Emperor List of Authors
King John LacklandHenry III
Henry III
Emperor  (October 1, 1207 ADNovember 16, 1272 AD)
Reign1216 AD1272 AD

  But Henry immediately began rebuilding his adult king's rights. Autocratic monarchy in France was his example. He married the queen of France Provence, the Yili Nuo, and many of his relatives in France have gained power and wealth. Henry has not publicly named any management a long time in one area of ministers, many areas there is no clear person in charge of all this makes a lot of trouble of his rule. Many England count felt his form of rule is very strange.
  In order for his second son Edmund to get a knighthood, he aided the Pope in a war in Sicily. This makes England Henry Earl felt more and more like his father. They must properly monitor his actions. Mengdefute be made to reestablish the head of the Great Charter. Asked the king and the Earl of Parliament decentralization. 1258 Earl of seven major regulations to force Henry agreed to Oxford, which in reality is to give up autocratic monarchy, the power to a parliament composed of the 15 count to lead the government of things, and the establishment of a Parliament once every three years to monitor Count parliamentary results.
  But 15 months after Edward managed to escape capture, he returned to the battlefield. Starting from the war situation in 1265 began to benefit the King. The rebels were punished.
  Marriage and children
  2. Margaret (1240-1275), married King Alexander III of Scotland
  5. Catherine (Katharine) (1253-1257)
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