君主 人物列錶
理查德·米爾豪斯·尼剋鬆 Richard Milhous Nixon埃裏希·昂納剋 Erich Honecker
李登輝 Li Denghui阿蘭·波厄 Alain Poher
弗朗索瓦·密特朗 François Mitterrand鄧小平 Deng Xiaoping
皮埃爾·特魯多 Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau皮埃爾·特魯多 Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau
讓·剋雷蒂安 Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien羅納德·裏根
格哈特·施羅德 Gerhard Fritz Kurt Schröder傑拉爾德·魯道夫·福特 Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.
保羅·馬丁 Paul Edgar Philippe Martin葉利欽 Boris Yeltsin
陳水扁 Chen Shuibian華國鋒 Hua Guofeng
尼古拉·薩科齊 Nicolas Sarkozy斯蒂芬·哈珀 Stephen Joseph Harper
赫爾穆特·施密特 Helmut Heinrich Waldemar Schmidt赫爾穆特·科爾 Helmut Josef Michael Kohl
馬英九 Ma Yingjiu鬍錦濤 Hu Jintao
江澤民 Jiang Zemin伊麗莎白二世 Elizabeth II
詹姆斯·厄爾·卡特 James Earl Carter, Jr喬治·赫伯特·沃剋·布什 George Herbert Walker Bush
比爾·剋林頓 William Jefferson Clinton喬治·H·W·布什 George Herbert Walker Bush
喬治·沃剋·布什 George Walker Bush瓦勒裏·季斯卡·德斯坦 Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
雅剋·希拉剋 Jacques René Chirac十四世達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama
戈爾巴喬夫普京 Vladimir Putin
梅德韋傑夫 Medvedev普京 Vladimir Putin
習近平 Xi Jinping埃馬紐埃爾·馬剋竜 Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron
賈斯廷·特魯多 Justin Pierre James Trudeau安格拉·默剋爾 Angela Merkel
喬·拜登 Joe Biden
理查德·米爾豪斯·尼剋鬆 Richard Milhous Nixon
君主  (1913年元月9日1994年四月22日)

傳記 biography《領袖們》

  理查德·米爾豪斯·尼剋鬆(Richard Milhous Nixon,1913年1月9日-1994年4月22日),第36任美國副總統(1953年-1961年)與第37任美國總統(1969年-1974年)。尼剋鬆是美國史上唯一當過兩屆總統與兩屆副總統的人,但也是唯一於在位期間,以辭職的方式離開總統職位的美國總統。
  尼剋鬆生性多疑,在美國政壇有“難以捉摸的迪剋”(Tricky Dick)綽號。尼剋鬆在1959年7月莫斯科舉行的美國國傢展覽會(American National Exhibition)開幕式上,與時任蘇聯部長會議主席的赫魯曉夫之間展開過一場關於東西方意識形態和核戰爭的論戰,史稱“廚房辯論”。在任期內,將美國軍隊撤出了越南,逐漸結束了那場使國傢陷入危機的戰爭。透過乒乓球活動嘗試與中華人民共和國建立外交關係,並支持其進入聯合國,史稱“乒乓外交”,改善了中國大陸與美國的關係。尼剋鬆於1972年2月訪問中國大陸,是美國總統第一次訪問一個與美國沒有正式外交關係的國傢,對中國大陸的7天訪問被稱為“改變世界的一周”。當時,尼剋鬆率團訪問了北京、杭州、上海三個城市,並在杭州西湖邊的園林中與周恩來草簽了轟動世界的《中美聯合公報》。中華人民共和國與美國兩國關係正常化,美中蘇三角外交的態勢開始形成,在很長一段時間裏成為决定國際形勢發展的重要因素之一。

  Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States (1969–1974) and is the only president to resign the office. He was also the 36th Vice President of the United States (1953–1961).
  Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California. After completing undergraduate work at Whittier College, he graduated from Duke University School of Law in 1937 and returned to California to practice law in La Mirada. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, he joined the United States Navy, serving in the Pacific theater, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant commander during World War II. He was elected in 1946 as a Republican to the House of Representatives representing California's 12th Congressional district, and in 1950 to the United States Senate. He was selected to be the running mate of Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Republican Party nominee, in the 1952 presidential election, becoming one of the youngest vice presidents in history. He waged an unsuccessful presidential campaign in 1960, narrowly losing to John F. Kennedy, and an unsuccessful campaign for Governor of California in 1962; following these losses, Nixon announced his withdrawal from the political scene. In 1968, however, he ran again for president of the United States and was elected.
  The most immediate task facing President Nixon was a resolution of the Vietnam War. He initially escalated the conflict, overseeing incursions into neighboring countries, though American military personnel were gradually withdrawn and he successfully negotiated a ceasefire with North Vietnam in 1973, effectively ending American involvement in the war. His foreign policy initiatives were largely successful: his groundbreaking visit to the People's Republic of China in 1972 opened diplomatic relations between the two nations, and he initiated détente and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with the Soviet Union. On the domestic front, he implemented new economic policies which called for wage and price control and the abolition of the gold standard. He was reelected by a landslide in 1972. In his second term, the nation was afflicted with economic difficulties. In the face of likely impeachment for his role in the Watergate scandal, Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974. He was later pardoned by his successor, Gerald Ford, for any federal crimes he may have committed while in office.
  In his retirement, Nixon became a prolific author and undertook many foreign trips. His work as an elder statesman helped to rehabilitate his public image. He suffered a debilitating stroke on April 18, 1994, and died four days later at the age of 81.
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