Emperor List of Authors
Yang ZhaoA ShinaranganTouxanthYang AnLi Mi
Yang YouA ShinadamanDou JiandeXiao XiQu Baya
Amir al-Mu'mininLi YuanMurong Fuyun
Li ShiminSrong-btsan Sgam-po
Muawiyah I ibn Abi Sufyan
Yang Zhao
Emperor  (584 AD606 AD)
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 孝成皇帝
Temple Name: 世宗
Reign606 AD

  His 12-year-old was given the title King of Henan, the early years of Xifeng Renshou as the king was, cause the first year of establishment for the crown prince, but died the following year, posthumous title of Prince de dollars.
Translated by Google

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(?~606 AD)
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