英国 List of Authors
Henry V
英国 兰开斯特王朝  (August 9, 1387 ADAugust 31, 1422 AD)
Reign1413 AD1422 AD

  Hundred Years War, Henry V renewed the war, and he even made a greater success than Edward III. At that time the internal contradictions of France: King Charles VI, long-term mental illness; two elite groups of Orleans and Burgundy School School bloodshed. Henry V 11 to be used. In fact, he made the Duke of Burgundy John the Fearless betraying their own country into supporting the United Kingdom.
  Henry V can be said at this time Albatron proud, but his fleeting glory. When he reached the peak of power politics, the death that comes near him. 1422, in vincennes near a battle, typhus claimed the lives of the young Henry.
  Children: Henry VI (only son)
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