四书类 》 論語 The Analects of Confucius 》
孔子 Confucius
他的祖先是宋國貴族,大約在孔子前幾世就沒落了。孔子年輕時做過幾任小官,但他一生大部分時間是從事教育,相傳收弟子多達三千人,賢人72,教出不少有知識有才能的學生。孔子為春秋末期思想傢、教育傢,儒學學派的創始人,任魯國司寇;後攜弟子周遊列國;最終返魯,專心執教。在世時已被譽為“天縱之聖”、“天之木鐸”“千古聖人”,是當時社會上最博學者之一,並且被後世尊為至聖(聖人之中的聖人)、萬世師表。因父母曾為生子而禱於尼丘山,故名丘,曾修《詩》、《書》,定《禮》 、《樂》,序《周易》,作《春秋》。孔子的思想及學說對後世産生了極其深遠的影響。
關於“論語”命名的意義,後來還有些不同的說法,譬如劉熙在《釋名· 釋典·藝》中說:“《論語》,記孔子與弟子所語之言也。論,倫也,有倫理也。語,敘也,敘己所欲說也。”那麽,“論語”的意義便是“有條理地敘述自己的話 ”。說到這裏,誰都不免會問一句:難道除孔子和他的弟子以外,別人說的話都不是“有條理的敘述”嗎?如果不是這樣,那麽“論語”這樣的命名有什麽意義呢?可見劉熙這一解釋是很牽強的。(《釋名》的訓詁名物,以音訓為主,其中不少牽強附會的地方。)還有把“論”解釋為“討論”的,說“論語”是“討論文義”的書,何異孫的《十一經問對》便是如是主張,更是後出的主觀看法了。
那麽怎樣才能算仁呢?顔淵問仁,子曰:“剋己復禮為仁。一日剋己復禮,天下歸仁焉。”(《顔淵》)也就是說,衹有剋製自己,讓言行符合禮就是仁德了。一旦做到言行符合禮,天下的人就會贊許你為仁人了。可見“仁”不是先天就有的,而是後天“修身”、“剋己”的結果。當然孔子還提出仁德的外在標準,這就是“ 剛、毅、木、訥近仁。”(《子路》)即剛強、果斷、質樸、語言謙虛的人接近於仁德。同時他還提出實踐仁德的五項標準,即:“恭、寬、信、敏、惠”(《陽貨》)。即恭謹、寬厚、信實、勤敏、慈惠。他說,對人恭謹就不會招致侮辱,待人寬厚就會得到大傢擁護,交往信實別人就會信任,做事勤敏就會取得成功,給人慈惠就能夠很好使喚民衆。孔子說能實行這五種美德者,就可算是仁了。
其二,君子要重視自我修養。孔子曰:“富與貴,是人之所欲也,不以其道得之,不處也。貧與賤,是人之所惡也,不以其道得之,不去也。君子去仁,惡乎成名?君子無終食之間違仁,造次必於是,顛沛必於是。”(《裏仁》)在孔子看來,作為君子就必須重視仁德修養,不論在任何條件下,都不能離開仁德。同時曾子認為,君子重視仁德修養還必須註意三個方面的規範:一是“動容貌,斯遠暴慢矣”;二是“正顔色,斯近信矣”;三是,“出辭氣,斯遠鄙倍矣”(《泰伯》)。也就是說,君子要嚴肅自己的容貌,端正自己的臉色,註意自己的言辭。衹有這樣才能使人對你尊敬,信任,溫和。同時,孔子還認為“君子泰而不驕”(《子路》);“君子矜而不爭,群而不黨”(《衛靈公》);“君子病無能焉,不病人亡不已知也。”“君子疾得世而名不稱焉。”“君子求諸己,小人求諸人。 ”(《衛靈公》)即作為君子應心境安寧而不傲慢,態度莊重而不與人爭吵,能合群而不結黨營私;君子要重視提高自己,在有生之年對社會多做貢獻。衹有這樣才能稱得上君子的修養。
其四,君子要重義避利,追求道義。孔子認為,君子和小人之間的差別還在於具有不同的生活態度和不同的人生追求。他認為,“君子喻於義,小人喻於利。 ”(《裏仁》)“君子謀道不謀食。”“君子憂道不憂貧。”(《衛靈公》)“君子懷德,小人懷土;君子懷刑,小人懷惠。”(《裏仁》)也就是說,作為君子衹有重視道義,追求道義,才能與小人區別,才能真正體現君子的精神。同時,孔子還認為,君子必須言行一致,表裏如一,即所謂:“君子欲訥於言,而敏於行。 ”(《裏仁》)“先行其言而後從之。”(《為政》)
其五,君子不黨。孔子認為,君子之見的交往應該做到“周而不比”;《論語·為政》:子曰:君子周而不比,小人比二不周。同時還要“和而不同”;《論語·子路》:“君子和而不同,小人同而不和。” 不是簡單的相加,而是一種和諧的共生關係;子曰:“君子矜而不爭,群而不黨。”
其一,關於學習的態度。孔子認為,追求學問首先在於愛學、樂學,這是關鍵。孔子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者。”(《雍也》)即真正愛好它的人,為它而快樂的人才能真正學好它。孔子贊揚的顔淵就有這種發憤好學的樂觀精神,“一簞食,一瓢飲,在陋巷,人不堪其憂,回也不改其樂。”(《雍也》)其次,要“默而識之,學而不厭”。(《述而》)即學習要有踏踏實實的精神,默默地記住學到的知識,努力學習而不滿足。第三,專心緻志,知難而進。孔子曰:“ 士志於道,而恥惡衣惡食者,未足與議也。”(《裏仁》)讀書的人要立志於追求道義、真理,要專心緻志,不要為 世俗所纍。同時,他還認為追求學問是一個艱難的過程,要敢於知難而進,“力不足者,中道而廢,今女畫。”(《雍也》)針對冉求在學習問題上認為自己能力不夠的思想,孔子認為所謂能力不夠的人,是走在中途就停止下來,你現在以能力不夠劃地自限,實際上是沒有堅持到底的緣故。在這裏孔子勉勵冉求要知難而進,衹有這樣才能得道。事實上孔子自己就是“發憤忘食,樂以忘憂,不知老之將至”的人(《述而》)。第四,要虛心求教,不恥下問。孔子曰:“三人行,必有我師焉。擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之。”(《述而》)這說明學無常師,作為人應隨時隨地註意嚮他人學習,取人之長,補己之短。同時,孔子提倡和贊揚“敏而好學,不恥下問”的學習精神,“見賢思齊焉,見不賢而內自省也。”(《裏仁》)體現了孔子嚴謹的治學態度。
其二,關於學習的方法。孔子在和弟子的交談中多處提及學習方法問題,最著名的莫過於“學而時習之,不亦說乎。”(《學而》)“溫故而知新,可以為師矣。 ”(《為政》)與此同時,孔子還特別強調學思結合,勇於實踐。他說:“學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。”(《為政》)衹讀書而不思考就會感到迷惑,衹是空想而不讀書就會精神疲殆。要求人們把學習積纍和鑽研思考相結合,不能偏廢。另外,孔子還非常重視精益求精,“如切如磋,如琢如磨”,反對一知半解,淺嘗輒止。
其二,關於教育的基本方法。孔子主張“因材施教”,子曰:“中人以上,可以語上也;中人以下,不可以語上也。”也就是說對於中等才智以上的人,可以和他談論高深的道理;以於中等才智以下的人,不可以和他談論高深的道理。為貫徹這一思想,孔子很註意對自己學生的觀察瞭解,諸如“由也果”、“賜也達 ”、“求也藝”(《雍也》),在此基礎上采取不同的教育方法,比如冉求辦事畏怯,所以要鼓勵他;子路膽大過人,自以為是,所以要故意抑製他。即:“求也退,故進之;由也兼人,故退之。”(《先進》)孔子還重視誘導式的啓發教育,不要求學生死讀書,而貴在觸類旁通,即所謂:“告諸往而知來者”(《學而》)。子夏談詩“巧笑倩分,美目盼兮,素以為絢兮”,從而體會到“禮”應該以忠信仁義為本的道理,因此孔子稱贊他道:“起予者商也!始可與信《詩》已矣。”(《八佾》)能啓發我的人是子夏啊!現在我可以與你談論《詩經》了。顔淵聽老師講學後“亦足以發”(《為政》),子貢也說他“聞一以知十”(《公冶長》),所以孔子特別稱贊顔淵的聰明好學。這正是啓發誘導式教育的必然結果。孔子特別強調“不憤不啓,不悱不發,舉一隅不以三隅反,則不復也。”(《述而》)即:不到他苦苦思索而想不通時,我不去啓發他,不到他想講而講不明白時,我不去開導他。例舉一個道理而他不能類推出三個道理,我就不再教誨他了。孔子還強調在實行啓發誘導的基礎上,必須註意循序漸進,即:“夫子循循然善誘人,博我以文,約我以禮,欲罷不能,既竭吾纔,如有所立卓爾。雖欲從之,末由也已!”(《子罕》)這種使學生竭力鑽研,“欲罷不能”的情狀,正是對循循善誘啓發教育的寫照,在我國教育史上具有重要地位。
其三,關於教育的基本內容。孔子長期從事教育工作,教育的內容十分廣泛,但他所用的教材多是沿用周代貴族學校所用的六藝,即詩、書、禮、樂、易、春秋。“ 子所雅言,《詩》、《書》、執禮。”(《述而》)“興於詩,立於禮,成於樂。”(《泰伯》)“不學詩,無以言”,“不學禮,無以立。”(《季氏》)由此可見,孔子是以詩、書、禮、樂為普通教材教育學生的。至於“易、春秋”衹是在孔子的晚年纔進行研究並付諸教學的內容,所以孔子說:“五十以學《易》”(《述而》)。也可能因為《易》、《春秋》是比較精深的學科,衹有少數高材生才能學習,所以說“身通六藝者七十有二”(《孔子世傢》)。那麽,在這些教學內容中孔子最為重視的是什麽呢?從《論語》的許多思想中可以看出,《詩》、《禮》是孔子教學的主要課程。子曰:“不學《詩》,無以言。”(《季氏》)“誦《詩》三百,授之以政。”(《子路》)“《詩》三百,一言以蔽之,曰‘思無邪’。”(《為政》)又曰:“夏禮,吾能言之,杞不足徵也;殷禮,吾能言之,宋不足徵也。文獻不足故也。足,則吾能徵之矣。”(《八佾》)“殷因於夏禮,所損益,可知也;周因於殷禮,所損益,可知也。”(《為政》)這些思想說明,孔子不僅重視《詩》《禮》的教育,而且重視這些內容的總結挖掘與研究,它對中國古代教育內容的豐富和完善起到了重要的促進作用。
其二,關於務政的基本要求和標準。從政者必須勤勉忠誠。孔子曰:“居之無倦,行之以忠。”(《顔淵》)“先之勞之”,“無倦”(《子路》)。也就是說在位不鬆弛懈怠,執行政令要忠心,要帶頭、勤勉,辦事不要鬆懈。從政者必須溫良恭儉讓。陳子禽嚮子貢問道,“夫子至於是邦也,必聞其政,求之與?抑與之與?” 子貢曰:“夫子溫、良、恭、儉、讓以得之。”(《學而》)也就是說孔子來到一國就一定會知道這裏的政事,就是因為先生有溫和、善良、恭敬、節儉、謙讓五種美德。而這五種美德也間接地說明參與國政的道理。有一次,孔子在談論鄭國賢相子産時說:“有君子之道四焉:其行正也恭,其事上也敬,其養民也惠,其使民也義。”正是由於子産的這種莊重、恭敬、恩惠、道義和美德,才能使他處於鄭國的賢相位置。
第四,要眼光遠大,依次而進。子夏當了莒父的縣長,嚮孔子請教怎樣理政。孔子說:“無欲速,無見小利。欲速則不達,見小利則大事不成。”(《子路》)即要求人們處理政務不要圖快,貪圖眼前利益,圖快反而不能達到預期目的,貪圖小利反而辦不成大事。而應眼光放遠,依次而進。另外,孔子還認為在處理政務時應當慎重,要深入實際,多聽多見,瞭解實情,以免犯錯誤。即所謂“多聞闕疑,慎言其餘,則寡尤;多見闕殆,慎行其餘,則寡悔。言寡尤,行寡悔,祿在其中矣。 ”(《為政》)
其三,治國的基本方法,“選纔、富國、育人,立法”。孔子認為君主管理國傢大事,要處處從大局着眼,重視選拔優秀人才。孔子曰:“先有司,赦小過,舉賢才 ”。(《子路》)同時要重視富國,教育民衆。有一次,孔子到衛國去,冉有給他駕車,孔子說:衛國的人口真多啊!冉有曰:“既庶矣,又何加焉?”曰:“富之。”曰:“既富矣,又何加焉?”曰:“教之。”這裏孔子強調在衛國這樣一個衆多人口的國傢,要治理好它,首先要讓他們富起來,然後使他們再受教育,提高他們的素質。另外,孔子也特別重視法製對國傢的治理作用。有一次顔淵請教老師怎樣治理國傢,孔子說:“行夏之時,乘殷之輅,服周之冕,樂則《韶》、《舞》,放鄭聲,遠佞人。鄭聲淫,佞人殆。”藉鑒夏、商、周三代的古德,取其精華,捨其糟粕。在這裏孔子不僅強調了法製對治國的重要作用,而且他的古為今用的思想方法也值得今人學習。
【譯文】 孔子說:“花言巧語、滿臉堆笑的,這種人是很少有仁德的。”
【譯文】 曾子說:“我每天都要多次反省自己:為別人出主意做事,是否忠實?交友是否守信?老師傳授的知識,是否復習了呢?”
【譯文】 孔子說:“君子吃不追求飽足,住不追求安逸,做事靈敏,言談謹慎,時時改正自己的錯誤,就算好學了。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“不怕沒人瞭解自己,就怕自己不瞭解別人。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“《詩經》三百(零五)首,用一句話可以概括,即:‘思想純正,沒有邪惡的東西。’”
【譯文】 孔子說:“我十五歲立志於學習,三十歲有所建樹,四十歲不遇事睏惑,五十理解什麽是天命,六十明辨是非,七十隨心所欲,不超過規矩。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“溫習舊知識時,能有新收穫,就可以做老師了。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“君子團结群衆而不互相勾結,小人互相勾結而不團结群衆。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“讀書不深入思考,越學越糊塗;思考不讀書,就危險。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“知道的就是知道的,不知道的就是不知道的,這種態度是明智的。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“人無信譽,不知能幹什麽?
13、 孔子謂季氏:“八佾舞於庭,是可忍也,孰不可忍也?”
【譯文】 孔子說季氏:“他用天子的舞蹈陣容在自己的宗廟裏舞蹈,這樣的事可以容忍,什麽事不能容忍?”
【譯文】 孔子說:“《關雎》這篇詩,主題快樂卻不放蕩,憂愁卻不悲傷。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“以前的事不要再評說了,做完的事不要再議論了,過去了就不要再追咎。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“早晨理解真理,晚上死也值得。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“君子通曉道義,小人通曉私利。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“見到賢人,要嚮他看齊;見到不賢的人,要反省自己。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“靈敏又好學,嚮比自己學問差的人請教時,不覺得沒面子,所以稱為‘文’。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“寧武子這人,國傢太平時,就聰明,國傢混亂時,就愚笨。他的聰明可以趕得上,他的愚笨別人趕不上。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“一個人的內在質樸勝過外在的文采就會粗野,文采勝過質樸就會浮華。衹有文采和質樸配合恰當,纔是君子。”
24、 子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“知道學習不如喜歡學習,喜歡學習不如以學習為快樂。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“智慧的人喜歡水,仁慈的人喜歡山;明智的人好動,仁慈的人好靜;智慧的人快樂,仁慈的人長壽。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“將知識默記在心,學習時,不感到滿足;教人時,不感到疲倦,這三個方面我做到了哪些呢?”
【譯文】 孔子說:“不到他苦思冥想時,不去啓發;不到欲說無語時,不去開導。不能舉一例能理解三個類似的問題,就不要再重複教他了。”
【譯文】 孔子在齊國聽《韶樂》,好長時間吃肉不覺滋味。他說:“沒想到好音樂這樣迷人。”
【譯文】 葉公問子路:孔子是怎樣的人,子路不回答。孔子說:“你怎麽不說:他這個人啊,發憤時就忘記吃飯,高興起來就忘記了憂愁,竟然連自己衰老了也不知道,如此而矣。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“三人走路,必有可作為我的老師的人。選擇他的優點嚮他學習,藉鑒他的缺點進行自我改正。”
31、 子以四教:文、行、忠、信。
【譯文】 孔子教學有四項內容:文獻、品行、忠誠、信實。
【譯文】 孔子說:“君子胸懷寬廣,小人憂愁悲傷。”
【譯文】 曾子說:“士不可以不弘大剛強而有毅力,因為他責任重大,道路遙遠。把實現仁作為自己的責任,難道還不重大嗎?奮鬥終身,死而後已,難道路程還不遙遠嗎?”
【譯文】 孔子說:“不在那個位置上,就不要想那個位置上的事。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“三軍可以剝奪主帥,匹夫不可剝奪志嚮。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“明智的人不會迷惑,仁愛的人不會憂愁,勇敢的人不會畏懼。”
【譯文】 孔子說:“君子幫助人取得成績,不促使人陷入失敗。小人相反。”
"The Analects" is the classics of Confucianism, the disciples of Confucius and his disciples re-transmission of a compilation. It quotations and dialogue style, recorded words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples to focus reflects the political views of Confucius, ethics, moral values and educational principles. Tongxing Ben "The Analects" a total of twenty. Simple and concise language of the Analects, profound meaning, many of which statements as to the reason still being the world.
"The Analects" first quotation of the body. Chinese is also an example of the article originated. "Analects," a book comparing the faithful account of the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, but also reflect the more concentrated the ideas of Confucius. Political thought of Confucius, founder of Confucianism is the core of "benevolence", "li", "justice."
"The Analects of Confucius" to record the main words, "theory" is the meaning of compilation in the "language" is words, the classic statement, motto, "The Analects" is on the Compilation (first Confucius) language. "The Analects" as in the public hand account of those disciples of Confucius, a disciple of Confucius, the re-transmission, but also a person other than Confucius, but the main disciples of Confucius.
As a fine collection of essays, quotations from the body, it concise, Embodiment of language, described the remarks of Confucius. "The Analects" of Confucius in mind in the words of the teachings of motherhood, or simple answer, a superficial; or inspired debate, eloquent; full of change, sounds and moving.
"The Analects" and at the description of voice through the expression, display characters. Confucius "The Analects" to describe the center, "Master style, overflow in the motto" ("Wenxindiaolong • sign St"); book about his manners not only a static description of behavior, but also on the temperament of his personality vivid characterization. In addition, the central focus of Confucius, "The Analects" has successfully depicts the image of some disciples of Confucius. Zi Lu's straightforward, such as reckless, Yan Yuan's Wenya Xian Liang, Zi Gong's intelligent eloquent, refined, and so was cool sages, are regarded as distinctive, can leave a deep impression. Confucius individualized for different objects, considering their different qualities, strengths and weaknesses, virtue and duration of the specific situation, given different teachings. Performance of the indefatigable spirit valuable. According to "Yan Yuan" contains, the same disciples asked about benevolence, Confucius had a different answer, A. Yan Yuan "Kejifuli for Humanity", A. Zhong Gong "Do unto others, do not impose on others," Sima answer of "benevolent to his words also Ren. " Yan Yuan cultured with profound, so answer "benevolence" study program, on the Zhong Gong and Sima in the answer to breakdown. Again, the same question, "Zhu Wen Si line?" Zi Lu Confucius replied: "and parents, Ruzhi He Adams line of the smell!" Because "too and by the people, so back to." A Ranyou: "Sri Lanka News line of. "because" demand is also back, so into it. "This is not only individualized education methodology, which is also full of disciples of Confucius on the high sense of responsibility.
After the May Fourth Movement, "The Analects of Confucius" as a symbol of feudal culture was negative as the object of criticism, although later research and initiation of Neo-Confucianism, the Chinese democratic revolution, but in the context of Confucian culture in China do not form a new climate . Development of the times and social progress, can not but make people re-_select_ the new ideas and culture, which is the spread of Marxism in China, and the birth and development of socialist culture.
However, the harsh truth is that a new type of society, especially when it when into the track of normal development, can not but own national spirit and to reflect on traditional culture, which is any social development process in its own can not ignore the important part. The essence of national culture in particular is more worthy people to rediscover and re-exploration. This makes me think of common humanity and individuality, and cultural commonality and individuality, national culture, the nature of dialectical negation. It also makes me feel Mao Zedong "historical, foreign," thought the value lies.
In fact, when we get rid of the metaphysical way of thinking, truly establish the dialectical materialist way of thinking, and use it to analyze traditional Chinese culture and they will discover the essence of "The Analects" is one of them. Admittedly, "The Analects" has its own dross or negative aspects, but two thousand years ago, it reflected the essence of social life, the famous philosophical maxim, the history of the Chinese nation shows the degree of civilization. Even today in reform and opening up, economic growth, cultural development trend of the times, the "Analects" of many of the ideas still have certain significance and value of the times.
About Confucius
Confucius (551 - 479) were Qiu, styled Zhong Ni, in English: Confucius. Brothers, ranked second, it was also known as the second hole, the State of Lu Spring and Autumn Period, the Han. 551 BC September 28 (lunar calendar August 27) was born in Lu Yi Zou, Changping Town (now southeast of Qufu City, Shandong Province, Lu Yuen Estate); 479 BC, April 11 (Lunar New Year in February on the 11th), died aged 72, was buried in Surabaya on the north of Qufu, which today Konglin location.
"The Analects" Zatan
(A) "The Analects" and the reason behind the significance of naming
"The Analects" is a book so that it records the words of Confucius, to act, but also records the words of Confucius, the famous acting students. Ban Gu's "Han Yi Wen," said:
"" The Analects "by Confucius response disciples and the disciples phase when people hear the words, and then Master of the language also. Then his disciples in mind, Master only death, the disciples in terms of phase and series compiled, so that the" Analects of Confucius "."
"_Select_ed Works of Life Debate Notes" primer "Fuzi" also said:
"Neither Xi Zhong Ni, Zhong Gong Master of the believers to recover the words, that the" Analects of Confucius "."
From these two passages, we we have two concepts: (1) "The Analects of Confucius" and "theory" is "On Compiling" means, "The Analects" and "language" is the "language" means. "The Analects" is to "pick the language heard in the Master," "On Compiling up" means. (2) "The Analects" is the name of that time, some, not others to it later.
On "The Analects" The reason behind the name, there are different versions. Wang Chong in the "Lun Heng is that chapter," he said: "At first, Confucius taught Sun Lu Kong Anguo people to help Emily, the official Jingzhou provincial governor, said the beginning of" The Analects "." Seem to "The Analects of Confucius" in the name to go to Emperor God only by the Kongan Guo, Fu Qing to it. This statement is not only and Liu Xin, Ban Gu's saying different things, but not necessarily coincide with the facts. "Book of Rites Square in mind" has this to say:
"Son says: relaxation gentleman had the respect of their parents of their beauty." Analects of Confucius ", saying: 'Father of three years of no change in the way, can be described as filial piety carry on'."
"Fang Ji" Although the writings of the age we are not sure, but not later in the Han Dynasty, is the assertion. Consequent, "On balance" of this statement may not be reliable.
It can be concluded that: "The Analects" The title is a compilation of the day who give it a name, the meaning of the language on the compile.
(B) "The Analects" and edited the age of
"The Analects" is collection of several fragments of the chapter. The arrangement of these chapters may not have any reason; is between before and after the two chapters do not necessarily have any association. And these fragments of the chapter is by no means a person's handwriting. "Analects," a book, the size of small, but there have been many times repeated in the chapter. Which has exactly the same words such as "trying to be clever little carry Ren" chapter, first seen in "learning the first chapter", and heavy for "Yang Huo chapter XVII"; "learned in the text," a chapter, first seen in "Yong articles Sixth, "and heavy for" Yan Yuan chapter XII. " There is basically a repeat of different levels of detail only, such as the "gentlemen do not re-" chapter, "Learning the chapter of the first" eleven more words, "Zaihan the ninth chapter," contained only "main faithful" The following fourteen words; "Father in view of its records," chapter, "Learning the chapter of the first" cross more, "Liren the fourth chapter," contained only "three years" the following twelve words. There is also a mean, there all kinds of records, such as "Liren the fourth chapter," said: "Do not suffer from the known, seeking for the people." "Chapter XIV of the Constitution asked," said: "No person suffering from is not known, it can not also suffer. "" Duke Ling of Wei chapter XV, "said:" The gentleman incapable Yan disease, not patients are not known. "If the words" school and the first chapter "and" people do not know instead of resentment, it not gentlemanly, "is repeated four times. This phenomenon can only make a reasonable inference: Confucius remarks, when the disciples have recorded together into a book later. Therefore, the "Analects," a book must not be viewed as an individual works.
So, "The Analects" of some people anyway? Of course, the students of Confucius. Today you can get two chapters look into the depths. A chapter in "the ninth chapter Zaihan":
"Prison, saying: 'Son says: I do not try, so Art'."
"Prison" is the name, according to legend his surname Qin, word sub-open, and the word sub-sheets (the claim was originally found in the pseudo-Su "Analects of Confucius," and therefore lead of the King "by Yi Shu Wen" and Liu Baonan's " The Analects of Confucius just "have it suspected that the prison and Qin Qin Zhang are two different people). Whether the legend is reliable, but there were no known last name, said only that this account of ways and "The Analects" style is not generally coincide. Therefore, we can make such an inference, this chapter is the piano of my prison record, edit the "Analects" of people, "the record straight while the whichever _set_ of ears" (Japanese scholar Xuan Yasui interest "Analects of Confucius _set_ that" the language .) Another chapter is "the fourteenth chapter constitutional question," the first chapter:
"Asked the shame of the Constitution. Confucius said: 'state tactics, Valley; state is no way, valley, shame also.'"
"Constitution" is the original constitution, the word Zisi, that is, "Yong sixth chapter," the "original thinking of the slaughter," the original thinking. There is also said to name names, do not say the word, obviously, and "The Analects" the general style or not, and therefore can infer that this is the original constitution own ink.
"The Analects" of Confucius chapter not only from the hands of different students, but also from different mursal his hand. Shen, which many of the students inside the record. As "the eighth chapter Tabor," the first chapter:
"Zeng was sick, called Disciples, saying: 'start to the full! Start to the hand!" Poem "cloud, trembling, standing on the edge into the abyss, such as ice cover. Now and then, I know that our husband free! Kid!'"
Shen, the door can not be said to be disciples of the records. Another example is the "sub-chapter XIX Zhang":
"Commentaries on the door asked to pay child sheets. Zi Zhang said: 'Zixia Yunhe?' He replied: 'Zi Xia said: those relating to its non-rejection of those.' Zi Zhang said: 'egregious Wusuo News: The capacity of the public Zūn Xián gentleman, Jiashan and boast not. I Yin tonight's great, others are not what? I of tonight's not-yin, who will refuse me, Ruzhi He is also the rejection? '"
This sub-section of another like sheets or records of students Commentaries. Another example is the "advanced chapter XI," the fifth chapter XIII:
"Confucius said: 'Xiao Zai Zi Qian, people do not ask their parents Kundi words'."
"Min son paternity side, models and options, such as models and options are; Zi Lu, trekking as also; Ranyou, Zigong, regaling as well. Tsz Lok."
"Analects," a book with pen and ink disciples of Confucius, but also re-transmission of the disciples of Confucius, pen and ink, then there's work has had. This, also from the use of meaning as reflected appropriately, such as "Master," the term generally refers to an earlier era of the third party, the equivalent of "His Holiness", until the Warring States Period, was generally used as the second person honorific pronouns, the equivalent of "you old people." "Analects," the general usage is the equivalent of "His Holiness", and Confucius, Confucius said students face a "child", behind only the "Master", others are on the back before Confucius said, "Master," Confucius said that only the back of other people also referred to as "Master." Only "Yang Huo chapter XVII," there are two exceptions, the words of Confucius Yan said, "Formerly, Master, Yan Zhu also heard"; Zi Lu Confucius also said, "Formerly, also heard from the various in the Master", the capital is face to face "the Master", "Master," with such as "you old people," the State of the use of war, "Master," meaning the end of the term. Cui Shu in the "Si-soo recorded letter" under which concluded that "The Analects" a few chapters of the "heterogeneous" is of course a bit arbitrary; but the "Analects" of the book, pen, after prior, during or beyond the distance of three to five years, seems to get this look into the depths.
"Analects," a book, since as in the hands of many people, and these of stray or beyond the age of three to five years, then, after the scheduled here Who is it? Liu from the Chinese since, many scholars are suspicious of the students by Shen, scheduled, and I think makes sense. First "The Analects" Shen, not only do not call no one "child", and recorded his words and actions, and other disciples of Confucius in comparison to most. In addition to opening and Confucius Q words other than a single record Shen, words and deeds, as well as "learning the chapter" two chapters, "Taber chapter" chapters, "Yan Yuan chapter" chapter, "constitutional question papers" and the words of Confucius merger chapter "Zi Zhang chapter," four chapters, a total of thirteen chapters. Second, Shen, a disciple of Confucius, not only the youngest, and also recorded a chapter Shen, Meng Jingzi before the death of a paragraph. Dr. Lu Meng Jingzi Mengwu Bo is the son of the posthumous title of Zhong Sun Jie. Shen, Lu Yuangong assumed dead in the first year (Zhou Dynasty king five years, the era of the first four in 2036. This is according to the "Que Cited in test," "Zeng Ercu seventy years the phrase" presumption), then the death of Meng Jingzi more in the following, then, must be the narrator of this matter until after the death of the Meng Jingzi Zhaobi's. Meng Jingzi difficult to test the age we have _set_, but the "Tan Gong," recorded when the death of Lu Dao Gong, Meng Jingzi son of Zhao's remarks quarter, showing that nearly seventy years, when Zeng when is Lu Meng Jingzi one of the country's ruling ministers. Is recorded in this period is written as a disciple Zeng, no doubt. "The Analects" by Syria and deeds of the characters than this, that much later, then, "The Analects" are scheduled, or is this class Zeng Shen students. Therefore, we say "The Analects" book pen when starting in the late Spring and Autumn, and compiled a book in the early Warring States Period, probably close to the historical facts.
(C) "The Analects of Confucius" version and the authenticity
"The Analects" to the Han Dynasty, there are three different book: (1) "Lu Analects of Confucius" twenty; (2) "Qi Analects of Confucius" twenty-two many of which twenty of the Chapters and the "Lu Analects of Confucius," the same, but more, "asked the king" and "know" two; (3) "classical Analects of Confucius" twenty-one, no "asked the king" and "know" two, but the "Yao said articles" and "Zi Zhang asked "The other is divided into a, so with the two" sub-Zhang chapter. " Pianci also, and "Come On", "Lu on the" not the same, word count more than four different words.
"Lu theory" and "Come On" was originally passed each division, to the Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Yu Cheong designate the first study of the "Lu" theory, and later workshop "Let's theory", then the two merge into one book, but table of contents of "Lu theory" as the basis for "the safety and harvest," No. "Zhang waiting on." Chang Yu is the EMPEROR of the master, the time is very honorable, so he's a book that scholars will be enshrined in the general at that time, after the Han Lingdi moment when the "Ka Ping Shi Jing" is to use the "Zhang waiting on."
"Classical Analects of Confucius" by the emperor in the Han Dynasty Prince Gong of Lu Yu Liu old house in the wall of Confucius, found, did not pass. He Yan, "The Analects of Confucius Annals order", said: "" ancient theory ", the only solution, Dr Kong Anguo whom training, but the world does not pass." "The Analects of Confucius Annals" and often quoted Kong Anguo the "Note." But Kong Anguo whether he used "The Analects of Confucius" as a training solution, "Annals" of Kong Anguo say whether the forgeries, Chen Zhan's "Preface to The Analects of Confucius old saying," have been suspected, Shen Tao's "The Analects of Confucius note Discrimination hole" that is, He Yan own fakes, Zheng Yan of "The Analects of Confucius Kong Note Falsification" by Su that out of the hands. Let us leave it in this case. Until the Eastern Han Dynasty, scholar Zheng Xuan, "The Analects of Confucius note" to "Zhang waiting on the" basis, with reference to "Come On", "ancient theory", made "The Analects of Confucius note." In the remaining Xuan "The Analects of Confucius note" we can also get a glimpse of Lu, Qi, the ancient three "Analects of Confucius" book of the similarities and differences, however, we used the "Analects," the book is basically "Zhang waiting on." So doubt "The Analects" people will grab it for themselves laughing stocks here. Zhang Yu is not enough for this person actually said is a "by the teacher", just a shameless politician, will be attached to Wang, the preservation of wealth, when they were dismissed as "eloquent minister," so Cui Shu in the "Analects of Confucius origin with test" in actually said: "" Public Mountain, "" Buddha strew "know that the non-two chapters of its intention to adopt into the" Lu theory "for himself and almost laugh at?" However, Cui Shu, then even if not unreasonable, and "The Analects" chapter still can not say that there is something invented by later generations, including, at most, only that there mixed with Confucian disciples and the disciples among the different re-transmission of legend.
If we want to study Confucius, is still only in "The Analects" is the most reliable materials. In any case, "The Analects" a book in "Zuo Zhuan", I agree with Liu Baonan in the "Analects of justice" ("Public Mountain Chapter"), the idea that we should trust to supplement the Analects of Confucius, "Zuo Zhuan" should not be based on " Zuo "to suspect" Analects of Confucius. " As for the future generations of feudal morality Cui Shu as a standard, in order to scope of Confucius, to measure the "Analects" of authenticity, pure split, it is unfair and not objective.
(D) slightly Tan Gujin "The Analects" Book Notes
"The Analects" since the Han dynasty, there are a lot of people comment it. "The Analects" and "Obedience" is a must read for beginners Han dynasty, be sure to read these two books, only then learning "Five Classics", "Five Classics" is today's "Book of Songs," "Book" (remove the pseudo-classical ), "Book of Changes," "ritual" and "Spring." View, "Analects" is a Han Chinese Primer. Han people commented, "The Analects of Confucius", basically all of Wang Yi, remaining today to Zheng Xuan (127-200, "Han" There are rumors) Note for the more, as Japan found a number of Dunhuang manuscripts Tang Fragments. Estimated to save six or ten; other schools, in He Yan (190-249) of "The Analects of Confucius Annals" the future, they probably only keep in "The Analects of Confucius Annals" in the. Now "Commentaries on the Thirteen Classics Analects of Confucius" He Yan to use the "Annals", Song Xing Bing (932-1010 years, "History of the Song" has passed) and "Persuasion." As for Yan, Bing Xing, there are many focused around the "Analects", the book can be found in Zhu Yizun Qing Dynasty (1629-1709 years, "History of Qing Dynasty" has passed), "The meaning of test," Ji Xian (1724-1805 years), etc. "Si Ku Quan Shu feed" and Tanglu De Ming (about -630 550 years. "New Book of Tang" on his birth and death records are not clear, this from "Ce Fu Yuan Gui" Juanjiu seventh to push the estimates) "Annotation of Classics Preface" and Miss Frederick Lent (Cheng Shi) division "commented."
On the "Analects of Confucius", which is really voluminous, and list goes on. If readers think that reading "The Analects of Confucius Annotation" There are further study is necessary, you can look at the following types of books:
(1) "Commentaries on the Analects," - that is, He Yan Ji Jie, Xing Bing Shu, in the "Thirteen Classics", in addition to Wu Yingdian this, the other followed the Ruanyuan Nan-chang of the multi-edition, because it has "Collation" can refer to the basic text of the text appears in the "Collation", and will be in that sentence, the right words for identification with a small circle, easy to trace.
(2) "Annotations of the Analects" - Song Zhu Xi (1130-1200 years) from the "Book of Rites" taken out "university" and "moderate" and collectively "The Analects" and "Mencius" for the "Four Books", his great skill with do "Annotations." While many of the feudal moral pedantry of Zhu Xi himself was an objective idealist. However, since the Ming dynasty and even a late Qing Dynasty Imperial Examination, the title is from the "Four Books" in out, Henry did the article, nor contrary to Zhu Xi's opinion, this is called "the sacred Li Yan" significant influence. Two Xi for the "Analects of Confucius", not only talk about "moral principles", but also pay attention to exegetical. So see nothing wrong with this book.
(3) Liu Baonan (1791-1855) of "The Analects of justice" - most of the Qing dynasty scholars are not satisfied with the Tang, Song of the commentaries, so Chen Huan (1786-1863 years) for "Mao Chuan Shu", Jiao Xun (1763-1820 years) for "Mencius." By Jiao Xun Liu Baonan it as "Mencius" of the law, as "The Analects of Confucius just" stopped writing due to illness, by his son Liu Christine Moore (1821-1880 year) continue to write the _set_. So this book is actually shared by father and son Liu Baonan book. Extensive citations, a compromise generally appropriate. Progress in learning more because, on the books, memo may be noted that today many shortcomings, but still a lot of reference value.
(4) Cheng Shude "The Analects of Confucius _set_ of release." Book in the "Preface" have been addressed in the not repeat.
(5) Yang Shuda (1885-1956), the "Analects of Confucius sparse certificate." This book put all three previous citations "Analects" or and "The Analects" all relevant information according to the "Analects of Confucius" thinning out the original, and sometimes out of their own pleasure, plus the case of language. Worth considering.
(6) Yang Bojun "The Analects of Confucius Annotation." Mr. Yang Bojun is a linguist, syntax and function words in the ancient Chinese study made many achievements. Mr. Yang Bojun's academic background and family history, so his comments, "The Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius" and "Annals of Zuo" and other classics when trying to cope. His "Analects of Confucius Annotation" meaning pay attention to pronunciation, grammar rules, rules of rhetoric and name of material systems, customs and other textual research, demonstration detailed, verbal fluency, expressed clearly and accurately, not only has high academic value, it is an ordinary reader to understand the "Analects of Confucius "A Primer reference. Of course, "The Analects of Confucius Annotation" In today's terms is also been mixed.
The Analects of Confucius Thought
1, "The Analects of Confucius" in the book of "spirits" Thought
Ghosts of human thought is fear of the mysterious natural phenomenon of the performance, but also the destiny of human life is an illusion sustenance. Today is the scientific development of contemporary thought from time to time people have now spirits, and even man-made phenomenon of God have repeatedly occurred. So, the phenomenon of the existence of ghosts? Scientific conclusions are negative. So why are ghosts contemporary concepts, and even some people believe in it? This is a social being and the complexity of human psychology and the quality of people due to defective. However, as more than two thousand years ago the ancients, the witch ghost forces strong, highly developed era of natural science, Confucius is how ghosts look for? Confucius "without a word: strange, strength, disorder, God" ("above and".) Advocate "with spirits, but far" ("Yong"). Confucius on the spirits that take a very cautious attitude. The existence of spirits, Confucius did not comment on more, not against other people believe in ghosts, but rather to arm's length approach. This was the historical conditions is amazing. At the same time, Confucius does not usually talk about weird, violence, rebellion, spirits, he believes these are not good for things. On one occasion, Confucius illness, Zi prayer request on behalf of the teacher. Confucius said: "There is this true?" Zi Lu replied: "Yes." Dirge, "Wen said: 'for you to only pray to the gods'." Confucius said: "If so, I would have prayed a, why would get sick? "On another occasion, to ask how to serve the spirits quarter way, Confucius said:" I can not serve the living, how can to serve the spirits? "Confucius did not oppose other people believe in ghosts, but As he himself is skeptical of ghosts and spirits, although he can not prove the existence of ghosts, but he did not believe in ghosts and spirits. This shows that the idea of Confucius is a budding atheist, the idea reflects the naive materialism. This view of the world as Confucius, his thought has important implications.
2, about how a man of thought and value
"The Analects of Confucius" as a human life involved in many aspects of the Confucian classics, and many chapters about life issues, which have a contemporary reference.
First, to be honest and upright man. Confucius said: "man is born until the neglect of the students are also fortunate to avoid." ("Yong") in the Confucian view, a person of integrity, only righteous to open and aboveboard. However, our lives devious people survive, but only rely on luck to avoid a disaster. Logical reasoning by the development of things, to avoid the disaster that people rely on luck to fall sooner or later, Gendou.
Of course, in order to fully meet the benevolence of Confucius appears to be extremely difficult to. So he taught the method pursued by Rende, that is "learned in the text, the rites, the banks can carry on her husband Vladimir!" ("Yan Yuan") that a wide learning culture, books, bound her with the ritual acts, so can not deviate from the right path. Must also attach importance to the benevolence of the people to learn, people to help with training Rende Rende. The benevolence of the people should be able to stand himself, but also allow others to be able to stand, his hope to also help others to achieve, always people who can appreciate others. Namely: "who has Yuli standing, he seeks also to enlarge others, Energy and Analogy can be described as the party has also been Ren." ("Yong")
Third, the man should pay attention to the overall development of self-cultivation. Has Master said: "I three times daily: man seeking the infidelity Down? Been trustworthy with friends to pay? Transfer was not a peace?" ("Learning") that: I have to repeatedly reflect on his day: to help others work whether the dedication it? With friends is a betrayal? Does the teacher teach the academic study of it? Starting from the cultivation of moral character emphasizes the importance of their own. On this basis, Confucius stressed the importance but also comprehensive development of man. Confucius said: "Aspire to the Tao, virtue, abide by benevolence, swim in the arts." ("Above and") that: ambition is the road, according to that moral, virtue is benevolence, activities that the six arts (ritual, music, archery, riding, writing, arithmetic), the only way to truly man. So why the emphasis on Confucian life to fully develop? This reflects the Confucian social nature of human knowledge and the role of personal cultivation of mutual restraint, he said: "give the poem, stand ceremony, as in music." ("Tabor"), namely: Poetry can inspire people the spirit of courtesy to a firm's sentiments, the music can promote people to the cause of success. So, for personal cultivation, the overall development is extremely important.
3, on the gentleman's Personality
"The Analects" gentleman talking about a lot of space, but here the gentleman is a broad concept, focusing on emphasis on the pursuit of character, teach people to make a person different from the ordinary. To achieve this purpose, "The Analects" gentleman's words and actions proposed standards and moral training requirements.
First, "One should not be." Confucius, as a gentleman must have multiple skills, not just the same as the apparatus, but should be "meaning that the quality, courtesy to the line of the Sun to the of the letter in order to become it." ("Duke Ling of Wei"), that is, gentleman as a man should be the fundamental moral, according to etiquette to practice, to express it with humility, loyalty to complete it, otherwise it would not be a gentleman.
Second, the gentleman should pay attention to self-cultivation. Confucius said: "rich and expensive, is the people is the voice can not be of its road, not be held. Poor and cheap, is the evil person can not be of its road, do not have. Gentleman to Yan, Bi fame? gentleman no breach between the end of fresh kernels, will be so rash, Dianpei will result. "" (IV ") in the Confucian view, as a gentleman must pay attention to Rende cultivation, irrespective of the conditions, Rende can not leave. Zeng also believe that the gentleman must also attach importance to cultivation of benevolence norms attention to three aspects: First, "moving face, the Sri Lankan slow carry much violence"; second, "is color, Sri Lanka in recent letters carry"; Third, "the diction Slovakia rustic times carry away "(" Tabor "). In other words, the gentleman to his face serious, his face straight, pay attention to his words. The only way to make you respect, trust, and mild. At the same time, Confucius also believed that "gentlemen Thailand without arrogance" ("Zi Lu"); "gentlemen boast not fight, the group instead of the party" ("Duke Ling of Wei"); "gentlemen's disease Yan incompetence, not the patient is not known to have died." "Gentlemen disease was not known as Yan Shi and name." "gentleman upon himself, seeking Morohito villain." ("Duke Ling of Wei") that peace of mind and not as a gentleman should be proud, dignified manner and not quarrel with others, can not clique, gregarious; gentleman to the importance of improving yourself, make more contributions to society in their lifetime. Only this way can be called a gentleman's accomplishment.
Fifth, the gentleman is not the party. Confucius, a gentleman to see exchanges should be "weeks rather than the"; "Analects": The Master said: Gentlemen weeks and not more than, than the two ill-villain. While also "and different"; "Analects, XIII": "Gentleman and different, without and with the villain." Is not a simple sum, but a harmonious symbiotic relationship; Master said: "Gentlemen boast not fight, the group instead of the party. "
4, on the learning attitude, methods and purpose
"The Analects" thinking about learning in the ancient and modern history of education has an important place, it is worth drawing people today. These ideas can be summarized as the following:
First, about the attitude of learning. Confucius believed that the pursuit of knowledge is the first love of science, music school, which is the key. Confucius said: "Those who know better than the good, good of the person not the music." ("Yong") or true love its people, happy people for it to really learn it. Confucius praised Yan Yuan had such energies studious optimism, "a food basket for cooked rice, poured drinks, in the alley, who bear the sorrow, did not allow his music." ("Yong") Second, to "silence, insight, insatiable in learning. " ("Above and") that have a sense of the spirit of learning in silence to remember the knowledge learned to study hard and not satisfied. Third, concentrate, despite the difficulties. Confucius said: "Shi Chi in the Road, the shame of those bad clothes bad food, not enough and the proposal also." "(IV"), the person reading should be determined in the pursuit of moral truth, we should concentrate, not to secular tired. Meanwhile, he also believed that the pursuit of knowledge is a difficult process, must dare to overcome difficulties, "force is insufficient, the middle and waste, this woman painting." ("Yong") for the Ran Qiu problems in learning that their skills not enough thought, Confucius, the so-called lack of capacity that the person is walking in the middle to stop, you are not competent enough to place limits, in fact, did not insist in the end the reason. Ran Qiu here Confucius encouraged to overcome difficulties, the only way to enlightenment. Confucius himself is in fact "Gassy forgot to eat, music to the lotus, I wonder if old age is coming" ("the state and"). Fourth, we must humbly ask for advice, help in the field. Confucius said: "Three-line, must be my teacher. Choosing the good from it, instead of their bad." ("Above and") This shows that the division of impermanence, as a person should pay attention to others anytime, anywhere study, take people long to make up our own weaknesses. At the same time, Confucius advocated and praised the "sensitive and eager to learn, help in the field," the spirit of learning, "seeing someone who is not virtuous, self-reflection also." "(IV") embodies the rigorous academic attitude of Confucius.
Second, with regard to learning. Confucius and his disciples in the numerous references in conversation to learn methods, most notably "to learn with it, is it not." ("Learning"), "Reviewing the Old, to be a teacher. "(" the government ") At the same time, Confucius also emphasized that learning thinking combined with the courage to practice. He said: "Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous." ("The government") will only read and not confused thinking, but the spirit of fantasy instead of reading will be exhausted perilous. Asking people to study the accumulation and study the combination of thinking, can not be neglected. In addition, Confucius also attaches great importance to excellence, "such as cutting, such as consultations, such as cut, such as grinding" against the little knowledge, a little.
Fourth, with regard to learning. Confucius believed that learning must have a clear purpose, the focus is "Learning." Confucius said: "reciting" poetry "Three hundred, to teach him to political, not reached; to the Quartet, not specifically on; though many, are Xi that?" ("Zi Lu"), that is, familiar with the "Book of Songs" three hundred, to his political mission, but can not accomplish; sent his envoy to a foreign country, can not independently decide response; Thus, while the read too much, what use it? Said: "virtue or revision, learn the do not speak, smell sense can not migration, poor can not be changed, is I should be worried." ("State while") that is, not moral cultivation, learning not to workshops, listening can not be the right thing to do, there is an error not corrected, that is, theory and practice can not be combined, this is our concern. Thus, the purpose of study, not to memorize books, but in the application, is to practice, is "giving top priority" to flexible use of knowledge. On this idea, the thought of Confucius's students Zixia also shown. Zi Xia said: "Shi talents were learning, learning and talents were official." ("Zi Lu") that an officer should learn when there is spare capacity, spare capacity after learning can become an official. This idea also reflects the fact the relationship between learning and use, officials must learn to want to be a good learning should aim to better government officials, and reflects the relationship between learning and application, but also reflects the purpose of Confucius to do private school, both ability and integrity through education and training personnel to enable them to direct the political arena or for teachers to nurture political talents, of course, Confucius seems, lies in learning but also the moral purpose, the pursuit of truth, "Shi Chi in the Road," " hear the Tao, Xi die without regret "" (IV ")
5, "The Analects of Confucius" in the book Thoughts on Education
Confucius, a famous educator in ancient China as a lifetime career in education, to teach many talented students in the educational experience gained in practice, "Analects," a book which has more general.
First, the guiding ideology on education. Confucius advocated "No Child" ("Duke Ling of Wei"), that the educated should not be divided and poor, Xian Yu, should be equality of opportunity. The idea to break the boundaries of education level, and expand the educational object of education extends to the majority of the civilian population, which was undoubtedly of great progressive significance.
Second, the basic method of education. Confucius advocated "individualized," Master said: "more than human, you can also language; human following, not language, also." That is for people over the medium intelligence, and he can talk about profound truth; to the Medium wisdom below, can not talk to him about profound truth. To implement this idea, Confucius very careful observation of the students understanding of their own, such as "the is also fruit," "give up too," "ask, Art" ("Yong"), on this basis to take a different approach to education, such as Ran Qiu act timid, so to encourage him; Zi Lu and extraordinary daring, self-righteous, so he deliberately suppressed. Namely: "Please also back, so into it; also and by the people, so back to." ("Advanced") Confucius also attach importance to education, inspired by induction, death does not require students to read, and your in the analogy, the so-called: " to all those who report to the conceivable "(" learning "). Commentaries about poetry, "Qiao Xiaoqian points, eyes hope Xi, Xi Xuan Su thought" so understand the "gift" should be faithful Benevolence reason, Confucius praised him thus: "The business is also starting to who! Before with the letter "poem" are gone. "(" Eight-yi ") to inspire me was Zi Xia ah! Now I can talk with you, "Book of Songs" was. Yan Yuan, after listening to the teacher lecture, "is sufficient to send" ("for the government"), Zi Gong said he "heard a ten to know" ("Gongye Chang"), so a special tribute to Confucius, Yan Yuan's smart, studious. This is what inspired the inevitable result of induction of Education. Confucius emphasized "no anger does not start, do not but can not speak no hair, do not give a corner with three anti-corner, not too complex." ("Above and") that is: less than he pondered and puzzled, I do not inspire He, less than he wanted to talk about and do not understand, I do not enlighten him. Examples of a class of truth and he could not release the three token, I no longer taught him. Confucius also emphasized the introduction of inspiration based on the induction, we must note that step by step, that is: "Master, through natural goodness through attractive, Bo, I text, about me courtesy, let them go, I was both exhausted and, if the legislature Chelsea. Suiyu from it, has by the end! "(" Zi Han "), which enable students to strive to study," unable to stop "of situation, it is the portrayal of motherhood inspired education in the history of education in China has an important position.
Third, the basic content of education. Confucius long been engaged in educational work, education has a very wide range of materials used, he followed the Zhou Dynasty more than used in the six arts school, that is poetry, books, ritual, music, easy, Spring and Autumn. "Ya Yan Son," Poems "," book ", the Executive ceremony." ("Above and") "Xing in poetry, stand ceremony, as in music." ("Tabor") "do not study poetry, no the words "and" Miller, not to stand. "(" Jishi ") Thus, Confucius is poetry, books, ritual, music teaching for general education students. As for the "easy, Spring and Autumn" is only late in life in the study of Confucius and put the content of teaching, so that Confucius said: "Fifty to learn the" easy "" ("above and".) May also be because the "easy", "Spring" is a more profound subjects, only a few top students to learn, so that "the body through the six arts were seven Shiyou Er" ("Confucius family"). Then, the content in these teaching of Confucius is the most important what is it? From "The Analects" many ideas can be seen, "Poetry", "li" is the teaching of Confucius, the main course. Confucius said: "No theory of" poetry "beyond words." ("Jishi") "recited" Poetry "Three hundred, teach him to government." ("Zi Lu"), "" Poetry "Three hundred, one word cover it, said, 'Thought to'。"(" for the government ") Again, he said:" summer ceremony, I can speak of, Qi deficiency symptoms also; Yin Li, I can speak of the Song is also less than sign. literature Enough also. foot, then I can sign the carry on. "(" Eight-yi ")," Yin because in the summer ceremony, the profit and loss, we can see him; weeks due to Yin Li, the profit and loss, we can see also. "(" the government ") These thought that, not only the importance of Confucius, "Poems" and "ceremony" of education, and attention to a summary of the content excavation and research, its wealth of ancient China and improve the educational content played an important role in promoting.
6, on the ideological and political value of service
"The Analects" is thinking about the business affairs of "Learning" a concrete manifestation of thought, which, "The Analects" of the business affairs of the standard had a specific instructions.
First, about the business affairs of objects. Confucius understood that as long as the ceremony, hence the saying, integrity, and to have a certain politician who can service the government. Ji Kang asked: "Zhong also politicians from the can?" Confucius said: "the fruit also, in almost any politician have?" Q: "thanks also enable politicians also?" Said: "give up too, in politics He almost had? "Q:" Please also give politicians also? "said:" ask, arts, in politics there is almost what? "In other words, politics as long as people have a certain quality, such as decisive, of science, and more Art can politics.
Third, we should practice what they preach and agreeable manners. Confucius said: "Words faithful, line Piety, though very silent of the state, line carry on. Words are not faithful, the line does not Piety, though states, the line off? Legislation is reflected in its participation in the former also, in the opinion then see its reliance on the value also, the husband and then the line. "(" Duke Ling of Wei ") that is advocated in order to make their thoughts for others to accept, you must mind sincere, dignified behavior, so you can claim works out.
7, on the country and bringing peace to the truth
Confucius as a great thinker in ancient China, the country the truth about the "Analects," also has an important position. Summed up includes the following aspects:
First, the fundamental rule is that "human relations Tsunatsune." Qi Jinggong asked how the rule of Confucius, Confucius said: "Jun-Jun, Chen Chen, the father father, son son." ("Yan Yuan"), that is, to govern the State, the monarch must be like a king, courtiers like courtiers to be the father to Like father, like son, son. Although this idea reflects the patriarchal Confucian ethics, but in the historical conditions of feudal society, this ethical Tsunatsune indeed played an important role in governing the country. In fact, in a class society, no matter at what age will need all in their place, their duties. State will not state otherwise, the government will not be political and social will be chaotic. So why the emphasis of Confucius, "human relations Tsunatsune" rule it? When answering the question of Confucius explained Zi Lu, Zi Lu asked Confucius: "Patriotic to be the Son, and for the government, the child will be the first XI?" The Master said: "must also name the peace!" "Name is not correct then the words will not ring true, the words ring true then nothing will be accomplished. "Confucius of course, also believes that the emphasis on the role of ethics can not be divorced Tsunatsune comity. Confucius said: "the comity for the country to peace, where there? Not to give way for the country, such as the gift that?" "(IV") that govern the country with the spirit of comity, the state would not have any problems, the gift of human relations Tsunatsune can be guaranteed. Here courteous as to maintain the spiritual bond of human relations Tsunatsune.
Of course, Confucius also believes that in addition to act dignified and sovereign country, should also attach importance to the relationship between intelligence etiquette Rende, these are the conditions governing the country can be neglected. Confucius said: "Knowing and the, Jen can not keep it, though was it, will lose it. Knowledge and the, Union to keep it, no village to hand it, then the people disrespect. To know and the, Union to keep the Zhuang to hand the , move not with propriety, not good people. "(" Duke Ling of Wei ") is made by the smart status can not be used to keep it Rende, though has been the status, they will certainly lose. Achieved by the smart status, Rende can keep it, if not a serious approach to the management people, then people will not respect him. Achieved by the smart status, Rende can protect it, can seriously control the people, educate people instead of propriety, it would improve the lot of money. Good governance can be seen the request of the sovereign state should be the full range of multi-faceted. In addition, Confucius also summarizes the reasons the rule of successive monarchs Holy Spirit, focusing on generosity, integrity, diligence and sensitivity, the fair. Namely: "The re: people, food, funeral, festival. Width is too public, believing the people Yan Ren, Min active, the public is saying." ("Yao Yue")
Third, the basic method of governing the country, "before the election, the rich, educating people, legislation." Confucius believed that the sovereign administration of state affairs, to everywhere from the overall situation in mind, attention to the _select_ion of talents. Confucius said: "First Yousi, pardon small too, give talented people." ("Zi Lu"), while rich countries should pay attention to educate the public. On one occasion, Confucius to defend the country to go, Ran You give him a car, Confucius said: defending the population so much ah! Ran You said: "Shu both men, and how adding Yan?" Said: "the rich." Said: "both the rich men, and how adding Yan?" Said: "teach." Confucius emphasized here, such a large number of the Great Patriotic population of the country, to govern it, let them get rich first, and then make them longer education and improve their quality. In addition, Confucius also pay special attention the role of the legal system of governance of the country. Once Yan Yuan to ask the teacher how to govern the country, Confucius said: "The line of summer, when, by Yin chariot, services Zhou Mian, music is the" Shao "," Dance ", put Zheng sound, far Ningren. Lascivious Zheng, Ning Ren perilous. "Seeing the Xia, Shang and Chou dynasties of the Good, essence, homes of its dross. Here Confucius not only stressed the important role of the legal system of the country, and his past serve the present way of thinking is also worth studying modern people.
Fourth, the basic principles of governing the country, pay attention to credit, protect the people. Confucius believed that good governance countries, the sovereign must pay attention to character, morals, to pay attention to credit, love the people, this is the basic principle governing the country. Confucius said: "Road Qian Cheng of the country, Keiji and letters, prudence and love, so that people in time." ("Learning") that has one thousand soldiers governance of a state car, we must take seriously the conduct of public affairs, and pay attention to credit, gain public trust. Roy, while also saving and caring for people, servitude or else the people against the farming season. The only way to deal with the relationship between monarch and people.
"The Analects" famous
1, the Master said: "While Learning, is it not pleasure? Have friends from afar? People do not know instead of resentment, it not gentlemanly?"
2, the Master said: trying to be clever, fresh carry benevolence.
Lesson of Confucius, said: "rhetoric, smiles, this is a little benevolent people."
3, was Master said: I three times daily, for others seeking the infidelity or Down? Trustworthy in contacts with friends? Communication was not a Down?
Lesson Zeng said: "I reflect on their own several times a day: ideas for others to do things, whether the faithful? Friends are trustworthy? Teachers to teach the knowledge, whether the review of the case?"
4, the Master said: Gentlemen without seeking fresh bread, home without seeking security, sensitive to things and slow to speak, there is a positive Yan Road, described as eager to learn also.
Lesson of Confucius, said: "Gentlemen do not eat the pursuit of satiety, not the pursuit of easy living, things sensitive, cautious speech, from time to time to correct their mistakes, even learned it."
5, the Master said: "No person not known suffering, suffering people do not know."
Lesson Confucius said: "No Pa Moren understand themselves, afraid of their people do not understand."
6, the Master said: "" poem "Three hundred, in a word, saying: 'Thought to Be'."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "" The Book of Songs "Three hundred (Lingwu) first, can be summed up in one sentence, namely: 'ideological purity, no evil.'"
7, the Master said: ", I have been on learning, Sanshierli, aged and middle age, fifty to know your destiny, but the ear sixty, seventy and I act, not breaking the rules."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "Fifteen-year-old determined to learn, three-year-old to accomplish something, not failing to four-year-old puzzle, fifty understand what is destiny, and sixty right from wrong, seventy arbitrary, no more than rules."
8, the Master said: "Reviewing the Old, you can be a teacher."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "study the old knowledge, to have the new harvest, a teacher can do."
9, Confucius said: "weeks rather than a gentleman, not weeks than villain."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "Gentlemen unite the masses and not colluding with each other instead of uniting the masses collusion villain."
10, Master said: "Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "Reading is not deep thinking, the more study, the more confused; thinking do not study to danger."
11, Master said: "To know know it, I do not know as I do not know, that is knowledge."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "I know is that know, do not know just do not know, this attitude is wise."
12, Master said: "People without faith, I wonder if the can also."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "no credibility, I do not know can you do?
13, Confucius said that Jishi: "Eight Yiwu on the court, is also can be tolerated, what can not they?"
Lesson Jishi Confucius said: "He's dancing with the emperor in his own ancestral line in the dance, can tolerate such a thing, what can not tolerate?"
14, Master said: "" Guan Ju ", music and not obscene, sadness and without injury."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "" Guan Ju "This poem, the theme is not dissipated happy, sad but not sad."
15, Master said: "be done not say, then do not bridge, and let bygones be bygones."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "Do not comment on things in the past, and done things not to talk, and passed to blame for not catching."
16, Master said: "hear the Tao, Xi die without regret."
Lesson Confucius said: "Good morning to understand the truth, is worth at death."
17, Master said: "The superior man justice, small man profits."
Lesson Confucius said: "The gentleman through Xiaodao Yi, the villain who know self-interest."
18, Master said: "seeing someone who is not virtuous, self-reflection also."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "Seeing the sage, he would like to par; see is not virtuous people, to reflect on their own."
19, Master said: "朽木不可雕也, not masonry wall of dirt also, and what was to punish?"
Lesson of Confucius, said: "can not carve rotten wood, dung, can not paint the walls, I can take him?"
20, Master said: "sensitive and eager to learn, help in the field, is that the 'Man' also."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "sensitive and eager to learn, learning to poor people than they ask, do not think there is no face, so called 'culture'."
21, Wen-son to think twice. Confucius said: "No, Sri Lanka can be."
22, Master said: "Ningwu Zi, the state proper way the wisdom, the state is no way stupid. The wisdom can be and also, the stupid people."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "Ning Wuzi this man, when the national peace, to smart, national confusion, to stupid. He's smart to catch up, keep up with his stupid people."
23, Master said: "quality wins wen, Ye, Wen-Sheng quality is history. Gentle, and gentleman."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "A person outside the inner literary talent will be better than plain rude, literary talent will be better than simple vanity. Only with the proper literary grace and simplicity, is a gentleman."
24, Master said: "Those who know better than the good, good of the person not the music."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "I know better than learning like learning, like learning to learning as fun."
25, Master said: "The wise enjoy manpower and special equipment; wise move, benevolent static; wise are joyful, benevolent life."
Lesson Confucius said: "wisdom like water, kind people like mountains; wise man restless, quiet, kind man; wisdom happy, kind people live longer."
26, Master said: "silent and knowledge of, insatiable in learning, tireless in teaching, what are my holy?"
Lesson of Confucius, said: "memorization of knowledge in mind, study, do not feel satisfied; teach people, do not feel tired, these three aspects which I do it?"
27, Master said: "No, anger does not start, do not but can not speak no hair, do not give a corner with three anti-corner, not too complex."
Lesson Confucius said: "He tried to think less when not inspired; not want to say silent when not to enlighten. Can not give an example to understand the three similar problems, would not have to teach him repeatedly."
28, the child in Qi Wen, "Shao," I do not know meat in March. Said: "The picture shows the music of The Sri Lanka does not have."
Lesson of Confucius in Qi listen "Shao music", a long time to feel the taste of meat. He said: "I did not expect good music this beautiful."
29, Ye Zi Lu asked Confucius on, Zi wrong. Confucius said: "Ru Xi does not say: the man is also excited, forgot to eat, music to the lotus, I wonder if old age is coming on?"
Lesson Ye Zi Lu asked: Confucius is the kind of person, Zi did not answer. Confucius said: "how can you not say: He is, ah, forget to eat when energies, was happy and forget the sorrow, not even his aged and do not know, so and carry on."
30, Master said: "When three rows, there must be my teacher. Choosing the good from it, instead of their bad."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "Three to walk, there must be people as my teachers. Choose his advantage to learn from him, learn to self-correct his shortcomings."
31, son of four teaching: text, line, loyalty and faith.
Lesson of Confucius teaching four components: literature, conduct, loyalty, faithfulness.
32, Master said: "The gentleman is open and at ease."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "broad-minded gentleman, villain sorrow sorrow."
33, Zeng Yan Yue: "The bird will die, the Ming also the sorrow; person will die, his words good."
Lesson Zeng said: "The birds will be dead, the sounds are very sad; people dying, the words are very kind."
34, was Master said: "who can not not Hony, long way to go. Benevolence to their responsibility, not a heavy or Down? Dying, not a long?"
Lesson Zeng said: "who are not Hong Dagang not strong and perseverance, he was a heavy responsibility because the road far away. The realization of jen as their own responsibility, are not significant it? Struggle for life, dying, do not walk also not far away? "
35, Master said: "not in its place, did not do their government."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "not in that position, do not want to do on that position."
36, Master said: "Houshengkewei, how can we know to those of today are not?"
Lesson of Confucius, said: "Young people are awesome, how to know better than the previous generation after generation it?"
37, Master said: "army may have won the handsome, not every man wins chih."
Lesson of Confucius, said: "Armed Forces to deprive coach, every citizen the inalienable ambition."
38, Master said: "The wise are free from perplexities, the virtuous from anxiety, fear the brave."
Lesson Confucius said: "The wise man does not confuse, caring people do not sorrow, not fear a brave man."
39, Master said: "cold of winter, and then withered after the known pine also."
Lesson Confucius said: "to the cold season, to know pine is the last fading."
40, Master said: "Gentlemen oblige, not bad qualities. Villain does the opposite."
Lesson Confucius said: "The gentleman helping people get results, do not make people into failure. Villain opposite."
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