圣经类 The Lost Ark of the Covenant   》 第1节:海外评论摘录      Graham Hancock

The Lost Ark of the Covenant is one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible history. For believers, the ark of God is equipped with hand-written "Ten sincerity", hiding the ultimate link between God and humanity. "The Bible" also many documented its enormous power: such as leveling mountains, destroying the army, so the city of extinction. However, 3,000 years ago, one day, from Solomon's temple the ark mysteriously disappeared, has since become the largest archaeological history of suspense.

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第1节:海外评论摘录第2节:中文版序第3节:第一章 序幕(1)
第4节:第一章 序幕(2)第5节:《圣经》里的最大奥秘第6节:1983年:一个遍地战火的国家
第13节:第二章 幻灭(1)第14节:第二章 幻灭(2)第15节:塔波特:约柜的复制品

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