英国 List of Authors
Henry I
英国 诺曼王朝  (1068 ADDecember 1, 1135 AD)
Reign1100 AD1135 AD

  Henry I (Henry I, 1068 年 on December 1 -1 135), King of England Normandy dynasty (reigned 1100 -1135). William the Conqueror's youngest son. In the hunting accident for his brother William II ascended the throne after the mysterious death.
  First marriage, married Princess Matilda of Scotland Dunkeld, the second marriage, married Brabant Duchy of 阿德里西亚, no children. And Matilda dunkeld students are:
  3. Second daughter Matilda, who married Holy Roman Emperor Henry V, Henry V after his death by his father established as heir to the throne of England (but failed against the aristocracy of England), after remarrying in France An Rubo Jazz Ge Defuluwa V, Henry II of Health
  1. 罗伯特菲茨 Roy
  4. Modefeici Roy, married the Duke of Brittany hole in the South III
  7. Zhu 丽安娜菲茨 Roy
  10. Henglifeici Roy
  13. 伊莎贝尔菲 Ciluo Yi
  16. 罗伯特菲茨 Roe
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(1100 AD1135 AD)
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