List of Authors
Mu NaizanpuMou RuzanpuKhri-lde-srong-btsan, Sad-na-legsKhri-gtsug-lde-btsan, Ral-pa-can
Gldarmavod-srungyum-brtanVisa Sambhava
Li CongdeVia’ DharmaVijiya SangramaDae Jung-sang
Da ZuorongTu DijiLi JinhangQi Sibiyu
Da WuyiDa QinmaoDa YuanyiDa Huayu
Da ShonglinDa YuanyuDa YanyiDa Mingzhong
Da RenxiuDa YizhenDa QianhuangDa Xuanxi
Da WeixieDa YinzhuanDa GuangxianDuan Shunhuanghou
Ye LvanduanLie MohuaWu XuanmingMeng Xinuluo
Meng LuochengyanMeng YangeMeng ChengluopiMeng Piluoge
Meng GeluofengMeng YimouxunMeng XungequanMeng Quanlongsheng
Meng QuanlishengMeng QuanfengyouMeng ShilongMeng Longshun
Meng ShunhuazhenZheng MaisiZheng RenminZheng Longdan
Zhao ShanzhengYang GanzhenZhu PianZhu Huizha
Zhu QuanZhu DianpeiZhu JinjunZhu Panshi
Mu Naizanpu
  (762 AD798 AD)
Reign797 AD798 AD

  Chisongdezan had four sons. 797, Chisongdezan the throne passed to a foot of fried. Many records that Nai Tsenpo more than only 1 year in office, but some Western scholars believe that 797 to 804. His father's funeral, using a ritual rather than the Bon Buddhist rituals. He came to the throne, three times the average wealth of the people, but the result is the rich getting richer and the poor poorer. 798, he's his mother's Drepung kill him, his brother Mutik Tsenpo throne.
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(797 AD798 AD)
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