诗人评传 Du Fu   》 第一回 落叶满长安 残照西风 汉家陵阙  分金贻至契 推襟寒儒 杜老心肠      Hai Zhulouzhu

Of: Haizhulouzhu The first full-back leaves the house of Han Chang'an glow westerly Que Ling Yi to lease sub-push gold lapel heart of the old Cold Ru Du He returned the second quarter of the world to know more Hermit painting Crisis Ruin complement the original window, excluding the rain away so the friendship pavilion King is the third back to the emergency withered smoke only on pen dye test work is still hungry, Lower Dir and long poems into a bead-poor Dust care back to the fourth high-Yi Zhen Doujiu chickens not far away sound of the midnight Seiki sense of pity for affection anvil Yubi The Fifth was offered to the court for the Magic Pen Long acres when the world re-attend to personally co-operate a total geek to know before pregnant Sixth Round of the fog but not miserable mortal Aihong Xianyang Bridge Road, contains the same river sun_set_ by old friends Sa Lu Ban Jing Ma Xing-Zhou Yin Lingguang Wintry snow back to the seventh zombie Committee Road, while the rich jade wine smell of meat, such as Mian Diba Hui Qu will seek extension Duling geometrid connected to more than three-Pin Fu Li Ying Li Mo Award Qujiang take lightly Tian Di Jiuhui beware of falling Pearl angry the prime minister can not pick who will keep the country in Beijing Qian Cheng Wan Qi total West Ben Every tenth back to the thieves den fortunate to get out of the enemy line hemp shoes to go see the Son of Heaven comfort his wife and children before they may return home The first one back to the palace hidden grudge the evil daughter-south civil injury within the dismal plight Duling more tears stopped writing poetry

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第一回 落叶满长安 残照西风 汉家陵阙  分金贻至契 推襟寒儒 杜老心肠
第二回  季世更何知 三绝补窗高士画  危机原不计 长亭走雨故交情
第三回  急景正凋年 笔染烟云惟有饿  考功仍下第 诗成珠玉也长贫
第四回  高谊托风尘 斗酒只鸡珍远别  清辉怜玉臂 砧声午夜感深情
第五回  献到宫廷 妙笔才为当世重  躬亲陇亩 衷怀始共野人知
第六回  不见咸阳桥 惨雾弥天 哀鸿载道  同乘飒露马 长河落日 故友班荆
第七回  积雪行舟 阴岭光寒林似玉  僵尸委路 朱门肉臭酒如渑
第八回  蠖屈必求伸 杜陵连上三礼赋  水边多丽影 等闲莫赏曲江花
第九回  须防丞相嗔 坠钿遗珠不可拾  谁为京国守 千乘万骑总西奔
第一十回  贼窟逢故人 幸能脱身赴行在  麻鞋见天子 始得归家慰妻儿
第一一回  遗恨隐深宫 南内凄凉伤恶媳  民间多疾苦 杜陵停泪写新诗

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