Emperor List of Authors
Henry VIEdward IVLouis XI
Richard IIIZhu JianshenZhu DianpeiFrederick III
Zhu JinjunHou Tu Mikado MikadoIvan III of Russia (the Great)Henry VII
Louis XII le Père du PeupleMaximilian I
Emperor backyard
Emperor  (July 10, 1419 ADJanuary 18, 1470 AD)
Tomb: 后山国陵
Reign1428 AD1464 AD
永享October 3, 1429 AD1440 AD
嘉吉March 10, 1441 ADFebruary 23, 1444 AD
文安February 23, 1444 ADAugust 16, 1449 AD
宝德August 16, 1449 ADAugust 10, 1452 AD
享德August 10, 1452 ADSeptember 6, 1455 AD
康正September 6, 1455 ADOctober 16, 1457 AD
长禄October 16, 1457 ADFebruary 1, 1461 AD
宽正February 1, 1461 ADMarch 14, 1466 AD

  Komatsu Uehata after the Colonial until his death in 1433 until the start of gardens from the emperor's reign over 30 years. Peace and Prosperity in his era, not only land a Premier and Cargill of the occurrence of chaos, the Southern people have continued to riot dissatisfaction, the political situation is not stable. In addition, the general Ashikaga Yoshimasa sybaritic, the emperor should be remonstrate.
  Capital of Kyoto
  般舟 Court Tomb
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(1428 AD1464 AD)
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