现代中国 List of Authors
Tong NingLiu ZhiwuZhu RenTao Ke
Chen YaniCai KangGe XunMa Dongwei
Gan LupingHe YuqingFang JunWang Lixin
Yao JianguoYang TubinXu ChiHong Shan
Huang JirunQing ShiYang ChengyunMa Ding
Li PingXing ZhiyuanLing YunxiangYang Shengqun
Tian SongnianWei MeiyaXu Jiangshan
Chen YaomingLan BingJi XichenLi Xianyuan
Lu YuegangYu JiangZhu YaminZhang Zeshi
Lin ChengxiXu RongshengZhe FuZhang Yuwen
Wang ShuShao FengChen QinengChen Duide
Ren YanfangChen YuLiu KangjianYang Gongsu
He HushengBo ErFu XipengYao Lu
Ren JianminTu QiaoWang HuningYu Wujin
Lu XingshengDou HongtaoXiao GuanhongPan Suiming
Tong Ning
现代中国  (1957 AD)
Township: 武汉

Tourist festivals represented by the Beijing International Tourist Culture Festival shall be further improved.《澳门往事》

Read works of Tong Ning at 旅游地理
  Journalists, producers
  Tong Ning (1957 -), male, native of Wuhan, was born in Nanjing, senior reporter, now working for China Central Television, he served as the Educational Program Center of CCTV Channel editorial director, is a well-known contemporary Chinese television curator, producer people, television theorists, documentary experts. August 1983 graduated from the Beijing Broadcasting Institute and Television and served as director, reporter, producer, documentary, Deputy Director, Deputy Director of the Ministry of Culture feature, editorial director of the western Channel and other staff. Radio and Television Institute of Sichuan University, Adjunct Professor.
  Participated in the founding, planning a "watch thinking," "Oriental Horizon", "Focus", "News Investigation", "economic half-hour", "dialogue" and "Happy Dictionary" and a series of famous column as the "canal people" "360 million people in the experiment", "extended the Great Wall", "in northwest China" and more than 10 large-scale general director of the documentary.
  Presided over the national "Ninth Five" Social key projects - "TV Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" sub-topic "television program form" of the research, published Bai Yupian, and served as "Outline of Chinese TV," the pipeline. Published the "impromptu interview", "television program structure methods", "new concept of television reporters," "On TV Communication Forms" and other works. More than 10 works by the State Government Award. Publishing novels, poetry, prose Bai Yupian, for a total of more than million words.
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