商界精英 巴菲特和他的財富人生:滾雪球 Buffett and his wealth of life: snowball   》 第1節:不作逢迎      愛麗絲·施羅德 Alice Schroeder

2008年9月29日,當今世界首富沃倫·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的傳記《滾雪球》(The Snowball)新鮮出爐。書中內容不言而喻,讀者可一窺巴菲特的投資哲學和决策力。 傳記作者是投資分析師愛麗絲·施羅德 (Alice Schroeder),她有幸獲許近距離接觸這位“當代最成功的投資者”,並將點點滴滴積纍成册。與以往不同,傳記展示了一個身着舊毛衣的巴菲特,一個透着古靈精怪而又令人頂禮膜拜的巴菲特。以下是傳記中部分有趣的節選,讓我們先睹為快。 橋牌遊戲、《華爾街日報》、U2 “大多數夜晚,巴菲特都在傢和阿斯特麗德(他的第二任妻子)共進晚餐,吃的是豬排漢堡之類。幾個小時後,他開始上網玩橋牌遊戲,這是他每晚熱衷的項目,一星期要占用他12個小時。他似乎毫不介意屏幕的背景噪音,阿斯特麗德任由他玩遊戲,偶爾他會喊她:‘阿斯特麗德,給我拿罐可樂!’”(第30 頁) “在厄尼斯特(他的祖父)傢,有一個書架,收藏了《Progressive Grocer》雜志的每一期,沃倫總是讀得津津有味。‘怎樣為一個肉店進貨’之類的話題令他着迷。” “巴菲特非常喜歡《華爾街日報》,於是他和當地的報紙經銷商做了個特殊的交易。每天晚上《華爾街日報》一到奧馬哈(Omaha),就會有一份報紙被拿出,在午夜前放在巴菲特的車道上。他喜歡坐等第二天的報紙,在大傢都還沒有拿到報紙前先睹為快。”(第528頁) “‘U2吸引我的並不是他們的音樂,而是博諾(Bono,U2主唱)如何均分收入,令樂隊的四人心服口服。’”(第766頁) 精明之舉和錯失良機 “1944年底,沃倫填報了他的第一份所得稅申報表。儘管所交稅衹有7美元,但為了應對這小小的損失,他把腰帶和自行車也算作了公費。他知道這麽做令人心存疑問,不過那個時候他還不像現在對錢財那麽超然。”(第83頁) “曾經有一次,巴菲特說,他們想要買下一個聯邦房屋管理局低價拍賣的馬裏蘭州的小鎮,鎮上有郵局,市政廳和一些市場價很低的租賃房産。不過即使‘低價’,那個小鎮也太過昂貴,他們無法籌集足夠的現金。”(第219~220頁) “巴菲特享受過一次快樂的聖誕節,那是在1987年,他品嚐了一些可口可樂。這多少彌補了他在所羅門投資案中所遭遇的不快。之前在白宮的一次晚宴,他遇到了老朋友唐·基奧(Don Keough)——當時可口可樂公司的總裁。巴菲特當時喜歡櫻桃糖漿配方的百事可樂,基奧勸說他嘗試新出品的櫻桃可口可樂。巴菲特嘗了嘗,從此愛上了那種味道。”(第551頁) 人生哲學 “人們如何表現主要取决於他們擁有的是內心記分卡還是外界記分卡。如果你能用內心記分卡來衡量自己,並感到滿意,那將是最有價值的。”(第33頁) “我沒有從父母那裏繼承財富,說真心話,我也不想要從他們那裏繼承。但是我在合適的地點和時間出生了,我中了卵巢彩票。”(第43頁) “如果你所處正確的雪中,雪球自然會滾起來,我就是如此。所謂滾雪球,我並不僅僅指賺錢。它指的是你對於這個世界的領悟和朋友的纍積。你需要花時間去選擇,首先自己要成為雪願意依附的類型。行進的途中,隨時滾起周圍的雪,因為你不可能再回到山頂。”(第830頁) 家庭、愛情和兄弟情 “蘇茜(巴菲特的第一任妻子)碎念的時候,其實並不打算離婚。她是那種勇於面對生活,不會退縮的人,她也從來沒想過要做出出格的事情。同時,她又不斷打電話給咖啡廳的阿斯特麗德·蒙剋斯(Astrid Menks)。‘你給他打電話了嗎?’阿斯特麗德對於蘇茜此舉的目的摸不着頭腦,所以她感到害怕,不過最後還是給巴菲特打了電話。阿斯特麗德在蘇茜的要求下去看望巴菲特,她發現他的房間裏到處是書籍、報紙和年度報告,她給他做了頓傢常飯。巴菲特是個離不開女性陪伴的人,他渴望激情。他如同一個11歲的小男孩一樣孤獨,渴望被愛。他需要有人給他做飯。如果沒人照料,他連穿衣服都一團糟。”(第454頁~455頁) “巴菲特和兒子豪伊(Howie)就農場的租金達成交易——由豪伊的體重决定。巴菲特認為他的兒子應該重182.5磅。一旦豪伊超過這個體重,他就得把農場總收入的26%支付給巴菲特。如果沒有超過的話,他衹需要支付22%。在這筆交易上,巴菲特怎樣都不會吃虧。他要麽拿到更多錢,要麽擁有一個更苗條的兒子。”(第520頁) “比爾三世(後來成為微軟總裁的比爾·蓋茨)被帶來見巴菲特。巴菲特跳過了無謂的寒暄,直接問比爾IBM的將來會怎樣,是否會成為微軟的競爭對手。……蓋茨悉心解釋。……兩分鐘後,二人聊得非常投機。……他們繼續聊着,無視周圍西雅圖的社會名流。……(他們)在卵石海灘上散步。他們開始彼此欣賞。”(第622頁~623頁) 凱利姆·巴蒂希 《石板書》(Slate)專欄作傢
第1節:不作逢迎 1. 不作逢迎 沃倫·巴菲特靠嚮椅子的後背,長腿交叉於膝,坐在他父親那張簡樸的木桌後面。他那件價值不菲的傑尼亞上裝在肩膀處束皺成一團,像一件未經剪裁、批量生産的成衣。每天,無論伯剋希爾·哈撒韋總部的其他15名員工如何隨意着裝,他的這件衣服都會24小時保持這個樣子。他穿着一件普通無奇的白襯衫,襯衣領子太小,被撐得鼓鼓的,遠離領結一大截,看上去像是他當年輕商人時留下來的,而且在過去四十年他似乎都忘了量一量脖子的尺寸。 他的手穿過幾縷花白頭髮,抱於腦後。粗濃、蓬鬆的右眉毛聳在玳瑁眼鏡上方。很多時候,這眉毛展示出他的懷疑、知情瞭然或是迷惑不解。一眨眼功夫,他又會帶上一絲不易察覺的微笑,令任性的眉毛增添迷人魅力。不過,他那淡藍色的眼睛精光聚斂,若有所思。 窗外,奧馬哈晚春的清晨景色怡人,但是褐色的木製百葉窗窗門緊閉,遮蔽了滿簾春色。衝着桌子方向播放的電視被調到CNBC頻道。雖然電視沒有聲音,但屏幕最下方滾動的文字全天都在滿足巴菲特的新聞需求。有好幾年,裏面播放的新聞經常都與巴菲特有關,這讓他感到很高興。 然而實際上,衹有廖廖數人非常的瞭解巴菲特。我和他相識了6年,一開始,我的身份是研究伯剋希爾·哈撒韋公司股票的金融分析師。一段時間之後,我們之間建立了友誼。但如今,我依然需要更好的去認識他、瞭解他。我們坐在沃倫的辦公室裏的原因是,他不打算自己動手寫一本書。動來動去的眉毛配合着說話的節奏,他反復說道:“你會幹得比我更好,愛麗斯。我很高興是你來寫這本書,而不是我。”他這麽說的原因之後會一一道出。話語之間,我們開始從最接近他內心的東西聊起。 “沃倫,這念頭到底怎麽形成的?對賺錢竟會如此的用心?” 他的眼神望嚮遠處,看了一會兒,腦中思緒萬千:跳躍、搜尋那些儲存在大腦中的記憶。然後,沃倫開始講他的故事:“巴爾紮剋說,每一筆財富的背後都隱藏着一樁罪惡,但伯剋希爾决非如此。” 他從椅子上躍起,收回思維,幾大步跨過房間。落身坐進一把金芥末色的扶手椅子,他身子前傾,那神情不像一位72歲的金融傢,更像是一個炫耀初戀的少年。如何詮釋這個故事,要采訪其他哪些人,內容要寫些什麽:這本書由我全權構思。巴菲特詳盡談論了人類天性和記憶力的脆弱,然後說道:“當我的觀點和他人不同的時候,無論什麽時候,愛麗斯,選擇不太討巧的那個。” 巴菲特給我上了很多課,其中最精彩的一些就來自對他的觀察。第一堂課就是:以謙卑之態而屈人之兵。

September 29, 2008, the world's richest man, Warren Buffett (Warren Buffett) of the biography "The Snowball" (The Snowball) freshly baked. The contents of the book is self-evident, the reader a glimpse of Buffett's investment philosophy and decision-making power. Biographer Alice Schroeder, an investment analyst (Alice Schroeder), she was allowed to close contact with the honor "of the most successful investor", and the accumulation of bits and pieces into a book. Unlike in the past, biography shows a sweater wearing old Buffett, who is a trace of weird homage to Buffett. The following is an excerpt from the biography part of the fun, let's preview. Bridge game, "The Wall Street Journal", U2 "Most of the night, at home and Astrid Buffett (his second wife) for dinner, eat pork burgers and the like. A few hours later, he started playing online bridge games, which is His enthusiasm for the project every night, he takes a week to 12 hours. He seems to not mind the screen background noise, Astrid let him play games, and occasionally he would call her: 'Astrid, give me a Coke! '"(p. 30) "In Ernest (his grandfather) family, a bookshelf, a collection of" Progressive Grocer "magazine each issue, Warren always read with great interest. 'How to purchase a butcher' of the topic to his classes fascinated. " "Buffett is like" The Wall Street Journal "and the local newspaper he made a special dealer transactions. Every night," The Wall Street Journal, "one to Omaha (Omaha), will have to be out of a newspaper, before midnight on Buffett's driveway. He likes to wait for the next day's newspaper, we have not got in the newspapers before the preview. "(p. 528) "'U2 attracted me is not their music, but Bono (Bono, U2 lead singer) how revenue sharing, so that the band's four convinced.'" (P. 766) Smart move, and missed opportunities "The end of 1944, Warren first reported his income tax returns. Although the tax is only $ 7, but in response to this small loss, he also counted as a belt and bicycle at public expense. He knew that to do so people feel doubt, but that time he has not money so detached now. "(p. 83) "There was a time, Buffett said, they want to buy a low-cost Federal Housing Administration, Maryland auction town, the town has the post office, town hall and a number of low market price of the rental property. But even if 'low price ', the town is also too expensive, they can not raise enough cash. "(219 ~ 220 pages) "Buffett enjoyed a happy Christmas, that was in 1987, he tasted some of Coca-Cola. This more or less make up for his investment in the Solomon case, the unpleasant encounter. Before a dinner at the White House, he met old Tang Jiao (Don Keough) - then the president of Coca-Cola Company. Buffett was like the cherry syrup formulations Pepsi, Keogh produced to persuade him to try new Cherry Coke. Buffett tasted and fell in love the kind of taste. "(p. 551) Philosophy of Life "It depends on how the performance of their own inner scorecard scorecard or the outside world. If you can use the scorecard to measure their own heart, and feel satisfied, it would be most valuable." (P. 33) "I did not inherit wealth from their parents, speak the truth, I do not want to inherit from them. But I'm in the right place and time of birth, and I won the ovarian lottery." (P. 43) "If you're in the right snow, snowball rolling up and naturally, I was so. The so-called snowball, I do not just mean making money. It means that you realize this world for the accumulation and friends. You need to spend time to choose, first of all they have to be willing to attach the type of snow. moving forward, always rolling from the surrounding snow, because you can not go back to the Peak. "(p. 830) Family, love and brotherhood "Buffett and his son Howie (Howie) deal to rent the farm - the weight of the decision by the Howie. Buffett believes that his son should be re-182.5 lbs. Once Howie over this weight, he'll have to farm 26% of the total income paid to Warren Buffett. if not more than, he need only pay 22%. even on the deal, Buffett how to not lose. he either get more money, or have a more slender son. "(520 pages) "Bill III (later to become Microsoft CEO Bill Gates) to be brought, see Warren Buffett. Buffett skips the unnecessary pleasantries, directly asked Bill what will the future of IBM, will become Microsoft's competitors. ... Gates explained carefully .... ... ... Two minutes later, two very speculative to talk. ... ... them to continue talking, ignoring celebrities around Seattle. ... ... (they) walk on the pebble beach. They began to enjoy each other. " (p. 622 ~ 623) 凱利姆巴蒂 hope "stone books" (Slate) columnist

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