希腊 人物列表
荷马 Homer萨福 Sappho
赫西俄德 Hesiod奥迪塞乌斯·埃里蒂斯 Odysseas Elytis
卡瓦菲斯 Constantine Peter Cavafy里索斯 Yannis Ritsos
阿基米德 Archimedes苏格拉底 Socrates
柏拉图 Plato亚里士多德 Aristotle
希罗多德 Herodotus亚历山大大帝 Alexander the Great
阿斯克雷比阿底斯 阿斯克雷比阿 end of Sri Lanka阿那克里翁 Anacreon
巴门尼德 Parmenides
阿那克里翁 Anacreon
希腊  (前582年前485年)
出生地: 爱奥尼亚城邦提欧斯



阿那克里翁生于小亚细亚沿岸的爱奥尼亚城邦提欧斯(Teos)。因为他的城邦遭受攻击,跟着城邦的人逃难到色雷斯。 据说是被葡萄子噎死。

Anacreon (/əˈnækriən/GreekἈνακρέων ὁ Τήϊοςc. 582 – c. 485 BC) was a Greek lyric poet, notable for his drinking songs and erotic poems. Later Greeks included him in the canonical list of nine lyric poets. Anacreon wrote all of his poetry in the ancient Ionic dialect. Like all early lyric poetry, it was composed to be sung or recited to the accompaniment of music, usually the lyre. Anacreon's poetry touched on universal themes of love, infatuation, disappointment, revelry, parties, festivals and the observations of everyday people and life.

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