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Wei BayangZheng XuanHe XiuMa RongWang Fu
Xu ShenAppianus
Wei Bayang
Author  东汉(100 AD170 AD)

three T's type, terms, technique《周易参同契》

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  Wei Boyang (about 100-170), which affirmed the Eastern Han Dynasty famous home, No. cloud teeth son, Huiji Shangyu people, for the high-mayor's son. Hereditary Zanying, good by nature only Wei Boyang Road, refused official career, homebound support, time of people Mozhi.
  Publications: Wei Boyang for Tong Qi, Five Elements class, a total of three volumes, it said like solution Yi, in fact, under the guise of Yao Xiang, to the meaning of for Dan. And outside the inner alchemy, and he and Dan, was later regarded as a "Dan by the ancestors." Wei Boyang thoughts on the Taoist alchemy great influence left by the world recognized as one of the earliest works of alchemy home.
  Wei Boyang name Ao, No. cloud teeth child. Kuiji Shangyu (Zhejiang Shangyu today) people. Birth and death unknown, active in the Eastern Han Emperor Huan Dynasty (AD 147-167 years). Chemistry, alchemy.
  Wei Boyang life stories not found in official history. According to Ge Hong's "Supernatural Biography" records, "Wei Boyang the height
  Expensive, but good Taoism, refused official career, homebound support, time of people Mozhi it never. "When the Five Shu Peng
  Dawn in the "Book of Kinship sub-chapter through the true meaning of" the preface said Han Wei Boyang is Huiji Shangyu people, not
  Teacher to know who's he "Bo age support, the diction, through various latitude climate" has relegated its "Kinship," "secret show young
  Xu in the state, CHANGCHUN hidden note of the name. To the Later Han Xiao-Huan, the public rehabilitation teaching and county functionaries Chunyu Shu-tong, carry out
  Known to the world. "This shows that Wei Boyang is living in the Eastern Han Emperor Huan (AD 147-167 years) before and after the figure, and his brother
  Are engaged in child Xu, Chunyu Shu-tong (that Chunyu as appropriate, also known as wings), and others.
  About Wei Boyang writings, Ge Hong in "Supernatural Biography" said: "boyang for" Tong Qi "and" five-phase
  Class ", where two volumes. "But in the" argumentation within the article ya access "in the only recorded" Wei Boyang Classic "Volume 1.
  Houjin lucky two years (AD 945) compiled in "Old Tang" was recorded with Wei Boyang essays, "Kinship," Volume 2,
  "Book of five similar," Volume 1. Xiao Peng in the "Kinship of the true meaning of sub-chapter links," said Wei Boyang Piece "tong qi"
  3, "to make up complex left off a plug." Today the only remaining "Kinship," a book, volume number as the version may be,
  Or as volume 3, or for volume 2, or none at all volumes for the upper, middle and lower 3.
  Alchemy is the original form of chemical chemistry. Chinese alchemy began in the Warring States period about. To the Han Dynasty,
  Alchemy nobility in the feudal emperors and despots with funding made considerable progress, whether in practice or reasonable
  In theory, both for the later development of alchemy basis. Wei Boyang relegated to the "Kinship" is a world
  Community alchemy in the history of a theory of the earliest books, ancient alchemy home the importance attached to this book, called "eternal Dan
  After the king. "
  "Kinship" The book is about more than 6,000 words, the basic sentence is four words, five-word sentence in the verse and
  Small length of the missing body of prose and Sao written. The book "Words are the ancient rhyme, L & difficult to pass," and used
  Many insinuations, so a lot of attention our ancient world, only the "orthodox Taoist" Song of revenue after the injection of the 11 species.
  "Tong Qi" is the one with the "Book of Changes" theory, Taoist philosophy and alchemy (the fire) is made of mixing together the three parameters
  Dan works on Cultivation. Notes famous ancient understanding of its basic elements there are differences, some believe that Wei Boyang
  Said is Shaolian saver in order to Xian Yao Dan, said the foreign, and some claim that Wei Boyang yin and yang, by self-talk is
  Body cultivation essence, water within the support operation of God, which later said the so-called inner alchemy; Some believe that the "Tong Qi" in
  Foreign Dan said inner alchemy that both. Wang Ming people today that, "" Tong Qi, "the center of the theory is revised
  Alchemy Dan it, "and denounced Inner Alchemy, room, service breaks, day and night exercise, prayer and other worship gods as vain
  Heretical evil ways. This said desirable.
  Dan. "Original record is divided into three variables, the first change is to place 15 reactors around the lead metal, by adding 6 parts water
  Silver, then charcoal is heated, it generates Qi lead and mercury. Wei Boyang that "Fire" also participated in the reaction is reactant.
  Subject, be able to change and generate lead and mercury Qi. The second change is with the fire increases, the mercury is gradually evaporating
  Out, lead has been oxidized to an oxide of lead and lead tetroxide, the reaction is completed, the main generating Huang Dan, the yellow tips
  Mixed drug material into Dan Friedrich, the sealing seam, make sure that it does not crack, Buxie Qi, and then heated. First slow fire
  After 武火, day and night look, pay attention to adjust the temperature, the reaction is completed, Dan Ding received the top product of Red "is also
  Dan. "This" cinnabar "is mercury oxide. With modern knowledge to explain, Wei Boyang described in" cinnabar "
  Refining method is as follows:
  3Pb + 2O2 = Pb3O4 (yellow tips)
  2Pb3O4 = 6PbO + O2 ↑ (under Dan Ding) (reversible reaction)
  2Hg + O2 = 2HgO (under Dan Ding) (reversible reaction)
  Wei Boyang also "Kinship," said: "River Cha female, spirit and most of God, may fire while flying but not
  Egyptian dust. ... ... The desire and rule, yellow tips to the root. "" Yellow tips "is red lead," River Cha woman "as the mercury. This
  Meant that the volatile mercury, lead and mercury Dan can function at high temperatures to produce less volatile of mercuric oxide,
  Red lead which mercury is "uniform" lived.
  Wei Boyang In explaining why the service bait saver make people live forever, the use of analogy is inappropriate,
  Since that immortal gold, also Dan reversible cycle can change (2Hg + O2 = 2HgO (reversible reaction))
  Gold and also serve as bait Tango, can make the physical immortality and rejuvenate. This hitu the gold gold, but also
  Dan the nature of the mechanically transplanted into the body with a view to long life and naive, of course, seem absurd today,
  However, some people are convinced at the time.
  Elaborating on the possibility and rationality of alchemy, the Wei Boyang that the general nature of material change
  Law, alchemy process as to Bo dyed yellow, boiled leather to plastic, with curved tiller for the same wine, etc., are "natural
  That is, "" pseudo-Road unless it is evil. "Yin and he will also be used to explain the phenomenon of alchemy, that all things
  Changes in production and are "king of the Five Elements wrong, with, according to Health" is similar to yin and yang, each sexual intercourse, to enable the angry
  Shu made with the results.
  Wei Boyang theory of yin and yang are not only confined to, he also proposed a similar theory. He believes that the relative yin and yang
  Two kinds of reactive substances must also belong to the same type, "similar" material to "phase change" and "otherness"
  Reaction between the substance can not. He said: "To be taken cents, should adopt a similar person. ... ... Similar to those with from,
  Good thing not a treasure. "" If the drugs non-species, were kind of different, sub-agents varies, missing the Ji Gang, although the Yellow Emperor temporary furnace ... ...
  Also Di and plastic fill tank to NAO (ammonium chloride) coated wound, ... ... are becoming increasingly perverse. "That is to say, things change
  Has its intrinsic reasons. This is probably their home under the alchemy of some failures and summed up. Wei Boyang
  Although this theory was Ge Hong's opposition, but in the Tang Dynasty has been further developed, because it is after all
  Contain some reasonable factors. In fact, Wei Boyang of the similar chemical affinity theory is the concept of the predecessor.
  Wei Boyang also recognized that when the ratio of physical work is important and has been observed in Hu powder (basic lead carbonate)
  Case of charcoal at a high temperature chemical phenomena can be reduced to lead. In "Kinship," in Wei Boyang also described
  Distillation unit (Dan Ding), the Dan Ding as a narrowing of the universe, yin and yang change, in which everything circulates all.
  Must be pointed out that the repair Dan Wei Boyang good luck with the world is the same reason, easy to Road and Dan Road is shared,
  So can use "Book of Changes" to explain the alchemy of logic reasoning, which makes the already complicated alchemy becomes
  More mystery, affecting the family later philosophical alchemy. In addition, Wei Boyang advocate the use of lead and mercury as alchemy
  The main raw material, obtained by refining the immortality is the poison like mercury oxide, which limits the scope of experimental alchemy,
  And lead poisoning cinnabar, which actually prevented the development of alchemy.
  Original Document
  [1] (Chinese) Wei Boyang: Kinship, Zhao Tong carved by the government flavor, Ming Jiajing.
  [2] (Chinese) Wei Boyang: Kinship, "series integration" of the Commercial Press, 1937.
  [3] Ming: The Kinship of the research, see the "Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology," No. 19,
  Commercial Press, 1948.
  (Science Press, "Ancient Chinese scientists biography")
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