Poet List of Authors
Li YingRobert Southey
Li Ying
Poet  东汉(110 AD169 AD)
Read works of Li Ying at 百家争鸣
  Resolutely fight against eunuchs
  Eastern Han dynasty, power, starting from Teijin long dominated by the Dukes and the eunuchs, most of the central and local official posts were occupied by them. The general level bureaucrats have no right, not according to their own wishes, career full of thorns. Lower attempted secularization of the scholar official way is unreasonable, they are full of grievances, the implementation of Confucius, "see not as good as, see as poor probe soup" motto, they think that good people, advertised on each recommendation, together; on them that the evil people, that any hate. Eastern Han period, moving in the upright bureaucrats, celebrities and the Capital of the opposition together so the students, as authoritarian Dukes and eunuchs as enemies. These people have the knowledge, culture, and not afraid of risks, not afraid of despots, not afraid of officials. Politics is not depreciated already, a sharp export are all deep, no one afraid of this "-action." Celebrities and the opposition in particular, too often students signed a petition to intervene affairs of state. If Chien-year (147 years), as Ligu, Duccio to imprison opposition Dukes Liang Ji, LI Gu Wang harmonic depth with the students and dozens of people were a petition on the petition. Wing Hing first year (153 years), prefectural governor Ji Zhu punish all sorts of local eunuch forces consequent to offend the power of the eunuchs, Huan imprison His crime was to stimulate students to Liu Tao and so too the thousands of people headed to the Palace Grievance petition outside the door, forcing the emperor had released Zhu. Imperial has 30 000 students at that time too, they Gengzhi bureaucrats, celebrities combine forces are not small.
  Li Ying Steeped in poetry and literature, learning and ability, to teach school, to troops in war, who has wide by the Chinese and Stuart Hu, Qing prefectural governor and served as prefect of the rank of Yuyang. Frontier was Xianbei repeat offenders, was underway for the Wuhuan XiaoWei with Li Ying. He took the lead, not to avoid Shi Shi, every broken Xianbei. Because of officers after the incident-free, back to William's home, the setting teaching, no less than his regular studies thousand names Sheng moment. Yongshou years (156 years), Xianbei intrusive clouds, Huan Li Ying had to only use as Duliaojiangjun. Li Ying 1 to the border, impressed by his prestige, Xianbei lookout surrender.
  Later, was underway with the Si Li Xiaowei Li Ying, he still does not avoid the violence of law enforcement. The specially trusted eunuchs for the Emperor Huan Zhang Shuo Zhang for the brother, Ren Ye Wang order, relied on his brother's power, Tan Bao cruel, unscrupulous, and even kill pregnant women, fun. Zhang He fled to the capital to house, hidden in the "Hop Column", the hearing in person with people Jing Li Ying Zhang into the house, broken columns arrest Zhang Shuo, Lu Gong after trial immediately after the execution. Zhang Huan to Grievance at, LI Ying Huan asked why not start playing and then cut? Li Ying said: "In the past Confucius do Sikou Lu, took seven days to punish Shao Zhengmao. Today, the arrival of Robinson has 10 days, and only kill Zhang Shuo, I thought that because pesticides do not speed and I had , did not expect timely execution by Zhang Shuo pay reparations. I know thus court disaster, and day of his death approaching, specifically request the emperor let me live on the 5th, get rid of those offenders, and the emperor then cooked my tripod, I willingly. "Li Ying Chi, courageous and some have the answer, say no to verbal exchanges Huan, Zhang had to make, said:" This is your brother sins, Sili what is wrong? "Legend Since then, the size of the eunuch dare not walk straight backs, dared not speak Cusheng the atmosphere, the holidays are not the palace to play, Huan surprised to kowtow to the Emperor Huan crying eunuch said, "Wei Li Xiaowei."
  The first "movement of striking groupings"
  Li Ying firmly against forces of tyranny and the eunuch, the eunuch both attracted profound jealousy, also won too many scholars and students of the admiration and support. Students praise too: "There is mold Kai Liyuan Li." Li Ying actually become the central figure in the student movement at that time too. However, Li Ying at the impact of scholars and students in the greater too, the more to buy Li Ying eunuchs to death.
  Yan Xi nine (166) eunuch group ordered framed Li Ying, who win over the Pacific students, and Finding the disciples, interconnected, forming cliques, slander affairs of state, corrupt customs. In the eunuchs instigation, Huan much anger and ordered notice the world, to arrest revolutionaries, in addition to Li Ying was arrested, but also implicated the two hundred people. These partisan Xiang Jing, hands, feet together with the so-called "three wooden" tools of torture, the first to be kept covered, he was severely tortured. Li Ying bone is very hard, and very witty, his words for most of the children involved in eunuchs, eunuchs so afraid of court disaster, can not get to the bottom. Qiu Chen Fan Li Ying, who strongly opposed the persecution, he Shang Shu said, "Today people are imprisoned for torture, are at home and prestigious professionals, their loyalty for the country concerned, for them to be ten generations Yourong not enough, that there is no reason to arrest torture their reasons? "Li Ying to his decision to sign the documents and others, was that he categorically rejected. Chenfanzizhong move too the students said: "Strong Yu Chan Chung-held fear." He is well deserved. Queen's father Dou Wu Huan, students always like to make too much, he requested the release of Shang Shu Huan father-in partisan identification, and to plead illness, refer the seal with a threat, forcing Huan had to release partisan, but the provisions of imprisonment for life, not allowed to do Officer. This is the first time the Eastern Han Dynasty, "of Dong disaster."
  The movement of striking groupings subsided, the fear of Chen Fan Yu Qiang Qiu also lost this high. It indicates that there is a storm later. Li Ying this specially for students to write persuasive Xun Shuang Li Ying said: "a long time did not go to visit you, and therefore can not being present teachings, I respect my father the same respect as you do not see you one day, like a year later . know that you too are not as upholding justice, had to retreat to the Yangcheng, entertainment and waters. ... ... had recently found Huan furious, It is Qiu Chenfan official, ... ... is now universal goodness was occluded, and there is moral were abandoned, and smart people avoid misfortune away. so let us down though, I personally have thought that no bad thing. think you will agree, there will be no remorse. I hope you feel good, live peace, behind closed doors rest, Forget about numerous things in life that, drifting of officialdom. "Shuang Gou central meaning of this letter: to his teacher," Qu section in full chaos. "However, Xun Shuang did not expect, was born in troubled times, a few were able to escape, Li Ying Even if the "Qu Day" also inevitably mean death, not to mention, Li Ying how such a person would "bend Day" mean?
  The second "movement of striking groupings"
  Yongkang first year (167 years), Emperor Huan died, 12-year-old Emperor Ling to the throne, Empress Court Affairs hearings, major generals Dou Wu hold real power, only use Chen Fan, as recorded by Tutor Book of things, but also a considerable part of the power control . Dou Wu and Chen Fan eunuchs in power deliberately cut off point is consistent, since both hold real power, the time for action also. Chen Fan and Dou Wu in the deliberations, the only use like-minded as the Book of Order Yin Xun, Liu Yu as sijung, von referred to as the Tuen riding XiaoWei, they recruited was deposed by Li Ying, Liu Meng, Du dense, Zhu Apartments Xun Yi, Chen Jian, who official. The second year in May, Chen Fan advised Dou Wu said: "The old days of Xiao Wang Shi was a eunuch, who died in the hands of recently Ligu, Duccio again be the scourge Zumie. Now Europe and the Temple of Emperor Ling Zhao lactating mothers Female officers, day and night in the confusion Empress, and these people and the eunuchs Goutong these cities. should return quickly to stop them, I prefer to give general pesticides, please consider the general ah! "So, Dou Wu proposed to the Empress, said:" Under the old statute trivia harem eunuch only pipe, listening to beck and call, keep doors, send and receive property only. now their participation in political affairs, the right to hold weight, and their minions all over the country, dry Tanbao cruel thing to do. favor with people of reason here. should be Waste punish all these people out. "Empress do not agree with all the waste punish, in particular, refused to punish her trusted eunuch Cao Jie. At this time high moral weight of Chen Fan, personally persuaded Empress said: "I know that statement is not straight is not correct, then the bully negative people look under the heavens, but the risk with respect, the certainty of the N group hate, leading to dead imminent. I prefer to behead, did not dare bully day of negative people. this Capital clamor clamor, road noise, are talking about eunuch Hou table, Cao Jie, public by Hsin, Wang Fu, and Ms. Zhao Zheng Sa various political chaos after the official ladies do. attached personnel have been promoted from their progress, go against their people would have been framed. now lower-ranking ministers, with the river in the timber, follow the crowd, to Paul bit. His Majesty ascended the throne just kill eunuch Su Kang, management hegemony, not only the living happy, smiling underground Yuangui should, however, a few months but they reuse and tolerance about eunuchs, and then the same about the scourge of big. "Empress would not listen, but Chenfan and Dou Wu has been determined to cut off the news of eunuchs spread out, and so much shock eunuch fear. Situation ends meet, Chen Fan, Dou Wu and the purging of their trusted eunuchs plotting to seize the. Jianning first year (168 years) in August, the first eunuch Zheng Sa grasp torture, even speech and Cao Jie and Wang Fu, is preparing to arrest Cao Jie, who petitioned, eunuchs secretly peep Dou Wu Zhu hunchbacked memorial, intends to open big scolded, said: "Eunuchs are not law-abiding people in the indulgence, of course, can kill those of us who have done wrong? should be Zumie it?" once all the eunuchs fire ignited hatred, then Fan Wu Dou Wu, Chen Fan Emperor Fei of plan to disorder, led by the eunuch Cao section hijacking Empress and Emperor Ling, mustered the officers and men, Dou Wu by outnumbered, suicide, Chen Fan also arrested in murder.
  Dou Wu, Chen Fan eunuchs is cut off too the community celebrities and the support of students. Dou Wu, Chen Fan death, killing the students of social celebrities, and so the second "of Dong disaster" will then come up. The movement of striking groupings, from Jianning years (169 years) from? Lasted more than a decade, implicated the broad, far more than the previous.
  The second movement of striking groupings, from "octupole" one of the Grass Roots, the villain was speculative and false accusations caused Zhu.
  Jian Zhang things, the people advised Li Ying escape. Li Ying said: "The Council do not afraid of danger, the guilty do not avoid the penalty, which is the integrity of his ministers to do. I have 60 years, and death follow the fate of where to flee?" He automatically went to Zhao Yu, was handcuffed swept to death . Migration to the remote areas, his wife, his father and brother disciples Guli involved are subject to imprison.
  Li Ying (110 ~ 169) Minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty in China. Character ceremony. Yingchuan Xiangcheng (today Xiangcheng) people. Held in early Xiaolian, repeatedly moved Green prefectural governor, prefect of Yuyang, Shujun prefect. Case of an aversion to the Spectrum, and more official position flee. Successor Wuhuan XiaoWei, attack Xianbei, took the lead wherever he went, the enemy invariably fear lookout service. Li Ying acoustic side of court. Successor Sili XiaoWei, punish unscrupulous eunuch, "the Book" says: "all yellow door, Attendants are bow breath, afraid to back off the Mu Palace province." Yanxi nine (166) the killing of a knot eunuch, teaching people kill the child Alchemist Zhang, was falsely accused Keeper YOU Shi, and Finding Health Acts, the Department of the party total, libel court and was sentenced to life imprisonment Huan, an official pardon shall not return the fields. The Qin and Han Emperor Huan and ordered a large catch "party", a total of more than 200 fields to be forgiven after the return, were imprisoned for life, this is the case of Dong. Following the position of Emperor Ling, the Great General Dou Wu, Tutor Chen Fan purging of eunuchs conspiracy, citing the world celebrities, only use Li Ying and political participation. Failed, Dou Wu, Chen Fan were dead, Li Ying was again free official detention, arrested after the test was finally killed by Cao rhythm. Li Ying character noble and pure, too respected his students as "world-mode Kai Liyuan Li (Ying)," He who can be appreciated, so we met the students consider themselves as "Tang Lung", worth ten times, clear discussion of the culture of the late Eastern Han Dynasty significant influence.
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