人物传记 de shēng huó My life   》 de shēng huó My life      'ěr · lín dùn William Jefferson Clinton

     My life
  xiǎo shuō shì duì mìng yùn de zhǎn shìbìng qiě zhǎn shì běn shēn shèn tòu yuè zhěshǐ de xīn líng ròu shēn shū huǎn huò jǐn zhāngjīng yóu huò zhǒng liàngzhè liàngbìng shì zhēng xìng de liàngér shì chéng shòu xìng de liàngmìng yùn zhéfǎn duō biàn

  The novel is the destiny of the show, and to demonstrate their penetration of the reader, to make his mind and body to relieve tension or by a force thus obtained. This force, not strive for happiness strength, but strength to bear misfortune. Fate of the twists and turns, repeated, varied.

dì   I   [II]   yè

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