君主 人物列錶
費歷剋斯·古安 Félix Gouin路德維希·艾哈德 Ludwig Wilhelm Erhard
約翰·路德維希·格拉夫·什未林·馮·科洛希剋 Johann Ludwig Graf Schwerin von Krosigk約翰·喬治·迪芬貝剋 John George Diefenbaker
查爾斯·約瑟夫·剋拉剋 Joe Clark勃列日涅夫
喬治·皮杜爾 Georges Bidault安德羅波夫 Andropov
約翰·內皮爾·特納 John Napier Turner顧維鈞 Gu Weijun
契爾年科莫洛托夫 Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov
蔣經國 Jiang Jingguo馬林科夫 Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov
庫爾特·格奧爾格·基辛格 Kurt Georg Kiesinger昭和天皇
埃貢·剋倫茨 Egon Krenz維利·勃蘭特 Willy Brandt
嚴傢淦 Yan Gugan馬丁·布賴恩·馬爾羅尼 Martin Brian Mulroney
金·坎貝爾 Kim Campbell理查德·米爾豪斯·尼剋鬆 Richard Milhous Nixon
埃裏希·昂納剋 Erich Honecker李登輝 Li Denghui
阿蘭·波厄 Alain Poher弗朗索瓦·密特朗 François Mitterrand
鄧小平 Deng Xiaoping皮埃爾·特魯多 Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau
皮埃爾·特魯多 Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau讓·剋雷蒂安 Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien
羅納德·裏根格哈特·施羅德 Gerhard Fritz Kurt Schröder
傑拉爾德·魯道夫·福特 Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.保羅·馬丁 Paul Edgar Philippe Martin
葉利欽 Boris Yeltsin陳水扁 Chen Shuibian
華國鋒 Hua Guofeng尼古拉·薩科齊 Nicolas Sarkozy
斯蒂芬·哈珀 Stephen Joseph Harper赫爾穆特·施密特 Helmut Heinrich Waldemar Schmidt
赫爾穆特·科爾 Helmut Josef Michael Kohl馬英九 Ma Yingjiu
鬍錦濤 Hu Jintao江澤民 Jiang Zemin
伊麗莎白二世 Elizabeth II詹姆斯·厄爾·卡特 James Earl Carter, Jr
喬治·赫伯特·沃剋·布什 George Herbert Walker Bush比爾·剋林頓 William Jefferson Clinton
喬治·H·W·布什 George Herbert Walker Bush喬治·沃剋·布什 George Walker Bush
瓦勒裏·季斯卡·德斯坦 Valéry Giscard d'Estaing雅剋·希拉剋 Jacques René Chirac
十四世達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama戈爾巴喬夫
普京 Vladimir Putin梅德韋傑夫 Medvedev
普京 Vladimir Putin習近平 Xi Jinping
埃馬紐埃爾·馬剋竜 Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron賈斯廷·特魯多 Justin Pierre James Trudeau
費歷剋斯·古安 Félix Gouin
君主  (1884年十月4日1977年十月25日)

  Félix Gouin (4 October 1884 - 25 October 1977) was a French Socialist politician, member of the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO).
  Personal life
  Félix Gouin was born in Peypin, Bouches-du-Rhône, the son of school teachers. He studied law in Aix-en-Provence.
  In 1940 he was among the minority of parliamentarians refusing to grant full powers to Marshal Philippe Pétain.
  During the war, he was part of the central committee which reconstituted the Human Rights League and also co-founded the Brutus Network, a Socialist Resistance group.
  In 1946, he then succeeded Charles de Gaulle as head of the French Provisional Government.
  Government (26 January - 24 June 1946)
   * Félix Gouin - Chairman of the Provisional Government
   * Francisque Gay - Vice Chairman of the Provisional Government
   * Maurice Thorez - Vice Chairman of the Provisional Government
   * Georges Bidault - Minister of Foreign Affairs
   * Edmond Michelet - Minister of Armies
   * André Le Troquer - Minister of the Interior
   * André Philip - Minister of Finance and National Economy
   * Marcel Paul - Minister of Industrial Production
   * Ambroise Croizat - Minister of Labour and Social Security
   * Pierre-Henri Teitgen - Minister of Justice
   * Marcel Edmond Naegelen - Minister of National Education
   * Laurent Casanova - Minister of Veterans and War Victims
   * François Tanguy-Prigent - Minister of Agriculture
   * Henri Longchambon - Minister of Supply
   * Marius Moutet - Minister of Overseas France
   * Jules Moch - Minister of Public Works and Transport
   * Robert Prigent - Minister of Public Health and Population
   * François Billoux - Minister of Reconstruction and Town Planning
   * Jean Letourneau - Minister of Posts
<< 前一君主: 夏爾·戴高樂法蘭西共和國臨時政府費歷剋斯·古安 Félix Gouin

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