现实百态 What is to be Done?   》 译序-1      Nikolai Chernyshevsky

What is to be Done? (Russian: 'Что делать') (alternatively translated as "What Shall we Do?") is a novel written by the Russian philosopher, journalist and literary critic Nikolai Chernyshevsky when imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress of St. Petersburg. It was written partly in response to "Fathers and Sons" by Ivan Turgenev. The novel's hero, named Rakhmetov, became an emblem of the philosophical materialism and nobility of Russian radicalism. The novel also expresses, in one character's dream, a society gaining "eternal joy" of an earthly kind. Chernyshevsky offered an ideological vision that promised to resolve the tensions produced by educational reform, Western European competition and cultural intrusion, and the advent of secularization and impact of science in a still predominantly agrarian Christian community. By pursuing these ideals from a materialist and scientific perspective, he undoubtedly persuaded the younger generation of the intelligentsia of the possibility as well as the nobility of acting to overcome Russia's great social and economic problems - thus providing declasse intellectuals with a social role that gave them considerable self-esteem regardless of the success or failure of their actions. For this very reason, the novel has been called "a handbook (or bible) of radicalism" and led to the founding of a Land and Liberty society.

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