Emperor List of Authors
Ta BashenyijianMurong ChuiYao ChangDi Bin
Mu RongdeZhang TianxiFu JianLv Guang
Jin FeidiFu DengMu RongweiLi GaoHanzei-tennō
Mu RongbaoMu RongchongLiu WeichenJin XiaowudiLiu Yu
Yang ChengTu FanutanYao XingJuqu MengxunHuan Xuan
Yu WeiTaba GuiShi LianMu RongchengZhang Dayu
Emperor Ren
Emperor  (257 ADJanuary 16, 399 AD)
Tomb: 大阪府堺市大仙古坟
Reign313 AD399 AD

  Rende Emperor, Emperor of Japan on behalf of 16 (313 to 399 on January 3 on January 16). Some scholars believe that he is "pass fell on Song," recorded in Wowang praise (or indemnity). During the reign of great importance to agriculture, has clear Namba Horie, dike construction Ashida, open and Joel pool. Liu Song and Southern active diplomatic interchanges, in a bid to expand the Korean peninsula. The mausoleum is the tomb of the world's largest, 480 meters long, 305 meters wide, 30 meters high.
  Rende Emperor に ん と く 313 399 on January 3 sage on January 16 the world
  Ascended the throne on January 3 313
  Shanghai Affairs to basing their children do not respect the (first prince, assumed the Emperor)
  Male Asozu respect among little children Sukune (Fourth Prince, Yun Kung Emperor)
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(313 AD399 AD)
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