Author List of Authors
Pei SongzhiFan YeCang RongxuLiu Yiqing
Zhu FonianYe SheDai KaizhiGu Saixie
Shan QianzhiKong YeYuan ShuGun!abhadra
Juqu JingshengHui XunBao YunLu Xiujing
Lei Cizong
Pei Songzhi
Author  刘宋(372 AD451 AD)

history books written is biographical style《Three Kingdoms》

Read works of Pei Songzhi at 历史大观
  Yoshihiro early, Pei Song served as member of the assistant minister of foreign San Qi, Zhang Wu Xing so the rank of county magistrate, and then increased back court, he was named Book of Cibu Lang.
  Yoshihiro years (416 years), Qiu Liu Yu (the Song Wudi) lead the army to the Northern Expedition. Pei Song of the book when he was Secretary for the main army north state. Very appreciative of the Liu Song Pei, praised his "Gallery of the temple before," he was engaged in the history of transfer rule. After accounting for Luoyang Jin, Liu Yu Feng States for the appointment of Prince Seba. Pei Song become an important member of the Liu group.
  History books at that time, "neglect of the few to be", "hiatus when" question, Petri will Buque as the first, the main important events and characters make up mind. Regarding the implementation of Farming as Cao Cao, Shou-only "Emperor Wu Ji" and "Ren Jun Biography" recorded using 50 words slightly, just shows the "military-nation Rao, made only from the date on Jun." And Cao Cao in the understanding of what this important decision-making and leadership, launched a hard place, and the achievements after the implementation, Chen Shou Syria is not for evaluation. Annotations to 180 characters in length to clarify the above problem, as a matter of Cao Wei Dingguo Tuntian major national policy view, historical events in the master essentials of this level, Petri obviously more astute. Another example is the issue seven escapement Zhuge Liang, Shu reflected the "hearts and minds as the" policy and Jung, before the Northern Expedition is to conduct stability and an important measure to the rear, Chen Shou a band before, but Fiji's added more than 200 characters, their knowledge and also Chen Shou above. Wang Bi-opened the prelude to metaphysics, Chen Shou only 23 words in mind of. Shao Pei Ho cited "Wang Bi Biography" fill their life and doctrine, cited Sun Sheng, "Wechsler stories" reflect how people judge, cited "Natural History" describes family background, history of ideas for our research provides an important historical basis. Ma Jun man and his deeds, in the "side technology transfer" in the non-involved. Petri nets to more than 1,200 characters on his life and a major invention, the guide to cars, overturned, Improving Connected Crossbows, hair weave class stone cars and aircraft records to reflect the technological level of production at that time to fill the gaps in the history of science research. And events and characters of important documents is Buque content, such as Cao Cao's "Ming-chi" and "As the virtuous character that no arrests," Pi's "Letter to Wu," Mi's "Statement", which also Notes to be handed down by the PEI.
  Preparation of different so-called jump and Correctional Services, said the issue against the same, but the book is written, "Is there a good hybrid, or accident of the differences, the suspect can not be sentenced" in the case of. "And are copied in to prepare for different smell" as the different equipment, or admitted under this blog to do it book "With the violation corrected", and to punish a concubine. Often difficult to completely separate the two. Such as Liu Bei 3 Gu Mao had "Kingdoms" is written plot has been well known, but the mermaid Huan Wei, "Wei Brief" and the Western Jin Dynasty Phrase "Autumn in Kyushu," the mind is different, that is the first visit Liu Bei Zhuge Liang. Petri will be recorded in two books were copied in the note, the equipment can vary; they say to their Analysis, cited in "Look at Several" said "not in Xian Di Chen dirty, hedgehog from the embarrassing of flexion, three in Caolu of Gu Chen , the Advisory Chen Yi things when the world "section that" non-Liang Yi prepared first, "this conclusion can be said to punish a concubine. This equipment differences, punish a concubine, is often written as a comparison object to life, and then extended to the judge and other historical summary. As in "Queen Zhen Zhao Wei Shuwen annotation", the record with Wang Shen "Wei Shu" Bao Mei Zhen after the records, books with very different life. Petri basis, "Spring and Autumn" meaning, determined that "Wei Shu", "Chong decorated useless" and said "push this, its called Bian, Yan Zhu after the words and deeds of the good, are difficult to object" to conclude that, "Chen delete drop, there is good to have. " Chen Shou and his book on the failure of properly, also make clear judgments. Such as "Xuan Wu Chuan Note Book House," quoted Yu Bo, "Chuan Jiang table" contained in the floor, something mysterious suicide, Petri straight judged as "" Chuan Jiang table, "said, the reason for the long." "Wu Shu Zhuge Ke Chuan-Note" quoted Hu Chong, "Wu Li" contained, Petri judged as "" Wu Li "is long."
  This judge, in the Debate over an embodiment in more. Debate over the history of things, including assessment and evaluation of two aspects of historical, critical history of things are everywhere, and is the direct understanding of the expression of the principal historians, as little to do with the subject, regardless of whether it is a little, reviews history books, you have concluded the same period in the history of book the significance of the merits of historical criticism, is one of the elements discussed in this article. Pei on the "Three Kingdoms" book reviews, both in the overall evaluation of the table, but also scattered in various injection of positive or critical, is more comprehensive; on the same period in other historical records, many of which take zero gold Sui Yu type of criticism, the general point of view, these comments can be divided into style arrangements, narrative description of two aspects.
  China's historical style from the "Spring and Autumn", "Historical Records", the chronological, biographical two-body matures, although there are still pros and cons of two-body debate, but its style has become more fixed, no need to say anything else. Pei more concerned about the existing style, especially as the official history of the standardization of biographical. Biography biographical to the main post-transfer, joint transmission is better grasp of how to divide the class transfer, but there is inconsistency. Petri advocate taking "something from the class with" principle, he said: "I think that Song of the biography of the body, to something similar from the class. Zhang Qingyun people in the ovary, the disadvantage of Chan of Toronto. However, the Chinese policy makers, Liang, Ping it. If a total column, then the remaining non-attached, so the history of cooperation of the former, it should also cover. "affirmed the Sima Qian's first" class with something from the "rationality, then criticized as a non-Shou class of people on a pass, it erred on style. Jia Xu as the Chou, it is "great pains a little, by the power and transformation," the Sunkist, should be on good for planning CHENG Yu, Guo Jia, who pass the class, but on the morality and intelligence co-existence with Second Wind Zuo Xun (Xun Yu Xun You) is out, petri nets to the "missing the class," "the still glow of candles and steam almost?, although both of their photos, the quality is different game", the essence of the similarities and differences, should be district classification pass, the first meaning. Second, the act is also an important principle similar. If Yu Huan "slightly Yong Xia Wei Chuan" Birth and excluding people will act in accordance with figures of four late Han Shuo Sun Bin incorporated Wei, is based on "the people connected Wei, meaning something similar" principle to deal with. In this regard, if Yu Huan Huan only in a spontaneous state, then the Petri proposed "meaning something similar" principle, has become part of a conscious understanding of the. From the practice into theory, then that practice is the significance of Pei Note Compilation of History's expression.
  In the narrative description, emphasizing the smooth and reasonable, against the "language of the barrier." Note that looks like writing, as the appearance of the Xun Yu to Chen Shou not described as regrettable, especially lead, "Code a little," "You thin plain Biography" supplement, the text reflects the attention to character Rong Zhi Wei was the era of the wind sp characteristics, but also with the image of Chinese history describes the characteristics of stress, but also reflects the history of literature Pei aesthetic requirements that make history vivid description of book more attractive, it also has significant history.
  Chaogong Wu Pei Note first of all involves the number of words: "(Bae Note) Casino group that points into the book, its several times more than the book." ("County, school blog," Volume II) in the Qing dynasty, the palace " of the Three Kingdoms ", by Li Longguan such knowledge in the magazine that more specific language in the" s annotations more three times the body. " The early 70s of the 20th century, yellow greatly according to the Taipei art Yinshuguan photocopying Tonomoto statistics, Chen Shou book is 350,833 words to 322,643 words Pei Note ("Note of the Three Kingdoms and Pei words tables", in "Three Kingdoms selected note", Taipei, Chiang Kai-shek Books, 1972 The Beginning. quoted from Wu Jinhua, "Textual History of Three Kingdoms", Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2000, p. 195). Seals Dating According to statistics Zhonghua Nai cadre point out the "Three Kingdoms" is 366,657 words to 320,799 words Pei note ("A Brief Discussion <Three Kingdoms> problem with the number of Annotations", "Books in Science" in 1985 No. 3). Wu Jinhua, according to Bai Naben statistics, Shou-book is 368,039 words, PEI Note to 322,171 words ("The Three Kingdoms Collation? Attached Code", Jiangsu Ancient Book Publishing House, 1990). Cui Shuting Jinling movable according to statistics, the "Three Kingdoms" for the 367,327 buildings, Pei Note to 320,805 words ("<Three Kingdoms> This does more than Pei Notes", "Central China Normal University," 1990 No. 2). At least if the statistics of "Three Kingdoms" and the statistical comparison the most number of words Pei Zhu, "Three Kingdoms" Annotations and more than 38,014 words, even if there Annotations Lost or mix in the body, it can not be achieved several times in the text book. SHANDONG INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL then said: "" Three Kingdoms "version and circulated through the extremely complex, both writing hiatus, and there are mixed in the body of the text note, therefore, what the body of the text with the note can not be more than what little light to conclusion 。"("< Three Kingdoms> Pei Notes of Three "," History of the "2000 No. 2).
  Annotations op as a high school literature value, so the number of op Annotations and bibliographic study of research into PEI note an important issue, but also the most divisive issue. Qian Daxin Annotations cited statistics book "Fan Bai four dozen species of its history is not unrelated to the number of those inside" the 144 species listed in the title ("廿二 Histories" Volume 15). Zhao Yi Pei note cited statistics book "Where 〔100〕 50 kinds of" listed in the title of 151 kinds, also the number of history category ("廿二 History Notes" Juan Liu). Zhao Shaozu statistics cited Annotations book "Where the 180 species of" Another, quoted by Zhu and philosophers Book "has more than forty kinds of" ("Reading even remember," Juan Liu). Qian Chao to age, geography, people, Bureaucracy, books, articles, special collections, their family, do not pass the class, statistical Pei Note cit 160 species ("Discrimination of the Three Kingdoms"). Shen Pei Note will be cited in this book "by" Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi "and were divided into four: twenty dollars by the Department of Family and History Department 142, philosophical Niansan home, set the Department of Niansan home, where 210 home "(" Three Kingdoms cited bibliography "). Wang Zhonghan statistics "quoted Zhu Pei Note the title, where four or five hundred ten," according to the classification Qian Zhao 256 column title ("Three Kingdoms Pei research note", in "Transactions of the Chinese Culture" at five volumes, 1945). Wang Zuyi addition to "Review and Petri from various home note, Fuzi, Yuan son, Sun Sheng, Xi Zao Chi and other ancient books of note, and cited as the interpreter of excluding", the statistics "Note Pei Fan Bai 56 kinds of Book of Quotations "(" The Three Kingdoms who's who? Pei Notes Works Cited ", The Commercial Press, 1956). Ma Nianzu Annotations cited statistics book "203 kinds of" ("The Truth of reference books and other ancient compilation of eight", Publishing House, 1959). Statistics Xiang Yang Wing "to all the terms Pei bibliography cited for 210 dozen species; if removed and comments on the interpretation of the text area, compared with more than 150" ("Song of Bae and <Three Kingdoms>" "History teaching" No. 2, 1963). Gao Xiu-ying, YANG Jian Pei Statistics Note cit 203 species ("Three Kingdoms Annotations cit Names Index Index", Zhonghua, 1980). Pei Chen Yuan Statistics Note "cited more than 230 kinds of books" ("Three Kingdoms cited bibliography", in "Collected Essays History of Ancient China," Taipei City Government yesterday, Fujian People's Publishing House, October 1983, p. 331 ). Professor Wang Shumin on Zhao Yi's "Song of the Three Kingdoms Pei" Annotations cit article was part of the research ("History of Notes 廿二" Proof, Zhonghua, 2002 Revised Edition). Annotations Cited Melon Statistics 224 species, including "The Textual name for the annotation of the first Qin Zhidong Hanzhong sound and meaning of work and worked as a Note and textual aspects of the work of over forty species of different penal jump prepared for Buque As of late Han Jin argument's total 180 kinds of books "(" Pei Song of <Three Kingdoms> Books Cited ", containing" historical documents of China (1) ", Central China Normal University Press, 1986). High Zhenduo Statistics "s Annotations" Three Kingdoms "of op 236 kinds of" ("Pei Note <Three Kingdoms> op Textual Criticism - The Appraisal of" Nian Er Literary History of School Certificate> "," Hanzhong Teachers College "in 1993 No. 3). Proofreading and Annotations cited statistics book "235 kinds of" ("<Three Kingdoms> New Research cit Annotations", "Wenzhou Teachers College" in 1994 4). Wu Ye Pei Chun Statistics Note op where 229 species, "while 10 did not indicate the source" ("Song of Pei Biography", p. 250). SHANDONG INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL statistics "were cited Pei 227 kinds of books." High sensitivity to cooperate with "<Three Kingdoms> Pei Note Quote Books" article, statistics cited over 200 45 10 kinds of books ("<Three Kingdoms> that strategy", in "The History in Brief? Twenty-five Histories" Brief , Beijing Yanshan Press, 2002, p. 87).
  Yuan Jia six years (AD 429) Bong Emperor Wen ordered the "Three Kingdoms" for notes, to fill a vacancy, preparation differences, punish a concubine, argumentation, etc. for the purpose, gaming group 100 Si Shiyu kinds of books, preservation of historical materials, note paper three times more than the body, creating a new regulation for injection.
  "Three Kingdoms" Annotations reference books
  2 painting
  "Kyushu Spring and Autumn" (Phrase essays)
  "Kyushu mind" (Xun Cheer essays. Note: The total book name "island of Kyushu in mind," into "Ji Zhou Ji", "Yanzhou mind" and other articles)
  Three paintings
  "Sansuke never recorded" (Zhao Qi essays) "three dynasties recorded"
  "Three Comments" (Xu public essays) "Sanyo company set record" (music capital essays)
  "Shan Tao notice"
  4 paintings
  "Tai Hong year to remember"
  "Scholars Biography"
  (Note: "Cao Xiu Biography" said the note was written by Zhang hidden, "Xun Yu Chuan," said the note was written by Zhang Heng, "Wang Can Biography" said a note written by Zhang stallion, wait for verification)
  "Article Zhi" (Zhi Yu essays) "Catalogue of articles" (Xun Xu essays)
  "Confucianism and spectrum," "Kong Rong set"
  "Wang spectrum" "wanglang peculiar"
  "Wang Lang Collection," "Wang Bi Biography" (Ho Shao essays)
  Five paintings
  "World Language" = "Wei Jinshi language" (Guo awarded essays)
  "Four scripts Potential" (Wei Heng essays)
  6 painting
  "Jiang table spread" (Yu Pu essays), "Exchange of widely credited" (Wang hidden essays)
  "Spring and Autumn state cross wide 2" (Wang Fanzhuan) "Deceased Virtuous"
  "Runan sages Biography", "Ren Gu Biography"
  "Out the book" "Lie Yi Zhuan"
  "Casuistry to note" (Zhi Yu essays) "100 Guanzhi"
  "Baiguan name"
  7 paintings
  "Wu Shu" (Wei Yao essays. Note: Yao whose real name is Zhao Wei, the Jin dynasty historian Sima Zhao to avoid taboo to change)
  "Wu Li" (Wu Chong essays), "Wu Lu" (Zhang Bozhuan)
  "Wu Ji" (ring a certain essays) "to Wu Biography"
  "Preface Biography" (Phrase essays), "Nguyen Thi spectrum"
  "Chi Lin" (Yuxi Zhuan) "Du book"
  Eight paintings
  "Xin Xianying Biography" (Jaap de Cham essays) "Code a little" (Yu Huan essays)
  "Bing of the original Biography" "Mingtang Theory" (Yong essays)
  "Bao Pu" (Ge Hongzhuan) "A King East Road on the debate"
  9 paintings
  "Later Han" (Xie Chengzhuan) "Heroes in mind"
  "Yanzhou mind" (Note: the "island of Kyushu in mind," which one)
  "Custom links" (Ying Shao essays), "Hu spectrum"
  "Yao letter set"
  10 paintings
  "Jin Ji" (dry Po essays) "Book of Jin" (Wang hidden essays)
  "Book of Jin" (dry Po essays) "Book of Jin" (fear of pre-essays)
  "Jin Chan Mysteries" (Fu Cheong essays) "Jinyang Autumn" (Sun Shengzhuan)
  "Confidential Memorandum Jin Taishi" "King Hui Confidential Memorandum" (Lu essays)
  "Yizhou Tibetology Biography", "benefits the Department of Tibetology Biography" (Chen Shouzhuan)
  "Yi Department of Tibetology Notes" (Chen Shouzhuan. Note: this book should be "Tibetology Biography" of the appendix)
  "Gaoguixianggong set", "Goldsmith Biography" (Huangfu Mi essays)
  "Paragons Biography" (Huangfu Mi essays) "Xun's peculiar"
  "Biography of Xun Yu," "Yuan Century"
  "Sun spectrum," "Biography by Sun"
  "Hui-Biography," "Ma Preface" (Fu Xuanzhuan)
  "Shorin" (should Qu essays), "Supernatural Biography" (Ge Hongzhuan)
  11 paintings
  "Liu-Tibetology Biography", "Chen spectrum"
  "Cao hiding Biography" (written by Wu people) "Tso Set"
  "Biography of Cao Zhi," "Yu's spectrum"
  "Kuo spectrum" "Cui spectrum"
  "Lu's World Song", "Lu ancestral portraits"
  "Tracing the Cause Ming" (Lu essays) "Enlightenment Notes" (Gu Kai essays)
  "Pass phrase" (Yin-based essays) "Words of similarities and differences" (Sun Shengzhuan)
  "Comment on similarities and differences" (Sun Shengzhuan) "foreign Chi"
  "Different Forest" (Lu Mouzhuan)
  12 paintings
  "Hua Yang Guo Zhi" (Chang Qu essays), "Hua Tuo Biography"
  "Natural History" (Zhang Huazhuan) "museum in mind"
  "Ji's spectrum", "Kang Biography"
  "Ji Kang", "Xiao-Biography"
  "Fei Yi Biography" "Fuzi" (Fu Xuanzhuan)
  "Fu Xian-set", "Chao set"
  "Recluse Biography" (Huangfu Mi essays) "Immortals" (Gan Bao essays)
  13 paintings
  "Shu" (of the king hidden essays), "Shu-chi"
  "Shu Pedigree" (Sun Shengzhuan) "Chu sages Biography"
  "Lingling sages Biography", "recorded in Kuaiji Code"
  "Kuiji Shaw peculiar," "Yu Fan Biography"
  "Yang Dufu Note" (Yu illustrates essays) "million machine theory" (Jiang Jizhuan)
  14 paintings
  "Han Ji" (Zhang Fan essays) "Han Dynasty" (Yuanhong Zhuan)
  "Han" (Hua Qiao essays), "Han Wei Chunqiu" (Kong Yanzhuan)
  "Han Jin Chunqiu" (Xi Zao Chi essays) "Han Dynasty Celebrity Biography"
  "Tube chariot Biography," "Biography of Zhao Yun"
  "Ji Pei home" (Fu Cheong essays)
  15 paintings
  "Zheng Xuan Biography," "Penny Biography"
  "Biography of Pan," "Pan Set"
  "Liu spectra" "Liu-yi Biography"
  16 paintings
  "Ji Zhou Ji" (Note: the "island of Kyushu in mind," which one)
  "Strategic" (Phrase essays), "Lu Chen Biography"
  "Zhuge spectrum", "Zhuge Liang set" (Chen Shou second set)
  "Zhuge Ke Biography," "Machine Cloud Biography"
  "Memorization" (Zhang Yan essays) "praise Tour Order"
  17 paintings
  "Xiangyang Ji" (Xi Zao Chi essays), "Chung will be mother to"
  18 paintings
  "Wei Shu" (Wang Shen essays), "Wei Brief" (Yu Huan essays)
  "Wei Ji" (Yin Dan essays) "Wilcoxon Spring and Autumn" (Sun Shengzhuan)
  "Wei Chuan End" "The Fall Story"
  "Wei and Officials played" "Wei Shi Ji" (Sun Shengzhuan)
  "Wei Shi spectrum", "Wei Dufu"
  "Notes" (Sun Shengzhuan) "Rites"
  19 paintings
  "Lu Jiang Heshi peculiar"
  20 paintings
  "Emperor Xian Biography", "Emperor Xian Ji"
  "Emperor Xian Spring and Autumn" (Yuan Wei essays) "Emperor Xian Qijuzhu"
  "Spectrum Syria" (Hua Qiao essays)
  21 painting
  "Han continued," (Phrase essays), "Gu Chuan Tan"
  24 paintings
  "Emperor Ling Ji" (Liu Yizhuan)
  Cited on 156 kinds of books, not including reference to those classics that comment.
  1. Essays were written with one or more
  Chuo Xun: "Kyushu Ji" ("Yanzhou mind," "Ji Zhou Ji", etc.)
  Yu Huan: "Code a little", "Wei Brief"
  Xi Zaochi: "Han Jin Chunqiu", "Xiangyang Ji"
  Fu Chang: "Mysteries Jin Chan", "Ji Pei home"
  Fu Xuan: "Ma sequence", "Fuzi"
  Hua Qiao: "Han", "Spectrum of Syria"
  Zhi Yu: "article Zhi", "casuistry to note"
  Ge Wang: "Bao Pu", "Supernatural Biography"
  He Shao: "Biography of Wang Bi," "Can Xun Biography"
  Lu: "King Hui Confidential Memorandum", "Ming Wu Kingdom"
  Wang hidden: "Exchange of widely credited", "Book of Jin", "Shu Ji"
  Huangfu Mi: "The knowledge transfer", "paragons Biography", "Recluse Biography"
  Gan Bao: "Jin Ji", "Book of Jin", "Deities"
  Shou: "Yi Department of Tibetology Biography", "Yi Department of Tibetology Notes", "Zhuge Liang set"
  Phrase: "Kyushu Spring and Autumn", "transfer order", "strategy", "Han added,"
  Sun Sheng: "Jinyang Autumn," "Words of similarities and differences", "similarities and differences between assessment" and "Shu Pedigree"
  "Wei Spring and Autumn", "Wei Shi Ji", "Notes"
  2. The same name writing
  Zhang Fan, "Chinese century", Yuan Hong, "Han Ji"
  Gan Bao "Book of Jin," Wang Yin "Book of Jin," Yu advance "Book of Jin"
  As "the Book" and Fan Ye and Pei Song of the same time, the age of, Pei Fan longer than two years old, died in the Emperor Wen Fan Yuan Jia 2022 (AD 445), the PEI death more than six years after Van. Although born in the same period two, the same collection of historical materials, but they use different methods of historical materials, Fan Ye organizations compiled from historical data or the Later Han, Pei Song of the Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou for injection. Try to take Shou, Fan Ye of two books table of contents compared the same 16 Biographies, Fan written about more than doubled in length in Chen, who many of the material, mostly the same, and Pei note.
  Annotations appears, attracted many comments, both favorable and unfavorable one. Liu Zhi said: less of Notes to the "Records" to wide Chengzuo the left, while the hi poly similarities and differences, without collated, unbridled their hit hard, take long Fan Wu. View offer their books into the table, since the ratio of bees adopting both, but stand by regardless, really hard to taste with Ping, who carry on.
  Annotations unbiased interpretation of the causes when the devaluation occurs Chen Yinque. Chen believes that attention is being Pei Buddhist books, "book co-injection" of impacts. In his "Zhimin Du theory test," the article said: "Turkey not only translated many Buddhist texts, often vary with the translation, so there is codification 'together the' who are provided for comparison Yan." "Big Ring 260 monks 10 things "(the original note:" 3 Different Volumes I and II combined. ") goes: that ring upon is said: Monk and the assembly, who were not big ring out! How a monk? Zhongseng and parties, learned by not quit! Have anything for at monks? A: It's ring. Monk Dayan: Busa. Well granted to those who do not clean that! Morohito who come to the net as saying that when! Dayan: said the net. Chan explained: "Accordingly, we can see the book that mother and child. Above" Ring 260 monks big thing "in the body of its characters, the mother also. The folder Note fine print, the child also. Do not take cover with the meaning of the text different persons, included a small note of. and the characters text each other with proposed. that the so-called 'to child from the mother', 'matter of some relative' who has. "in the" Reading "Luoyang Buddhist Temple" Record of the book "article, he further play, said: "Pei Song of the" Three Kingdoms "People are learning reading, but neither know as co-injection of the physical book." Mr. Zhou Yiliang skeptical on Chen said. In his "History of Wei, the writings of several issues," the article said: "The Song Pei, Liu Standard, Li Tao yuan note, mostly Addendum Corrections, not the words out, often at great length, over a thousand words. This is the same simple translation of the different situations are very different, "" I am afraid may not be combined with the Buddhist tradition of book Note any background, right?
  Chen Yinque explanation is compiled from the history books start with the technical point of view, and not only how to more easily compile readers. In response, Mr. Zhou Yiliang the question was powerful. "Corrections to Addendum" is the essence of Annotations, which seems to be no co-relationship between book Notes.
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