詩人 人物列錶
倉央嘉措 Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtsho普荷 Pu He惲壽平 Yun Shouping
李方膺 Li Fangying宋犖 Song Luo高乃依 Pierre Corneille
顧貞觀 Gu Zhenguan查慎行 Cha Shenhang瀋德潛 Shen Deqian
喬納森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift李德初 Li Dechu於成竜 Yu Chenglong
拉封丹 Jean de La Fontaine布瓦洛 Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux八大山人 Badashanren
羅伯特·騷塞 Robert Southey鬆尾芭蕉 Matsuo Bashō愛德華·泰勒 Edward Taylor
倉央嘉措 Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtsho
詩人  (1683年三月1日1706年十一月15日)
姓: 計美多吉協加袞欽
名: 洛桑仁欽倉央嘉措
字: 倉洋嘉錯
網筆號: 第六世達賴喇嘛

詩詞《《倉央嘉措情歌》(連載一) Lama ballad Instalment uni-》   《《倉央嘉措情歌》(連載二) Lama ballad Instalment twain》   《《倉央嘉措情歌》(連載三) Lama ballad Instalment three》   《《倉央嘉措情歌》(連載四) Lama Ballad Instalment four》   《《倉央嘉措情歌》(連載五) Lama ballad Instalment five》   《《倉央嘉措情歌》(連載六) Lama ballad Instalment six》   《情詩選 Situation anthology》   《情詩 Love Poems》   

閱讀倉央嘉措 Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtsho在诗海的作品!!!
倉央嘉措藏語ཚངས་དབྱངས་རྒྱ་མཚོ威利tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho;1683年3月1日-?),舊譯倉洋嘉錯,是時任西藏攝政桑結嘉措認定的藏傳佛教格魯派的第六世達賴喇嘛,除1705-1721之外,得到西藏政府和中國中央政府的承認。他也是西藏著名詩人,是歷代達賴喇嘛中最富傳奇色彩的人物。



  1697年(藏歷第十二繞迥火牛年)被藏王第司·桑傑嘉措認定為五世達賴喇嘛的轉世靈童。 同年年燃燈節之際,第六世達賴喇嘛倉央嘉措在布達拉宮的司喜平措大殿,在丹增達賴汗和第悉·桑結嘉措等藏蒙僧俗官員的參加下,舉行了坐床典禮。清朝康熙皇帝從大局考慮,派出章嘉呼圖剋圖等參加了典禮,並賞賜了無數珍寶。


  倉央嘉措成長的時代,恰值西藏政治動蕩,內外各種矛盾接連不斷地開始出現之際。1700年(藏歷鐵竜年),丹增達賴汗在西藏去世。其次子拉藏魯白遂來至前藏,承襲了乃父職位。蒙古施主當中對此也産生了贊同與反對的兩種意見。另外,第悉對第五世達賴喇嘛的圓寂進行了長期保密,這引起了清朝康熙帝的不滿。在西藏內部,由於第悉獨斷專行,長期“ 匿喪”,身穿袈裟而又公開蓄養“主母”等行為,招致哲蚌寺、色拉寺部分首腦表現出不滿情緒,等等。

  各種矛盾錯綜復雜,倉央嘉措感到“失望,學習也無益處”,遂變得懶散起來, 且喜好遊樂,放蕩不羈。

  1702年(藏歷水馬年六月),倉央嘉措20歲時,第悉勸其受比丘戒。他聽從勸告。前往紮什倫布寺與班禪大師洛桑益西相見。第五世班禪的傳記裏說,“休說他受比丘戒,就連原先受的出傢戒也無法阻擋地拋棄了。最後,以我為首的衆人皆請求其不要換穿俗人服裝,以近事男戒而受比丘戒,在轉法輪。但是,終無效應,衹得將經過情形詳細呈報第悉。倉央嘉措在紮什倫布寺居17日後返回拉薩。”(《五世班禪洛桑益西自傳·明晰品行月亮》 209頁)自那以後,倉央嘉措便穿起俗人衣服,任意而為。白天在竜王潭內射箭、飲酒、唱歌,恣意嬉戲。還到拉薩近郊去遊玩,與年輕女子尋歡作樂,放棄了戒行。



  拉藏汗掌握大權以後,對第六世達賴喇嘛多方責難。還特派人員赴京師,讒言桑結嘉措勾結準噶爾人,準備反叛朝廷。還說,第悉 ·桑結嘉措在布達拉宮立的倉央嘉措不是第五世達賴喇嘛真正的轉世靈童,他終日沉湎於酒色,不守清規,請予廢立。康熙帝即派侍郎赫壽等人赴藏,敕封拉藏汗為 “翊法恭順汗”,賜金印一顆。命將倉央嘉措從布達拉宮的職位上廢除,“執獻京師”。






















Tsangyang Gyatso (Tibetanཚངས་དབྱངས་རྒྱ་མཚོWylietshangs-dbyangs rgya-mtshoZYPYCangyang Gyamco; 1 March 1683 – 15 November 1706) was the 6th Dalai Lama. He was a Monpa by ethnicity and was born at Urgelling Monastery, 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) from TawangIndia and not far from the large Tawang Monastery in the northwestern part of present-day Arunachal Pradesh.

He had grown up a youth of high intelligence, liberal to a fault, fond of pleasure, alcohol, and women, and later led a playboy lifestyle. He disappeared near Qinghai, possibly murdered, on his way to Beijing in 1706. The 6th Dalai Lama composed poems and songs that have become popular not only in modern-day Tibet, but all across China.

Early life

Birthplace of 6th Dalai Lama, Urgelling MonasteryTawang Town, A.P., India

Tsangyang was born on 1 March 1683 in Mon Tawang (in modern Arunachal Pradesh, India) to Lama Tashi Tenzin of Urgelling, a descendant of the treasure revealer Pema Lingpa, and Tsewang Lhamo, a Monpa girl hailing from a royal family of Bekhar Village.

There are many stories about the life and death of Tsangyang Gyatso.

There are several legendary tales about the birth of Tsangyang. Apparently, His mother, Tsewang, had experienced a few miracles prior to the birth of Tsangyang Gyamtso. One day, within the first month of her pregnancy, she was husking paddy in the stone mortar. To her surprise, water started accumulating in the mortar. On another occasion, when Tsewang drank water at a nearby place, milk started gushing out in place of water. Since then, this stream was known as Oma-Tsikang, literally known as milky water.

In the course of time, Tsewang gave birth to a boy who was named Sanje Tenzin, with Tsangyang's grandfather and Nawang Norbu with his father.[clarification needed] Due to this fact, legend said that he would not drink his mother's milk from the day after their birth. One day, when his face began to swell from an infection, Tsangyang could hardly open his eye, two local diviners were summoned. They prescribed purifactory rite and said that his name should be changed to Ngawang Gyamtso.

His recovery was credited by the regent to the intervention of the Dalai Lama's own guardian deity, Dorje Dakpa. The grandfather dreamt that the child was constantly being protected by heavenly beings. The mother dreamt, as she took a rest from her weaving, that a great company had arrived to take him off. His paternal grandmother dreamt of two suns shining in the sky.

Historical background

Although the 5th Dalai Lama had died in 1682, the Regent Desi Sangye Gyatso (Wyliesangs rgyas rgya mtsho) kept his death a secret – partly to continue the stable administration, and partly to gain time for the completion of the Potala Palace. The monks concentrated their search to the region of Tibet to find the next incarnation, but later came to conclude that 6th Dalai Lama was born outside the Tibetan territory[citation needed] in a valley whose name ended with "ling". They searched all places ending with "ling", including three in Tawang – Urgyanling, Sangeling and Tsorgeling.

The Potala authorities took the Dalai Lama from his mother in 1697 from Urgyanling. The journey to Pota Lhasa from Tawang was 7 days, and they spend first night in Tsona (near Cuona Lake, China) where he slept with girls. Responding to the strict rules of the Tibetans, he constantly opposed laws which overruled him, and eventually became a drunk. After arriving to Tibet, Sangye Gyatso sent a delegation to the Kangxi Emperor of Qing China in 1697 to announce that the 5th Dalai Lama had died and the 6th had been discovered.

The regent invited Lobsang Yeshe, 5th Panchen Lama to administer the vows of a śrāmaṇera (novice monk) on the young man at Nankartse and named him Tsang Gyatso. In October 1697, Tsangyang Gyatso was enthroned as the 6th Dalai Lama.

In 1705 Lha-bzang Khan, a Mongol king, had the Regent, Sangye Gyatso, killed. This greatly upset the young Dalai Lama, who left his studies and even visited the 5th Panchen Lama in Shigatse to renounce his śrāmaṇera vows.

Life as a Dalai Lama

As a Dalai Lama, Tsangyang had composed excellent works of songs and poems, but often went against the principles of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism. For example, he decided to give getsul vows to Lobsang Yeshe, 5th Panchen Lama at eighteen instead of taking the full gelong vows normal for his age.

The Panchen Lama, who was the abbot of Tashilhunpo Monastery, and Prince Lhazang, the younger brother of the Po Gyalpo Wangyal, persuaded him not to do so.

Tsangyang Gyatso enjoyed a lifestyle that included drinking, the company of women, and writing love songs. He visited the 5th Panchen Lama in Shigatse and, requesting his forgiveness, renounced the vows of a novice monk. He ordered the building of the Tromzikhang palace in Barkhor, Lhasa.

Tsangyang Gyatso had always rejected life as a monk, although this did not mean the abdication of his position as the Dalai Lama. Wearing the clothes of a normal layman and preferring to walk than to ride a horse or use the state palanquin, Tsangyang only kept the temporal prerogatives of the Dalai Lama. He also visited the parks and spent nights in the streets of Lhasa, drinking wine, singing songs and having amorous relations with girls. Tsangyang retreated to live in a tent in the park near the northern escarpment of Potala Palace. Tsangyang finally gave up his discourses in public parks and places in 1702, which he had been required to do as part of his training.

Capture and disappearance

Using the Dalai Lama's behaviour as an excuse and with the approval of his ally, China's Kangxi EmperorLha-bzang Khankhan of the Khoshut, killed the regent and kidnapped the Sixth Dalai Lama. On 28 June 1706, Lha-bzang Khan deposed Tsangyang; he later installed a 21-year-old lama, Ngawang Yeshey Gyatso, as the "true" 6th Dalai Lama in 1707, claiming that he, not Tsangyang, was the true rebirth of the 5th Dalai Lama. The Gelugpa dignitaries and the Tibetan people rejected Lha-bzang Khan's installation of Ngawang Yeshey Gyatso and continued to recognise Tsangyang's title. However, Ngawang Yeshey Gyatso is considered by Tibetans to have been an incarnation of Avalokiteśvara.

While being taken out of Tibet, Tsangyang composed a poem which some say foretold of his next birth. "White crane lend me your wings. I will not fly far. From Lithang I shall return."[citation needed] Tsangyang disappeared mysteriously near Qinghai on 15 November 1706, which is why there is no tomb for him in the Potala Palace. Rumours persisted he had escaped and lived in secrecy somewhere between China and Mongolia.

The Tibetans appealed to the Dzungar people, who invaded Tibet and killed Lha-bzang Khan in late 1717.

Tsangyang was succeeded by Kelsang Gyatso, who was born in Lithang, as the 7th Dalai Lama.


  1. ^ "Tawang Monastery". Archived from the original on 21 August 2009. Retrieved 7 September 2009.
  2. ^ The Dalai Lamas of Tibet, p. 93. Thubten Samphel, Tendar. Roli & Janssen, New Delhi. (2004). ISBN 81-7436-085-9.
  3. ^ Cordier, Henri; Pelliot, Paul, eds. (1922). T'oung Pao (通報) or ArchivesXX1. Leiden: E.J. Brill. p. 30.
  4. Jump up to:a b c d e ""The Sixth Dalai Lama TSEWANG GYALTSO.""Namgyal MonasteryArchived from the original on 19 September 2020. Retrieved 12 October 2020.
  5. ^ Alexandra David-NeelInitiation and Initiates in Tibet, trans. by Fred Rothwell, New York: University Books, 1959
  6. ^ Yu Dawchyuan, "Love Songs of the Sixth Dalai Lama", Academia Sinica Monograph, Series A, No.5, 1930
  7. Jump up to:a b c Stein, R. A. (1972). Tibetan Civilization, p. 85. Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-0806-1 (cloth); ISBN 0-8047-0901-7(paper).
  8. ^ Chapman, F. Spencer. (1940). Lhasa: The Holy City, p. 127. Readers Union Ltd. London.
  9. ^ Mullin 2001, pp. 274–5
  10. ^ བྱ་དེ་ཁྲུང་ཁྲུང་དཀར་པོ།། ང་ལ་གཤོག་རྩལ་གཡར་དང་།། ཐག་རིང་རྒྱང་ནས་མི་འགྲོ།། ལི་ཐང་བསྐོར་ནས་སླེབས་ཡོང་།།
  11. ^ Buckley, Michael and Strauss, Robert. (1986). Tibet: a travel survival kit, p. 45. Lonely Planet Publications. South Yarra, Vic., Australia. ISBN 0-908086-88-1.


  • Mullin, Glenn H. (2001). The Fourteen Dalai Lamas: A Sacred Legacy of Reincarnation, pp. 238–271. Clear Light Publishers. Santa Fe, New Mexico. ISBN 1-57416-092-3.

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貢獻者: 迪拜     

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