秦国 List of Authors
Qin ZhaowangQin XiaowenwangQin ZhuangxiangwangQin Wuwang
Qin HuiwenwangQin XiaogongQin XiangongQin Chugong
Qin HuigongQin JiangongQin LinggongQin Huaigong
Qin ZaogongQin LigonggongQin DaogongQin Huigong
Qin YigongQin AigongQin JinggongQin Huangong
Qin GonggongQin KanggongQin MugongQin Chenggong
Qin XuangongQin DegongQin WugongQin Chuzi
Qin XiangongQin JinggongQin WengongQin Xianggong
Qin ZhuanggongQin ZhongQin GongbaQin Hou
Qin Feizi
Qin Xiaogong
秦国  (381 BC338 BC)
Last Name:
First Name: 渠梁
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 孝公
Tomb: 弟圉
Reign361 BC338 BC
秦孝公361 BC338 BC

  "Historical Records • Qin Records" record: BC 621, that is, 30 hours Qin Miao Gong, and Evolution of one of the "West Tyrant" Qin Miao Gong died and is buried in the Masonic. Miao Gong's son 40, his Prince earthen jar with long neck〕 〔yīng the throne, which is public health.
  Frequent replacement of the state of Qin in the previous monarch, monarch and his subjects the relationship between the lack of coordination, so the strength of another strong up Jin, Qin claimed the land in Hexi.
  10 year that is 374 BC, the Zhou Dynasty Tai Shi dān〕 〔eaves, said audience with the public offering (Zhou Tai Shi Dan See offer public, saying): "Zhou and Qin could have been combined, and then Qin points out, five hundred years separate it together, together 17 years later, there will be unity of the world's people appears to dominate week together and do it with the state of Qin, another five hundred years old compound, together as seven out of the King. "
  Chu, Wei and Qin border (Chu, Wei and Qin access sector). Wei build the Great Wall, built from Cheng County, along the Los Hebei, the north land, according to a kamigori (Wei built the Great Wall, north of Luo from Zheng Bin, a kamigori).
  Qin remoteness of Yongzhou, not all countries participate in the Central Plains League princes, princes who treat the barbarians as the same treatment as the state of Qin (Qin secluded in Yongzhou, not with the Chinese princes of the Alliance, Yi Zhai event of).
  Xiao of Qin years (350 BC) the capital from Yung (now Shaanxi Fengxiang South) moved to Su Yang (now Northeast China Shaanxi Su Yang), to further the implementation of political reform. Since then, increasingly prosperous and powerful state of Qin, opening the way for the later Tongyiliuguo. King Hui, Yan Wengong, Hanzhao Hou, Zhao Hou saying. Chu, Wei and Qin connected community, and has begun to build the Great Wall of Wei, Cheng County, along the river from the north, reaching kamigori. Central Plains nobility mutual conquest, Qin Department Yongzhou remote place, not to participate in the Central Plains to the league. Qin Xiao Gong use the power savings from the Central Plains battlefield, he Bushiende, relief and Orphans, Shuji benevolent rule, pay attention to martial arts. Xiao Gong ascended the throne at the beginning, as ordered Enriching Seeking to change the Qin Kanto six countries behind the situation. And east to the attack,
  21-year-old Xiao of Qin's reign, how should we do?
  "Offer the public came to the throne, stability border, moved the capital oak Yang, and want the Eastern Campaign, the original territory when recovered Miugong, when the decree rebuilt Mougong (public offering came to the throne, Zhen Fu border, migration, Q. Yang governance, and to the east cutting, The old haunt complex Miugong, repair Miaogong the decree).
  Yang of Wei heard that issued this command, came to the western state of Qin, ask to see by Jing Jian Xiao Gong (Yang of Wei Wen is the order, west to Qin, Jing Jian asked to see the result of Xiao Gong).
  "Records • Biography of Lord Shang," it reads: Mogan meeting was made public. So named for the large Ryozo 〔Yang of Wei, or Congress, made, Shang Yang knighthood for the 20 minutes in the 16, the following is the name of knighthood is official name, there is no post〕 Jazz. Yap led the army to besiege Wei Guoan, so that they surrender (to the Martingale great good was made. To Bing Wei Wei Anyi, drop of).
  After a five-year, Qin Guofu strong, the flesh of the sacrifice given the Zhou Xiao of Qin, countries have to congratulate the princes (home five years, Qinren Fu Qiang, the Son of Heaven To confer on Xiaogong lords He graduated).
  352 BC, the Yang of Wei Ren Daliang made, shuaibing surrounded Wei Guoan eup, so Anyi hath a (decade Yang of Wei Liang made for large, will be Bing Wei Wei Anyi, drop of).
  343 BC, the emperor bestowed the title of overlord (19 years, the emperor caused by Bo). 342 BC, the princes came to congratulate (2 years, He completed the princes). Qin faction led by army officers and the son of a small feudal lords in Aisawa meetings, the audience with the emperor (son of a small official rate of Qin Society of Zhu Hou Fengze, overturned a).
  Related information
  Xiao of Qin spirit of the character traits that Chen Xiong Yong slightly first.
  Yong slightly, Dayong and assertive too. Xiao Gong for the wartime leader and less into the brigade battle-hardened, a little courage is the first foundation of its prestige, not the positive performance will not show the characteristics of their wartime leaders. Xiaogong the courage slightly, the performance of the play there are three: first, a little battle Yong (Gansi outspoken), the other slightly Salvation Yong (Shame dare to change), its three life Yong slightly (the last moment of calm life sober). 3 Yong of theatrical progressive layers, and direct human life state peak (with Shang Yang same).
  Xiao of Qin spirit of the character of the third character is the trickery no trace.
  Character Appraisal
  "On the Qin," writes "According to Xiao Xiao of Qin letter solid, pro-Yongzhou place, stick to glimpse of Zhou monarch and his subjects have swept the world, including move buildings or cover universal meaning, annexation history and a glorious heart. When is when, Lord Shang Sukeyuki, within the legislative degrees Service farming organizations, Revised Code of a war, even the value for the fight outside the princes. then hand over and take the Qin River outside. "
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(361 BC338 BC)
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