List of Authors
Li ZongrenCen ChunxuanYan GuganLi Denghui
Chen ShuibianMa YingjiuLiu ShaojiXian Xinghai
Shang XiaoyunLiu LiuZhao ShiyanLi Tang
Duan SaipingDuan SaiyingDuan SailiangDuan Saicong
Duan SushunDuan SuyingDuan SulianDuan Sulong
Duan SuzhenDuan SuxingDuan SailianDuan Lianyi
Duan ShouhuiGao ShengtaiDuan ZhengchunDuan Yu
Duan ZhengxingDuan ZhixingDuan ZhilianDuan Zhixiang
Duan XiangxingDuan XingzhiDuan ShiDuan Zhong
Duan QingDuan ZhengDuan LongDuan Jun
Duan YiDuan GuangDuan GongDuan Bao
Duan MingDuan ShiDuan ZhengmingYang Yizhen
Han TuozhouDang HuaiyingQin WuwangQin Huiwenwang
Qin XiaogongQin XiangongQin ChugongQin Huigong
Qin JiangongQin LinggongQin HuaigongQin Zaogong
Li Zongren
  (August 13, 1891 ADJanuary 30, 1969 AD)
Name and Alias: 德邻
Township: 广西省桂林西乡村
Reign1949 AD1950 AD

  Guangxi Army's primary third
  May 1923, the Beijing government appointed as commanders in Guilin; November, Rending Gui military commander, and Route Expeditionary Army commander Huang Shaoxiong cooperation.
  January 1926, was elected the KMT Central Committee alternate monitors, second; in March, National Revolutionary Army 7th Army commander, in July his troops to participate in the Northern Expedition.
  1930, to participate in the Central Plains War and enlarged.
  December 1935, Ren Xianggui Guizhou bandits commander;
  January 1938, he was appointed Military Committee, Chairman of the Anhui provincial government; in March, the Governor went to Taierzhuang division, hit the Japanese.
  January 21, 1949 announced the retreat of Chiang Kai-shek, the same day as Deputy President, the peace movement into the rotation policy; peace talks break down, cross the river were the military, the government moved to Chongqing office in October, is made by medical care, from Nanning fly to Hong Kong in December flew to the United States, for a long time lag of no return.
  Early activity
  In 1926 the Northern Expedition, Li Tsung-jen National Revolutionary Army 7th Corps, first in Central beat Wu Pei-fu's forces, but also beat the Sun Chuanfang in the Department of Jiangxi Province, the 7th Army was also called the "steel arms." April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek in Shanghai Qing Li Tsung-jen to support the party. May, mediation Cunningham split, Nanjing, Wuhan, to avoid war between. In August, together with the main Sun Chuanfang Yingqin defeat at Longtan. May 1928, he was appointed commander of the Fourth Army, and President of Wuhan Branch, headquarters teams to the north, into to Beijing, Tianjin. Gui-controlled areas from Guangxi, Hunan to Beijing and Tianjin, the total strength of precision is 20 million.
  May 1936, Li, white joint Guangdong Chenjitang to "Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army," the name of Chiang. Chiang Kai-shek as the Guangdong army was bought, Chenjitang forced to step down. To August, Lee, White announced their support for Chiang Kai-shek led by the Japanese, then reconciliation with Chiang Kai-shek.
  The end of 1944, Chiang Kai-shek in the Sino-Japanese War ended on the eve of Li Tsung-jen to prevent the growth of US-led forces of Guangxi, Li Tsung-jen from the fifth to the location of the theater commander of the Executive raised a "military committee chairman in Hanzhong line camp director" in the name command of the First, Fifth, 10 3 theater, is actually a dummy body, kicked upstairs, slashing the military leadership.
  Chiang Kai-shek and Li Tsung-jen was taken in after the inauguration ceremony. According to Li Tsung-jen recalled, Chiang Kai-shek deliberately let him know to wear Chinese dress, the results he was in uniform, looks like it was Chiang's aide. The end of 1948, Chiang Kai-shek in the military, economic and diplomatic suffered serious setbacks. Militarily, the military defeat on the battlefield, the country, a total reversal of military force. Economically, the outbreak of gold yuan Shanghai storm. Foreign policy, Truman said after taking office, on the Chiang Kai-shek lost confidence. Chiang Kai-shek finally January 21, 1949 announcement to retire from Li Tsung-jen, "acting" President.
  March 1954, the ROC National Assembly's impeachment by the Control Yuan Li Tsung-jen, dismissed vice president, Li Tsung-jen. Some people suspect this is when President Chiang Kai-shek's control, but another motivation for the impeachment of the Republic of China presidential election, the second Vice-President: statement on the general legal principle, not completed in 1954, the resignation of the program is still the Republic of China Li Tsung-jen Vice President. In order to avoid during the presidential elections, both old and new president to resign and transfer of complicated legal issues arising from, the National Assembly after consideration decided on the presidential election, first impeachment of Li Tsung-jen.
  Li Tsung-jen has three wives. First wife, Xiu-Wen Li, Li Tsung-jen is arranged under the age of 20 married parents, the second wife Guode Jie, Li Tsung-jen 35 years of age to marry is a "flat wife", in March 1966 passed away in Beijing. His third wife in 1968, Li Tsung-jen age 78, married the daughter of actress Hu Die, 26-year-old female nurse Huyou Song.
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