推理侦探 》 妻子 Wife 》
妻子 Wife
齋藤榮 Saito Wing
Wife 第一章疑惑 1 康代對丈夫關澤良英的安全一直放心不下。關澤纔五十歲就 當上了憲民黨的國會對策委員長,有人嫉妒他的破例發跡,況且, 總務會長友納又是與他針鋒相對的政敵。 有人傳說,和友納串通一氣的暴力集團成員正在伺機謀害關 澤。儘管未必如此,卻不得不防備。 關澤府占地上千平方米,當中一座鋼筋混凝土結構的三層樓 房,坐落在一片緑樹叢中。高高的圍墻,一般人是翻不進去的。 一個月前,圍墻頂端通上了秘密電網,一旦有人非法攀墻,電鈴 就會自動報警。院內放養着兩衹受過嚴格訓練的狼狗,衹要有可 疑的人進來,狼狗就會叫起來。 因此,不走一前一後兩個門,任何人都休想進入關澤府內, 警戒十分森嚴。門口設有執勤點,除原有的兩名警衛員外,一個 月前又增加了兩名青年部的黨員擔任警戒。 即使這樣戒備森嚴,康代仍舊為關澤的人身安全提心吊膽。 其原因是,元且那天,她所倍奉的大日本光靈教女巫曾對她 說: “令年您傢主人的人身有發生變故的預兆,您可要多加小心, 好好守着他!” 她問女巫: “是什麽樣的變故呢?” 女巫卻不正面回答她,衹是說: “這是神的安排。” 這使得康代更加恐懼了。 一定是有人要謀害他! 康代這樣覺得。對於關澤的玫治活動,她始終充當着秘書般 的角色,有時也參與意見。這也許是她繼承了她父親——一位憲 民黨長老的血統的緣故吧。然而,防犯暴徙這件事,對於身為女 人的康代來說,畢竟是十分睏難的。 關澤衹要出府一步,就要帶上保鏢。最近,由於康代的勸說, 保鏢又從歷來的一名增加到兩名。 “不要纍的,那麽輕易就被殺了還了得!” 五十歲的關澤容光煥發,他眨了眨小眼睛對康代這樣說遣。 但康代仍覺得不可大意。 “你可不要以為同是黨內的人就疏忽呀!” 二月十五日這天旱晨,康代對關澤這樣說逍。關澤正在用面 包片就着鮮果汁和菜湯吃旱餐。這時,他忽然停住了手。 “你是說友納?這個人近幾天幹了一件怪事。” “什麽事7” “他保管着黨的保險櫃,可是他偷偷摸摸地從那裏面拿走了 三千萬元現金。不知究竟為了什麽……” “是非法挪用公款嗎?” “不,還不能那麽說。以後的情況,我已經讓石田去調查 了。” “就是那個石田茂先生?” “對。” 石田是關澤的私人秘密情報員。國會議員除了需要正式的秘 書以外,還需要這類手足。 “是不是因為連續休假,銀行關門,他需要現金,就挪用了 公款呢?” “當然是這樣。不過,一般說來,一下子需要三幹萬元現金, 事倩就非同小可了。” “那會是怎麽回事呢?” “比如搞暗地裏的交易,用支票就會給人傢留下證據,所以 就要用現金。” “那麽說,這個人在搞什麽陰謀……” “有可能。” 說到這裏,大門傳達室的內綫電話傳來了石田到來的報告。 2 不一會兒,石田進了客廳。他身材矮小,顯得有些寒酸,而 雙目卻炯炯有神。 關澤穿着和服,不停地用手帕擦着嘴,從餐室裏緩緩走出, 重重地坐到大沙發裏。 康代也在他旁邊坐下,打算聽聽石田的匯報。 “怎麽樣?” 關澤單刀直入地問道。關澤辦事很講究效率,正因為如此, 遇事往往急於下結論。 “是。” 石田從兜裏詢出筆記本打開來。 “那三千萬元現金的用途搞搞楚了嗎?”關澤急不可待地問 道。 “我給當時在場的職員一些甜頭,試探了一下,看樣子他們 一點兒也不知遣。” “嗯,這倒也是。友納不會對這種人說的。” 關澤抱着胳膊點着頭。 “所以,衹能根據倩況來判斷了,先生。” “什麽情況?” “三千萬元已經歸還了。十三日……” “這星期一開頭?好快呀。是用他自己的存款還的嗎?” “不,不是的。他把自己的高爾夫會員權處理掉了。不,說 得準確一些,他以此為前提,藉了一筆款子。實際上,我已經設 想他會那樣做,便布下了羅網,到被稱做友納派的‘極東高爾夫 俱樂部’去核實了情況。” “嗯,是嗎,現金已經歸還了?這樣看來,三千萬現金是用 到什麽地方去了。還有什麽情況?”關澤問道。 “我覺得友納秘書的行動可疑。”他迅速回答遣,“第一秘 書神山不見了,至今去嚮不明。” “他總該和老婆聯繫吧……” “對,我也是這麽想的。本打算在神山傢裏裝上竊聽器…… 可是,沒用。” 石田嘴角上浮現出一絲自嘲似的微笑。 “怎麽沒用?”關澤問道。 “她不在。也就是說,他們夫婦倆都在外投宿了。” “奇怪!”關澤朝康代掃了一眼,然後說,“從新渴冒着暴 風雪回來以後,第一秘書夫妻倆忽然消失。再就是這三千萬。這 裏面一定有名堂,而且是很緊急的……” “是的。當然,我還調查了一下第二秘書酒井的情況。他正 在探聽一個從前一直為友納開車的司機井村光三的倩況,行動十 分可疑。” “我想知道的就是這個……”關澤不耐煩地說道。 “我明白。關於友納傢的內情,我已經和一個叫中根禮子的 女人牽上了綫,現在,正在請她打聽。因為她是友納夫人的好友, 又想不到我是在為先生工作,我想她能打聽到一些情況的。實際 上她現在正在那裏拜坊,所以估計明天就可以得到令人滿意的回 話或是報告了……” 石田有意亮出這張王牌來安慰性急的關澤。 “是個女人?……不管怎麽樣,要仔細調查!” “我明白!” “那麽……”康代插了進來,“是否……有形跡表明,他們 用這三幹萬雇用了刺客?” “什麽?殺害先生?恐怕不致於……” 石田急忙否定。然而,也許是心理作用,他的聲音很低。 “我很擔心……” 康代喃喃地說遣,帶着一絲嘆息…… 3 石田走後,關澤對康代說道: “我下午去赤阪,在這之前查些資料。”說完便進了書房。 康代回到自己屋裏,在橢圓形西式梳妝臺前坐下,剛纔談話 的石田又浮現在她眼前。。 這個人真地掌握了友納的情況嗎?……三幹萬現金的事似乎 也說得含糊其詞…… 康代想起了石田那身材矮小、目光犀利的形象。他表面上忙 忙碌碌,而實際上卻和衹會團團轉圈的小傢屬一樣,讓人覺得很 不牢靠。 不過,根據石田報告的情況來看,友納的確把三千萬元“付 給什麽人了”。 付了三千萬元,還必須秘密處理的事,恐怕是不能拿到光天 化日之下來的。 莫非是…… 康代正對着鏡子,目不轉晴地盯着映在鏡子裏的自己的臉。 臉頰上的肌肉在微微痙攣。 也許是什麽不可告人的……犯罪成功的報酬……或是預 付的報酬?她想。 忽然,她覺得背後冷森森的,忙從鏡子裏窺視了一下屋門。 她仿佛看見門被推開了,一個陌生的刺客出現在那裏。 他們要謀害的會不會是我丈夫?…… 想着想着,她最大的不安似乎變成了現實。 友納突然下决心要除掉關澤,付出三千萬元巨款,雇來刺 客……這完全有可能! 但是……衹要在傢裏,誰也休想碰他一根汗毛! 康代在心裏說道。國會議員中就曾有過冒似自殺而實為他殺 的先例。他們之間的勾心鬥角實在令人生畏。康代是知道這一點 的。 她力所能及的是,至少丈夫在傢的時候,她要竭盡全力來保 證他的安全。 今年,自從受到“神的啓示”以來,關澤府簡直象個攻不破 的城廊一樣壁壘森嚴。衹要有人翻墻,電鈴就會報警。 即便進到院裏,也逃不出狼狗的目光和嗅覺。 警衛員也增加到四名,晝夜輪番擔任警戒。眼下,衹要保持 現狀,即使老練的刺客,也休想潛入院內。 康代一面這樣想,一面又産生了新的不安,其它地方會不會 還有漏洞呢? 她站起來走出屋子,經過走廊,登上了通嚮三樓的階梯。這 座三層褸房的三樓是日光室。東南西三面玻璃,天氣好的時候, 即使是隆鼕,也可以不用暖氣而十分暖和。同時,這裏很適於眺 望。 從遠處看上去,這層的玻璃房和二層華麗的彩繪玻璃窗非常 別緻,象一座聳立在庭院樹木之中的水晶宮。 康代在朝南的玻璃門前停住了腳步。嚮下望去,透過自己院 裏的樹木,可以看見墻外的人傢。 “啊!” 有個東西在她的視野中移動了一下。她覺得有點兒奇怪,於 是拿起了始終放在這間日光室裏的小型雙筒望遠鏡,朝那邊望去。 4 康代註視着對面一座小褸的窗口。她覺得在這個窗口裏有個 男人的身影一閃而過。 居民樓裏有點兒什麽動靜,這在平常並不值得大驚小怪。然 而,這時康代的心懵與平日不同。那個男人剛纔好象也正舉着雙 筒望遠鏡在觀寮這邊的情形。 真奇怪!她想。 那座樓房的一層是“田晶電器店”,二層三層用做住處。 “田晶電器店”的店主在去年年底突然去世了,衹剩下老伴 和兩個女兒。 這傢照理沒有男人了。然而,剛纔進入康代視綫的無疑是一 個男人的身影。 而且她覺得,對面那個男人,剛纔似乎在肆無忌憚地觀察着 自己的傢。 有人在監視我們,怎麽辦?!…… 血液一下子涌上了她的頭部。這時,康代的心理,幾乎處於 一種被害的幻覺狀態之中。 她又一次回想起關澤和石田的談話。 那個人可能在偵察我們傢的建築結構和進出口。這可不得 了!…… 這可以說是她的直覺。當然,並沒有什麽確鑿的根據,衹是 她自己這樣認為。她把雙筒望遠鏡放在日光室的木桌上,就驚慌 失措地跑下了樓。 跑到關澤的書房前,她連忙敲了敲門。 “我打擾你一下……” “什麽事那麽大喊大叫的?進來吧。” 關澤話音未落,康代已經進了書房。關澤把轉椅轉過來,朝 她看了一眼。 “剛纔,我從三層的日光室裏,看見對面樓房和三層一樣高 的窗戶裏,有個男人正在用雙筒望遠鏡嚮這裏偷看。” “那又怎麽了?有什麽可疑的跡象嗎?” 關澤皺起了眉頭。 “這還不夠嗎?用望遠鏡偷看別人的傢……” “這說明不了問題!咱們也常從日光室裏嚮下看。” 關澤是個很有膽量的男子。 “不,那傢電器行的樓裏,照理是沒有男人的,可是,我剛 纔看見的,的確是個男的……” 康代想讓關澤知道,事情比關澤考慮的要嚴重得多。 “她們傢的親戚朋友裏,就不許有男人了嗎?而且,咱們傢 的彩繪玻璃窗又大又別緻,外面的人都喜歡看看,這個你不是也 知道嗎?” 關澤俯的圓形大彩繪玻璃窗,是關澤自己特意按照奧林匹剋 的五輪聖火設計的圖案,直徑有兩米。 “是啊,可是……正趕上這個時侯,我好象感覺到了什麽不 祥之兆,所以……” “喂喂,你不要嚇唬我好不好!聽你說什麽‘不祥之兆’, 我也有點兒緊張起來了,仿佛覺得這屋裏就藏着刺客似的。” “不會有……這種事吧。” “是不是?……出了這個傢門,倒是真有那麽七八個對頭, 可是在傢裏就沒關係了。你整天憂心忡忡的有什麽用?你那麽提 心吊膽地嚮我報告這報告那的,我的心髒也受不了啊!” “請原諒!” 康代低下了頭。 “用不着嚮我道歉。反正,即使有人要謀害我,也是在外面 下手,我盡量小心就是了。” “我是想,那三千萬元……” 康代剛要說下去,關澤卻滿不在乎地打斷了她的話。“行了 行了,我當然明白,即使交到了刺客手裏,那種見錢眼開的人, 也未必能幹出什麽名堂來……” “那可不見得,如果疏忽大意,也許就會有直升飛機或是小 型飛機從房頂上撞下來……” “要是這麽幹、就三千萬元可太不上算了。專幹刺客的都是 看錢辦事,哪會這麽賣命幹?頂多幹些朝車子打冷槍之類的事。 我的車上裝着防彈玻璃,而且外出的時侯都穿着德國造的防彈背 心。我怎麽能輸給這種卑鄙的傢夥!” “你的心情我理解。可是……十一年前,友納先生的政敵杉 椅先生臥軌自殺,關於他的死,不是有各種議論嗎?” 憲民黨政調會長杉崎吾一,有人稱他是新派領導人,有人稱 他是黨的皇太子。十一年前夏季的一天,他忽然衝上橫濱市內的 東海道新幹綫鐵路,被列車象“絞肉”似的軋得粉身碎骨。 他沒有留下遺書,這個事件暫且被當作自殺事件處理了。然 而在當時,反對派杉崎氏的死,對於嶄露頭角的友納來說是非常 有利的。 “嗯,真是心狠手毒啊!一旦需要,他會不擇手段,這一點 我是有切身體會的。” 關澤重重地點點頭,朝妻子微微一笑。從表情上可以看出, 他不打算再說下去了。但是,實際上,他應當進一步認真思考。 當他意識到這一點的時侯,不幸的事件已經發生了。 第二章警戒 1 按照康代的直覺,她感到,那個被稱做老狐狸的友納總務會 長,正在策劃謀害她丈夫。 但這並沒有什麽科學的根據。事實上,在平安無事之中,又 迎來了二月十六日。 這一天,風和日麗,是鼕季裏十分暖和的一天,這天氣使人 感到春天已經來臨了。 白天,同屬福本派的幹部三杉好太郎議員拜訪了關澤府。 議員們之間,多是表面上笑容可掬,而內心相互充滿憎恨和 敵意的。據一位報社記者親眼目睹,後來為人們所議論的一個事 例就很有典型意義。某議員在攝影師面前,與另一議員談笑風生, 甚至相互握手。然而,照相機一撤,他見周圍沒有其他人了,嘴 裏便不幹不淨地駡道。“這個混帳東西……”並朝對方離去的方 嚮“呸”的一聲吐了口唾沫。 時常看到這種場面的記者證實說,這還算好的,更有甚者, 其語言之污穢,簡直不堪入耳。在這種明爭暗鬥、飛揚跋扈之中, 關澤和三杉同屬一個派係,成了好友。這不僅是因為兩人選區不 同,也因為他們從高中時代起就是所謂情投意合的故友。 三杉來訪的目的,是商量有關福本派的聚會事宜,打算把每 月一次的“三日月會”,增加到兩次。 在客廳裏,三杉一見到身着睡衣的關澤,便開門見山地說道: “我認為,我們也有必要面嚮總裁選舉,進一步加強本派係 內部的團结。其他派係每月聚會兩次,你不覺得我們也應當這麽 做嗎?” 這時,康代也在座。在商談政治的時候,她通常是要回避的, 但與三杉的談話卻是一個例外。 “行啊。這是一種示威行動,所以一次照舊在‘老鬆’餐館, 另一次安排在‘聖柱’飯店這類的地方,開得隆重一點兒,怎麽 樣?……” 關澤當即表示贊同。 “嘿,咱們總是英雄所見略同,真痛快!” 三杉光禿禿的額頭在吊燈下閃閃發光。他衹是在這一點上與 頭髮斑白的關澤不同。 “這半年左右對我們來說,可是關鍵時刻啊!總之,我們必 須團结一致……” 康代在一旁補充說道: “正因為如此,你們可要提高警惕呀!” “我這口子總認為有人要謀害我。我哪會那麽容易就被殺 了!……” 三杉憂鬱地說道, “夫人言之有理,現在到處充滿了危險。”頓了頓,他又間, “有什麽徵候嗎?” 關澤替康代接過話茬: “哦,是這樣……她說這是她所信奉的神賜給她的神渝。總 之,我看是小心無大過……不說這個了,怎麽樣?咱們玩一局 吧?” “玩一局?” “就是我們傢地下室的那種高爾夫球,高爾夫球的短打加臺 球似的玩法。上次你不是也玩過嗎?” “哦,是那玩意兒!嗯,四個球穴……好哇,來一局!……” 在這方面,兩個人總是不謀而合。 這種高爾夫球在芙國、加拿大、新西蘭等國甚為流行,目前 在日本,這種球場也在不斷增加。打法與高爾夫球的短打十分相 似,但需要打反彈球和越水球,是一種很有趣的遊戲。正規場地 與普通高爾夫球場一樣,設十八個球穴,而關澤在這個地下室裏 建的是四穴場地,供自己和康代及秘書娛樂之用。 2 地下室裏暖氣設備很好,穿一件毛衣就十分暖和了。在日光 燈的照舊下,縱嚮排列着四陪場地。在第一球穴的旁邊,有第二 球穴的發球揚。 標準打數為二,這四路揚地由於是關澤請人特為設計建造的, 因而獨具風格。 第一球穴隔着一個水池,如果掌握不好距離,打出的球達不 到對岸就會落人水中,成為死球。 第二球穴前面是個陡坡,坡上有條管子,如果把球打進管子, 就有可能一擊便進球穴。當然,並不能保證百分之百都如此。 第三球穴周圈有一道半圓環形墻,衹要把球沿着麯綫準確打 去,也可以一擊便進。 第四球穴前面障礙物林立,必頒象打臺球那樣,把球打到墻 上並反彈回來,纔可能進穴。這個穴設在高臺上,球碰到對面的 墻壁後往往直接反彈回發球場地,很容易成為死球。這是最難過 的一關。 “上回和你來玩的時候,第四球穴比現在這個簡單得多吧?” 關澤手持心愛的輕擊棒對三杉說道。 “是啊,沒這麽復雜。” 三杉點點頭。 “改建以後,我也是第一次來打。如此復雜,恐怕美國的專 傢也很難一擊就進吧。” 關澤顯得十分得意。據說打這種高爾夫球的專傢,一般的球 穴是一擊便進的。 “我呀,對我老頭子說過,這過於復雜了。” 關澤去美國考察原子能産業時,迷上了這種奇怪的遊戲,對 此,康代心裏很不贊戌,因此縧於脫口說出了這話。 “不,世上無難事嘍,衹要肯幹,就沒有幹不成的!” “那麽,你先來吧……” 三杉聽關澤這麽一說,便拿起了緑色的球。 在第一球穴處,三杉把球打過了水池,第二下便打進了球穴。 “好樣的!” 關澤用一個黃球來嚮他挑戰,結果打數相同。 接着,康代也拿起一個紅球,結果衹一下就把球打落到水裏 去了。她很不擅長玩這種球。 第二球穴三杉是標準打數,而關澤把球打進了管子,衹這一 擊便進了球穴。康代也偶然地一擊便進了。 “夫人,到底還是在自己傢打得好哇。”三杉說道。 “哪裏,不行。我幾乎從來不練習。我老頭子每晚睡前總要 獨自練上幾回。” “哪兒有那麽回事啊!……”關澤難為情地說道。 第三球穴三杉和關澤都是一擊便進,康代是標準打數。 終於到了第四球穴了。 “我來做示範……” 說着,關澤誰備好輕擊棒,敞了一下深呼吸,把高爾夫球打 了出去。球準確地打在側面墻上並彈了出來,嚮球穴滾去。但是 非常可惜,在離穴口一釐米左右的地方,球停住了。 球場上鋪着平坦光滑的布料,球可以在上面暢快地滾動。 管如此,剛纔的這種情形仍是常有的。 “真可藉!” 三杉一邊說,一邊準備好輕擊棒。與打普通高爾夫球的草坪 不同,這種場地上畫有擊球的路綫。三杉輕輕一擊,球便準確地 彈出來滾進了球穴,就象被吸進去似的。 “好球!”康代情不自禁地說道。 “我輸給你了!” 關澤的表懵顯得十分惋藉。 “偶然,偶然,這完全是偶然的……” 三杉深知關澤是個不服輸的人,便笑着推說這完全出於“偶 然”。 3 下午,關澤先是聽取了選區居民的意見,然後給黨總部打電 話,忙個不停。 在關澤心情不好的時侯,康代總顯得十分謹慎。她很瞭解關 澤的脾氣。他固執,無論什麽事,從不願輸給他人。 現在,關澤熱衷於打這種高爾夫球,以至於在自己傢的地下 室裏,特意建造了球場。 想來也真怪,政界和財界的大人物往往竟會悄悄地熱衷於一 些幼稚的遊戲。因洛剋希德事件而出名的某大商行幹部,就曾悄 悄地在公寓裏開動電氣機車模型來取樂。 關澤非常喜歡高爾夫球,他從不下圍棋或象棋,卻迷上了這 種遊戲。儘管三杉是他的摯交,但自己在棘手的第四球穴前敗下 陣來,心裏總覺得彆扭。 在這種時候,康代知道他心情不好,所以盡可能少跟他說話, 避免觸怒他。 傍晚時分,石田登門來訪。他是為報告他從中根禮子那裏打 聽到的友納傢的內情而來的。 石田得意揚揚地進了客廳。 “先生,情況已經打聽出眉目來了。到底是女人的嘴鬆。” 他一進屋就不由自主地說道。當他發覺康代也在旁邊時,為 了掩飾內心的尷尬,謅媚地笑了笑, “打聽到什麽了?”關澤有點不高興地問道。 “友納傢現在正亂作一團呢,是因為一個女人!現已查明, 他把那個女人藏在橫濱,而且還有個孩子!” 石田並沒有察覺到關澤心理上的微妙變化,略帶彎張地介紹 起情況來。 “哦,有這種事!……”康代似乎非常驚訝地說道。 “這人什麽事都幹得出來。那女孩子已經十六歲,都上了高 中啦!” “那個女人的情況查明了嗎?”關澤尖銳地問道。 “沒,還沒有。因為沒有時間了……我明天再……不過,保 險沒錯,這將成為友納的醜聞!” “關於這些,我已經聽說了。我需要的是具體一點的情報!” 這時,石田纔覺出關澤的情緒不好。 “非常抱歉!” “關鍵是和三千萬有牽連的問題,這個你查清了螞?” “所以嘛,我想,恐怕他把這三千萬給了那個女人,要和那 女人一刀兩斷。也許那個女人鬧起來了,所以秘書神山拾那女人 送去了三千萬……總而言之,現在兩個秘書都已經回來了。” “有什麽證據說明這筆錢是用於和那個女人斷絶關係的呢?” 關澤追問道。 “這……” “如果友納老婆說了這筆錢是幹什麽用的,那則另當別論…… 可恐怕沒有那種事吧。” “可是……據中根札子說,友納夫人的話裏有。把一大筆錢 送到那個女人那裏去了,這樣的意思,而且說着還掉了眼淚。這 衹能說明這筆錢是為了和那女人斷絶關係而付給她的。” “鬍說!”關澤終於忍不住大喝一聲。 4 “……” 在氣勢洶洶的關澤面前,石田一時不知所措,臉上露出了茫 然的神色。 “你……”吃驚的不衹是石田,康代也不能再沉默下去了, “請你別這樣!人傢石田先生是盡力調查了的。” “盡力調查的結果如果是錯的也沒用!懂嗎?……友納畢竟 是政黨裏的人物,而且身為總務會長,掌管着憲民黨的保險櫃。 儘管他急需現金,也不至於為了給情人湊錢,就去動用黨的經費, 而且哪怕一天也好!……連這一點都不明白嗎?”關澤聲色懼厲 地說遣。 “是……” 這時石田的腦子裏,敏捷地盤算了一下與關澤作對的利弊。 “友納不會把錢用在這種事情上,即使是他自己的零用錢。 整整三千萬啊!……” “所以,我……不是說過了嗎,這是為了幹一件更驚人的 事……” 康代堅持着自己的看祛。 “嘿,你的直覺也許不錯。不過這衹猜到了一半。一定是發 生了他麽更加緊迫的事!” “惹您生氣,非常抱歉!我讓中根禮子進一步瞭解一下。” “女人的話衹能信一半,這點兒常識都沒有嗎?” “慚愧……” 石田見勢不妙,便再三遷就,低着頭,灰溜溜地退了出去。 “這人真沒用!”關澤見屋裏衹剩下他們夫妻二人了,便對 康代說道。 “可是他對工作還是挺熱心的。他找到的綫索很重要,可不 能置之不理!如果咱們把他推出去,他就會跑到敵人那邊去呀!” “有可能。” “你不就槽了嗎?不管怎麽說,要盡量利用他。” “行,就這麽辦。我現在要洗個澡。” “洗洗會好受些。外面變天了,好象突然冷起來了。”康代 說道。 關澤進浴室之後,康代回到自己屋裏,換上了緊身衣。 為了保持體形美,她每天堅持做一小時健美操。 健美室設在地下室,這個小房間,恰好在高爾夫球場的隔壁。 協助她跳健美操的是常住這傢的三個女傭人中最年輕的小坂光子。 光子高中畢業,今年十九歲。 康代走進健美室,拿起自動電話的話筒。地下室各屋都裝有 自動電話,衹要一拿起話簡,廚房旁邊小屋裏的蜂音器器會嗚響。 “光子小姐在嗎?”康代叫光子過來。 “在,我這就去……” 電話裏傳來光子年輕的聲音。 “快來呀,沒有你幫忙,我的脊背就舒展不開呀……” 說着,康代撲嘛笑出了聲。 的確,雖然康代已四十六歲,但她仍可以叉開雙腿,全身前 傾到前額接近地板,身體非常柔軟,這使她感到自豪。 光子很快就來了,她穿着粉紅色的緊身衣,這比康代穿的白 色緊身衣更富有性感,加上她那豐滿的乳房,使人感到一種強烈 的挑逗氣息。 她們立即開始做屈伸運動。接着,做打坐的婆勢,一會兒又 輕柔地跳起繩來,按照慣例做着體操。 由於有暖氣,兩個人很快就全身發熱,汗流夾背。這段時間 一切都很平靜。 過了一小時左右,康代忽然想到,他……從浴室出來了沒有? 她忽然擔心起來。在關澤的同僚中,有一位議員就是在獨自 一人洗澡時發生腦溢血而死亡的。由於在水裏泡了整整三個小時, 那屍體簡直象衹“清燉雞”了。 她心想:怕不會是…… 衹要心裏有事,她就一刻也沉不住氣了。 她衹披上一條浴巾,就要和身穿緊身衣的光子立刻去浴室, 卻不料迎面碰上了身穿高爾夫衫,正從臺階上走下來的關澤。 “哎唷……”康代先是吃了一驚,然後臉上露出了微笑。 “哦,我去練一會兒,你先睡吧。”關澤說道。 “練高爾夫球嗎?” “對,我哪能輸給那傢夥!我要打它個百發百中,一擊就 進!” “你會着涼的!” “有暖氣怕什麽!” “當心點兒……” 真象個淘氣的孩子……康代心裏這樣想着,但總算鬆了一口 氣。 第三章悲劇 ! 事件發生之前,康代看見平安無恙的丈夫,是晚九點。 過去,關澤在睡前也常拿着輕擊棒去練習高爾夫球;因此, 丈夫的行為並沒有使康代感到任何異常。當然,她連做夢也沒有 想到那裏會有什麽危險。因為地下室衹能從宅內進,外人是不可 能進來的。 晚九點半。小皎光子收拾完廚房,正要回自己的房間,這時, 自動電話的緑燈忽然一明一滅地亮了起來,這是有人在地下室呼 叫的信號。與此同時,蜂音器也響了。府內雖然都是自動電話, 但前後兩個院門傳來的信號都與此不同,那是紅燈。 “啊,是高爾夫球室。” 光子對這裏的情況很熟,她想,這個呼號一定是關澤發出的。 過去,關澤就曾用這個電話命令她送過咖啡。 “喂,我是小皎。”她拿起話筒說道。 這傢有個規矩,接電話的時侯,無淪是女擁人還是警衛員, 都必須先報自己的名字。 然而,電話裏傳來的是關澤語無倫次的話音: “……你……和你……一樣……” 幾聲痛苦的呻吟之後,緊接着傳來“撲通”一聲,象是什麽 東西倒塌的聲音,然後就再也沒有動靜了。 “先生!喂喂……先生,您怎麽了?” 光子儘管年輕,但畢竟是個為康代所看中的姑娘,這時,她 的腦子迅速一轉。 “先生發生腦溢血了?……” 於是,她立即把電話挂到康代房間裏。 “先生出事了!快到地下室的高爾夫球場去!情況不好……” 她對康代叫道。 康代立即明白,關澤遇害了。但此時,她並沒有想到事情的 嚴重性,衹是急急忙忙披上寬睡衣,連滾帶爬地衝下了樓梯,然 後和等候在那裏的光子一起衝到地下室裏。 高爾夫球室衹有一個門,那門開着一條縫。康代默不作聲地 抓住門把手,剛剛踏進房門一步,就“啊”的一聲慘叫起來。 身穿長袖襯衫和高爾夫球褲的關澤仰面倒在地上,全身不停 地抽搐。電話的聽筒垂挂在一邊。他滿臉通紅,左眼正在不斷地 往外噴血。不僅如此,更令人心驚的是,他的右眼上還深深地插 着一把明晃晃的細長刀子。 “你醒醒……” 康代勉強支撐着癱軟的身子,呼喚着關澤。可是,他已經連 張口的氣力都沒有了。 “我去叫救護車!”光子說道。 “快去!還有,讓他們趕緊通知警察!” 康代一面拼命支撐着不讓自己倒下,一面終於說出了這幾句 話。 2 救護車來了。關澤還沒有死,攥住他的手,他還能做出一絲 微弱的反應。 他被人用尖利的兇器紮進了雙眼,這是確定無疑的。他的右 眼裏還留着一把兇器,也許雙眼都是用這把兇器紮的。 總而言之,衹要能救活關澤,作案的兇手和事件的經過就會 真相大白。在康代的護送下,關澤被火速送往東京女子啓德醫院 外科。 且說警視廳的三輛警車到了關澤府,在嚴密的警戒之下迅速 地開始檢查現場。 現場情況是這樣的: 被害人關澤冼完澡後,於晚九點進入了地下室現場。他一個 人不聲不響、全神貫註地練習着高爾夫球。此時,房門沒有上鎖, 因此,任何人都可以隨意出入。 兇手手持飛鏢似的鋒利兇器從這個門摸了進來。 被害人迷上了高爾夫球,這種高爾夫球被稱之為集中精力的 遊戲,因此,即使有人躡手躡腳地走到他的身邊,他恐怕也不會 察覺。 當被害人無意中轉過臉來時,兇手便嚮他的雙眼輪番紮去。 當被害人倒下時,兇手逃跑了。同時也不排除兇手是從距離很遠 的地方杷兇器投過去的。 事件發生後,儘管被害人劇痛難忍,並且喪失了視力,但神 志依然清醒,他用手摸着找到了電話,叫到了光子。 這時,他衹說了“你……和你……一樣……”這樣斷斷續續 的話。 接着,他神志模糊,終於倒下了。 一連串的疑問出現在警官面前。首先,“你……和你……一 樣……”這句話是什麽意思呢? 具體地說,這個“你”是指光子而言,還是指妻子康代而言? 對此,他們看法各異。 還有,“一樣”指什麽和什麽?怎麽一樣?這也還不清楚。 並且,不能排除光子在慌亂之中聽錯了的可能。 第二個疑問是,兇手是怎樣潛入這戒備森嚴的府內來的?圍 墻上的警鈴並無故障,卻絲毫未響。同時,院內的警衛員和狼狗 始終沒有發覺什麽可疑的人。衹要嗅到外人的味道,狗理應叫起 來的,然而卻沒有叫。 於是,他們自然地想到了兇手是否是潛藏在府內的什麽,人。 那麽,毒件發生的當時,人們都在哪裏呢? 被害人的妻子關澤康代四十六歲,當時她正在自己的臥室裏 換衣服。 事件的發現人小坂光子十九歲。她在蟹室隔壁的小房間裏接 到了被害人打來的電話。 女傭人伴野亞紀二十三歲,當時她在自己房間裏。同屋還有 一個長期住在這傢的女傭人,她是女傭中年齡最大的高田良,今 年四十五歲。如果她們兩人中任何一個值得懷疑的話,那麽,就 必須把兩人同時懷疑進去。 另外,正門警衛室裏有鬆本、山田,後門警衛室裏有菊地、 羽川魯自堅守着崗位。 因此,衹要他們不是同謀,任何一個人都不可能單獨作案。 很顯然,作案動機不是謀財。兇手在極短的時間裏下了毒手 後就立刻逃走了。如果說這是刺客幹的也絶非不可能。 綫索衹有波害人被害後所說的“你……和你……一樣……” 這句話,加上兇手遺留下來的唯一物證——尖利的兇器。這把兇 器很可能是兇手從門口投進來的。 這把兇器長約十五釐米,刀尖磨得-井分銳利,它與普通五 金店裏賣的不同,形狀象做草墊用的錐子,但又不是。這是一把 特製的兇器,當然,兇器上沒有指紋。 這刀子是幹什麽用的呢?……或許就是專門用來殺人的兇 器?……在今天這個社會裏,還會有人使用這樣的兇器嗎?…… 越想,謎越難解。 3 關澤波送進了東東女子啓德醫院外科樓。他的眼球被破壞了, 並可能己傷及腦部。因此,儘管醫生為他做了三個多小時的手術, 但能否保住性命還很難斷言。 手術結束後,直到第二天早晨,關澤都沒能出急救室。 所以,康代也就不能夠守侯在丈夫身邊了。 在關澤手術時和手術後,深深的懊悔一次又一次地衝擊着康 代。 都怪我,太大意了!……可是,莫非我們傢內部有人搞暗 殺?…… 康代使勁皎着嘴唇,嘴裏覺出一絲血腥昧。 她左思右想,總覺得兇手是自己傢裏的什麽人,而决不是非 法潛入的外人。 是女傭人……還是警衛人員中的叛徙?…… 否則,若有外人潛人,警鈴不可能不響,狼狗也不可能不叫。 而且,兇手作案後消失得如此迅速…… 警察正在進行調查,然而,傢裏的人都是兩人一對,彼此為 證的,除非他們中的某一對都是兇手。 可是……你究竟想說什麽呢?…… 在最後的一刻,關澤對光子所說的話完全是個謎。 “你……和你……一樣……” 關澤是想說“兇手和光子一個樣”嗎? 或是想說。“兇手和康代一樣”? ……現在連一個充足的證據也沒有。 他究竟想說什麽和什麽一樣?怎麽一樣?都還不清楚。 “老頭子……你幹萬別死,一定要救活你!……” 康代站在急救室外面一邊祈禱,一邊沉思着。這時,幾名素 不相識的警官出現在她面前。 “夫人,我想您現在一定很難過,不過,有一個問題想嚮您 請教。”一名四十歲上下的便衣刑警鞠了一躬說道。 “什麽事?” “關於現場的問題。您丈夫常常獨自一人在那裏玩嗎?我想 知道,兇手是不是瞭解您傢內部情況的人。” “哦,雖然不總是這樣,……但是近來他經常……” “事件發生的時候,他是在按照計劃進行練習嗎?”一名年 紀大些的刑警有點執拗地追問道。 “不……不是的。” 康代想起了關澤無意中說出的緣由。丈夫在與三杉玩球的時 候曾輸給了三杉,為此,他十分惱火。 “是這樣。” “刑警先生,犯人在我傢裏?……” 康代提心吊膽地反問刑警,但刑警卻搖了搖頭。 “不不,這還不清楚。不過……” “那把象錐子一樣的東西……” “正在追查。” 無論怎樣詢問,刑警始終不把詳細情況告訴她。這時,康代 腦海裏忽然産生了一個念頭。 我要親自查明真相…… 4 康代的這個願望出乎意料地很快就實現了。 天亮的時候,躺在氧氣艙裏的關澤被送進特護病房後,石田 看望他來了。 非常湊巧,石田來的時候,病房裏沒有其他人。 儘管外面很冷,石田衹穿着薄薄的風雨衣。平時顯得寒酸的 石田,此時在康代眼裏卻不可思議地變成了一個可靠的人物。 “夫人,怎麽說纔好呢?我嚇了一大跳!”一見到康代,石 田就帶着誇張的表情說道。 “我拒心的事終於成了現實,他被刺了……” 康代的表情顯得很傷心。 “先生的情況怎麽樣?……” “傷勢太重,不省人事,……兩衹眼都受了傷,……聽醫生 說,眼睛離腦最近,所以對腦的影響也大……” “眼睛?” 石田的臉色變得陰沉起來。 “即使治好了,恐怕也……” “夫人,現在操這個心也沒用。您還是看看有沒有什麽我能 做的事,我一定盡力幫忙!” 石田的話提醒了康代,也許他能按照康代的意志去做任何事。 “好吧,……眼下……有兩件事請你查一查。” “兩件事?” “是的。一個是……”康代忽然壓低了聲音,“……友納總 務會長……以後我稱呼他T。T昨天晚上都幹了些什麽?你把這前 後的情況搞清楚。讓你幹這種偵探似的事情真抱歉……” “您這是說哪兒的話,我本來就差不多是先生的私人偵探嘛。 原來,夫人認為T與這個事件有牽連……” 石田也立即改用了“T”這個稱呼。 “我是這麽想的,……不過,並沒有什麽證據。可是那三千 萬元……還有你告訴我的那些情況……” “我明白,我明白。” 石田點了點頭。 “還有一個……”康代剛要說下去,卻又忽然顯得很抱歉似 的說道,“……我先把事情說完吧,萬一來了外人就沒法說了。” “請說,請說。”石田會意地說道。 “我丈夫遇害以後曾說過‘和你一樣’這話,當然,不是我 聽到的,是傢裏的一個女傭人……” 康代把接到光子電話時的情形嚮石田簡略地講了一遍。 石田儼然是個私人偵探了,一邊認真地聽着,一邊頻頻點着 頭。 “……從印象上看,兇手是個女性。我覺得這一點不會錯。 衹是這個‘一樣’指的是什麽?……先生看見罪犯衹是很短的一 瞬間吧……” “是的。” “要是這樣的話,大概是指服裝吧,服裝的特徵。” “……” “在女人的服裝方面,有什麽綫索嗎?” 石田的頭腦此時顯得十分敏捷。 “我一時還說不上……” 康代沉思起來。 “好吧,您要是想起什麽再告訴我。在這方面,您需要我去 查什麽呢?” “想請你先證實一下,那姑娘是不是真聽見他說那句話了, 然後再作推斷。” 事件發生後,康代還沒顧得上同光子從容地說句話。 “明白了,有關小坂光子的事就交給我吧,我……” 石田剛要說下去,護士長走了進來,於是,他把下面的話咽 了回去。既然已發生如此事件,就不得不對任何人都抱有警惕了。 “啊,石田先生,你既然特意來春望我丈夫,儘管他還昏迷 不醒,那就請你隔着氧氣艙看看吧,請……” 康代靈機一動,把石田讓進了病房。門上雖然挂着一塊“謝 絶探視”的牌子,但是,康代打算讓石田看看關澤那慘不忍睹的 情形,這是她的激將法。 “好,那麽,就看一眼……” 石田誠惶誠恐地走進了病房。垂危的病人使得白色的墻壁、 白色的床單、白色的輸液設備等等,一切都顯得那樣冷清。 關澤躺在氧氣艙裏,鼻孔裏插着管子,嘴裏也含着一條相當 粗的管子。當然,動了手術的雙眼纏着厚厚的白色綳帶。 “這就是先生嗎?”石田簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛了。 關澤破兇手用銳利的兇器紮傷了雙眼,造成眼球破裂,視神 經損傷,眼窩破損,以至於腦部受傷。因此,醫生采取緊急措施, 摘除了他的眼球。 先生恐怕沒救了…… 石田作了最壞的想象。但是,他並沒有把這個想法告訴康代, 而是慢慢地低下頭,從病床旁邊走開了。 “……醫生說,他差不多該醒了。” 康代非常希望關澤能對她說話,哪怕一句也好。她不由自主 地將這種心情吐露了出來。 “是嗎?” 石田點了點頭,但他的心裏卻感到了絶望。 第四章死亡 1 從中午到下午,憲民黨的福本派議員自不必說,反對派黨員 也來到醫院看望關澤。但由於“謝絶探視”,他們放下慰問品, 就匆匆離去了。 康代由於精神上過於疲勞,不能長時間站立,因此,衹是在 憲民黨副總裁井上武良來醫院時,她纔親自出來接侍,然後就一 直在關澤隔壁的病房裏和衣躺在床上。 由於極度疲勞,劇烈的頭痛嚮她襲來。為了使她鎮靜下來, 醫生給她打了針,康代這纔昏昏沉沉,似睡非睡地休息了一會兒。 當她忽然清醒過來時,戴在手腕上的電子表已顯示着12點15 分了。 她半睜着眼睛,看見小坂光子正坐在病房一角的椅子上寫着 什麽。她也許是在傢裏待不住了,便跑來幫忙的。 “我丈夫怎麽樣了?” 康代一開口便問道。十九歲的光子猛然擡起頭來,她的眼睛 裏也充滿了血絲。 “先生……還那樣,沒什麽變化。” “哦……” 康代一面點頭,一面閉上了眼睹。 “沒什麽變化,……說明他還沒有好轉。” 她的心情更加沉童了。在憂鬱之中,她又想到了那個不解之 謎。 事件發生的時候,我們傢雖然說不上什麽物理性密封,但衹 要有外人進來,是能夠發現的。而且,要想逃出去也是不可能的。 罪犯是從哪裏闖進來的,又是從什麽地方逃跑的呢?不弄清這個 問題,就不可能抓住罪犯。 是我們傢裏的人嗎?高田良……伴野亞紀……小坂光子…… 每個人的面孔及平日的言談舉止,都一一在她眼前浮現出來, 又消失開去。康代非常清楚,這幾個女性,哪一個也不會揮舞兇 器去殺害自己的丈夫。 這三個人肯定是清白的。如果說是警衛員叛變,……怎麽可 能兩個人一塊兒都…… 擔任正門警戒的山田、鬆本,後門的菊地、羽川,這四個人 都是身份可靠並都是以關澤為師的人。即便他們中的哪一個被故 人收買了去,但在事件發生時,也仍是兩個人在一起的,這是關 澤嚴格規定的制度,他們肯定不會違犯。既然如此,就不可能一 個參與了兇殺,而另一個還裝作不知道。 看來罪犯還是從外面摸進來的…… 苦苦思索的結果,康代衹得出了這樣一個結論。警察當然會 對傢裏的七個傭人進行徹底的追查,但是,其結果恐怕與她的結 論完全一致。 但是,如果是這樣的話,兇手潛入和逃跑的道路在哪裏 呢?…… 痛苦的思索使康代不由得呻吟起來。 “夫人,您不要緊吧?” 光子的目光嚮她這邊投來。 “嗯,沒什麽……” 她象是自言自語地院道。然而,由於那些疑惑和不解之謎始 終在她的腦海裏翻騰,她那沉重的心情一刻也沒有緩解。 2 下午五點多,康代起來去看望依然掙紮在死亡綫上的丈夫。 恰好,主治醫生佐久間大夫正在為關澤測脈搏。 “怎麽樣?醫生,……”康代問道。 “再過一會兒才能知道。就看他的生命力如何了,因為手術 是成功的。” 佐久間是位中年醫生,他的身體象運動員一股健壯,白大褂 袖口下面露出的胳膊腕上滿是汗毛。康代抱住他的胳膊腕子,簡 直要哭喊起來。 “醫生,請您救救他,求求您!” 儘管她自己也覺得這樣敞不成體統,但現在哪還顧得上什麽 體面不體面。 “我們正在竭盡全力。不,是患者本人正在與死神搏鬥。” 佐久間沉重地說完,走出了病房。 康代無意中看見了放在病房門口小桌上的一張名片,她的臉 色頓時變了。 “他……什麽時候來的?”她問在場的光子。 “大約在一個小時以前……” “讓他進來了?”康代惡狠狠地問道。那名片是友納由人總 務會長的第一秘書神山五郎的。 “不,沒讓任何人進來,我始終堅持不讓別人進來。” “真的?” “是的。” “那就好……他是一個人來的?” “是的。” “他是來打探情況的!” 由於情緒激動,康代忽然覺得眼前發黑。 “啊,怎麽了?” 光子趕忙跑了過來。 “沒關係,可能是太纍了,有點兒頭暈……” “請您去怵息吧,有什麽事我去叫您。” 光子言猶未盡,康代已經癱坐在鐵椅子上了。 一定是的!可是……他是怎樣把我丈夫…… 關澤對高爾夫球着了迷,這種遊戲很費神,必須精力集中。 因此,當兇手接近到自己身邊時,關澤也沒有察覺。況且,他對 自己傢的警戚是一百個放心的,他恐怕連做夢也沒有想到,有一 衹兇殘的手正從自己的背後仲過來。正因為如此,纔發生了被刺 穿雙眼這樣慘不忍睹的悲劇。 再說犯人簡直象一陣風,來去不見蹤影。 康代回想起神山秘書那張蜻悍的面孔。 憑他的本事,恐怕從天上飛下來都是-可能的…… 記不清是什麽時候的事了,有個年輕人就曾駕駛着小型飛機 撞了一名右翼大人物的住房。如果乘直升飛機,從空中吊下來, 落到住房的三層或二層上,就可以潛入宅內。 可是,當時根本沒有聽到直升飛機蠃旋槳的聲音。豈止如此, 那天夜裏靜得連狗都沒有叫一聲啊…… 康代百思不得其解。 友納的秘書特意來探望,恐怕是有目的的,他們想瞭解自己 派遣的刺客幹得成功與否。 卑鄙的傢夥! 她心中燃起憤怒的火焰,然而,僅靠這種感情,沒有真憑實 據,警察是不會輕舉妄動的。 ……可不是嗎,一旦他們得知關澤得救,甚至會把刺客差遣 到這個病房裏來殺他的。友納是能夠幹出這種事的! 在康代看來,黨內的政敵比任何人都更為可怕。憲民黨是執 政黨。反正在野黨奪不走天下,在憲民黨內,這種不把在野黨放 在眼裏的思想很普遍。因此,他們真正的敵人是黨內敵對派係的 議員,而不是在野黨議員。 康代之所以如此懼伯友納及其手下那幫人,正是因為政界存 在着這一嚴峻事實。 3 院長特意派人送來了晚飯。他得知康代喜歡吃“菊花”餐館 的份飯,便專門讓人送了一份來。 康代一點兒也不感到餓,衹是院長一片好意,盛情難卻,便 動了幾筷子方頭魚拼盤等她所喜歡的菜。 晚上九點熄燈,在這之前三十分鐘,石田再次出現在病房裏。 “夫人,有什麽變化嗎?” 石田穿着黑色大衣,將大衣領子立着,他似乎並末註意到室 內的熱空氣,仍舊穿着大衣。 “沒有。” “是嗎?我這裏搞清楚不少情況。”石田一面警惕地註意着 四周,一面說道。 “什麽情況?” “看來這個事件在事前就有充分的準備!” “真的?” “東西造園您知道吧?” “知道啊,這傢園藝店的人常來我們傢。” “聽這傢東西造園的經理說,友納曾請他們去杉並為他修整 他傢的庭院。” “啊?為什麽他又……過去他並沒有請過這傢園藝店的人 吧?” “當然沒有。據經理說,他被叫到友納辦公處,神山秘書嚮 他問這問那。” “都問了些什麽?” “說是友納傢要改造庭院,讓他給設計一下。” “……” “且不說這個。他說是先要瞭解一下這傢園藝店都給哪個議 員建過庭院。這當然是指咱們府上嘍。接着,還叫他畫了草圖, 詳細詢問了樹木之類的佈局呢。” “我懂了,這就是說,那時他就完全掌握了我們傢的情況。” 康代明白了友納所用的戰術。 “不過,東西造園經理衹介紹了庭院的情況。院裏的狼狗和 圍墻上的報警裝置,我想他已經知道了。” “那麽,兇手果然是……” “還不能肯定就是那個秘書,這個問題還沒搞清楚……不過。 聽了東西造園經理所說的情況以後,我忽然想到了另一條綫索。” “另一條綫索?” “您不明白嗎?”石田抽動了幾下他的大鼻孔,“就是室內 的建築結構。無論兇手的手段多麽巧妙,如果不瞭解房屋佈局這 類重要的情況,是不可能幹得如此利索的;所以,我估計他們一 定把手伸進了土木店!” “……” “前不久來改建地下高爾夫球室的池田土木店……府上的主 要工程也是他們承包的吧?” “對。” “我立刻去新宿,嚮池田土木總店的人一打聽……” “怎麽樣?” 康代感覺到石田的推理正中要害。 “果不出所料,他到池田土木店看過府上的整體建築示意 圖!” “是神山秘書嗎?” “就是他!正式的設計圖是不能隨便看的。因為企業有責任 為顧客保密……敵人也許是怕露馬腳,衹看了示意圖就走了。 是……” “什麽?” “衹是,他說他們也想建一個高爾夫球練習室,……當然, 這不過是信口扯下的彌天大謊。於是,他打聽了佈局,還有設計 圖……而且連這張圖也被他復印去了!” “這麽說,兇手是誰己經很明白了!” “可不是嘛!不過,警察正為找不到兇手闖進來的陪綫而傷 腦筋呢。我明天去探一探T和神山這兩個人當時是否在犯罪現場。 目前的情況就是這樣……” 當石田得意揚揚地匯報着情況的時候,康代心中那仇恨的火 焰越燃越旺,一口惡氣堵在她的胸口。 4 十八日上午八點,醫生來做特別查房時,院長也特意一同來 到關澤的病房,並為他做了認真的檢查。 “神志恢復多了,他好象想說什麽。” 檢查之後,院長說着,撤掉了氧氣艙。 接着,撤除了那些插在嘴裏和鼻子裏,用以幫助恢復神志的 各種管子,減輕了患者的負擔。 “看樣子,有可能……” 康代在一旁看着這個情形,心裏抱着一綫希望。她心想,即 使雙目失明,衹要恢復健康,他還可以作為傷殘人代表,繼續當 國會漢員的。 “……” 關澤的嘴微微地動着,但卻說不出話來。 “他是在說話吧?醫生……” 康代傷心地看着頭部大部分纏着白色綳帶的丈夫,並且主視 着他那微動着的、乾燥的嘴唇。 “是的,他的確是在說話……。他的語言中樞可能受到了一 定程度的影響……” 院長說着,親自握住患者的手。這種行為是對喪失視力者的 一種鼓勵。 “啊……哦……” 患者的嘴動了動,胸脯鼓了起來。 “別着急……慢慢地……” 院長透過無框眼睛,目不轉睛地盯着關澤的嘴。 康代盯着關澤催促道, “老頭子,是我呀,我在這兒!你想說什麽?有什麽要說的 話,就說吧!……” 於是,忽然間,可怕的事情發生了。 關澤面部劇烈地抽搐着,發出一陣莫名其妙的叫聲,那聲音 尖得象是從嗓子眼兒裏擠出來的一般。 “猴……猴……來啦……” 摟着,他手腳動了動,痛苦地掙紮了幾下,忽然不動了。 “不好,有點兒異常!” 院長和主治醫生會意地相互看了一眼,讓康代出去一下, 急忙命令護士準備搶救。 康代從忙亂的人群中擠出來,走進隔壁的病房,一動不動地 站在那裏,側耳靜聽着從他丈夫病房那邊傳來的腳步聲和醫療器 械發出的聲響。 關澤體內究竟發生了什麽異常?醫生說是“有點兒異常”, 或許是腦組織發生了意外? 會怎麽樣呢 巨大的不安一下子涌上了康代的心頭。 關澤的喊叫决不是好兆頭,那喊聲象是對一種可怕的幻覺發 出的驚叫。 那喊聲……我丈夫想要表達什麽意思呀?聽上去似乎是 “猴……猴……來啦……”“猴”是不是猴子的“猴”呢? “來啦”會不會就是用刀子“來拉”什麽呢?……對這一瞬間喊 出來的話,康代也無從判斷。 然而,她從關澤平素那熟悉的聲音裏感覺到,他說的似乎是 “猴子來了”。 猴子來了……是怎麽回事呢?……丈夫遇刺前那可怕的記憶, 一定還留在他腦子裏。因此,可能是在他的神志剛剛恢復的時候, 遇刺時的情景又在他眼前浮現出來了……康代這樣想着。 “猴子來了”,在這種情況下當然可以看作是“罪犯來啦” 的另一種表達方式。也就是說,可以這樣認為。“罪犯等於猴 子”。 罪犯是猴子……哪有這種怪事!…… 康代苦笑了一下。 可是,仔細想來,猴子身輕體巧,也許真能不聲不響地鑽進 傢裏來? 猴子?……猴子會殺人嗎?那麽。他在電話裏說的“和你一 樣……”這話又當作何解釋呢?我和光子小姐又不是猴子…… 如果說,這不過是在神志不清的情況下所說的鬍話倒也罷 了…… 不知過了多久,突然,一名護土過來叫康代。 “夫人,院長、醫生請您去一下。” 從那護士的話音裏,康代預感到情況不妙。 “是。” 她舌根發緊,聲音也變得嘶啞了。 她一走進關澤的病房,就發現兩位醫生並排站在那裏,正看 着她。 “實在是力不從心,他突然發生了心力衰竭……” 當康代領悟到,這懸在嚮她婉轉地宣佈關澤的死亡時,她再 也剋製不住奪眶而出的淚水了。她滿心以為關澤能夠得救,然而, 人的生命就是這樣在微妙的時刻保持着平衡,又在微妙的時刻失 去平衡。 十五分鐘之後,關澤的心髒完全停止了跳動。康代覺得腳下 的大她在崩漬,在下陷…… 第五章真相 1 十八日夜晚,傢裏人為關澤良英舉行了秘密葬禮。但是,以 憲民黨總裁為首的憲民黨首腦和在野黨首腦中關澤的生前友好也 陸續前來燒香。 在其後的兩天裏,康代為了接待前來吊唁的客人,忙得連睡 覺的時間都沒有。正式葬禮决定於半個月後在青山殯儀館舉行。 康代已經纍得精疲力盡了。 二十日那天,從旱晨起,劇烈的頭痛使得康代一直臥床不起。 不得已,請主治醫生給註射了鎮痛劑,纔止住了痛。 中午時分,石田前來匯報情況。 康代無時無刻不把這個事件中的謎放在心上,因此,她急於 知道,石田帶來了什麽情報。 為了避開人們的耳目,康代讓人把石田領進了已故關澤的書 房,她自己披了一件淺粉色鼕睡衣朝書房走去。 石田簡直象個醫生或是銀行職員,他身穿“三件套”西服, 戴着金屬框眼鏡,化裝得十分出色。 “哎呀……你太辛苦了!” 康代眨了眨眼。 “我可不是裝腔作勢,當偵探需要各種各樣的服裝,需要錢, 是很艱苦的,……請您體諒體諒我的難處。” 石田一開頭先來了個哭窮訴苦,多半是想要報酬了吧。也許 他覺得不旱點兒要調查費,以後就沒有機會要了。總而言之,他 是看錢辦事。 “我明白。那麽……怎麽樣了?那件事。” 康代不假思索地接受了他的要求。 “我曾經在T的方面下了很多工夫,這您知道吧。” 石田坐到椅子上,又着手,那傲慢的態度是關澤在世時他從 末有過的。 “嗯。” “我在他傢外面的電話綫上安裝了竊聽器,結果查明,他有 一個情人,住在橫濱山手的‘天堂’公寓,名字叫羽根真利 子……” “情人?” 當國會議員的有一個兩個情人並不是什麽不可思議的事。 “是的。僅僅如此,還看不出與這次殺害先生的事件有什麽 關係。那女人有個表弟,名叫𠔌口良夫,很可能是這個人幹的。 我和𠔌口是三重縣鬆販市的同鄉,從小就認識。您一定很驚訝吧? 我開始也吃了一驚。日本畢竟狹小得很。如果𠔌口果真是兇手, 他的作案手段就大體上有點兒眉目了。” “是真的嗎?……你可要盯住了!” 康代並沒有多問什麽。若不留心,石田就會趁機喋喋不休地 報一通功,再狠狠地敲詐一筆報酬,到頭來什麽情報也搞不到了。 “不過,他一個人那麽幹是殺不了先生的!” “怎麽,還有其他人?” “有。看樣子是那個人動手殺的,我敢肯定!” “那麽,這個同夥是什麽人?” “夫人,這得先從兇手是怎麽摸進來的說起,要不然就說不 明白。” “是啊,警察似乎也還沒有搞清楚。” “可是,我已經十分巧妙地解開了這個謎。當然,也許在一 兩天之內,警察也會發現。” 石田的話聽着實在讓人着急。 “請你告訴我!”康代懇求道。 2 “從哪兒說起呢?對對,事實勝於雄辯,讓我們去看看府上 鑲着彩繪玻璃的地方吧,我們一邊看,一邊跟您說。”石田得意 揚揚地說道。 “好吧。” 事已至此,衹能聽石田的了。這個人的內心不知在想些什麽, 但既然已經求了他,就讓他氓擾看吧。 石田登上了關澤府的三樓,他看着鑲在棚式建築上半部的大 型彩繪玻璃。 “夫人,那邊和二樓房頂是通着的吧?” “是啊,如果從外面走……” “我去試試看。” “請。” 石田從二樓的房頂上走到了彩繪玻璃的前面。 “恐怕不會在那麽高的地方……”他自言自語地說道。 “你究竟在找什麽呀?” “兇手的入口。” “難道兇手會打碎彩繪玻璃不成?” “會還是不會……哎,您仔細看看這裏!” 石田急忙蹲下,用手指摸着深紅色玻璃的一角。 “什麽東西?” “仔細看就能看出來,這裏貼着黏性很強的透明膠帶。兇手 用玻璃颳刀拉開了這塊玻璃,事後又用膠帶把它修補起來了!” “哎呀……真的!……可是,拉開以後,玻璃不會掉下去 嗎?” 康代仍不相信。 “那還不好辦,在這塊玻璃中間吸上一個帶把的吸盤,就可 以用手抓住了。盜竊犯手裏都有使得很順手的工具。” 石田說話的態皮十分坦然。 “可是……可是……即使從這裏進去了,裏面是個大空棚, 怎麽從墻上爬下去呢?上下比三個人還高呢!……” 康代嚮他投去一綫懷疑的目光。 “問題就在這兒,夫人。正因為如此,警察們一下子也想不 到。可是,衹要把繩子係在外面的欄桿上,然後從這個彩繪玻璃 的窟窿裏放下去,不就成了很好的繩梯嗎?” “象你說的那樣,一般人是幹不了的!首先一點,這個彩繪 玻璃上的窟窿這麽小……” 康代看着那個直徑約四十釐米的窟窿說道。 “這也是躲過警察視綫的一個重要原因!然而,兇手實際上 是這樣做了。那麽……喂,夫人,您能不能到這邊來看看……” 石田對自己的所作所為越發自負起來。 “哪兒呀?” “您看這條電纜。”石田指了指一條通進銅筋混凝土樓房的 電纜說道。 “哦,那不是電話綫和電燈綫嗎……”康代說道。 “正是它,為此,我絞盡了腦汁。兇手是怎樣鑽進戒備森嚴 的府內來的?……院裏有狗,墻上有報警裝置。是什麽東西能夠 跨越它們,而把府內和院外連接起來的呢?……於是,我終於想 到了這條電纜。” “石田先生,這麽說,兇手是從外面的電綫桿上順着這條電 纜爬過來,然後,拉開彩繪玻璃摸進來的嗎?” “夫人的理解能力真強,正是這樣!您府上的這兩條綫比普 通電綫粗得多,完全能夠承受得了人體的重量!” “儘管如此,也衹有身材相當瘦小的人才能順着這條綫爬過 來,比如象矮小的體換運動員之類的人……” “哎呀,您這話真是一語中的,佩服佩服!正是這樣,兇手 的確是個身材瘦小的女人!” “女人?” “是的,兇手肯定是和𠔌口同居的情人!她名叫遠山真由, 今年二十八歲。這個女人身高衹有一米五左右。” 3 石田聲稱,他查清了殺害關澤的兩名兇手。 “真沒想到,石田先生調查得如此細緻……” “實話說;三年前,𠔌口曾經拉我去用同樣的方法行竊,當 然,我當場拒絶了他。這種事,除了夫人您,我是對任何人也不 能說的。哎,總之,好不容易纔搞清楚……” “你太辛苦了……那麽,是不是把情況嚮警察……” “夫人,我不打算告訴警察。他們遲旱會發現的。但是,在 這之前,還有一件事情要做。” “什麽事情?” “這個……先不說它。夫人,您不想多瞭解一些有關那個女 人的情況嗎?” “想啊。” “證實那個女人就是兇手的一個重要根據,就是先生去世前 所說的話。” “是……‘和你一樣’?……” “是的,他還說過‘猴子來了’,對吧?”說到這裏,石田 嘲諷般地笑了笑。就在這短暫的瞬間,他那庸俗的靈魂全從他的 表情中流露出來了。 “對……” “我認為這個‘你’,不是指夫人您,而是指小坂光子。” “……” “當然,在這種情況下,並沒有什麽很大區別……” “為什麽?” “其實,分析一下‘一樣’這句話的意思,這大概是說兇手 的服裝和光子的一樣。另外就是‘猴子來了……’,實際上不可 能真是猴子,所以,可見這也是指服裝而言。” “……” “明白了嗎?您想象一下,順着電纜爬進來,抓着繩子爬止 爬下的人,不是象猴子一樣嗎?”石田得意地說道。 “說來也是。” “您想想,幹這種勾當的時候,那人會穿什麽樣的服裝 呢?……” 不等石田的問話說完,康代也猛地想起來了:“哦,緊身 衣!……” 這時,她想起了和光子一起做健美體搡時,自己穿的是白色 紫身衣,光子穿的是粉紅色紫身衣。 “就是它,正是這樣。穿着合體的粉紅色緊身衣,看上去就 象一隻猴子。於是,給先生留下了這樣的印象。” “那麽……是那個叫什麽……遠山真由的女人,穿着緊身衣, 鑽進我們傢,把我丈夫……”康代忽然睜大了眼睛,熱淚從她眼 裏淌了下來。 “是這樣。當然,這個女人是和𠔌口共同作的案,但真正潛 入府內的衹有那女人自己。幕後操縱者不言而喻,是友納!” 石田的表情好象在說,我偵察到的情況沒有絲毫差錯。 “可是……”康代一邊不停地擦着淚水,一邊問道,“那女 人怎麽如此老練,我想,她絶不是一般的人!” “夫人,您這話算點到了要害。正是這樣,經過調查,我已 經搞清楚了。” “怎麽搞清楚的?” “綫索就是那把……紮在先生眼睛裏的。象錐子一樣的兇 器。”石田說道。 4 石田斷定遠山真由是殺害關澤的兇手,還有更為充分的根據。 石田的態度使得康代完全傾倒了。他依靠自己的力量,不知 不覺己經深入到了事件的要害之處。 “那玩意兒……是從什麽地方買來的呢?是幹什麽用的 呢?……”康代想起了刑警給他看的那把兇器。 “那玩意兒嘛,普通的利器店可沒有賣的。”石田接過話茬 說道。 “那就是……自製的,或是……” “不,不是的。那玩意兒本來是一種職業用具。” “職業用具?什麽職業?” “我直說了吧,那是專門用來殺人的……也就是一種兇器!” “啊!” “想不到吧!當然,嚴格地說,並不是用來殺人,而是用來 紮人的兇器,遠山真由他們稱它陂飛鏢……” “飛鏢?”康代小聲童復道。 “別名也單稱一個‘鏢’字。用它朝站在木板前面的人投去, 還不能紮着人……” “哦……就是馬戲團或雜要班子用的‘飛刀’吧?” “夫人,正是。真由這個女人本來是柴山馬戲團的演員,正 因為如此,她身輕體巧,而且能使用這種兇器作案。她的年齡比 𠔌口大,為了𠔌口,她什麽都幹得出來!” “啊……這……” 真是個令人難以置信的兇手!她從人們想不到的地方鑽進來, 又用難以想象的手段奪去了丈夫的蟲命。 “這就是這個事件的真相!雖然我為出賣朋友感到內疚,但 是,如果𠔌口過去沒有對我說過用同樣手段作案的事,我也就不 可能知道那個女人的情況。然而,我為此付出了多麽大的犧牲, 現在您該明白了吧?”石田的語氣分明是要康代領情。 “我明白。” “好,至此,我已經盡到了我應盡的責任,所以……” “石田先生……” “怎麽?” “下一步你打算怎麽辦?你剛纔的惠思是,讓我等一等,不 要急於報告警察,對吧?” 康代忽然預感到,她大概很快就要領教到這個男人的厲害了。 “是的,眼下……至少在我表示同意之前,請您什麽也不要 對警察說。”石田果斷地說道。 “可以。不過,你究竟打算怎麽辦呢?”康代覺得心裏沒底, 不由得問道。 “嗬。我可以說。交繪我好了,但還是把話說在前頭吧,下 一步我要進行一項交涉。” “交涉?” “是的。飛鏢也好,彩繪玻璃窟窿也好,咱們是人證物證懼 全。如果他們想得救,就會嚮咱們做出讓步。” 看樣子,石田是打算對𠔌口和真由兩個人進行訛詐。 “這可使不得!弄不好,到頭來落得個雞飛蛋打……” 儘管康代的語氣十分軟弱,但她除了如此勸告之外,別無它 法了。 “這我明白。可是,把他們白白交到警察手裏,豈不太可惜 了?”石田帶着冷笑說道。 “你可不要杷事情鬧大了!” “夫人,我有辦法,决不會出什麽差錯!” “還有……請不要把我牽扯進去。” “我懂了。夫人始終是在和我做變易,那些傢夥,由我自己 去和他們打交道……” 石田把要說的話悅完後,滿意地從椅子上慢慢站起來。 “你要回去?” “我去進行交涉。”石田高興得露出牙齒,微笑遣,“常言 說:‘事不宜遲’嘛,先人說得真好。總而言之,事己至此,若 不抓稟……” “拜托你了。” 此時,康代已經無話可說了。 石田低着頭,恩索片刻,當他走到房間門口時,驀地回過頭 來,叫了一聲:“夫人……” “嗯?” “我承握這個工作,要冒多麽大的風險,這您是瞭解的吧?” “當然嘍!” “那麽,您是不會虧待我的吧!” 石田象是一隻狼,露出了它的獠牙。 “是的。”康代嘴裏回答着。然而,她心裏卻對石田産生了 強烈的厭惡之感。 第六章收場 1 石田有一枝馬尼拉造的改裝手槍,這枝手槍是他在橫濱隊菲 律賓海員手裏買來的。幹他這樣危險的工作,是需要這一類防身 武器的。 為了試驗這枝手槍的威力,深夜,他來到日野山𠔌,打了幾 發子彈。從感覺上看,在十米以內,似乎還能打中人體目標。 衹要有了這玩意兒……這種心情的確使石田變得大膽起來。 他打算去見殺害國會議員關澤的兇手——𠔌口和遠山二人, 從他們手中攫取相應的錢財,然後,再咬住關澤康代,敲上一大 筆。 石田順藤摸瓜,他從熟悉遠山真由特徵的原柴山馬戲團職員 口中瞭解到,遠山和𠔌口二人住在神奈川區北部的“小雀莊”公 寓。於是,他就給他們打電話命令道。 “我知道關澤是你們倆殺的!如果你們不希望我聲張出去, 就準備好一千萬元,令晚十二點到橫濱公園旁邊的‘壽樓’房頂 上來!” 石田雖然不知道他們從友納那裏收了一筆超過三千萬元的巨 款,但他猜想,他們既替友納殺了人,就總會有一筆可觀的收入 的。 看樣子𠔌口是個慣於作惡的傢夥,接了電話,他卻沒有顯出 一點兒慌張。 “好吧,我們去,這事好商量。” 聽了這話,石田覺得他這一手十分見效。 危險早在意料之中。索性把他們幹掉,反正殺了這兩個傢夥 也不會有什麽後患……石田想。 他明白,這兩個人是不會因為聽到幾句話就輕易把錢交出來 的。 石田之所以把地點定在“壽樓”是因為他知道,這座廢樓將 於下周開始拆除,目前已無人居住。 在這座樓房的房頂上見面,周圍是機關辦公廳和公園,夜間 無人,即便開槍,也不用擔心馬上有人發覺。 他還想出了一個撤離房頂的絶招——“壽樓”五層房頂上, 有一條施工用的繩索,從那裏主直垂到樓底的地面。 在房頂上,萬一發生了於己不利的情況,便可以順着這條繩 索迅速溜下樓去。為此,他一開始就决定,去的時候雙手戴上滑 雪手套。如果直接用手抓着繩索,從樓上滑到樓下,就會把雙手 磨得皮開肉綻,疼痛難忍。𠔌口和遠山大概想不到準備手套,十 有八九是追不上他的。 想到這裏,石田不由得會心地微微一笑。 這樣一來,可就萬無一失了!…… 於是,他比規定時間提前一小時鑽進了“壽樓”。“壽樓” 溝大部分被周圍的帆布罩遮蓋着。不消說,他的腰間插着那變外 國造的手槍…… 在鼕天,這天夜裏颳的風可算略帶暖意。這樣的夜晚,吏人 感覺到春天即將來臨。 房頂上堆放着許多破爛,冰冷的月光照在上面,形成許多黑 色的陰影。樓下傳來了聲響。 “來了!……”霎時間,石田的心情緊張起來。 2 早飯後,當康代童新化妝完畢時,已是上午十點半了。 自從丈夫死後,她整天懶洋洋的。 突然,有兩名刑警來到關澤府找康代。他們做了自我介紹, 一個叫森下,一個叫高部,康代一個也不認識。 “……關於我丈夫的情況,凡是我知道的,全都說了。我已 經沒什麽可說的了,也不想再說什麽了。”康代心情憂鬱地說道。 聽了這話,年齡大些的刑警森下,那方額頭上浮現出一絲憐 憫的神色。“不,我們今天不是為您已故的主人而來的。 “夫人,您知道石田茂這個人嗎?”他問道。 石田這個名字,使得康代的心情更加憂鬱了。把他當作自己 人,結果必落得個“養虎傷身”。 “知道。”她盡可能簡短地回答。 “他是個什麽樣的人?”刑警森下緊追不捨地問。 “這個……石田先生究竟幹了什麽事了?” 她此時並不知道昨夜發生的事情。 “昨天夜裏,石田先生在關內的‘壽樓’旁邊死了。” “死了?” 她吃了一驚,與此同時,一種復雜的念頭在她腦海中閃了一 下。 “這不是一般的死,是被人殺死的。” “啊?” 被人殺了!……這是怎麽回事?……康代眨了眨眼睛想着。 她很快想到了𠔌口和遠山。石田是不是去見這兩個人了?殺他的 恐怕就是這兩個人!…… “他的頭頂上,紮着一把能穿透頭蓋骨的鋒利的兇器。那東 西和紮您主人眼睛的一模一樣。也就是說,這可能是同一個兇手 幹的。” 沒錯,果然是那個落魄的馬戲團女演員幹的!……康代頓時 明白了一切。 “是同一個兇手……”她重複道。 “大概是吧。刀尖上好象還塗了烈性毒藥。但奇怪的是,披 害人雙手戴着握滑雪杖用的手套。看樣子,他是從樓頂上順着繩 子滑下來的。可是,那樓房是一座完全無人居住的廢樓,近幾天 內就要拆除的。” “那……是怎麽回事呢?”康代故作不知地問道。 石田死了,……不消說,兇手是那兩個人。可是……要是說 出來又會怎麽樣呢?警察一定會問個沒完沒了,無論怎樣回答他 們,死去的良英是不會回來的了。不過,我是必須告訴警察…… 先把石田告訴我的情況整理成書面材料以後再說吧。否則,我也 會被人懷疑進去的……康代心裏苦苦地思索着。 “說得明確些,他是在房頂上等着什麽人,然後又從房頂上 順着事先準備好的繩子滑下來,可能是要逃跑。不消說,他等的 這個人就是兇手。於是,兇手就從上面把兇器紮進了被害人的頭 部。被害人事先做好了順繩子逃跑的準備,因此帶了手套。也就 是說,可以斷定,他是有意和敵人在那裏相會的。怎麽樣?夫人, 石田先生有沒有對您提起過這種危險的人物?這個問題一搞清楚, 進一步迫查殺害您主人的兇手也就有頭緒了……”刑警森下步步 緊逼地詢問着。 康代竭力使自己的心情平靜下來,設法擺脫這個局而。 “非常抱歉……現在我不能說。不過,在近期內,我把所了 解的情況整理出來以後一定會說的!……”說完,她垂下了眼險。 康代不願意隨便與警察打交道。這時她感到一陣頭痛。 她明白,即便知道了這兩個人就是兇手,恐怕也查不到友納 身上,最後無非是秘書或什麽人做他的替罪羊,破案於是宣告收 場。然而,即使這樣,她還是覺得應當把石田所說的情況告訴警 方。但是,如果現在立刻就說,頭腦太亂,連自己也不知會說出 些什麽來。她甚至擔心會要她為石田的死承擔責任,於是,使閉 口不談了。 3 在暖氣充足的日光室裏,友納富士子重新戴上無框眼鏡,再 次飛快地閱讀起桌子上的《周刊日本》雜志來。 雜志裏有一則專題報導,醒目的大字標題寫着“衆議員關澤 良英死亡之謎”,文章提要中,就關澤遇刺事件,從各種角度提 出了一連串問題, ——殺人的起因,是政覺內部的對立鬥爭? ——兇手可能是從事特殊職業者。 ——由於該衆議員之死,憲民黨內的鬥爭將日趨激化。 副標題下面,刊載的是有關人士和有識之士的談話紀要。 其中,政治評論傢山田隆的談話內容,引起了富士子的註意: “這個事件的發生,必定有利於某人。衆議員關澤之死,顯 然不是盜竊兇殺所致,而是某個被收買的人,蓄意謀殺斯緻。被 害人之死,究競會給誰帶來好處呢?這個人很可能就在憲民黨內。 當然,並不排除其它各種可能性。但是……” 評論傢並沒有給這個人物做出明確的結論。因為他深知,這 樣做將繪自己招來誹謗中傷的罪名。 然而,富士子完全明白山田在暗示着什麽。 這指的是我丈夫呀!…… 她把目光從雜志上移開,輕輕嘆了口氣。 憲民黨內的派係鬥爭,至此更加激烈了。這種鬥爭,比起對 其它政黨的鬥爭更為殘酷,是一場你死我活的鬥爭。他們相互之 間了如指掌,因此,相互下絆子也就格外容易。 友納很早就對富士子痛駡關澤道。“……衹要沒有關澤在, 下屆總裁選舉我就有希望當上候選人。可是,衹要這傢夥還在, 我就沒指望了!他是我的眼中釘、肉中刺!這傢夥事事與我作 對……” 友納想要除掉關澤的心情,比富士子想象的要迫切得多。 正象這個評論傢所說的那樣,是他指使別人去殺的。說不 定……那三幹萬元也是……用在這上面的經費……,富士子多年 來耳聞目睹了政界齷齪的內幕,因此,她瞭解丈夫的所作所為。 那麽,是誰直接下的手呢?報紙和電視的新聞報道說,關澤 的眼睛被一種奇特的兇器紮了。據雜志報道,這種兇器是馬戲團 或雜要斑子的藝人用的飛鏢之類的東西。 接着,富士子又看了剛送來的晚報。報上刊載的一則消息說, 昨天夜裏,一個叫石田的男子死在“壽樓”附近。石田和關澤均 被同一種兇器所殺。石田經常出入於關澤府,此人身分不明。 這是同一個兇手幹的。這樣看來……很可能還是我丈夫在暗 地裏一手搡縱的…… 富士子憑着她做妻子的直覺,對情況做了最壞的想象。 實際上,富士子已經從她的朋友中根禮子口中聽說了石田曾 接近過她的情況。禮子是個好逢迎的女人,聽了這邊的活傳給那 邊,聽了那邊的話,又滿不在乎地傳給這邊。這種人雖然危險, 但利用好了,又可以作為搜集情報的工具。 據禮子說,她看見富士子丈夫的第一秘書神山五郎,在離他 傢不遠的一傢茶館裏,和一對情侶談話。那女的身材非常瘦小, 而面部顯得出奇的老。 一定是禮子夫人看見的這一男一女接受了殺人指令。然 而,……這樣下去,究竟會發生什麽事呢?…… 富士子隔着玻璃窗,目不轉睛地看着庭院裏的石燈籠。 她看見一隻斑鳩正在往那燈籠的燈盞裏鑽。 任其下去,……恐怕會鬧出大事的!富士子預感到這點。她 站起身來,打開了玻璃窗。聲音驚動了斑鳩,它猛地從燈盞裏鑽 出來,撲騰着翅膀飛走了。 4 友納回到杉並區自己傢的時侯,已是夜裏十一點半了。 他身上微微散發着酒氣。由於黨的國會對策委員長關澤的暴 卒,黨的三大要職結構發生了變化,因此,友納的工作更忙了。 然而,頭號政敵之死,明顯地改善了友納的處境,並將把他推上 更重要的職位。 友納走進了自己的房間。此時,他的情緒較好。友納前腳剛 進屋,後腳富士子就跟了上來。她敲了敲屋門。 友鈉回答了一聲“進來”。一見富士子,他便說。“我當是 誰呢,是你呀。我本想叫你給我倒一杯涼開水來……” “等會兒再給你倒。” “我現在就想要!”友納皺起眉頭,不高興地說道。 “你停我說,……”富士子看看房門確實關嚴了,就又轉過 身來對友納接着說,“又有一個……與關澤先生有關係的人被殺 了。你大概認識吧,那人叫石田茂……” “啊?”友納充滿酒氣的臉上流露出一絲不安的神色。 “你不要再瞞我了,……這可不是兒戲!是不是……你在幕 後操縱,讓那一男一女去殺的?……”富土子一針見血地問道。 “這是誰說的?……” “這本雜志就是這麽寫的!”說着,她將準備好的那本《周 刊日本》,“啪”的一聲扔在了桌子上。 “真有這事!”友納低聲說道。 “文章並沒有指名道姓說是你,但明顯是在指你。所以,我 希望心裏能有個準數。我想請你把實情告訴我。啊,這究竟是怎 麽回事?” 富士子很瞭解友納多年來慣用的所謂“希特勒式”的手法— —自己在暗地裏操縱,一個個地把人除掉。 “你剛纔說什麽一男一女,你怎麽知道的?” “我也有我的情報網!據說那個女的曾在馬戲團裏幹過 事……” 這一手是富士子的絶招。儘管她並不十分瞭解情況,但這是 她用來打開對方缺口的武器。 “你說話小聲點兒!”友納的話,間接而又毋庸置疑地證明 了他所應負的責任。 “這麽說,果然是這樣啦!” 友納表情苦澀地說。“這個,我不能回答你。不過,他們幹 得很漂亮,你就不要打破砂鍋問到底了……” “我不是那個意思。恐怕……根據我的直覺,這一男一女二 人會被警察作為直接兇手遮捕的。問題是到那時候你該怎麽辦?” “我絶不讓他們抓住……𠔌口和那個女人!”由於內心的衝 動,友綱無意中說出了𠔌口的名字。 “恐怕辦不到吧。他們用來殺人的兇器太特殊了。不行,你 不能那麽幹!……” “人又不是我殺的!” “事到如今,你說這種沒出息的話有什麽用?你到底打算怎 麽辦了?” “我剛纔不是說了嗎,我不能讓那兩個人落到警察手裏!” “這怎麽可能辦到呢?” “除掉,把他們倆也除掉!……”友納惡狠狼地毅然說出了 他的打算。 “啊!你還要……” 富士子瞪圓了眼睛。她扶了扶眼鏡,仔細地打量着丈夫那曬 得發黑的傲慢的險。他對自己是這種態度,而對他的情人又會做 出怎樣的表情呢?一時間,她的思想開了小差。 “衹能這麽做了!這也是為了黨,為了我們。” 友納極力使自己冷靜下來,去處理問題。 “誰去……除掉他們呢?”富士子毫不放鬆地盯問。 “你一個女人不要過問這種事!”友納並不回答她。 “讓神山先生去嗎?” “不,那可不一定!” 富士子從他的話音裏呀出,他的意思是,“我自己去幹”! “我懂了。我也覺得,把責任全部推到𠔌口和那個馬戲團的 女人身上,是再好不過的了……” “你是在挖苦我嗎?” 友納看了妻子一眼。 “不,我說的是正經話。憑我這個女人的直覺……如果不盡 早滅口,肯定會出事的。所以,儘管也許我是在多管閑事,但我 正想和你談談。” 友納冷冰冰地把富士子的話擋了回去。“純粹是多管閑事! 你衹要料理好傢務就行了!”
The first chapter doubts 1 Kang on behalf of her husband Sekisawa Yoshihide been worried about safety. Sekisawa only five years old on When the Democratic Party on the constitutional parliament Strategy Committee, it was jealous of his fortune exception Moreover, General President of the Friends of Carolina is diametrically opposed to his political opponents. Some legends, members and friends satisfied complicit violent groups are opportunistic murder Off Ze. Although not necessarily the case, but had to prepare. Sekisawa government covering thousands of square meters, of which three floors of a reinforced concrete structure Room, situated in a green leaves. High walls, most people do not turn into the. A month ago, the top wall pass on the secret power that once someone illegally climbing walls, bell Will automatically alarm. Hospital stocked with two highly trained dogs, as long as there can be Suspect people come in, dogs will be called up. Therefore, do not take one after the other two doors, never expect anyone to enter the customs Chak House, Vigilance is very guarded. The door has a duty point, in addition to the original two guards outside, a Added a month ago two young party members serving as a guard unit. Even so heavily guarded, still is off-taek Kang-generation personal safety on tenterhooks. The reason is that the dollar and the day of her big Japanese light times Bong Spirit had taught her witch Said: "In order that you have a home owner's personal harbinger of misfortune occurs, you had better be careful, Good guarding him! " She asked the Witch: "What kind of misfortune it?" Witch did not directly answer her, she just said: "This is God's arrangement." This makes Cande more fear. Must be someone to murder him! Cande think so. For Ze Mei governance related activities, she always acted as secretary general Roles sometimes involved views. This is perhaps she inherited her father - a constitution Democratic Party elders descent because of it. However, anti-migration violence committed it, for being a woman Kang on behalf of people who, after all, is very difficult. Sekisawa step out of the government as long as, it is necessary to bring bodyguards. Recently, Kang behalf of persuasion, Bodyguard of one to two and from always. "Do not be tired, so easily killed terrible!" Five-year-old Sekisawa radiant, his little eyes blinked on behalf Kang said removal. But Kang generations still feel not be overlooked. "You can not think the same person is negligent party ah!" February 15 drought this morning, on behalf of the Commissioner Kang Xiao Ze said. Ze is using face off Pack slices on a fresh juice and soup to eat dry food. Then he suddenly stopped his hand. "You mean the Friends of Carolina? Recent days, this person did a strange thing." "What is it 7" "He kept the party's safe, but he surreptitiously took away from that which Thirty million yuan in cash. I do not know what exactly to ...... " "Illegal misappropriation of public funds it?" "No, can not say that. Later, I have let Ishida to investigate A. " "Is that Mr. Shi Tianmao?" "Yes." Ishida is Sekisawa private secret agent. Members of Congress in addition to the formal secret Outside the book, you also need this kind of brotherhood. "Is it because of continuous leave, the bank closed, he needs cash, they diverted Public funds it? " "Of course it is. However, in general, all of a sudden need three dry-million in cash, Qian on the matter is no trivial matter. " "That would be how it happened?" "For example, secretly engage in transactions by check will give people leave evidence, so Will use cash. " "So, this person engaged in any conspiracy ......" "It is possible." Here, front door intercom calls came Ishida arrival report. 2 Soon, Ishida into the living room. His short stature, a bit shabby, but But bright and piercing eyes. Sekisawa wearing a kimono, kept rubbing his mouth with a handkerchief, slowly out from the dining room, Sat down heavily on a large sofa. Cande also sat down next to him, Ishida's going to listen to the report. "How?" Sekisawa asked her bluntly. Sekisawa very particular about the efficiency of the work, and as such, Failing to tend to jump to conclusions. "Yes." Ishida open a notebook from his pocket to exercise. "That's thirty million yuan in cash to make trouble Chu uses it?" Sekisawa wait to ask Road. "I give the staff at the scene of some sweetness, a little tentative, evidently they I do not know too little severance. " "Ah, that it is in Friends of Carolina would not say to such a person." Sekisawa folded his arms and nodded. "So, can only be judged according to Qian situation, sir." "What happened?" "Thirty million yuan has been repaid. 13th ......" "This is the beginning of Monday? Well detained. Was also his own deposit it?" "No, not for his own golf membership rights disposed of, no, say Some have accurate, he as a premise, borrowed a sum of money. In fact, I've _set_ up Think he would do that, they planted a snare, to be known as the Friends of Carolina camp 'Far East Golf Club 'to verify the situation. " "Ah, eh, has returned the cash? Would appear that thirty million of cash was used Where to go. What else? "Off Ze asked. "I feel satisfied that the Secretary of the Friends of suspicious actions." He quickly replied severance, "the first secret Book Kamiyama gone so far unaccounted for. " "He always link it to the wife ......" "Yes, I think so too. Had intended to put on the mountain house bugged ...... However, useless. " Ishida mouth strayed like a hint of self-deprecating smile. "How useless?" Off Ze asked. "She is not to say, the couple are staying out of." "Strange!" Sekisawa glanced towards Cande, then said, "the new thirst braved the storm Snow came back, the first secretary of the couple suddenly disappeared. Then there are three million. This There must have their places, but it is urgent ...... " "Yes, of course, I also investigated the situation Sakai's second secretary, who are Snoop has been in a former Friends of Carolina state driver drove Qian Imura light of three, ten action Points suspicious. " "I want to know is this ......" Sekisawa impatiently. "I understand. Inside information about the Friends of Carolina home, and I have called the root Reiko Women pull on the line, now being asked her to find out. Nuff people because she is a friend of a friend, They think I'm working for President, I think she can play to hear some situations. Actual She is now on the Square where worship, it is estimated that tomorrow you can get a satisfactory return Words or reported ...... " Ishida intends seduction to comfort impatient Sekisawa. "A woman? ...... Anyway, to carefully investigate!" "I know!" "Well ......" Kang-generation plug in, "if ...... there acting that they With these three dry Wan hired assassin? " "What? Murdered sir? Afraid Buzhi Yu ......" Ishida hastily denied. However, perhaps the psychological effect, his voice low. "I'm worried about ......" Kang sent on behalf murmured, with a hint of a sigh ...... 3 Ishida was gone, Guan Ze Kang-generation said: "I went to Akasaka afternoon, before that check some information." Then they entered the study. Cande back to his house, in front of the dresser sat down Western Oval, just talk Ishida has emerged in her eyes. . The people are really friendly grasp of the situation satisfactory to you? Million in cash ...... three things seem to dry Also put vague ...... Cande Ishida remembered that short stature, his eyes sharp image. He apparently busy Busy mediocre, but in fact, and only a small circling round and round, like families, people feel very Insecure. However, under the circumstances Ishida report, the Friends of the thirty million yuan satisfied indeed "pay To what sort of person. " Paid $ 30 million must also be a secret deal with the matter, is probably not get a light day Of the date down. Could it be ...... Cande facing the mirror, staring eye does not sunny reflect in the mirror his face. Slight muscle spasms in cheek. Perhaps what is unspeakable crime ...... ...... or pre reward success Pay compensation? She thought. Suddenly, she felt behind the cold dense, busy in the mirror looked into the door. She seemed to see the door was opened, and a strange assassin in there. They will not want to murder my husband? ...... I kept thinking, her greatest anxiety seemed to become a reality. Friends of Carolina suddenly determined to get rid off Ze, thirty million yuan to pay large sums of money, hired thorn Away ...... It is entirely possible! But ...... as long as at home, who can never expect to touch him lay a finger! Cande said in his heart. MPs had had to take like suicide and homicide actually Precedent. Infighting between them is too daunting. Cande is aware of this The. She whatever, at least her husband at home, she wants to make every effort to protect Permit his safety. This year, since by the "divine revelation" since the government just like a Sekisawa unassailable The City Gallery as closely guarded. As long as someone over the wall, the alarm bells will. Even into the yard, dogs can escape the eyes and nose. Bodyguard also increased to four, take turns serving as a guard day and night. Right now, as long as The status quo, even seasoned assassin, can never expect to sneak into the hospital. Cande side think so, he has also produced a new unrest elsewhere will not There are loopholes? She stood up out of the house, through the corridor leading to the third floor boarded the ladder. This Block three coat room on the third floor is a sunroom. ESW glass on three sides, the weather is good, Even the winter, you can also do Heating and very warm. Meanwhile, here is very suitable for balcony Hope. From a distance it seems, this layer of glass house and the second floor is very ornate stained glass windows Chic, like a tree stands in the courtyard among the Crystal Palace. Kang on behalf of the south-facing glass door stopped. Looked down through his own hospital The trees, you can see the wall of the family. "Ah!" There is something moving in her vision a bit. She felt a little strange at Is always picked up on this small sun room binoculars, swept up and looked. 4 Cande watching window opposite a small jacket. She felt there in the window Men's figure flashed. What kind of residential building movement, which usually is not worth the fuss. However And, when Kang-generation heart ignorant and weekdays are different. The man just seems to have a positive holding dual In view of the telescope tube Laos side of the case. How strange! She thought. A layer of tall buildings, "Tian Jing electronics store," used three two-story residence. Shopkeeper, "Tian Jing electrical shop" at the end of last year, died suddenly, leaving his wife And two daughters. Logically, this no man. However, just now entering the health-generation line of sight is undoubtedly a Men's figure. And she felt that the man opposite, just seems blatantly watching Own home. Someone watching us, how to do? ! ...... Blood gushed to her head. At this time, on behalf of mental health, almost in One kind of victimization of a state of illusion. She recalled Sekisawa again and Ishida conversation. That person may be scouting our family structures and import and export. This can not be The! ...... It can be said that her intuition. Of course, there is nothing conclusive based only She think so. She put the binoculars on the sunroom wooden table, they were troubled Stricken ran down the stairs. Ze ran off before the study, she quickly knocked on the door. "I disturb you ......" "What happened then screaming? Come." Sekisawa voice hardly ever, Cande had entered the study. Sekisawa turn the chair toward She glanced at. "I have just three daylight from room, across from the building and saw as high as three Windows, there is a man with binoculars to peek here. " "So how? Any suspicious signs it?" Sekisawa frowned. "It's not enough? Peek at someone else's home with binoculars ......" "This shows that not a problem! We often look down from the sun room." Sekisawa is a very courageous man. "No, that house building electrical lines, Logically there is no man, but I just Only to see, it is indeed a man ...... " Cande want Sekisawa know much more serious matter than Sekisawa considered. "Relatives and friends in their home, they must not have a man yet? Moreover, our house The stained glass windows are big and chic, people like to look outside, you do not have this Know? " Sekisawa overlooking the large round stained glass windows are closed in accordance with the Olympic Ze own specially The five torch design pattern, the diameter of two meters. "Yes ah, but ...... are catching up with the right time, I think I felt something not Chi Cheung Siu, so ...... " "Hey, you do not scare me, OK! Listen to what you say 'bad omen' I am also a little nervous, as if it felt like the house was hidden assassin. " "There will be such a thing ...... it." "Is it? ...... Out of this house, but added that there was something seventy-eight head, But at home it does not matter. What are you worried all day use? You then mention Heart hanging lamps to report to me that this report, my heart can not stand ah! " "Please forgive me!" Kang on behalf of his head. "Do not apologize to me anyway, even if someone wants to murder me, but also on the outside Start, I try to be careful it wants. " "I think that thirty million yuan ......" Cande just say it, but nonchalantly Sekisawa interrupted her words. "Well OK, I certainly understand, even into the hands of assassins, the kind of money eyes of the people, What tricks may not be able to ...... " "That may not necessarily, if negligent, maybe there will be a helicopter or small Aircraft hit from the roof down ...... " "If so, and it may be too thirty million yuan on the calculations. Professionals are dry assassin See the money work, what their lives would be so dry? At most, toward the car to do some sniping that sort of thing. My car filled with bullet-proof glass, and at the right time to go out dressed in the German-made bullet-proof back Heart. How can I lose this despicable guy! " "I understand your feelings., But ...... 11 years ago the Friends of Carolina's political opponents, Mr. Sugimoto Mr. Chair threw themselves in front, on his death, there are all kinds of arguments do not? " President of the Constitutional Party and the people I Sugisaki a tune, have claimed that he is a new breed of leaders have called He is the party's crown prince. Eleven years ago, on a summer day, he suddenly rushed to the city of Yokohama Tokaido Shinkansen railway, the train was like "ground meat" like rolling pieces. He did not leave a suicide note, this event is for the time being handled as a suicide. However And at the time, the opposition Sugisaki's death, the Friends of the budding is very satisfied Advantageous. "Ah, really stingy hand poison ah! When necessary, he will do anything, which is I have personal experience. " Sekisawa heavy nodded toward his wife and smiled. As can be seen from the expression, He did not intend to say anything. But, in fact, he should seriously consider further. When he realized this at the right time, unfortunate event has occurred. Chapter II alert 1 According to Cande intuition, she felt, that the fox is called the General Council of the Friends of Carolina Long, is planning to murder her husband. But there is nothing scientific basis. In fact, among uneventful, and Ushered February 16. On this day, sunny, winter is very warm day, this weather makes Feel that spring has arrived. During the day, three cedar good cadres Taro Members belong Fukumoto camp visited Sekisawa House. Among lawmakers, mostly on the surface smiling, but inside is full of hatred and mutual Hostile. According to a newspaper reporter witnessed, then talk to people one thing Cases it is very typical sense. Members in front of a photographer, and another Member laughing, Even shake hands with each other. However, a withdrawal of the camera, he saw no one else around the mouth Where it sloppy cursed. "The bastard thing ......" and leave the parties toward each other To "Pooh" bang spat. Often see this scene reporter confirmed that this is fairly good, even worse, Its filthy language, simply disgusting. In this infighting, domineering among Sekisawa fir and three belong to a faction, became friends. This is not only because the two constituencies With, but also because they fall in love from the so-called old friends from high school. Three cedar visiting aim is to discuss matters related party Fukumoto faction intends to every Once a month, "three sun and the moon will be" increased twice. In the living room, three cedar saw dressed in pajamas Sekisawa, he said without preamble: "I think we have the need for the presidential election, further strengthen the faction Internal unity. Other factions meet twice a month, do not you think we should have such a Do it? " At this time, Kang also present generations. In talks politics, she is usually to be avoided, But conversations with three cedar is an exception. "OK, ah, this is a demonstration, it is a business as usual in the 'old song' restaurants, Another arrangement in the 'holy pillar' hotel kind of place, a grand opening was a little, how Like? ...... " Sekisawa immediately agreed. "Hey, let's always great minds think alike, really happy!" Three cedar bare forehead glistening under the chandelier. He was just at this point and Different grizzled Sekisawa. "It's about half a year for us, but the key moment ah! Short, we must Must unite ...... " Kang on behalf of the side added: "Because of this, you had better be vigilant Yeah!" "I always thought this hole someone to murder me, I never would so easily killed The! ...... " Three fir said gloomily, "Madame is justified, it is full of danger." Paused, he Rooms, "What sign it?" Sekisawa irinotecan-generation took over the incumbent: "Oh, is that so ...... she said it was what she believed in God gave her oracles total Of, I see no great too ...... be careful not to say this, and how? Let's play a game Right? " "Play a game?" "Our basement is the kind of golf, golf bunt plus units Ball-like gameplay. Last time you not also played? " "Oh, is that stuff! Ah four ball point ...... Hurrah to a bureau! ......" In this regard, two always coincide. This golf very popular in the country Fu States, Canada, New Zealand, the current In Japan, the stadium has also increased. Bunt play very phase with golf Similar, but more needs to play the bouncing ball and water polo, is a very fun game. Regular venue Like ordinary golf course, located eighteen ball points, but in this basement Sekisawa Built four points venues for themselves and on behalf of health and the secretary of entertainment. 2 Heating equipment basement well, wearing a sweater will be very warm. In daylight As usual under the lights, the vertical arrangement of the four accompany venue. The first hole in the side of the ball, there is a second Yang hole tee ball. Par for the two, which is closed due to four Yang Ze asked people to specially designed and built, Thus unique style. The first ball point across a pond, if handled badly distance, the ball was not hit Water will fall to the other side, the ball becomes dead. The second point is in front of the ball steep slope of the pipe there, if the ball into the tube, There may have scored a hit point. Of course, does not guarantee one hundred percent true. The third ball point week there is a semicircular ring wall, just hit the ball accurately along the curve Go, you can blow it into. The fourth ball lined hole in front of the obstacle, like a game of billiards will be awarded as the ball into the wall On and bounce back, it may be into the hole. This hole is located in the high platform, the ball hit the opposite Walls tend to bounce back after serving venues directly, it is easy to become a dead ball. This is the most difficult The one off. "On the back and when you play, the fourth ball point this is much simpler than it is now, right?" Sekisawa beloved handheld said putter on the three fir. "Yes ah, not so complicated." Three cedar nodded. "After the renovation, the first time I was playing. So complicated, I am afraid that the United States specifically It is difficult to hit home went into it. " Sekisawa is very proud. This is said to play golf experts, the general ball It is a blow hole into the. "Me, my old man said, this is too complicated." When Sekisawa visit to the United States Atomic Energy industries, fell in love with this strange game, Here, on behalf of my heart is very like Kang Xu, so blurted out the words on the sash. "No, there is nothing difficult myself, just work hard, there is no dry fails!" "So, you come first ......" Three fir listen Sekisawa say, he picked up a green ball. In the first hole of the ball, the ball fought three Sequoia pool, they scored a second ball under the hole. "Well done!" Sekisawa with a yellow ball to challenge him, the same result Dozen. Then, Cande also picked up a red ball, only to look to put the ball into the water Went. She is very good at playing the ball. Sequoia is the second ball hole par three, while Sekisawa the ball into the tube, only the They hit the ball into the hole. Kang generation was accidentally hit it into the. "Madame, in the end, or in your own home playing Hurrah." Three fir said. "Where, no, I almost never practice my old man always at bedtime Practicing alone several times. " "Where there is such thing ah! ......" Off Ze embarrassed said. The third point three fir and balls are hit it off Ze Jin, Kang-generation is par. Finally to the fourth hole of the ball. "I do demonstration ......" Then, Sekisawa putter who are ready, open a deep breath, the golf is played Out. Ball accurately hit the wall and bounced out of the side to roll the ball to the hole. But Unfortunately, about one centimeter away from the Xuekou where the ball stopped. Covered with a flat, smooth fabrics, the ball can roll fun on the court in the above. Exhausted Nevertheless, this situation is often just still. "Arguably borrowed!" Three Shan said, while ready putter. Playing golf with ordinary lawn Different batting line painted on this venue. Three fir putt, the ball will be accurately Pop the ball to roll into the hole, like being sucked like. "Strike!" Said Kang-generation could not help. "I lost you!" Sekisawa table is very ignorant sigh borrow. "Accidental, fortuitous, it is entirely accidental ......" Three cedar aware Sekisawa is unyielding man, he smiled and said it entirely out push "even Contingent. " 3 Afternoon Sekisawa first listened to the views of residents constituency, then phoned to party headquarters Then go. In a bad mood when Sekisawa Hou, Kang-generation total appears to be very cautious. She was very understanding Off Ze temper. His stubborn, no matter what happens, do not want to lose from others. Now, Sekisawa keen on playing this golf that underground in their own home Room, specially built stadium. Presumably also strange that somebody is often political and financial circles could even quietly keen on a These childish games. Lockheed event due to a large firm known for cadres, had quiet Quiet electric locomotive model to start in the apartment for fun. Sekisawa likes golf, he never chess or chess, but fell in love with this Kind of game. Although three of his loved cedar cross, but they lost the next ball before the tricky fourth hole Array, the heart always feel awkward. At such times, Kang generations know him in a bad mood, so less talk to him as much as possible, Avoid offending him. In the evening, Ishida came to visit. He reports that he is there to play from the root Reiko Friends hear the inside story comes home satisfied. Ishida triumphantly into the living room. "Sir, the situation has come to inquire about the prospect. Loose in the end is a woman's mouth." He entered the room involuntarily said. When he found Kang also next-generation, as The hide his embarrassment, Zhoumei smile, "Inquire into what is it?" Sekisawa bit unhappy asked. "Friends of the family are now satisfied whack it, because a woman! Been identified, He put the woman hidden in Yokohama, but there is a child! " Ishida was not aware of the subtle changes Sekisawa psychological, slightly curved Zhang introduced From the circumstances. "Oh, there is such a thing! ......" Kang said on behalf seems to be very surprised. "This is what people are doing out That girl has sixteen years old, are on the high In it! " "That woman's case to identify it?" Sekisawa pointedly asked. "No, no, because I do not have time ...... again tomorrow ...... However, Paul Insurance Yes, this will be the Friends of Carolina scandal! " "On this, I've heard I need is a little specific intelligence!" At this time, it felt a Sekisawa Ishida's bad mood. "I'm sorry!" "The key is, and thirty million have been implicated in the problem, and that you identify the ant?" "So Well, I think, lest he put thirty million to the woman, and it should Women make a clean break. Maybe that woman up trouble, so pick up the woman secretary Kailash Sent 30 million ...... All in all, two secretaries have come back. " "What is the evidence that the money was used to sever relations with that woman do?" Sekisawa asked. "This ......" "If satisfied that his wife said Friends of the money is used to do, that is a different matter ...... I am afraid it may not have that kind of thing. " "But ...... According to the root Sapporo son said, Friends Nuff people say there. Put a lot of money Go to the woman, and this meant, and spoke also of tears. This Only that the money was to sever the relationship and the woman paid to her. " "Nonsense!" Off-taek, could not yell. 4 "......" In the face of menacing Sekisawa, Ishida at a loss, his face revealing a vast Natural look. "You ......" surprised not only Ishida, Kang generations can no longer silent anymore, "Please do not do it! People is to try to investigate Mr. Shi Tian's." "The results of the survey every effort is useless if it is wrong! Understand? ...... Friends of Carolina after all Political parties in the figure, and as president of the General, in charge of the party's constitution the people safe. Although he needed cash, that does not chip in order to lover, went to use the party's funds, And even for a day! ...... Even this did not understand it? "Off Li Ze sensual fear Said removal. "Yes ......" Then Ishida's mind, forget about agile site and off-taek against the pros. "Friends are not satisfied that the money spent on this kind of thing, even his own pocket money. Full thirty million ah! ...... " "So, I'm ...... not said yet, this is an even more amazing to dry Thing ...... " Cande remove stuck to their look. "Hey, your instincts may be right, but only guessed half must be sent What he had more pressing matters! " "Tiresome to you, very sorry! I let the roots Reiko closer look." "A woman's words can only believe half of it a little common sense are not you?" "Ashamed ......" Ishida Xianshibumiao accommodate it again, head down, dingy back out. "This man really useless!" Sekisawa they left the house to see the couple, and then on Cande said. "But his work was quite enthusiastic. Clue he found very important, do not Can be ignored! If we put him out, he'll go off to the enemy over there! " "It is possible." "You do not tank it? Anyway, to try to use him." "OK, so do I now want to take a bath." "Wash will feel better. Outside makeover, as if suddenly cold up." Cande Said. Sekisawa into the bathroom after Kang-generation back to his room, put on tights. To stay in shape beauty, she insisted on doing an hour of aerobics every day. Fitness room is located in the basement, this small room, just next door to the golf course. Assist her dance aerobics is resident among this three youngest maid Kosaka photons. Photon graduated from high school this year, nineteen years old. Cande Into fitness room, pick up the automatic telephone hand_set_. Each house is equipped with basement Automatic telephone, pick up the words as soon as Jane, a small room next to the kitchen buzzer rang device will. "Miss photons in it?" Kang called photons coming generations. "In, I'll go ......" I hear the voice of the young photons. "Come over here, do not you help me back on the stretch is not open ah ......" Then, Cande bashing thing laughed aloud. Indeed, while Kang-generation has aged 46, but she can still splayed legs, the front body Pour into the forehead close to the floor, the body is very soft, which makes her proud. Photon soon came, she was wearing pink tights, which wore white than Cande Richer color tights sexy, with her plump breasts, people feel a strong The provocative atmosphere. They immediately started doing flexion and extension. Then, the woman doing meditation potential, while another Gently to jump rope, as usual doing gymnastics. Because heating, two body heat quickly, swelter. During this time Everything is calm. After about an hour, Cande suddenly thought, he came out from the bathroom ...... no? She suddenly worried. In Sekisawa colleagues, there is one that is solely Members Stroke and death occurs when a person taking a bath. Due to soak in the water for a whole three hours, That corpse just like only "clear chicken" was. She thought: do not be afraid ...... As long as heart problems, she moment contain themselves. She just put on a towel, wearing tights and photons should immediately go to the bathroom, But unexpectedly ran into wearing head golf shirt, walking down the steps of Sekisawa. "Ouch ......" Kang-generation first surprised, then smiling. "Oh, I go to practice for a while, you go to sleep." Sekisawa said. "Practicing golf?" "Yes, how can I lose to that guy! I want to make it a crack shot, a hit on Into! " "You'll catch a cold!" "What Heating afraid!" "Beware of little ......" Truth a naughty child ...... Kang-generation heart so I thought, but at least one loose Gas. Chapter III tragedy ! Prior to the incident, Kang generations saw her husband safe and sound, is the late nine. In the past, Sekisawa at bedtime often holding a golf putter to practice; therefore, Husband's behavior does not make sense any unusual health behalf. Of course, she did not even dream Think there will be any danger. Because only from within the premises into the basement, outsiders can not Can come. 9:30 pm. Small bright photon away the kitchen, going back to his room, then, Automatic telephone out of a green light suddenly lit up off the ground, this is someone calling in the basement Call signal. At the same time, the buzzer rang. Although there are automatic telephone within the government, But after two signals coming from the courtyard with this difference, that's a red light. "Ah, yes golf room." Photon familiar to the situation here, she thought, this must be Sekisawa callsign issued. In the past, Sekisawa had ordered her to use the phone to send over coffee. "Hey, I'm a little bright." She picked up the phone said. This home has a custom, answered the phone at the right time, no person or perish female bodyguard owner, Must first reported his name. However, the phone is coming off Ze incoherent speech: "...... You ...... you ...... as ......" After several more painful groan, followed came the "splash", like what The sound of things collapsed, and then no more movement. "Sir! ...... Mr. Hey, how do you?" Even as a young photon, but that is a fancy to Cande girl, when she A turn of mind quickly. "Mr. happened stroke it? ......" So she immediately hung up to Cande room. "Mr. trouble! Coming to the basement of the golf course! Situation is not good ......" She cried Kang generations. Cande understand immediately Sekisawa murdered. But this time, she did not think things Severity, but hurriedly put wide pajamas, scratching and scrambling rushed down the stairs, and then After waiting there and rushed together in the basement of the photon. Golf chamber only one door, that door was open a crack. Cande silence Grabbed the door handle, the door had just stepped into a step on the "ah" scream together. Wearing long-sleeved shirts and golf pants off Ze fell on his back, the body constantly Twitching. Phone hand_set_ hanging on the side. His face was flushed, left is constantly Spurting out. Not only that, more alarming is that his right eye is also deeply _insert_ed Shining with a slender knife. "You wake up ......" Cande reluctantly supported limp body, calling Sekisawa. However, he has not even Mouth of the air force are gone. "I'll call an ambulance!" Photon said. "Go! There, so that they must notify the police!" Cande side desperately supporting let yourself down, side finally uttered these words Words. 2 Ambulance came. Sekisawa not dead, clutching his hand, he can make a trace Weak reaction. He was a man with a sharp weapon headlong into the eyes, which is certain. His right Eyes still have a weapon, maybe his eyes are used to get the weapon pierced. In short, as long as able to save Sekisawa, after committing the crime of the murderer and the event will be the Truth. In Cande escorted off Zebei rushed Tokyo Women's Hospital, Kai Tak Surgery. Let us now turn to the Metropolitan Police Department's three police cars off Chak House, under the strict vigilance quickly Began to inspect the site. The situation is this: Victims Sekisawa Sin After the bath, in the late nine entered the basement scene. He was a People quietly, intently practicing golf. At this point, the door is not locked, Therefore, anyone can freely access. Sharp weapon like the murderer handheld darts touch came from the door. Victims hooked golf, this is called the focus of golf Game, so even if someone crept walked beside him, he probably will not Noticed. When the victim accidentally turned to when the killer turns his eyes Bianxiang tie to go. When the victim fell, the attackers fled. They also do not rule out the killer is very far away from Where loquat weapon cast past. After the incident, although the victim unbearable pain, and loss of vision, but God Chi is still awake, he touched his hand to find the phone, called a photon. At this time, he only said, "You ...... you ...... as ......" This intermittent Words. Then he blurred consciousness, and finally fell. A series of questions in front of police officers. First of all, "you ...... and you ...... a Like ...... "What does it mean? Specifically, this "you" refers to the photon is concerned, or is that the wife Cande concerned? In this regard, they are different views. Also, "the same" means what and what? Like how? It is also unclear. Also, photons can not be excluded panic among misheard possible. The second question is how the murderer was sneaked into the heavily guarded house this coming? Enclose Bell did not fault the wall, Quesihaowei ring. Meanwhile, the hospital's guards and dogs Never noticed anything suspicious person. Just smell the taste of outsiders, the dog should have cried Come, but did not call. So they naturally think of what if the killer is hiding in the house, and people. So, the occurrence of toxic pieces of the time, people are wrong? On behalf of the victim's wife off Zekang 46, when she was in her bedroom Changing clothes. People found photon events Kosaka nineteen years old. She received the crab room small room next door Phone call to the victim. Aki Nakano maid with twenty-three, when she was in his room. There roommate A long-lived in this house maid, she is the oldest maid Takada good, this Aged 45. If they suspect any of the two words, it would They must be put into the same suspect. In addition, the main entrance of the guardhouse there Matsumoto, Yamada, backdoor guardhouse there Kikuchi, Yu Chuan Lu Zijian guarding the post. Therefore, as long as they are not complicit in any one person can not separate crime. Obviously, the motive was not robbed. Murderer in a very short period of time under the murderous scheme Immediately after the escape. If this is also not unlikely assassin dry. Only after wave of victims killed clue said, "You ...... you ...... as ......" This sentence, with the only evidence left behind by the killer - a sharp weapon. This is the fierce Is likely to be the murderer came from the door to vote. This is the weapon about 45 centimeters tip worn - Well sharp points, it is the ordinary five Gold shop selling different, shaped like an awl used to make mats, but is not. This is a A special weapon, of course, no fingerprints on the murder weapon. This knife is used to do it? Perhaps that is designed to kill ...... fierce Is? ...... In today's society, the use of such a weapon would someone do? ...... They want, the more intractable mystery. 3 Off Zebo sent to the Eastern Women's Kai Tak hospital surgical floor. His eye was destroyed, And may have hurt the brain. Therefore, although the doctor had done for him over three hours of surgery, However, it is difficult to assert whether to save their lives. After the surgery, until the next morning, Sekisawa failed the emergency room. Therefore, it would not be able to stand by Kang on behalf of her husband side. When Sekisawa surgery and surgery, again and again, deeply regret the impact of the health Generations. Blame me, imprudent! ...... But does anyone out dark inside our house Kill? ...... Kang Jiao hard on behalf of the lips, mouth feel a hint of bloody ignorant. She much thought, is what people always feel the murderer of your own home, but never non- France sneak outsiders. A maid ...... or security personnel in the rebel migration? ...... Otherwise, if the potential outsiders who could not ring the bell, the dogs can not not called. And, after committing the crime perpetrators disappear so quickly ...... Ongoing police investigation, however, people at home are two pair with each other License, unless they are in a particular pair of murderers. But ...... you really want to say? ...... In the final minute, Sekisawa photon words entirely a mystery. "You ...... you ...... as ......" Sekisawa is to say "a murderer and a photon-like" it? Or say. "Like the murderer and Kang-generation"? ...... And now even a sufficient evidence did not. What does he say something and the same? Like how? Are unclear. "The old man ...... you dry Wan Do not die, be sure to save you! ......" Cande pray while standing outside the emergency room, while meditating. At this time, several factors The police did not know in front of her. "Lady, I think you must be very sad now, but there is a problem that you want to Advice. "A 40-ish plainclothes Interpol bowed said. "What happened?" "On the scene of the problem. Your husband often alone in there to play?, I think Know who the murderer is not to understand the internal situation in your home. " "Oh, though not always the case, but recently he often ...... ......" "When the incident occurred, he was according to plan exercise?" One Year Ji Interpol little bigger stubbornly asked. "No ...... not of." Cande remembered Sekisawa inadvertently say why. When her husband and three cedar play ball Candidates who lost three cedar, for which he was very angry. "Well." "Mr. Interpol, the prisoner in my home? ......" Kang asked Interpol on behalf of suspense, but Interpol, but shook his head. "No, no, it is not clear, but ......" "That's the same thing as the awl ......" "Being traced." Whatever asked Interpol has always been not to tell her the details. At this time, Cande Mind suddenly had an idea. I want to personally find out the truth ...... 4 This desire Cande unexpectedly soon realized. After dawn, lying off the oxygen cabin Zebei sent the intensive care unit, Ishida He came to visit. Quite by chance, Ishida came, ward no one else. Despite the cold outside, Ishida wearing only a thin raincoat. Usually looks dowdy Ishida, this time in the eyes of generations, but incredible Kang became a reliable figure. "Madame, how say?, I was shocked!" Saw Kang generations, stone Tian took exaggerated facial expressions said. "I refuse to heart what finally became a reality, he stabbed ......" Cande face looked very sad. "Mr. situation how? ......" "Injuries too, unconscious, ...... two eyes were injured, ...... listen to the doctor Said, his eyes away from the brain recently, so have large effects on the brain ...... " "Eyes?" Ishida's face became gloomy. "Even healed, I am afraid ......" "Madame, now the heart of this operation is useless and you still see if there is anything I can Do, I will try to help! " Ishida's words reminded Cande, maybe he can do anything according to Kang generations will. "Well, there are two things ...... now ...... you look it up." "Two things?" "Yes, one is ......" Kang suddenly lowered his voice on behalf of the "Friends of satisfied overall ...... After the service the president ...... I call him T. T what did last night? You put before After the situation clear. Detective like to let you do such a thing ...... I'm sorry. " "You say this is where, I almost had a private detective Mr. thing. Originally, Mrs. T and consider this event implicated ...... " Ishida also immediately switch to the "T" this call. "I think so, ...... however, and there is little evidence, but that is three thousand Ten thousand yuan ...... And you told me that the situation ...... " "I understand, I understand." Ishida nodded. "There is a ......" Cande just say it, but suddenly looked like Sorry Said, "...... I finished it first thing, if outsiders would not be able to say." "Please say, please say." Ishida said knowingly. "After my husband was killed once said 'like you' words, of course, not me Heard a maid at home ...... " Kang received the case on behalf of the telephone when the photon to Ishida briefly spoke again. Ishida seems to be a private detective, and while attentively listened while nodding Head. "...... Impression from the point of view, the murderer was a woman, I think this is wrong. Just this 'Like' refers to what? Mr. ...... saw the offender is just a short one Moment it ...... " "Yes." "If this is the case, it probably means clothing, clothing characteristics." "......" "In terms of women's clothing, what clues it?" Ishida's mind at this time appears to be very agile. "I can not say for a moment ......" Cande reflective. "Well, if I tell you to think of what, in this regard, you need me to go What investigations? " "Want you please confirm that the girl is not really heard him say that sentence, the Then extrapolated. " After the incident, Kang did not spare some time to calmly say a word on behalf of the same photon. "Understand, about Kosaka photon things handed to me, I ......" Ishida just say it, the head nurse came in, so he put the following words pharynx Back. Since such an event has occurred, you have to have for anyone wary. "Ah, Mr. Shi Tian, since you specifically to Spring Hope my husband, even though he still unconscious Wake up, then you see it across the oxygen tanks, please ...... " Kang on behalf of an idea, the Ishida let into the ward. While hanging on the door of a "thank Must visit "sign, however, Cande going to let Ishida look Sekisawa that appalling Case, it was her blindingly. "Well, then, to see one ......" Ishida fear and trepidation into the ward. Patients dying makes white walls, White sheets, white infusion equipment, etc., everything seemed so deserted. Sekisawa lying oxygen cabin, nose stuck in a pipe in his mouth but also a pretty mouth Thick tube. Of course, had surgery in thick white bandage wrapped around his eyes. "This is the gentleman?" Ishida could not believe their eyes. Sekisawa broken murderer stabbed with a sharp weapon eyes, causing eye rupture, depending on God After injury, broken eye socket, so that the brain injury. Therefore, doctors take emergency measures Removed his eye. I am afraid that can not be saved ...... Mr. Ishida made the worst imagination. However, he did not put this idea to Kang generations, But slowly bowed his head, walked away from the bedside. "...... The doctor said that he almost woke up." Cande very much hope Sekisawa able to talk to her, even if one is good. She involuntarily To reveal this kind of feeling out. "Is it?" Ishida nodded his head, but his heart was felt despair. Chapter IV of death 1 From noon to afternoon, the Constitution of the Democratic Party lawmakers blessing Needless to say, the opposition party Also came to the hospital to visit Sekisawa. However, due to "declined to visit," they lay down their gifts, Hurry to leave. Cande Mentally too tired, can not stand for long periods, and therefore, only Constitutional Democratic Party Vice President Takeshi Inoue good to the hospital, she was personally pick out paternity, then a Ze straight in the next ward off clothes lying in bed. Due to extreme fatigue, severe headache hit her. In order to make her calm down, The doctor gave her a needle, Cande That groggy, Sishuifeishui to rest for a while. When she suddenly awake, worn on the wrist electronic watch has been shown to significantly 12:15 Points. Her half-open eyes, and saw Kosaka photon corner of the ward was sitting on the chair says What. She may be in the home Daibu Zhu, they came to help. "My husband how about it?" Kang on behalf of an opening he asked. Nineteen photons suddenly looked up, her eyes Are filled with bloodshot. "Mr. ...... also like, nothing changes." "Oh ......" Cande nod side, one side closed his eyes to see. "Nothing changes ...... that he has not improved." Her mood is more of Shen Tong. In the melancholy, she also thought that puzzled Mystery. When the incident happened, although we can not say what the physical home sealed, but only To have outsiders come in, was able to find. Moreover, it is impossible to bailing out. Where the offender is to break into, but also a place to escape from what is it? Do not understand this Question, it is impossible to catch criminals. Our home is a human right? Takada good ...... Banno Aki ...... Kosaka photon ...... Faces and everyone's conversation on weekdays, are all surfaced in her eyes, And disappear go through. Cande very clear that these women, which is not waving fierce Is to kill her husband. These three individuals certainly innocent. If that is the guards mutiny, ...... how can Can two people together are ...... Served as the main entrance alert Yamada, Matsumoto, backdoor Kikuchi, Yu Chuan, these four individuals Are reliable and are based Sekisawa identity as a teacher person. Even if one of them which is so People bribed to go, but when an event occurs, it is still two people together, which is off Ze strict rules of the system, they certainly would not violated. That being the case, it is impossible to a One involved in the murder, while the other has pretended not to know. It seems that criminals still coming in from the outside touch ...... The results of hard thinking, Cande only out of such a conclusion. Police course Home for seven servants thorough tracing, however, the result is probably the knot with her On exactly the same. However, if that is the case, the murderer escape road and sneak Where It? ...... On behalf of the suffering could not help but thinking makes Kang groaned. "Madame, you are does not matter, right?" Photon eyes cast to her side. "Ah, nothing ......" She herself is like Hospital Road. However, since the beginning of those doubts and mystery Final somersault in her mind, her heavy heart have never eased. 2 Five p.m. many generations up to visit Kang still struggling with death of her husband. As it happens, the attending physician Dr. Sakuma Off Ze is measured pulse. "How? Doctor ......" Cande asked. "In another moment to know. To see how his vitality, because surgery Is successful. " Sakuma was a middle-aged doctor, his body like an athlete robust, robes Beneath his arm wrist cuffs full of hairs. Cande clinging to his arm wrist, Jane Straight to cry together. "Doctor, please save him, beg you!" Although she felt so open Buchengtitong, but which also spare nothing Decent unseemly. "We are doing everything no, is the patient himself is fighting with death." Sakuma heavy finish, out of the ward. Cande accidentally saw a small table in the doorway of a business card, her face Color suddenly changed. "He ...... what time come?" She asked in the presence of photons. "About an hour ago ......" "Let him come in?" Kang-generation viciously asked. That card is a friend who is satisfied by the total The first secretary of the president of the mountain Goro services. "No, do not let anyone come in, I always insist on not allowing people to come." "Really?" "Yes." "That's good ...... he is a man come from?" "Yes." "He came to inquire about the situation!" Because emotional Cande suddenly felt blackouts. "Ah, how?" Photon quickly ran over. "It's okay, it may be too tired, a little dizzy ......" "Please go timid bearing it, is there anything I'll get you to." Photon words still unknown, Kang has slumped on behalf of the iron chair. Certainly yes! But ...... how he put my husband ...... Sekisawa golf with the fans, this game is a fee of God, we must concentrate. Therefore, when the murderer close to his side, was not aware of Sekisawa. Moreover, he QI own home is one hundred police assured, but even he never dreamed, there is a Only from their own murderous hands are behind the secondary over. Because of this, it happened stabbed Eyes wear such appalling tragedy. Besides the prisoners just like a gust of wind, come and disappeared. Cande recall goes dragonfly secretary defended mountain faces. With his skill, I am afraid to fly down from the sky is - possible ...... Remember what happened when a young man driving a small plane had Right wing hit a big shot in the housing. If by helicopter, hanging down from the sky, The fall of three or two-story houses, you can sneak Inside the residence. However, at that time did not hear the sound of a helicopter propeller. Still more, That night so quiet even the dog did not call out ah ...... Cande baffled. Friends of Carolina's secretary specifically to visit, I am afraid there is a purpose, they want to know their The success of assassins dispatched done. Despicable guy! Ignite the flames of anger in her heart, however, this feeling alone, with no real solid According to the police will not act rashly. ...... Sure, once they learned Sekisawa saved even put assassin sent To this ward to kill him. Friends of Carolina is capable of doing such a thing is! In Cande opinion, political opponents within the party are more frightening than anyone. Constitutional Democratic Party is executed Parties. Anyway, the opposition can not take away the world, the people in the party constitution, which does not put the opposition Thinking in the eyes of the very common. Therefore, they are the real enemy of rival factions within the party Members, rather than opposition Members. Kang Bo behalf of the Friends of fear is so satisfied and men gang, precisely because politicians kept In the this grim fact. 3 Dean sent specially brought dinner. He learned that Kang-generation likes to eat "Chrysanthemum" restaurant Hote, they sent a specially people come. Cande not feel a little hungry, but Dean a kindness, accept their hospitality, they She moved a few favorite dishes, such as chopsticks tilefish platter. Nine at night lights, before thirty minutes, Ishida again in the ward. "Madame, what changed?" Ishida wearing a black coat, the coat collar stand, and he does not seem to end noticed chamber Hot air inside, still wearing a coat. "No." "Really? Me figure out a lot of situations." Ishida vigilant attention to the side Four weeks, one side says. "What happened?" "It seems that this event will have fully prepared in advance!" "Really?" "You know something garden, right?" "I know, ah, man, this gardening stores often come to our house." "Listen to this stuff garden manager, said Friends of Carolina had asked them to go to his dressing Suginami His family's courtyard. " "Ah? ...... Why he has had in the past that he did not ask who this gardening shop Right? " "Of course not, according to the manager, said he was summoned to the Friends of Carolina office, secretary to the mountain He asked this question on that. " "Some have asked what?" "Said Friends of Carolina to transform the courtyard house, let him look to the design." "......" "Not to mention that he said that one should first understand what this meeting which gave gardening shop Who built a courtyard. This of course refers to let your family myself. Then, he also drew a sketch called, Asked in detail about the layout of the trees like it. " "I understand, that is to say, when he was fully grasp the situation of our family." Kang generations understand the tactics used by the Friends of Carolina. "However, things only garden manager briefed the courtyard. Yard dogs and Alarm device on the wall, I think he already knew. " "So, the killer really is ......" "The secretary is also not sure that this problem has not yet figure out ...... but. After listening to something garden manager said the situation later, I suddenly thought of another clue. " "Another clue?" "You do not understand?" Ishida twitch a few of his big nose, "is the interior The building structure. No matter how clever means murderer, if do not know the layout of this house Important type of situation, it is impossible to have done so neatly; So, I guess they a Given reached into the civil store! " "......" "Not long ago converted to underground chambers Ikeda golf shop ...... your home's main civil They also want to project contracting, right? " "Yes." "I immediately went to Shinjuku, Ikeda civil headquarters to inquire about people ......" "How?" Cande feel Ishida reasoning hitting home. "Sure enough, he went to the store Ikeda civil seen your family's overall architectural schematic Figure! " "Kamiyama secretary is it?" "That's him! Formal design is not just to see, because businesses have a responsibility The customer may be afraid of the enemy secret ...... cloven hoof, just look at the schematic left. Only Is ...... " "What?" "But, he said, they also want to build a golf practice room, ...... of course, But this is the letter I ripped off the whopper. So, he asked the layout, as well as design Figure ...... but even this figure is also copied him go! " "So, the murderer who is already quite understand!" "Oh yeah! However, police were unable to find the murderer and the injury to accompany the line broke Brains do. I'll explore T and tackling a mountain at the time whether the two men at the crime scene. The current situation is this ...... " When Ishida triumphantly to report the circumstances of the time, Kang behalf of hearts the fire of hatred that Flame burn more prosperous, a blocking foul smells in her chest. 4 At 8:00 on the 18th, especially when doctors do rounds, Dean has purposely come together Ze to ward off and for him to do a careful examination. "Consciousness restored more, he seemed to say something." After the inspection, the President said, removed the oxygen tanks. Then, the removal of those _insert_ed in the mouth and nose to help restore the mind of Various tubes, reducing the burden on the patient. "It appears that there might be ......" Kang looked on behalf of this situation, and my heart hoping against hope. She thought that So blind, so long as restore health, he can also serve as representatives of the disabled person to continue when Members of Parliament Hon. "......" Sekisawa slightly moving her mouth, but speechless. "He was talking, right? Doctors ......" Kang-generation head sadly most watched white bandage wrapped around her husband, and the main view That with his fretting, dry lips. "Yes, he really is talking ...... His language may have been a central Given extent ...... " Dean said, holding the patient's hand personally. This behavior is the loss of visual acuity An incentive. "Ah ...... Oh ......" The patient's mouth moved, chest drum up. "Do not worry ...... slowly ......" Dean through rimless eye, staring off Ze mouth. Kang urged on behalf of staring off Ze, "Old man, I ah, I'm here! What do you say? Have anything to say Then it say! ...... " Then, suddenly, a terrible thing happened. Sekisawa facial twitching violently, a flurry of inexplicable sounds, the sound Tip was plucked from his throat squeezed in general. "Monkey Monkey ...... coming ...... ......" Hug, he moved his hands and feet, painfully struggling a few times, suddenly no more. "Oh, a little abnormal!" Dean and the doctor looked at each other knowing glance, let Cande go out and Command nurses hurried to prepare rescue. Cande from the hectic crowd squeezed, into the next room, motionless Stood and listened with his ward came over her husband's footsteps and medical devices Sound mechanical issue. Sekisawa abnormal body what happened? The doctor said was "a little abnormal," Perhaps the brain had an accident? What will happen Great uneasiness suddenly swarmed Cande heart. Sekisawa shout never a good sign, it is a terrible cry like a hallucination hair A scream. That cry ...... My husband wanted to express what you mean? Sound seems to be "Monkey Monkey ...... ...... coming ......" "monkey" is not a monkey "monkey" mean? "Laila" is to use a knife will "to pull" it? Shout this moment ...... Out, then there is no way to determine Kang behalf. However, she Sekisawa usually feel that familiar voice, he said, seems to be "Monkeys came." Monkeys come ...... is how it happened? ...... Husband was assassinated before the terrible memories, Must also remain in his mind. Therefore, it may be time conscious in his newly restored, Assassination scene in front of him when they emerge out ...... Cande thought. "The monkey", of course, in this case as a "coming criminals" Another expression. In other words, it can be considered. "Offenders equal Monkey The child. " The offender is a monkey ...... how can such a thing! ...... Kang on behalf of a wry smile. But, uh, body light as clever monkey, maybe really quietly drilling The house? Monkeys? ...... Monkey will kill it? So. He said on the phone, "and you have a Like ...... "That is what they deemed to be explained? Photon lady and I are not monkeys ...... If we say that this is just in case delirious talking nonsense, let me say The ...... I do not know how long, suddenly, a retaining called Kang generations to come. "Mrs. Dean, doctors ask you to look at." Since the nurse's voice, the Kang-generation premonition that something bad. "Yes." Her tongue tight, the sound becomes hoarse. She walked off Ze ward, doctors found two stood side by side, I look Her. "It is not, and he suddenly of heart failure occurred ......" When Kang-generation realize that this hanging over her mildly announced Sekisawa death, she again Also restrain the tears welling up. She fully expected Sekisawa can be saved, however, Human life is such a delicate moment kept in balance, and in delicate moment lost To balance. Fifteen minutes later, Sekisawa heart completely stopped beating. Kang generations feel the foot She stains the big collapse in subsidence ...... Chapter truth 1 On the 18th night, the family man Sekisawa Yoshihide held a secret funeral. However, in order to Constitutional Democratic Party leaders and heads of constitutional opposition Democratic Party, headed by the president of his lifetime friendship also Sekisawa Gradually come to burn incense. In the subsequent two days, Kang came to offer condolences on behalf of the reception guests, too busy to sleep Have no time to sleep. Two weeks later formally decided to hold the funeral in Aoyama Funeral Home. Cande already tired exhausted. The 20th day, from early morning drought, severe headache makes Cande been bedridden. Last resort, ask the doctor to inject analgesics before the pain stopped. Noon, Ishida came to report the situation. Kang put this event on behalf of all the time in the mystery of mind, so she was eager Know what Ishida brings intelligence. In order to avoid the eyes and ears of the people, on behalf of the people of the Ishida Kang ushered into the late Sekisawa book Room, she threw a light pink winter pajamas and walked toward the den. Ishida just like a doctor or a bank clerk, he was wearing a "three-piece" suit, Wearing metal frame glasses, make-up very well. "Oh ...... you too hard!" Cande blinked. "I'm not pretentious, when detectives need a variety of clothing, need money, Is very hard, ...... please understand my difficulty. " Ishida a first-come, beginning with a poor-mouth to complain, mostly want to return it. Maybe He felt not a little dry to investigate charges, since there is no chance to take it. In short, he Money is to look at things. "I understand. So ...... how? That thing." Cande unthinkingly accepted his request. "I was in T aspect done a lot, as you know it." Ishida sit in a chair, and started, and that arrogance is alive when he Sekisawa End had. "Ah." "I was outside his home telephone line bugged, the results identify that he has A lover, living in Yokohama Yamate 'paradise' apartment, called Zenith Hane Son ...... " "Valentine?" When two members of Congress have a lover not a magical thing. What "Yes, just so, you can not see the killing of Mr. events have Relationships. The woman had a cousin named Yoshio Taniguchi, is likely to be this dry. Taniguchi is my hometown of Pine City, Mie Prefecture traders, known since childhood. You must be very surprised, right? I started also taken aback. Japan, after all, is very small. If Taniguchi is really a murderer, His crime means it looks a little roughly. " "Is it true? ...... You have to stare at it!" Cande no more to ask. If you do not pay attention, it will take the opportunity to endlessly Ishida Power reported a pass and then mercilessly extort a reward, in the end what intelligence also can not get it. "However, he is not a man that killed Mr. dry!" "How, there are other people?" "Yes. Seems to be the man's hands to kill, I'm sure!" "Well, this is what people accomplices?" "Lady, this is how the murderer was to start talking about coming in touch, or else he did not Understand. " "Yes ah, the police do not seem to figure out." "But I have been very cleverly solved the mystery, of course, perhaps in a Within two days, the police will find. " Ishida then really listen to the people in a hurry. "Please tell me!" Cande pleaded. 2 "Where do I start? Right right, speak louder than words, let us go and see your family Stained glass trimmed local bar, we stand by, watch tell you. "Ishida proud Triumphantly said. "Okay." Things are now, only listen to Ishida's it. I do not know this man's heart in mind, But since it has been seeking him, let him scramble and see Meng. Ishida boarded Sekisawa House floor, he looked shed-style building _set_ in the upper half of the large Stained glass type. "Madame, there are through the roof and the second floor, right?" "Yes ah, if you go from the outside ......" "I went to give it a try." "Please." Ishida came from the roof of the second floor in front of stained glass. "I'm afraid not at such a high place ......" he said to himself. "What are you really looking for?" "Entrance of the murderer." "Is the murderer will not break the stained glass?" "Will still not ...... hey, you take a closer look here!" Ishida ducked, crimson fingers touched the corner of the glass. "What things?" "Look carefully you can see it here very close to the transparent sticky tape. Murderer Opened with a piece of glass glass scraper, afterwards it repaired with tape up! " "Oh ...... really! ...... But later opened, the glass does not fall It? " Cande still believe. "It is also easy to get in the middle of the glass piece with a suction on the sucker, you can In his hand caught. The hands of thieves has makes it very handy tool. " Ishida speak very frankly states skin. "But ...... but ...... even go from here, and there is a big empty shed, How to climb down from the wall it? Higher than three people up and down it! ...... " Kang-generation line to cast his suspicion. "The problem is here, ma'am. Because of this, all of a sudden it does not want the police To. However, as long as the rope tied to the outside of the railing, and then from the stained-glass Down the hole where to go, not to become a good rope ladder it? " "Like you said, most people can not do it! First point, this painting Hole on the glass so small ...... " Cande looked at the hole diameter of about forty centimeters said. "It's also escaped a police sight of the important reasons! However, the murderer is actually Is done. So ...... Hey, lady, you can not come over here to see ...... " Ishida has done more for their ego up. "Where are you?" "You see this cable." Ishida pointed to a pass into the copper reinforced concrete buildings Cable said. "Oh, that's not a phone line and power line right ......" Cande said. "It is, therefore, I racked his brain. How the murderer got into the heavily guarded Within the government to come? ...... Yard dog, wall alarm device. What is capable of Across them, and within the government and outside the hospital to connect it? ...... So, I finally want to To this cable. " "Mr. Shi Tian, say, the killer is from the outside electrical utility poles along this Rope to climb over, and then, beginning stained glass touch came in it? " "Madame really strong ability to understand what it is! Your home for more than two lines P Through much thicker wire, fully able to withstand the weight of the body got! " "However, only the body is quite thin people can climb along this line Come, such as the little body like athletes who change ...... " "Oh, you really words in the phrase, admire admire! Doing so, the murderer Indeed a petite woman! " "A woman?" "Yes, certainly, and Taniguchi cohabitation killer lover! She named Mayu mountains, Twenty-year-old this year. This woman is only about five meters tall. " 3 Ishida claims that he killed off Ze identify the two murderers. "I did not expect, Mr. Shi Tian was so meticulous investigation ......" "To tell the truth; Three years ago, Taniguchi had pulled me to use the same method to steal, when Of course, I refused him on the spot. Such a thing, except your wife, I am not against any person Can say. Hey, in short, hard to figure out ...... " "You're too hard ...... then, is not the case to the police ......" "Lady, I'm not going to tell the police they will find late drought, but in Prior to this, there is one thing to do. " "What things?" "This ...... I will not speak of it. Madame, you do not want to learn something about that woman Person's situation? " "If you want ah." "Confirmed the woman is an important basis for the murderer is the death of former President Said. " "Yes ...... 'like you'? ......" "Yes, he said, 'came the monkey', right?" Here, Ishida Camel mocking smile. At that brief moment, his whole soul vulgar from his Expression in showing came. "Yes ......" "I think this 'you', does not mean your wife, but to Kosaka photons." "......" "Of course, in this case, and there is no big difference ......" "Why?" "In fact, analysis of the 'Like' this means, it is probably the killer says Like clothing and photons. The other is the 'monkey came ......', in fact, can not be Monkeys can be really, so in terms of showing that this also refers to clothing. " "......" "Got it? You Imagine climbing down the cable came in, grabbed a rope climb ended And down the people, not like a monkey do? "Ishida said proudly. "To say is." "You think about it, when to do such acts, and that people will wear what kind of clothes It? ...... " Ishida ranging questioning finished, Kang generation was suddenly think of it: "Oh, tight Clothes! ...... " Then she remembered the photons do together and fit body and shoving when he wears a white Purple body suit, photon wearing pink purple body suit. "That is it, exactly that. Wearing pink tights fit, looks Like a monkey. So, to Mr left such an impression. " "So ...... is that what is ...... mountains Mayu woman, wearing tights, We got home, my husband ...... "Kang-generation suddenly stared, tears from her eyes Lane uncontrollably. "Well, of course, this woman is and Taniguchi common for the case, but the real potential of Only the woman herself into the house inside. Behind the scene goes without saying, is a friend of Carolina! " Ishida's face as if to say, I scout the situation without the slightest error. "But ......" Kang generations while constantly wiping tears aside and asked, "that woman People how so sophisticated, I think, she is not an ordinary person! " "Madame, you point to the crucial words count. Doing so, after an investigation, I have After figuring out the. " "How to figure out?" "Clue is that the ...... tie in the eyes of the President. Awl as fierce as Devices. "Ishida said. 4 Ishida conclude mountains Mayu is killing off Ze murderer, there are more fully under. Ishida's attitude makes Cande completely dumped. He relies on his own strength, I do not know Feel already deep into the vital place of the event. "That stuff is ...... bought it from somewhere? Is used to do It? ...... "Kang on behalf of Interpol remembered to him that the weapon. "That stuff Well, common weapon shops can not sell." Ishida took incumbent Said. "That is ...... homemade or ......" "No, it is not. That stuff would have been a career appliances." "Occupation appliances? What kind of job?" "I say it straight, that is designed to kill ...... it is a weapon!" "Ah!" "Think of it! Of course, strictly speaking, is not intended to kill, but to Scratchy weapon, Mayu mountains Pei darts ...... they call it. " "Darts?" Whispered Tong Kang-generation multiplex channel. "Alias is also known as a single 'dart' word. Use it toward the person standing in front of wooden cast, Also not wearing one ...... " "Oh ...... is a circus or a hybrid to team with the 'knife', right?" "Madame, it is. Mayu Chaishan this woman could have been a circus performer, positive Because of this, her body light as clever, and can use this weapon crime. She's older than Taniguchi large, in order Taniguchi, she did anything out! " "Ah ...... This ......" Really incredible murderer! She got people to unexpected places, And with the means to take away her husband's incredible insect life. "This is the truth of this event! Though I feel guilty to betray a friend, but Yes, if there is no past Taniguchi told me the same thing means of committing the crime, I would not The woman may know the situation. However, I have to pay how much of a sacrifice, Now can you understand? "Ishida's tone clearly designed to Cande ungrateful. "I understand." "Well, now, I have fulfilled my duty to so ......" "Mr. Shi Tian ......" "How?" "How are you going to do next? Benefits you just think, let me wait, do not To rush to the police report, right? " Kang on behalf of a sudden premonition, she probably will soon gotten into this man's powerful. "Yes, at least until now ...... I agree, please do nothing Police said. "Ishida said decisively. "You can, however, how you really going to do?" Cande feel sure, Could not help but ask. "Oh, I can say that. Cross painted me well, but still put words in front of it, under I want to be a step in negotiations. " "Negotiations?" "Yes, darts or, stained glass hole good, we are witnesses and evidence fear Whole. If they want to be saved, it will make concessions to let. " It appears that Ishida is really intended for two people Taniguchi and blackmail. "It can not be! Fix, in the end ended up Jifeidanda ......" Although Kang tone generation is very weak, but she is so in addition to advice, and nothing more Act it. "That I understand. However, put them into the hands of the police in vain, would not pity The? "Ishida said with a sneer. "You can not loquat things become big!" "Madame, I have a way, will never go wrong!" "Please do not put me there ...... dragged into." "I understand Mrs. always be changed easily in and I made those guys, by myself To deal with them ...... " Ishida put to say Wyatt finished, slowly stood up from his chair with satisfaction. "You want to go back?" "I went to negotiate." Ishida happy toothy smile severance, "saying Said: 'Without further ado' Well, ancestors so sweet. All in all, it has so far, if Do not grasp the intrinsic ...... " "Come on you." At this point, Kang generations have nothing to say. Ishida head down, Enso moment, when he went to the room door, turned around abruptly Years, called out: "Mrs. ......" "Ah?" "I admit hold this job, how much risk to bear, as you understand, right?" "Of course myself!" "Well, you are not ill-treat me right!" Ishida is like a wolf, exposing its fangs. "Yes." Kang replied on behalf of his mouth. However, she had a heart but then Ishida A strong sense of disgust. Chapter VI ending 1 Ishida has a modified pistols made in Manila, which sticks his pistol team in Yokohama Philippines Binhai who bought the hands of the law. Dry him such a dangerous job, need this kind of self-defense Weapons. To test the power of these pistols, late at night, he came to the valley Hino, playing a few Bullets. From the feel of view, in less than ten meters, but it seems to hit human targets. With this stuff ...... as long as this feeling indeed become so bold Ishida up. He intends to meet members of Congress to kill off Ze murderer - Taniguchi and two mountains, Grab the appropriate money from them, and then, and then bite off Zekang generations on a big knock Pen. Ishida follow it, he Mayu mountains from the familiar features of the original circus staff Chaishan Mouth has learned to live in the mountains and northern Kanagawa Taniguchi two areas "Xiaoque Zhuang" public Apartment. So he called them ordered. "I know you guys are off Ze kill! Quiet if you do not want me to go out, Ready to ten million yuan, Ling Wan 'Shou House' roof park next twelve to Yokohama Up! " Ishida though I do not know where they are satisfied from the Friends of over thirty million yuan received a huge sum Money, but he guessed that they both kill people for the Friends of Carolina, there will always be a substantial amount of income The. Taniguchi is evidently accustomed to do evil guy, pick up the phone, he did not show A little flustered. "Well, we go, this thing is good to discuss." Hearing this, Ishida felt his hand this very effective. Danger as early as expected. Simply kill them, kill these two guys anyway Not have any troubles ...... Ishida think. He understood that the two men would not hear a few words because it is easy to put the money to pay out The. Ishida reason why the location given in the "Shou House" because he knows that this will waste Floor At the beginning of next week, demolition, now uninhabited. On the roof of this building to meet the agency's Office and the surrounding park, night No one, even shot, do not worry someone immediately noticed. He wanted out of the roof of an evacuation trick - "life building" on the five-story roof, There is a construction with a rope, from where the main garment down to the ceiling of the ground. On the roof, in the event of an already adverse circumstances, they can along this rope Sok quickly slipped downstairs. To this end, he decided to start, time to go put your hands slip Snow gloves. If direct hand clutching the rope, slipped upstairs downstairs, putting his hands Worn raw and pain. Taniguchi and gloves ready to think about the mountains, ten Eight or nine is catch him. Thought here, Ishida could not help but smile carefully. As a result, they can perfectly safe! ...... So he got into an hour earlier "life building" than the specified time. "Shou House" Most of the surrounding ditch was covered with a canvas cover. Needless to say, it becomes stuck in his waist outside Country-made pistol ...... In winter, the wind blowing that night can be considered a slight warmth. This night, officials who Feel that the spring is coming. Many junk piled up on the roof, in the cold moonlight above, the formation of many black Shadow color. Downstairs came the sound. "Come up! ......" All of a sudden, Ishida mood tense. 2 After breakfast, when Kang Tong new generation of make-up is completed, is already half past ten the. Since her husband's death, she lazy day. Suddenly, there are two government seek Interpol came off Ze Kang generations. They introduced themselves, Called Morishita, called high part on behalf of a health do not know. "...... About my husband's case, all I know, all say I have Was nothing to say, do not want to say anything. "Kang said with melancholy mood behalf. Hearing this, some older Interpol Morishita, that hint of pity party strayed forehead Benjamin look. "No, we're not late for your masters from today. "Madame, you know Stone Shigeru this person?" He asked. Ishida name, making Cande more melancholy mood. Him as their own People, the results will come to a "keep tiger beverages." "I know." She replied briefly as possible. "He was the kind of person?" Interpol asked Morishita hot pursuit. "This ...... Mr. Shi Tian did exactly what happened?" At this point she does not know what happened last night. "Last night, Mr. Shi Tian in the customs of 'Shou House' next to the dead." "Dead?" She was surprised, at the same time, a complex idea in her mind flashed a Next. "This is not an ordinary death, being killed." "Ah?" Was killed! ...... How is this going? Cande ...... blinked thinking. She quickly thought of Taniguchi and mountains. Ishida is not to see the two men? Kill him I am afraid that the two men! ...... "On his head, wearing a sharp weapon can penetrate the skull That East West and tie your master eye peas. That is, this may be the same killer Dry. " Yes, it really is that abjection circus actress dry! Cande suddenly ...... Understand everything. "Is the same killer ......" she repeated. "It was probably right. Painted on the nose seems to have potent poison, but the strange thing is, Phi Harm ski pole grip with both hands, wearing gloves. It appears that he was down the rope from the roof Child sliding down. However, that building is a completely uninhabited waste building, in recent days The necessary demolition. " "That ...... is how it happened?" Cande Guzuobuzhi asked. Ishida dead ...... Needless to say, the killer is that two people. But ...... if that Out what will happen? Police will ask endless, no matter what answer he Who died Yoshihide will not come back up. However, I must tell the police ...... Ishida told my case first organized into written materials talk about it later. Otherwise, I have Will be suspected heart into the ...... Kang-generation desperately pondered. "To put it more clearly, he was waiting for someone on the roof, and then from the roof Along a prepared slide down the rope, may be to escape. Needless to say, he and other This man is a murderer. Thus, the murderer from above the weapon headlong into the victim's head Department. Well in advance of the victim to escape along the rope ready, so bring a glove. It Is to say, it can be concluded that he is deliberately and meet the enemy in there. How? His wife, Mr. Shi Tian have you ever mentioned this dangerous man? This issue a clear, Further investigation forced to kill your master's murderer will have a clue ...... "Interpol Morishita step Tight manner inquired. Kang-generation striving to make their feelings calm down and try to get rid of this bureau. "I'm sorry ...... I can not say now, but in the near future, I have a After sorting out the situation solution will say! ...... "Then she dropped his eyelids. Kang just do not want to deal with on behalf of the police. Then she felt a headache. She understood, even if the two men knew the murderer, I am afraid of finding out the Friends of Carolina Who is none other than the Secretary or the last person to do what he's scapegoat, then declared closed detection Field. However, even so, she still felt should tell the police said Ishida Fang. However, if we immediately say, the mind too messy, even himself would say I do not know What to. She even worried that she would have to take responsibility for Ishida's death, so, so close Mouth to talk about it. 3 Plenty of sunlight in the heating chamber, Friends Carolina Fujiko re wearing rimless glasses, and then Times quickly read from the table, "Japanese weekly" magazine come. Magazine has a special report, the eye-catching headline read, "Rep. Sekisawa Yoshihide mystery of death ", the article feeds on Sekisawa assassination, from various angles to mention A series of questions, - The cause of murder, are antagonistic political struggle feel inside? - The murderer may be engaged in special professions. - Since the death of the House of Representatives, the struggle within the party's constitution the people will become more intensified. Subheadings below are published in the minutes of the conversation and insight of the person concerned. Among them, the conversation political commentator Takashi Yamada, Fujiko attracted the attention of: "When this event, there must be beneficial to someone. Rep. Sekisawa's death, which was However, not a homicide caused by theft, but a person being bribed, caused by the deliberate murder of Sri Lanka. Is The death of the victim, who will bring the benefits of competition study it? This person is likely to people in the party constitution. Of course, does not exclude other possibilities. But ...... " Critics did not give this character to make definitive conclusions. Because he knew that this Doing so will draw their own provoke slander charges. However, Fujiko fully understand Yamada imply something. This means that my husband ah! ...... She looked away from the magazine, sighed softly. Factional struggle within the party constitution the people, bringing more intense. This struggle, than on Other parties are more brutal struggle is a struggle of life and death. They are mutually Between well known, so it is particularly mutual child stumbling easy. Friends of satisfied very early on Fujiko scolding Sekisawa Road. "...... As long as no relevant Ze, I have hope that the next presidential election as the candidate. However, as long as this guy is still, I did not expect it! He is my thorn in the flesh! This guy made me everything On ...... " Friends want to get rid off Ze satisfied mood, much more urgent than Fujiko imagine. Just as the critics said, is that he instigated others to kill for. Say Given that three dry ten thousand yuan ...... also ...... with funds in it ......, Fujiko years To see and hear the sordid political insider, so she knows her husband's actions. So, who is directly under the hand? Newspapers and television news reports said Sekisawa The eyes were a strange weapon pierced. According to the magazine, this weapon is a circus To spot the child or miscellaneous artists use something like darts. Then, Fujiko looked just sent evening. A message posted on the newspaper said, Last night, a man called Ishida died in the vicinity of "Shou House." Ishida and Sekisawa are Was killed by the same weapon. Ishida frequented Sekisawa House, unidentified person. This is the same killer dry. So ...... is probably still my husband in the dark Lane's hand and shoving vertical ...... Fujiko wife with her intuition, made the situation worst imagination. In fact, Fujiko Ishida had already heard from her friend Reiko mouth root Close to her situation. Reiko is a good flatter a woman, listening to live here, pass it Side, listening to the words there, and nonchalantly passed here. Although the risk of such a person, But the use of good, but also can be used as a tool to gather intelligence. According to Reiko said she saw her husband's first secretary Fujiko Goro mountain, away from him Home near a teahouse, and a couple conversations. That woman body is very thin, The face looks surprisingly old. Lady Reiko must see this woman accepted the murder instruction. However And, ...... this continues, what will What happens? ...... Fujiko across the windows, stared at the courtyard of stone lanterns. She saw a turtledove whither lantern lamps are drilled. Let it go, ...... I am afraid of sudden event! Fujiko premonition this point. She Stood up and opened the windows. Voice startled doves, it suddenly drilled from lamps Out, fluttering wings and flew away. 4 Friends of Carolina Suginami back to their homes at the right time is half past eleven p.m. up. His body slightly exudes alcohol. As the chairman of the party's Diet Strategy Sekisawa violence Death, the party's structure has changed three positions, therefore, satisfied that the work of the Friends busier. However, the number one political opponents of the death, apparently satisfied that the situation improved Friends and pushed him More important positions. Friends of Carolina walked into his room. At this point, his emotions better. Friends of the forefoot just satisfied Entered the room, rear Fujiko just up. She knocked on the door. Friends of sodium answered loudly "Come." Fujiko saw, he said. "When I was Who is it, it's you. I wanted to ask you to give me a glass of cold water to ...... " "Wait give you back." "I want it now!" Friends of satisfied frowned unhappily said. "You stop me, ......" Fujiko look really shutting the door, and then they turned Body to the Friends Carolina went on to say, "there are a ...... has a relationship with Mr. Kwan Chak people killed A. You probably know it, the man called Stone Shigeru ...... " "Ah?" Friends of Carolina's face showing a trace of alcohol is full of uneasy look. "You do not deceive me, ...... this is not child's play! ...... You is not in the screen After manipulation, so that the man and the woman to kill? ...... "Rich soil sub sharply asked. "Who said this? ......" "This magazine is written so!" Then, she will be prepared that the "Week Journal of Japan "," popping "sound to throw on the table. "This is really something!" Friends of Carolina whispered. "The article did not specifically say to you, but it obviously means that you are, so I I hope to have a heart quasi number. I want you to tell me the truth. Ah, that is exactly how What's going on? " Fujiko very satisfied to know over the years the Friends of the usual so-called "Hitler-style" approach - - Himself secretly manipulated the people one by one to get rid of. "What did you say a man and a woman, how do you know?" "I also have my intelligence network! Said to the woman who worked in the circus Thing ...... " This hand is Fujiko trick. Although she did not quite understand the situation, but this is She used to open each notch weapons. "You talk whispered something!" Friends of satisfied then, indirectly, but no doubt prove Of his responsibility. "So, it really is so you!" Friends said bitterly satisfied expression. "Well, I can not answer you, but they dry Nicely, you do not ask in the end of the Inquisitor ...... " "I did not mean I'm afraid ...... According to my intuition, the two men and a woman Police will be covered as a direct killer caught. The question is how can you do that time? " "I will never let them catch ...... Taniguchi and that woman!" Because the heart punch Move, Friends Gang inadvertently uttered Taniguchi's name. "I'm afraid not do it. Their weapon used to kill too special. Not, you Can not do that! ...... " "I did not kill another person!" "By now, you say this, then what's the use unpromising? How you intend in the end What to do? " "I just do not say, I can not let it fall into the hands of two people police!" "This is how it could be done?" "Get rid of, but also to get rid of them both! ......" Friends of Carolina ruthless evil to resolutely say the wolf His plans. "Ah! You have ......" Fujiko Dengyuan eyes. She adjusted her glasses, looked carefully husband that sun Was blackened arrogant insurance. This is the attitude of his own, while his lover would do What kind of expression it? For a time, her mind opened a small difference. "Can only do that! This is for the party, for us." Friends tried to make myself calm down Carolina, to deal with the problem. "Who is going to ...... get rid of them?" Fujiko unrelenting stare asked. "You're a woman do not say such a thing!" Friends of Carolina did not answer her. "Let Mr. Kamiyama go?" "No, that's not necessarily!" Fujiko from his voice in the way that he meant was, "I shop and go!" "I understand and I think, put all the blame to the circus and Taniguchi A woman who is no better ...... " "You are in a dig at me?" Friends of Carolina looked at his wife one. "No, I'm talking about serious words. With my woman's intuition ...... if not the Early silence, certainly an accident. So, although maybe I was nosy, but I Was going to talk to you. " Friends of Carolina coldly put Fujiko then blocked back. "Purely nosy! You just good home cooking on the line! "
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