法国 人物列表
尼古拉·萨科齐 Nicolas Sarkozy克洛维一世 Clovis I
克洛泰尔一世 Clothaire Ier希尔德里克三世 Childeric III
丕平 Pepin III查理大帝 Charlemagne
路易一世 Louis the Pious查理二世 Charles II (le Chauve)
路易二世 Louis II路易三世 Louis III
卡洛曼二世 Carloman II胖子查理 Charles le Gros
厄德一世 Eudes I查理三世 Charles III le Simple
罗贝尔一世 Robert I拉乌尔一世 Raovl I
路易四世 Louis IV洛泰尔一世 Lotarius I
路易五世 Louis V于格·卡佩 Hugues Capet
罗贝尔二世 Robert II le Pieux亨利一世 Henri I
腓力一世 Philippe Ier路易六世 Louis VI le Gros
路易七世 Louis VII le jeune腓力二世 Philippe II Auguste
路易八世 Louis VIII le Lion路易九世 Louis IX
腓力三世 Philippe III le Hardi腓力四世 Philippe le Bel
路易十世 Louis X le Hutin约翰一世 John I of France
腓力五世 Philippe V查理四世 Charles IV le Bel
腓力六世 Philippe VI约翰二世 John II the Good
查理五世 Charles V le Sage查理六世 Charles VI le Insense
查理七世 Charles VII le Victorieux路易十一 Louis XI
查理八世 Charles VIII l'Affable路易十二 Louis XII le Père du Peuple
弗朗索瓦一世 François I弗朗索瓦二世 François II
亨利二世 Henri II查理九世 Charles IX
亨利三世 Henri III亨利四世 Henri IV
路易十三 Louis XIII路易十四 Louis XIV
路易十五 Louis XV the Beloved路易十六 Louis XVI
路易十八 Louis XVIII, the Desired拿破仑·波拿巴 Napoléon Bonaparte
查理十世 Charles X拿破仑二世 Napoleon II,François Joseph Charles Bonaparte
拿破仑三世 Napoleon III路易十九 Louis XIX
路易-菲利普一世 Louis-Philippe of France路易·阿道夫·梯也尔 Louis Adolphe Thiers
菲利普·贝当 Henri Philippe Pétain
法国 维希法国  (1856年4月24日1951年7月23日)

  亨利·菲利普·贝当(法语:Henri Philippe Pétain,1856年4月24日-1951年7月23日),法国陆军将领、政治家,也是法国维希政府的元首,总理。他曾在第一次世界大战期间担任法军总司令,带领法国与德国对战,被认为是民族英雄,1918年升任法国元帅,但1940年任法国总理时,他向德国投降,至今在法国仍被视为叛国者,战后被判死刑,后改判终身监禁。

  Henri Philippe Benoni Omer Joseph Pétain (24 April 1856 – 23 July 1951), generally known as Philippe Pétain or Marshal Pétain (Maréchal Pétain), was a French general who reached the distinction of Marshal of France, and was later Chief of State of Vichy France (Chef de l'État Français), from 1940 to 1944. Pétain, who was 84 years old in 1940, ranks as France's oldest head of state.
  Because of his outstanding military leadership in World War I, particularly during the Battle of Verdun, he was viewed as a hero in France. However, during the 1920s and 1930s, while remaining the highest ranking military authority, he failed to modernize the French military except for the ineffective Maginot Line. After the French defeat in June 1940, Pétain was legally voted in as Head of State (Chef de l'Etat) by the French Parliament. However, Pétain surrendered France to Germany and, along with his cabinet, including later on Pierre Laval, transformed the French Republic into the French State, an authoritarian (not totalitarian) dictatorship administered from the town of Vichy in central France. As the war progressed, the Vichy Government sank deeper into collaboration with the German occupiers which finally took control of the totality of metropolitan France. Petain's actions during World War II resulted in a conviction and death sentence for treason, which was commuted to life imprisonment by Charles de Gaulle. In modern France he is remembered as an ambiguous figure while pétainisme is a derogatory term for certain reactionary policies.
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