shīrén zuòzhělièbiǎo
méi nèi Juan Ramon Jimenezā lāi sāng léi Vincente Aleixandre 'āi 'ěr · ā 'ěr wéi Rafael Alberti
Pedro Salinas 'āi Gerardo Diegoā lóng suǒ Damaso Alonso
lián Jorge Guillén lún Jenaro Talens
lún Jenaro Talens
shīrén  (1946nián)

shīcí and Du Fu》   

yuèdòu lún Jenaro Talenszài诗海dezuòpǐn!!!
  zhù yào shī yòufēi xiáng chāo yuè chì bǎng》 (1973)、《 zhī jiě de 》 (1977) děng

  Jenaro Talens has written 15 books of poetry and has published widely on literary theory and history. Among his publications are "Romanticism and the Writing of Modernity" and, with Nicholas Spadaccini, "Through the Shattering Glass: Cervantes and the Self-Made World" (Minnesota, 1992). Giulia Colaizzi has editied "Feminismo y teoria del discurso" and "Teoria feminista y teoria filmica".

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