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Zuo SiLu ChenXie AnRobert Southey
Zuo Si
Poet  西晋(250 AD350 AD)
Name and Alias: 太冲
Township: 山东淄博

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  Zuo Si Chuan works have set the old 5, this deposit were granted only two, poetry 14. "Ode" and "Ode to History," Poetry is his masterpiece. "Ode" of writing time, "Book of Jin? Zuo Si Chuan" and "Shi? Literature" chapter note cited "Zuo Si Biography" were quite different. According to people today Fu Xuanzong research, "Ode" as the first year in Tai Hong (280) Conquest of Wu before. In addition, the people of Jiang Liang's opinion for the 291 years ("Miss Plain Life"), Wen-Chung Liu for years that the "uncertain" ("Biography of Chinese ancient famous writer? Zuo Si"). Zuo Si criticized their predecessors in order to make Fu "glibly talked about no experience, though Li non-economic" should be put forward for Fu, "you according to this", "should this fact." Fu process of writing this, he had been to set out to ask Chang Shu Min Qiong things; they seek to Mishu Lang for Exhibition of books and local history. Therefore, "Ode" grand system, something broad categories. He stressed that although the credit realistic literature can not help but extreme ideas, but also to "Ode" to some extent reflected the situation of the Three Kingdoms period of social life. "Ode" was published, the Zhang amazed, Huangfu Mi worked as a sequence, Zhang Zai, LIU Kui for injection; Health Solutions right for a little. For a time the rich and powerful families competing to pass written, so "Luoyangzhigui." In addition to "Ode" itself was rich and beautiful literary grace and literary re-Fu and other factors, more important, because it contains the whole government and the public interest at the time profile of content: Soochow into a unified nation. The Fu's writing style and the style though and Ban Gu's "two-Ode" and the Zhang Heng's "Second Beijing Fu" similar, but it was not the traditional thinking of the theme, "Quan Bai Feng one." Therefore, "Ode" in the late Fu has an important position. Zuo Si while a lyrical little "gray hair fu" plain language, language of humor and subtle emotion, and "Ode" is entirely different. It uses human hair in Fable dialogue, sharply criticized the "pursue Mibu Rong, Gui-Hua cheap dry" of social reality.
  Zuo Si poetry representative works are "Ode to History" Poetry 8, seen in "Anthology." "Ode to History" from the Ban has been probably one Shiyong concerned, the objective fact of the repeat in slightly see the author's wishes, and Zuo Si's "Ode to History" intricate facts, integrating traditional, and even class allusions, "Ode to the ancients and our own nature See all "(Confirming" Ancient Source "). Zuo Si has a strong early heart with the world, and claims that only high-Chi Hung, "left ogle Chengjiang Xiang, right □ set Qiang Hu" (No. 1) and would make a difference. But in the patriarch system of repression, he has always been underappreciated. In the "Ode to History" Poem No. 2, he was a "depressed Jian Di Song, Lili Miao mountains to He-inch stem diameter, shade this Article hundred feet" of the artistic image, profoundly expose the "World helmet gingerly high, handsome settle down bureaucratic "irrational phenomenon; in section 7 by the chant of ancient Magi, he experienced ups and downs, painfully point out:" There is not the Wizards, left of the swamp. "strangle the talent on the dark realities of the violent attack, the stroke of sharp, in the Northern and Southern Dynasties is rare. "Ode to History" by Wing ancient poetry also, to clarify their own attitudes and aspirations, saying: "Although you are your own, as the dust if Egypt. Cheap though since those humble, if the crushing weight." Therefore, comments Liang Home Zhong Rong said Zuo Si, "Wen-tien to blame, rather fine cut, the cause may allegory" ("Poetry").
  The profound reality of the content in a subtle art forms, and is the "Ode to History," the basic characteristics of poetry. Zuo Si Zhong Rong said, "Wild in the Miss Machine", which is confined to the prejudice Qi Liang fashion, later commentators dissent. In fact, Zuo Si is not "culture." He multi-purpose dual sentence, but not dull the disadvantages; his attention to writing characters without losing the natural practice sentences; he Zushu Han Wei rather than rigid antique, yo write to, since as you like, "Chun Yi thousand yards □, Zhuozu Miles Flow, "" shouts and excited breeze, Chi without Soochow ", which are written very vivid verse. "Ode to History" plain language of poetry, feeling full, vigorous momentum, although depressed to express the inner distress, but did not reveal the decadent mood of frustration, these cities poems poured endless echoing with the aspirations of the desolate, close to the generosity of Jian'an Literature any gas. So, Ming and Qing Wang Fu said: "Three of the reduced Western Jin Dynasty, big bad style, ancient heart ancient degree, can go on to hereby, non Taichong the Yan go?" ("Poetry Election Assessment") Zuo Si "Ode to History "by Zhong Rong, this style of poetry called" Zuo Si wind. " "Zuo Si wind" effect had occurred Tao. Zuo Si created by the "Jian Di Song" is also the artistic image of the Southern Fan Yuan, Tang Wang Bo borrowed to express the talents are not the depression.
  Zuo Si and another "Hermit" Poetry 2, pen flowing, which "need for strings and bamboo, landscapes are voiceless," popular with descendants appreciated. "A Rose for Emily poem" a language simple, sincere feelings, her little girl loves feeling leap off the paper. Tao's "A Son", Du Fu's "North sign," yin "arrogant child poems", which are subject to a certain extent. In addition, he also "Miscellaneous Poems" by a "memorial gift from the sister," Poetry 2. The former style and "Ode to History" is similar, which is four-word poetry, dignified and elegant.
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