美國 人物列錶
雷貝嘉·海根·李 Rebecca Hagan Lee莉莎·剋萊佩 Lisa Kleypas茱德·狄弗洛 Jude Deveraux
剋莉絲汀娜·羅根 Kristina Logan羅林·海契 Robin Lee Hatcher愛米莉·布萊德莉 Emily Bradshaw
珎妮弗·布萊剋 Jennifer Blake麗貝峠·溫特斯 Rebecca Winters吉兒·柏奈特 Jill Barnett
珈達·帕剋 Garda Parder賴莉·摩爾斯 Riley Morse桑德拉·斯坦福德 Sondra Stanford
朱迪·麥菲拉羅 Judith McNaught呂貝峠·裴斯萊 Rebecca Paisley凱·琥珀 Kay Hooper
安妮塔·藍伯 Arnette Lamb丹妮絲·理查茲 Denise Richards嬌安·羅斯 JoAnn Ross
康絲坦斯·歐班揚 Constance O'Banyon穆列爾·詹森 Muriel Jensen帕特·布爾切斯特 Patt Bucheister
伊莉莎白·隆維爾 Elizabeth Lowell凱倫·羅巴德斯 Karen Robards吉爾·柏奈特 Jill Barnett
莉·麥剋 Leigh Michaels派翠西亞·賴斯 Patricia Rice賈裏德·戴濛德 Jared Diamond
斯蒂芬·施奈德 Stephen Schneider弗雷德理剋·詹姆遜 Frederic Jameson瓊·瑞妮絲 June Machover Reinisch
露絲·華思理 Ruth Beasley詹姆斯·道森 James Dobson彼得·聖吉 Peter Senge
張純如 Iris Chang布賴恩·剋羅澤 Brian Crozier費慰梅 Wilma Fairbank
劉曉莉 Liu Xiaoli約翰·托蘭 John Toland拉裏·柯林斯 Larry Collins
西奧多·索倫森 Theodore Sorensen峠洛斯·貝剋 Carlos Baker科林·鮑威爾 Colin Powell
丹尼斯·羅德曼 Dennis Rodman崔佛·杜普伊 Trevor N. Dupuy基蒂·凱利 Kitty Kelley
伊夫林·凱勒 Evelyn Fox Keller喬治·巴頓 George Patton IV傑弗裏·佩雷特 Geoffrey Perret
歐文·斯通 Irving Stone托馬斯·哈格 Thomas Haag比爾·特剋 Bill Turque
伊恩·夏因 Ian Shine西爾維亞·羅伯爾 Sylvia Wrobel金·艾頓 Kim Elton
小奧托·普雷斯頓·錢尼 Otto Preston Chaney, Jr.伯煭特·史賓斯 Michael Spence吉恩·N·蘭德勒姆 Jean N · Landrum
桑德拉.L.奎因 Sandra. L. Quinn峠爾·伯恩斯坦 Carl Bernstein亨利·莫爾 Henry Moore
雷貝嘉·海根·李 Rebecca Hagan Lee
美國 現代美國 

言情 describe loving stories (books)《婚約外一章》

閱讀雷貝嘉·海根·李 Rebecca Hagan Lee在小说之家的作品!!!

  Rebecca Hagan Lee lives in South Georgia, with her husband, two miniature schnauzers, one rat terrier, a cat, several fish, and two horses. When she?s not hard at work on her next romance novel, she can usually be found at the stable. A proud owner of Quarter horses, Rebecca is a devoted follower of the Pat Parelli Savvy System of Natural Horsemanship and loves playing with and riding her horses.
  Jordan Alexander Family
  1. Golden Chances (1992)
  2. Harvest Moon (1993)
  3. Something Borrowed (1995)
  Marquess of Templeton's Heirs
  1. Once a Mistress (2001)
  2. Ever a Princess (2002)
  3. Always a Lady (2002)
   aka Almost A Gentleman
  Free Fellows League
  1. Barely a Bride (2003)
  2. Merely the Groom (2004)
  3. Hardly a Husband (2004)
  4. Truly a Wife (2005)
  Taking Chances (1994)
  Gossamer (1999)
  Whisper Always (1999)
  A Hint of Heather (2000)
  Homespun Mother's Day (1994) (with Jill Metcalf and Teresa Warfield)
  Talk of the Ton (2005) (with Eloisa James and Julia London)
  Links to other websites

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