List of Authors
Xu LianLiang TingnanZhang ZhidongKong Shangren
Si XiyunjianziGuo XunDan TianfangMei Xiyuanshi
Yu SezhaizhurenChang AndaorenguoqingOuyang JuyuanLan Gaozhuren
Yin ZhannaxiHuang ShihengZhong XingZhu Shouzhu
Wu YushuChen ZhipingHua QinshanDing Bingren
Tu ShenWu HangyekeTian TengjiaoLuo Lan
Wang ZengqiYu HuaChi LiQi Jun
Wei HuiCao YuBei CunLiu Ping
Feng JicaiChen SaiheZhang PeihengLuo Yuming
Yang DongmingXu GuixiangZhu XiuhaiHuang Xudong
Li MulingPan JiahuaChen QingYu Feng
Lan RuoxiaoqianFu LeiZhang ChengzhiXu Kaizhen
Hai YanYang JinyuanGao MantangSun Jianye
Zi YouhangzouBan DaokuqiangGao JianqunXu Kun
Qing MeiHe DunJian ZhenLi Zehou
Xu Lian
  (1787 AD1862 AD)
Name and Alias: 叔夏
Township: 浙江海宁

leisurely corpus《六朝文絜》

Read works of Xu Lian at 散文天地
  Xu Lian (1787-1862) Qing dynasty scholars. Zi Shu Xia, No. Shan Lin, Yue Tian San people, rooms were red bamboo cottage, rhyme Court, my vegetarian line. Haining people. Chin dynasty thirteen years. Li Zhili official magistrate Pingdu know the state. Officials do Jingmin, I do not waste the public school. Committed to the text of the study and research governance "Dictionary" has been quite a record. Zhongding Wen also well versed in the word. Six titles to their homes. Kim Shin Zhuanli book. The push for the Tan Xian, claiming Sishudizi. Also the text. Author of "Old Man House are" volume, "Poems of Ancient House are" roll, "read that article in mind," a roll of (income "were the ancient House posthumous"), "Shuo Wen Jie Zi system chien" (has Yi ), "Xiyuan Lu Yi Long" four frontispiece volume, "of the Traditional left" two volumes, "fill" volume, "Ancient House Po were burning," "Board of Punishments cf the case of addition and subtraction as the" three vols, "sequel" Three vols, "Heinisch public Minghuan Xiangxian anecdotes" roll. See biography, "Henin state records, issued" Volume VIII, Tan Xian "Xu Fu Jun the well-known."
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