诗人 人物列表
希梅内斯 Juan Ramon Jimenez阿莱桑德雷 Vincente Aleixandre拉法埃尔·阿尔维蒂 Rafael Alberti
萨利纳斯 Pedro Salinas迪埃戈 Gerardo Diego阿隆索 Damaso Alonso
纪廉 Jorge Guillén塔伦斯 Jenaro Talens
塔伦斯 Jenaro Talens
诗人  (1946年)

诗词《和杜甫 and Du Fu》   

阅读塔伦斯 Jenaro Talens在诗海的作品!!!

  Jenaro Talens has written 15 books of poetry and has published widely on literary theory and history. Among his publications are "Romanticism and the Writing of Modernity" and, with Nicholas Spadaccini, "Through the Shattering Glass: Cervantes and the Self-Made World" (Minnesota, 1992). Giulia Colaizzi has editied "Feminismo y teoria del discurso" and "Teoria feminista y teoria filmica".

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