List of Authors
Shen GuofanWang WenzhengA ChengMu XinLing Li
Zhu WeiqunYang WenPei XiaominZhu YoudiWei Haozheng
Li WeiZhao JianxinXiong ZhaozhengMin ZepingDeng Jiugang
Wang XipingWang LunhangZhang GongchenFeng JiZhang Yuncheng
Zhang YunHan HongquanHu XingdouMo MingZhang Zhaoyu
Cao HongtaoLi HuanzhiLi YouyuanYong ZhengKang Xi
Shun ChiYang YouXian FengTong ChiGuang Xu
Xuan TongZhuan XuKuDi ZhiDi Yao
ShunYuYan DiShen NongshiPan Gushi
XiaqiTai KangTian HuangshiDi HuangshiRen Huangshi
You ChaoshiSui RenshiNv WashiDa TingshiZhong Kang
Xia XiangShao KangZhuHuaiMang
Shen Guofan
Township: 江苏大丰

Read works of Shen Guofan at 历史大观
Read works of Shen Guofan at 小说之家
  Forward to the novel "A Dry White Love" and four, Reportage "Soul of the Yangtze River," and so, publish poetry, prose, fiction, reportage, film script more than 200 million words of literature. Bandit series long: the first, "the first bandit"; second "female bandit chieftain." Reportage: "last" coming out "- Peng in Panzhihua." The detection of novel full-length documentary: "Manor specter - Liu Wencai Mystery Manor errand." Reflect the communist group founded in Paris long documentary: "Paris torch." Reportage: "corrupt officials and his lovers."
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