital of the Eastern Jin Chang Qu Jiankang home. Accommodate a family in the East Jin Zhaoting heavy, light Shu. Qu often are elderly, are affected by discrimination, then pregnant with their anger to take out the old cut, changed to "Hua Yang Guo Zhi" to praise distant Sichuan culture, talents, to build Insist on flow resistance in the light of the Shu people despise. For information on new and reliable, well-described, the text dictionary elegant, and a famous Chinese and foreign, far-reaching history masterpiece. Is to study the mountains and rivers in Southwest China, history, people, folk of the important historical and present the first of "chi" in the name of local history.
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