Emperor List of Authors
Li ChenQian LiuLi CuiZhu Wen
Wang JianYang HangmiWang ChaoMa Yan
Taba ChongjianDa YizhenMeng QuanfengyouMeng Shilong
Zhu Wen
Emperor  (852 AD912 AD)
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 神武元盛孝皇帝
Temple Name: 太祖
Tomb: 河南伊阙县
Reign907 AD912 AD
开平April, 907 ADApril, 911 AD
乾化May, 911 ADOctober, 915 AD

  The decline of the Tang Dynasty
  Military governors were not initially form a strong separatist forces, but the eunuch Gao Lishi Emperor reuse old age, more stupid, the political darkness to military governors have a good development opportunities, plus a number of eunuchs with collusion, separatist trend gradually formation. Then shake off Taizu of Later Liang Tang military power occupied side, also inherited form of this disparate administrative regions. We can say that disparate administrative regions is a political cancer in the Tang Dynasty was collapsing.
  Tang extinction because of the third class struggle between cliques. Wins the struggle for the right to disregard national security situation, which is a major dispute clique characteristics. Partisan so fundamentally corrupt affairs of state, the competition between the two parties also made eunuchs forces can not be eradicated, on the contrary, there is collusion with the eunuchs against each other, even to the Huang Chao Uprising the boat peril occasion, ministers are still fought for power potential, allow the Tang Dynasty from the dying to die.
  Taizu of Later Liang Huang Chao Uprising to provide an excellent opportunity to reveal its abilities. The second year, the rebels into the Outward region, captured Hangzhou, then into Fujian, Guangzhou, then g, and subsequently the Northern Expedition, the final capture of Luoyang, and then follow up a victory Tongguan break, scoring the Tang capital of Chang'an. Chang built in the "big homogeneous" regime, when the Taizu of Later Liang is the pioneer to the southeast line of business, stationed in East Wei Bridge (now Xi'an Northeast), and summon somebody to surrender the state Jiedushi Zhuge Shuang Tang Xia. And later fought in Henan was ordered to the area, captured Dengzhou (today Dengzhou), thus blocking the Tang Jun Jingxiang North attack the rebels from the road, so that "large homogeneous" regime to stabilize the situation in the south-east. Success will come when Taizu of Later Liang Chang, Huang Chao personally to the Ba River on the reward the soldiers. Then they transferred Taizu of Later Liang Huang Chao west to Chang'an, the Tang Dynasty banded together to fight the army, Taizu of Later Liang and thereby facilitating their victory, and then commanded the troops defeated the Tang army to Li Xiaochang so. Soon, Taizu of Later Liang ordered any of the same state (now of drinking) defense to, and capture the same state, just five years after the Civil war, volunteer work has become Zhu three "big Qi" power The hero, a rebel army in a general, but liking the Taizu of Later Liang quickly into a corner.
  Taizu of Later Liang Huang Chao had participated in the uprising, was not happy for what the working class, but nothing for good ideas, but only out of a plan of wealth, get ahead of selfishness, for the subsequent official returned home gloriously, this "return "neighborhood of his disdain and contempt. Huang Chao, diving in the military can not, in order to survive for future wealth, his grateful pupil of the plan follow advisers betrayal and surrender the Tangzhao Ting Huang Chao, the official in the Tang Zhaoting rise higher and higher within the Taizu of Later Liang, and finally had to start with the most advanced The wealth of the Dream: emperor. And step by step to implement.
  This fickle, erratic behavior not only Tang mutiny there is everywhere in the Five Dynasties. Among the chaos, what of justice and conscience are thrown behind, and brothers to kill, friends enemies, became the darkest side of the Five Dynasties period. Taizu of Later Liang win the Huang Chao Army, has been hit Bianzhou Since then, Taizu of Later Liang have to Bianzhou for his base, Bianzhou finally made the capital of Later Liang. After Taizu of Later Liang Chen has the solution state (today Huaiyang) in circumference, and Huang Chao size of four dozen military operations, a total victory. Also Jiedushi Dong Tang Huang Chao military elite cavalry joint attack on Yan City (today Yan City), Zaibai Huang Chao Army in Zhongmu (today Zhongmu North), crossing over the north of the king, Huang Chao Ge general from Week clique are surrendering Taizu of Later Liang . Huang Chao active as hunting, Taizu of Later Liang was sealed for the calibration Stuart, Ha Ping Zhangshi with the book for the magnitude and angle, seal Pei Jun Hou, then enter letters Wuxing Dukes position in society. The so-called magnitude and angle is a collectively to refer to the military commissioner, he means that the prime minister, but no prime minister, the Guan Ming Tang, Ping Zhangshi studied under the same terms in the book equal to prime minister, so Taizu of Later Liang now known as the magnitude and angle.
  Huang Chao and meritorious service being promoted because of hunting, but also because the Taizu of Later Liang formed sworn enemy, fighting against his son until he was killed, the deadly enemy that is using Li Ke Dong Jiedushi. Man crossing Taizu of Later Liang Wang and Li Ke Huang Chao with a joint army defeated, the Taizu of Later Liang invited Rick used Bianzhou break the army. At a banquet, the young and fit, only the 20-year-old Shi Cai Li Ke proud to use after drinking some wine, he said some of the largest year-old Taizu of Later Liang somewhat respectful words.
  Enemy has been broken, Taizu of Later Liang has to deal cunning little enemy, even the friends who assisted him let go. Because the west of Qin were right threat except, Taizu of Later Liang targeting the east, his excuse, framed to help him defeat the Qin were right ZHU, lured his soldiers betrayed him, in letters on ZHU, unwarranted charges, ZHU, can not stand He acts this good deed goes unpunished, no reply to give way also. Then they take advantage of these Taizu of Later Liang made his own handle, so Zhu Zhen, Ge Zhou attacks from Caozhou (now Shandong Cao County), defeated Zhu Jin brothers, only two body free.
  Northern suffering from stable, just Emperor Tang Zhaozong order to facilitate the early settlement of Taizu of Later Liang Qin were then sealed his power calibration sijung, Taizu of Later Liang will help things along, the mobilization of soldiers storming Cai Zhou. City break when the right of the Qin were arrested by the Department will take to give Taizu of Later Liang. Chang Qin were taken to the execution of the right, then enter letters Taizu of Later Liang Tung Ping Dukes, and add calibration Qiu and Zhong Shuling. Qin forces were eliminated right after the lifting of the west of the worry, Taizu of Later Liang they return in triumph to east, on Fushi Pu and Zhu Jin brothers originally escaped. Taizu of Later Liang shuaibing captured Xuzhou, Pu and their family members when the self-immolation to swallow floor.
  The rule of Taizu of Later Liang's success is due largely to two people, one of his army, division, Jing Xiang, and the other is his wife, Zhang Hui. Although historical records on Hui-not much, but between the lines can be seen on the Taizu of Later Liang Zhang Hui role is significant. Zhang Hui and Taizu of Later Liang is a fellow, who is Dangshan, Zhang Hui lived in drainage pavilion. Her family is famous in the prosperity of local households, the father also did the provincial governor the state of Song. Zhang Huisheng in wealthy homes, both education and also in the military and political strategy, showing that the father of her missionary childhood is a lot.
  Zhang Hui's death, not only Taizu of Later Liang sad tears, and even many men are very sad over. As Taizu of Later Liang suspicious, often killing their to kill them when no one dared to intercede, and only after that from time to time to rescue Zhang Hui, a few gentle and reasonable, then on to Taizu of Later Liang fury subsided, many soldiers have been rescued grateful to the Zhang Hui, Zhang Hui such other officers and men of the feeling of love is full of men admire. Hui-man kind of Taizu of Later Liang's two concubines too, there is no jealousy, not to mention the harm they had. Taizu of Later Liang Zhang Hui's virtuous because, like other people do not marry a third wife and four concubines. However, Zhang Hui died, Taizu of Later Liang is sensual indulgence, forgetting the advice of him when his wife died, after the surprise and daughter incest, finally, do not listen to counsel, the tragic death of the sword, was the reward. Zhang Hui birth to a son for the Taizu of Later Liang, Liang Mo Di Zhu Youzhen that, Taizu of Later Liang was labeled the king and when the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Hui has also been called Ms. Wei Guo. Taizu of Later Liang emperor, has failed to set up the queen, probably miss the virtuous and the resourcefulness of his wife right there. Modi to the throne until the beam only when the mother additional posthumous title of "Motosada Queen" and "Yuan Zhen Queen Mother."
  Taizu of Later Liang's licentious, line with the animal, even in the feudal monarchs in their horses are rare. Taizu of Later Liang Huang Chao with the prefectural governor for the time, married women Dangshan Zhang Fu Room wife. Zhang, "wise and courteous," Taizu of Later Liang "deep plus ceremony differences," "State of dollars every military plan, we must first extended visit. Or apprenticeship, has not dropped, she was ordinary, please rotation, predictable, the letter re- so. " God Bless Zhang died after the first year, Taizu of Later Liang began to "vertical intended sensual, thinkers though out, and often signs his wife Rushi, God often to chaos."
  Second son Ying Wang Zhu Yougui
  Jian Wang You-hui Zhu
  Jun Zhu Yougong left Dragon and Tiger systems (formerly Liyan Wei)
  Anyang princess, the eldest daughter, married Rothin regulations, Kaiping bestowed two years in August.
  Jinhua Princess, Kaiping closed two October. Following the room for the Rothin regulations. Rothin rules death by his father ordered the monk Kaiping four years to all women's section.
  Evaluation of Mao Zedong once said: "Taizu of Later Liang Department, the land of four wars, and Cao Cao come first, but it had been cunning."
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后梁Zhu Wen
(907 AD912 AD)
Next King >>: 郢王 朱友圭

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