詩人 人物列錶
羅伯特·騷塞 Robert Southey
羅伯特·騷塞 Robert Southey
詩人  (?12年1843年三月21日)

Robert Southey
羅伯特·騷塞(Robert Southey,1774 - 1843),英國浪漫派詩人,湖畔詩人之一。1813年被封為桂冠詩人。騷塞還是一位多産的書信作傢、文學學者、散文作傢、歷史學家和傳記作傢。他為約翰·班揚約翰·衛斯理威廉·考珀奧利弗·剋倫威爾霍雷肖·納爾遜都寫過傳記。他還研究葡萄牙西班牙的國情,寫過《巴西歷史》和《半島戰爭史》。騷塞的詩作往往具有東方風格和異國情調。

Robert Southey (/ˈsði/ or /ˈsʌði/;[a] 12 August 1774 – 21 March 1843) was an English poet of the Romantic school, and Poet Laureate from 1813 until his death. Like the other Lake PoetsWilliam Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Southey had begun as a radical, but became steadily more conservative, as he acquired respect for Britain and its institutions. Other romantics, notably Byron, accused him of siding with the establishment for money and status. He is principally remembered as author of the poem After Blenheim and the original version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

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