君主 人物列表
伪德米特里一世 False Dmitriy I亨利四世 Henri IV
瓦西里四世 Vasili IV鲁道夫二世 Rudolf II
后阳成天皇马蒂亚斯 Matthias
朱翊钧 Zhu Yijun朱常洛 Zhu Changluo
詹姆士一世 James I努尔哈赤 Nurhaci
朱由校 Zhu Youjiao丹巴图尔台吉 Dan Batuertaiji
斐迪南二世 Ferdinand II朱常洵 Zhu Changxun
皇太极 Huang Taiji皇太极 Huang Taiji
路易十三 Louis XIII朱常瀛 Zhu Changying
李自成 Li Zicheng米哈伊尔·费奥多罗维奇·罗曼诺夫 Mikhail I Fyodorovich Romanov
朱聿键 Zhu Yujian朱聿???? Zhu Yu
张献忠 Zhang Xianzhong查理一世 Charles I
固始汗 Gushri Khan郑芝龙 Nicholas Iquan
伪德米特里一世 False Dmitriy I
君主  (1581年1606年5月17日)


  False Dmitriy I (Cyrillic Лжедмитрий; other transliterations:Dimitri, Dimitrii, Dimitriy, Dimitry, Dmitri, Dmitrii, Dmitry) was the Tsar of Russia from 21 July 1605 until his death on 17 May 1606 under the name of Dimitriy Ioannovich (Cyrillic Димитрий Иоаннович). He is sometimes referred to under the usurped title of Dmitriy II. He was one of three impostors who claimed during the Time of Troubles to be the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible, tsarevitch Dmitriy Ivanovich, who had supposedly escaped a 1591 assassination attempt. It is generally believed that the real Dmitriy was assassinated in Uglich and that this False Dmitriy's real name was Grigory Otrepyev, although this is far from certain.
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