南诏 List of Authors
Meng XinuluoMeng LuochengyanMeng YangeMeng Chengluopi
Meng PiluogeMeng GeluofengMeng YimouxunMeng Xungequan
Meng QuanlongshengMeng QuanlishengMeng QuanfengyouMeng Shilong
Meng LongshunMeng ShunhuazhenZheng MaisiZheng Renmin
Zheng LongdanYang Ganzhen
Meng Quanlisheng
南诏  (802 AD823 AD)
First Name: 蒙劝利
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 靖王
Reign816 AD823 AD
全义816 AD819 AD
大丰820 AD823 AD

  Advised Lee Sheng (802 -823), the one to persuade Lee, seeking to persuade the son of Court, urged the younger brother of Long Cheng, Nan Zhao sixth generation king reigned 816 to 823. In 816, Dong Jiedushi get killed by the king to persuade Long Sheng lofty summit, urging that Lee Sheng own throne. Power rests in the hands of the king lofty summit, 823, at the age of 22 years to persuade Lee Sheng's death, posthumous name, Jing Wang, Feng Yu came to the throne his brother advised.
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