作者 人物列表
斯塔夫理阿诺斯 L. S. Stavrianos杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格 Jerome David Salinger威廉·恩道尔 Frederick William Engdahl
海伦·凯勒 Helen Keller哈雷特·阿班 Hallett Edward Abend哈罗德·伊罗生 Harold R.Isaacs
安迪·沃霍尔 Andy Warhol鲁思.本尼迪克特 Ruth BenedictJ·希利斯·米勒 J.Hillis Miller
诺曼·卡森斯 Norman Cousins刘易斯·拉普曼 Lewis Lapham乔治·索罗斯 George Soros
狄克逊·韦克特 Dixon WecterM·斯科特·派克 M. Scott Peck保罗·海恩 Paul Heyne
戴尔·卡耐基 Dale Carnegie罗曼·文森特·皮尔 Norman Vincent Peale查尔斯·哈尼尔 Charls E. Haanel
乔治·克拉森 George S. Clason唐纳德·克利夫顿 Donald O. Clifton魏斐德 Frederic Evans Wakeman, Jr.
杨振宁 Chen Ning Yang马克·费尔特 Mark Felt詹姆斯·麦格雷戈·伯恩斯 James MacGregor Burns
彼得·德鲁克 Peter F. Drucker基思·鲁珀特·默多克 Keith Rupert Murdoch亨利·福特 Henry Ford
罗伯特·鲁宾 Robert Edward Rubin杰克·韦尔奇 Jack Welch戴维·洛克菲勒 David Rockefeller
安妮·赖斯 Anne Rice安妮·普鲁克斯 Edna Annie Proulx埃尔文·布鲁克斯·怀特 Elwyn Brooks White
海明威 Ernest Hemingway威廉·福克纳 William Faulkner弗兰克·迈考特 Frank McCourt
艾里克斯·哈利 Alex Haley托马斯·哈里斯 Thomas Harris约瑟夫·海勒 Joseph Heller
亨利·米勒 Henry Miller艾萨克·艾西莫夫 Isaac Asimov詹姆斯·凯恩 James Mallahan Cain
杰克·凯鲁亚克 Jack Kerouac玛·金·罗琳斯 Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings玛格丽特·米切尔 Margaret Mitchell
罗伯特·詹姆斯·沃勒 Robert James Waller罗姆·大卫·塞林格 Jerome David Salinger德莱塞 Theodore Dreiser
亨德里克·威廉·房龙 Hendrik Willem van Loon温斯顿·格卢姆 Winston Groom汤姆·戈德温 Tom Godwin
罗斯·麦唐诺 Ross MacDonald欧文·华莱士 Irving Wallace马里奥·普佐 Mario Puzo
克莱夫·卡斯靳 Clive Cussler理安·艾斯勒 Riane Eisler卡尔·杰拉西 Carl Djerassi
埃德加·斯诺 Edgar Snow施赖勃 Flora Rheta Schreiber内尔森·德米勒 Nelson DeMille
卡尔·伯恩斯坦 Carl Bernstein
作者  (1944年2月14日)

阅读卡尔·伯恩斯坦 Carl Bernstein在小说之家的作品!!!
  卡尔·伯恩斯坦(Carl Bernstein,1944年2月14日-)是一名美国记者,是揭穿水门事件丑闻的两名《华盛顿邮报》记者之一。
  1972年,伯恩斯坦与同事鲍勃·伍德沃德通过其内线“深喉”(即马克·费尔特)的情报及协助,率先披露了水门事件丑闻,从而迫使总统尼克逊下台,名噪新闻界。两人也因此获得了1973年的普利策新闻奖,其后他们亦合作将他们的经历撰写成书本《总统班底》,在1974年出版。有关此事件,两人还合著了另外两本书:第一本是《最后的日子》(The Final Days),有关尼克逊下台前的日子,在1976年出版;第二本是在“深喉”的身分于2005年爆光后出版,名为The Secret Man。
  期间撰写了一本有关他父母的自传,名为Loyalties: A Son's Memoir,1989年出版。亦与Marco Politi合著了一本有关若望·保禄二世的传记,名His Holiness: John Paul II & the History of Our Time,1996年出版。其后于2007年出版了一本有关希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿的传记,名A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton。
  第二任妻子为诺拉·艾芙蓉(Nora Ephron),两人1976年结婚,育有二子Jacob及Max,但已因伯恩斯坦的不忠而于1980年离异。伯恩斯坦的出轨对象为玛嘉烈·杰伊(Margaret Jay,詹姆斯·卡拉汉之女),艾芙蓉发现时正怀着第二子Max,更因此早产。艾芙蓉其后将两人的婚姻经过改编成1983年出版的小说《心火》,将影射伯恩斯坦的角色描绘得相当不堪,该小说更在1983年被改编成同名电影。
  伯恩斯坦还在银幕上出现过两次,一次是在喜剧片《白宫也疯狂》(Dick)中,由Bruce McCulloch饰演,另一次由杰克·尼科尔森在《心火》中扮演一个影射伯恩斯坦的角色。
  《总统班底》(All the President's Men)-与鲍勃·伍德沃德合著(1974)ISBN 0-671-21781-X
  《最后的日子》(The Final Days)-与鲍勃·伍德沃德合著(1976)ISBN 0-671-22298-8
  Loyalties: A Son's Memoir(1989)
  His Holiness: John Paul II & the History of Our Time-与Marco Politi合著(1996)
  The Secret Man-与鲍勃·伍德沃德合著(2005)ISBN 0-7432-8715-0
  A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton(2007)ISBN 0-375-40766-9

  Carl Bernstein (pronounced /ˈbɜrnstiːn/ BURN-steen) (born February 14, 1944) is an American journalist who, at The Washington Post, teamed up with Bob Woodward; the two did the majority of the most important news reporting on the Watergate scandal. These scandals led to numerous government investigations, the indictment of a vast number of White House Officians such as H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Charles Colson, and John Mitchell, and the eventual resignation of President Richard Nixon. For his role in breaking the scandal, Bernstein received many awards; his work helped earn the Post a Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 1973.
  In a 1977 Rolling Stone article, Bernstein revealed that over 400 US journalists had been employed by the Central Intelligence Agency, secretly carrying out assignments and publishing news stories for them.
  In his 1989 memoir Loyalties, Bernstein revealed that his parents had been members of the Communist Party, which shocked some because even J. Edgar Hoover had tried and been unable to prove that Bernstein's parents were party members. Bernstein's parents were allegedly persecuted during the 1950s. The FBI conducted surveillance on his family over a 30 year period producing over 2,500 pages of documents, including notes taken by agents staking out his bar mitzvah.
  Bernstein graduated from Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Maryland. He subsequently attended the University of Maryland, College Park, but did not graduate. Bernstein, who is Jewish, is a lifetime member of B'nai B'rith and once was President of B'nai B'rith's Northern Region.
  Bernstein met Margaret Jay, daughter of British Prime Minister James Callaghan and wife of Peter Jay, then UK ambassador to the United States. They had a much-publicised extramarital relationship in 1979. Margaret later became a government minister in her own right. Bernstein and his second wife, screenwriter Nora Ephron, already had an infant son, Jacob, and she was pregnant with their second son, Max, in 1980 when she learned of her husband's affair with Jay. Ephron delivered Max prematurely after finding out. Writer Ephron was inspired by the events to write the 1983 novel Heartburn, which was made into a 1986 film starring Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep. In the thinly fictionalized book, Ephron gave unflattering depictions of both Jay and Bernstein, writing of a husband who was “capable of having sex with a Venetian blind" and saying that Jay looked like a giraffe with "big feet."
  Bernstein then became known for dating Bianca Jagger, Martha Stewart and Elizabeth Taylor.
  He currently resides in New York with his wife, Christine.
  Watergate burglarie
  Watergate tape
  "Saturday Night Massacre"
  United States v. Nixon
  Richard Nixon
  John Dean
  John Ehrlichman
  H. R. Haldeman
  E. Howard Hunt
  Egil Krogh
  G. Gordon Liddy
  Jeb Magruder
  John N. Mitchell
  "Watergate Seven"
  Archibald Cox
  John Sirica
  L. Patrick Gray
  Carl Bernstein
  Bob Woodward
  W. Mark Felt ("Deep Throat")
  Committee for the Re-Election
  of the President (CRP)
  "White House Plumbers"
  Senate Watergate Committee
  v • d • e
  Bernstein began working for The Washington Post in 1966 and played an integral role in his partnership with Bob Woodward during the Watergate scandal. Bernstein was the first to suspect that Nixon played a part, and Bernstein found the laundered check that linked Nixon to the burglary.
  Bernstein quit The Washington Post in 1976. Post-Watergate, he did not realize the same level of success that Woodward did; his frequent appearances in gossip columns resulting from the book Ephron wrote, his arrest, and his dating of Hollywood celebrities overshadowed his journalistic accomplishments. Notably, Washington Post owner Katharine Graham did not invite him to the newspaper's 70th birthday gala, which was widely regarded as a snub given Bernstein's contributions toward bringing the Post to international stature.
  After leaving the Post, he worked as the Washington Bureau Chief and as a senior correspondent for ABC News, taught at New York University, and contributed to Time. Bernstein authored two books with Woodward: All the President's Men, which details the successes and failures of their journalistic efforts against the backdrop of the unfolding scandal, and The Final Days, a recounting of the concluding months of the Nixon presidency, although Woodward questioned Bernstein's contributions to the latter book and reportedly did not want to list Bernstein as a co-author. Woodward said, "It was not the most productive time for Carl." Woodward reportedly turned down offers to again work with Bernstein on an investigative column or any further books.
  He co-authored the book His Holiness: John Paul II & the History of Our Time with Marco Politi. Following the May 2005 revelation of the identity of Deep Throat, Bernstein contributed to Woodward's book The Secret Man, which pertains to Woodward's relationship with Mark Felt.
  Bernstein wrote a memoir, a "pained, loving, intensely felt account of his parents' ordeal, and his own emotional upheaval, during President Harry Truman's loyalty purges." He has also written a biography of Hillary Rodham Clinton, A Woman In Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton, published by Alfred A. Knopf on June 5, 2007.
  He is a contributing editor to Vanity Fair magazine.
  Bernstein was portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in the film version of All the President's Men.
  Bernstein was portrayed by Bruce McCulloch in the 1999 comedy film Dick.
  In the film Heartburn, Jack Nicholson's role was a thinly-veiled portrayal of Bernstein.
  Books authored
  All the President's Men - With Bob Woodward (1974) ISBN 0-671-21781-X,
  The Final Days - With Bob Woodward (1976) ISBN 0-671-22298-8
  Loyalties: A Son's Memoir - (1989)
  His Holiness: John Paul II & the History of Our Time - With Marco Politi (1996)
  The Secret Man - With Bob Woodward (2005) ISBN 0-7432-8715-0
  A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton - (2007) ISBN 0-375-40766-9

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