[284]Pico della Mirandola,“Oratio de Dignitate hominis,”in Nikolaus Lobkowicz,Theory and Practice:History of a Concept from Aristotle to Marx(Notre Dame,Ind.:University of Notre Dame Press,1967),p.135.
[285]Nicholas of Cusa,De Conjecturis,in Ernst Cassirer,Individuo e cosmo(Firenze:La Nuova Italia editrice,1935),p.141.
[287]Joseph Needham,“Human Laws and Laws of Nature in China and the West(II),”Journal of the History of Ideas,12.2 ∶ 216—217.
[289]Derk Bodde,“Evidence for‘Laws of Nature’in Chinese Thought,”Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies,20.3—4 ∶ 709—727.
[290]我还没有机会读到Willard Peterson有关Fang I-chih(方以智)的重要著作,他以此完成了哈佛大学博士论文。
[291]对这种观点的卓越分析,见Benjamin Schwartz,In Search of Wealth and Power:Yen Fu and the West (Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1964)。