List of Authors
Su YanwenWu ZhenWang YuandingMa Qianzhai
Ren YuZhang ZijianGao ShiQian Lin
Gu DerunCao DeDong JunruiWang Juzhi
Shao YuanchangZhou JieWang ZhongyuanZhang Mingshan
Zhao YongXianyu XinrenGuan DanbingXu Zaisai
A LuweiLi JixianLi BazhanGu Gu
Da SiweiyinShen XiSong JiongYang Weizhen
Gao KeliLiu TingxinLi JiongLiang Yin
Shu DiLiu PoxiXia TingzhiWang Yuanheng
Zhu ZhongyiShang ShunminDeng YubinSun Zhouqing
Li BangjiJing YuanqiLv JiminCha Deqing
Wu LinyinZhao XianhongTang YifuLi Aishan
Wang AishanAi ShanZhu TingyuLi Dezai
Cheng JingchuZhao YanhuiDu ZunliSun Jichang
Qin ZhucunLi ZhiyuanTong TongxueshiSha Zhengqing
Su Yanwen

Poetry《cycle of songs in a traditional opera》   

Read works of Su Yanwen at 诗海
  Birth and death unknown. Jinhua (modern Zhejiang) were, and Zhong Sicheng peers. Yuan Li Qi "Yunyang set" Volume II "send Su Yanwen return Jinhua sequence" contains the: "auxiliary to knowledge, Jiangxi province, the reputation of Xiran. Entered in the book, destroy the introduction of the post .. sorry for the auxiliary when the integrity level, perhaps a cent power to impose on people, but this shall in poetry and literature, edge them with the word John, On the Wing Yee Chong, tilting a moment. "Yuan Zhong Si into a" Ghost Book Catalog, "said he was" way cool profile for more adjustment and Zhu Yue, excellent. "Today the only remaining copy number set, write the poor of the poor snow life style ho pungent rotten.
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